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May 10, 2016 at 6:22 pm

Mum and dad work for me however I cannot wait to be called as well ha haa

September 2, 2016 at 1:52 pm

It’s funny how some kids call their parents by their names, i find that very weird, and to them they don’t feel like its a big deal. to me i feel like that is very disrespectful, but to me i call my mum momma or mummy my late dad i used to call him daddy and that felt good at all times. i think parents deserve to be given the respect that they deserve.

September 2, 2016 at 3:17 pm

In our country, the father and the mother have several names depending on the kids rearing up. Since we have several islands, there are also several name calling term for the father and the mother.

In the U.S., they call Pa for Papa, Mum or Mom for Mama. In the different parts of Luzon, the biggest island in the Philippines, Papa is Itay and mama is Inay. In the Visayas, Papa is Tatay and Mama is Nanay.

You may be surprised that other Filipinos may call a Papa as Amang and Mama as Mamang. But there are families especially the well-to-do or the rich. They call their Papa as Daddy, and Mama as Mommy.

In my case, I simply call my father as tatay, the sweetest name calling I could make to my beloved father. And for my mother, I call her nanay. Another sweet name calling I could make her happy.

September 16, 2016 at 4:46 pm

@peach purple those children who just call their parents father / mother seem weir, yes right i saying them weird calling the parents that way. It seems they lack respect,it seems they do not love them. But if that is what their parents taught them, so there will be no malice at all on their part.At home, we call our parents papa for father and mama for our mother.Calling them that way is our happiness. We feel the strong bond and love calling our parents that way. Parents must be be very specific on how their children address them.

September 28, 2016 at 11:22 pm

I have never addressed my mom as mom. I have always called her by her first name. When I was little I was raised by my grandmother and my aunt (mom’s sister) so I always thought my mom was my sister. She has a few mental issues amongst a few other things so she doesn’t know what she is doing half of the time.

As for my sperm donor, I have only met him once.  The sperm donor is the word I refer to him as. Since at of my 39 years on Earth, the only thing he has done for me was donated his sperm for me to be born. In my honest opinion, this filthy creature should have been (1) tortured or (2) sent to prison for the crime he committed on my mother. But since neither happened he ended up contracting lung cancer and dying a slow death.

October 15, 2016 at 10:56 am

I call my parents mom and dad in Vietnamese dialect. Sometimes I will speak in English with mommy and daddy, too. It depends whatever comes out of my mouth. 🙂

October 15, 2016 at 11:26 am

I call my mother Nanang and sometimes Mama, and I call my father Papa and sometimes Tatang. this is how we call our parents, Ilocano call our parents as Nanang or Inang for mother and Tatang and Amang for father.

October 15, 2016 at 11:34 am

In Srilanka we call to mother amma and to father appachchi or thaththa.