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I requested for payout on 2nd March. When am I likely to get paid? Will it be done this month or the next. I’m really excited because this is my first payment. I contacted @support as well but still I haven’t received any reply. Can anyone help me find a solution.
you had redeem too early. Anyway, if you hit another $10, press the redeem button again. Just remember that you should redeem on 30th of the month, you will receive your payment on 10th-15th of the next month.
Since you pressed redeem on 2nd, you will have to wait until 10th of April then.
By the way, you can redeem any amount, not just $10, i had redeem $18.41 once and receive the exact amount. |
Thanks a lot for your valuable support. You really eased off my pressure. If I redeem once again before 31st March then will I get two payments in April? |
You will be paid only after 10th of April @DR KOKIL AGARWAL |
Thank you for the tip. I am going to be redeeming my first redemption and I will redeem a few days prior to the end of the month to be paid for April.
@DR KOKIL AGARWAL I hope you will be paid soon next month! |
Thanks a lot..Lets hope for the best. |
Your case is like mine redeeming late so we would have our pay next month, it is okay than never at all. I am promised to get paid next month. i would also redeem for this month, but do it earlier for I do not anymore like issue like this non sending of payment. Thanks for my problem is resolved this day.Thanks all wh in one way or another extended their full and bright support on my doubts , problem and worries. |
Try redeeming by the 25 or the 26 of every month and get the payment on the 10 of next month or at the most by 15. Do no delay redeeming till the last moment that is the last day of the month. Doing it four days earlier also gives time for the payment team to arrange for your payment. |
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