Author Posts

February 28, 2017 at 10:17 pm

Do we get paid if we get replies to our topics posted on forums?

February 28, 2017 at 10:24 pm

You don’t get paid when someone replies your topic. That only happens in Mylot. No other site has that option. Mylot does not pay you on threads but only on comments. Most other sites pay for threads but not comments. Mylot saves money that way. Other sites end up spending more by paying for per thread creation. Hope that answers your question.

February 28, 2017 at 11:27 pm

You only get paid if you create the topic with useful question or Information and similarly respond to the topic which including your own with Information that is worth responding to then you will get paid for your interaction.

You need to understand the strategy first. There are three ways to get things engaging:

  • Get rewarded When someone respond to your topic.
  • Get paid when you respond to the topic.
  • The more your respond the more you get

In first strategy, you only get paid when someone responded to your created topic and the user who responded will not get anything. First this is not a reward of your own efforts. so you mainly have to rely on someone else work to have your earning running.

On the other end this will force you to create some interesting and eye catching content/topic that attract users to respond to. Since users are not getting any money for responding so they are not motivated or ready to respond on any topic.

This strategy help websites to enforce users to create quality, Influencing, persuasive and highly engaging content in order to earn. Which ultimately turn users to respond and those who can’t create enough engaging content will get no responses and no points as well.

The second one is simple, the more content you create the more you earn and we are start believing that this is not going to work. Since users are creating Information which is very unlikely to be considered as quality. So, We have introduced Unlike button to cover this.

The Final working style – is more likely lean towards users who respond with useful answers. In some websites we look for responses and answers given by users. Sometimes we just read the title of the forum and not even read the full topic / Question who started the discussion and start looking for best answer and most voted answer. So, here we don’t provide anything to the topic creator we only give points to the persons who are replying with solutions.

Thanks – Suppor