Author Posts

November 20, 2016 at 11:59 pm

Don’t be jealous of the wife you love. You will only be teaching her how to do you harm. Don’t not surrender your dignity to a woman. Keep away from other men’s wives, or they will trap you. Don’t keep company with female musicians; they will trick you. Don’t look too intently at a virgin, or you may find yourself force to pay bride price, don’t give yourself to prostitutes or you may lose, everything you own. So don’t go looking about in the streets or wandering around in the run-down parts of the town. When you see a good looking woman, look the other way, don’t let you mind dwell on  the beauty of any good looking woman who are not your wife. Many men have been leed astray by woman’s beauty. It kindless passion as if it were fire. Don’t sit down to eat with another man’s wife or join her for a drink. You may give in to the temptation of her charms and be destroyed by you are passion.

I hope friends none of you take offence of what i have writing here but is only advice to us all, thank you all, first of all; happy sunday to you all my friends i hope you ladies  and gentlemen are doing well. Thanks

December 25, 2016 at 10:39 am

I have read your post i know you mean well and all, but when you say that men should not drool over other women we all know that men cannot control themselves especially when they see a beautiful woman. Telling a man not to look at that woman is like setting food before him and asking him nit to touch it. How now. Thats a tital waste of time if i may say. Someone just needs to be disciplined enough to di what is right, your not a child to be told nit to do that or not to touch that yoy know better so do what is right. And then another thing is you say a man should not seat down with another womans wife, what if they work together and are working on a project, or maybe they are in a committee that needs them both there, what if one of them wabts to plan a surprise for their partner and they feel that the only person who can bring out the surprise is this man or woman friend of his, or maybe its a doctor and a patient discussing about an ailment can’t they sit down together? Am just thinking of difgerent scenarios here so some things are better left unsaid. The only thing that comes out of this us that peiple need to be cateful when they are around each other an let everyone uphold his or her morals. Then of course respect everyone in your circle and all shall be well. Have a lovely Christmas elom

December 25, 2016 at 2:33 pm

@Anitah Gimase, First and foremost, the author of this pst was removed from here by admin.This author uses two names.Meaning one person owning two bodies with different names.His other body complicates himself and that was the reason why he was caught of his certain lies and frauds.His other persona was the one I reported to admin for when he commented on my posts, he sent the same reply of him three times or more.Also, I noticed that what he was writing here was not his original work piece. This has been written by somebody else, meaning plagiarized. That makes shame on a person’s part believing his writing as his own. Many of us here wide readers so we can sense plagiarized content. There are so many writers here removed by admin because of some lies and frauds. The author of this topic wanted short cut, easy money and earn and redeem fast without thinking that there are many thinkers here who can sense his actions as fraudulent.

I better redeemed late than making a wrong short cut for it surely land to disaster and shame . Well, what he wrote here not his ,only tells the reality that men are born to be polygamous.

January 19, 2017 at 3:10 pm

It is one of the ten commandments to Thou Shall Not Commit adultery, so everyone should not do it .