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March 1, 2017 at 2:57 pm

Back when I was an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher. One of the many activities I let my students practice with is answering random questions. I used to bring with me a deck of cards (not playing cards) with silly, funny, challenging questions on them. And this is one of my favorite questions – “If time and money were not a factor, what will you do?”.

I remember, I answered the same question when I attended a seminar way back. The seminar was about self-development and it encouraged everyone to get out of their comfort zones. I believe time and money are two main factors why most of us are held back from doing what we want in life, right? I mean, it always is the reason why we can’t do anything else or why we are even doing what we are doing.

I thought to myself if those who are not a factor then I probably just lay around the house doing nothing at all. I mean, how often are we given the chance to waste time and not earn without the worries of what might tomorrow bring?

I guess, what I’m trying to say is; time and money put things in perspective in a way. And like many things, those two can be abused.

what do you think?


March 1, 2017 at 3:23 pm

Well i wouldn’t lay around the house, that is for sure. I am already an uneasy person when i am not on working hours. I think i would find myself a hobbie that i liked or maybe two and stick to that.

Plus if money and time weren’t a factor than growing up would probably be diferent and i might not be as i am today. So i could actually want something completely different than what i would want at this momeny if these were not a factor.

Everyone needs some kind of purpose or something to do and maybe more people would follow their dreams and be what they actually want to be than be forced to be something just to be able to survive in our world today.

March 1, 2017 at 3:29 pm

I think I’ll get back to the art. I have lot to learn. I left being serious with the art after 10th. And that is one reason I want to get back to it. Who knows drawing for people and then getting paid through patreon can be one option.

March 1, 2017 at 7:06 pm

Hmm.. Great question.

For me, I think if time and money were not a factor, I probably do what I love which is to eat and sleep. Haha kidding aside but I will certainly just enjoy life since I don’t have to work because of money and also I don’t have to rush every day just to cope up with full loaded things I have to do.

I would also spend my time traveling the entire world and enjoy every wonderful creatures of God together with my family and loved ones.

March 2, 2017 at 6:03 am

Thanks,  I see that a lot of us have something that we want to do if time and money are not a factor.  As for me, I’ll stick to not do anything for a while lol. I don’t get a lot of “me-time” and it is important for me to be alone at times.

Each of us has an idea of what it would be like if we are not thinking about money or time, no deadlines, etc. Thanks for your answers!

March 2, 2017 at 1:42 pm

If time and money is not a factor in life, I think I’ll enjoy my life travelling to other places, to see how beautiful the world is.

Or maybe just do simple things like relaxing and watching movies at home, enjoy time with my children and  cook or prepare whatever foods we want.

March 2, 2017 at 5:52 pm


Well, the scenario is a utopian one, except for wealthy and healthy individuals who have retired and their younger ones are supportive and happy. However, even such elderly people get bored by lack of things they have to do, and find similar people to chat for most of the days.

Well to answer the main question, I think I will exercise, read and write stories a lot, and probably on alternate days, will watch movies and then analyze and review them.
It will be truly fun time for me.

But I also know that I will be bored in between.

March 2, 2017 at 5:56 pm

@nature50 yeah that will also be fun. But as with all monotonous activity, even this will make us bored after some days perhaps.

March 2, 2017 at 6:27 pm

We cannot even stop to think that we can leave without time and money. This are the two most important things in life that are the most essential. We need money to be able to survive because there is food that is needed for the nourishment of the body, time is needed to be able to know when to do what. So i cannot leave without time and money.

March 2, 2017 at 9:16 pm

If money and time were not a factor ,i would like to read books whole day as i am very fond of reading.I would like to do so many other things which do not help to earn but i love doing them ,like i will play for hours,i will spend more time and efforts while cooking food for my family,i will take care of my home in more relaxing manner. If time and money were not a factor i would not be sitting on one place while i work online anymore and i spend my all time moving except when i read.

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Manju.

March 3, 2017 at 2:50 pm

Sorry guys. I wasn’t able to read all the comments in this thread. I will take my time to read them. Benn really busy today so I will get back to you during the weekends. 🙂 have a great day or night!!!

Thanks for your responses.

March 3, 2017 at 3:25 pm

If time and money were not the factors, I would like to take a nature walk either in a forest or in mountains. I feel that connecting with nature makes us realize that how wonderful is our life. Peacefulness and serene atmosphere in forests and sound of wind makes it a wonderful place. Huge trees, falling leaves, shrubs, plants, grass  and aroma of flowers in a forest reveal the beauty of nature. If I happen to walk in a forest, I will get to know how birds and small animals survive in natural surroundings. I wish I could go there, if time and money are not the factors.

March 3, 2017 at 3:28 pm

If time and money were not an issue I would travel everywhere I want to go and also build an animal shelter. But the more I think about it the more I realize it’s best to stop thinking of such unrealistic things. Time and money is always an issue. Even if you are super rich, time is still not on your side so you cannot escape it.

March 9, 2017 at 2:54 pm

If time and money are not a factor I would definitely purchase a good world package tour and move out of the country spending in Star Hotels, which of course does not give pleasure after some time. So moving freely with locals, making new friends is another idea I could take up. Getting acquainted with surroundings thogh does not cost much the experience will be invaluable and memorable. watching sun rise and sun set at suitable places are some great experiences which everyone can not have even after spending lot of money.

March 9, 2017 at 4:27 pm

I would fulfil all my hobbies. I have quite a lot of hobbies like reading, writing, travelling, watching movies, playing games, swimming. Due to time and money factor I have restrict myself on these. Probably I would visit every corner of the world, please don’t say world is round so no corner is there. 😛

Then when I feel tired of travelling I would return to my home then will start writing, stories, poems based on my experience of the world tour.

I would read a lot as well, probably I would learn new language to read French, Russian, Spanish books directly.


Actually, your topic made me sad, actually I got very excited first. But while writing this I am realising that there are so many things that could have been done if I was not stuck to this world of money! I have to earn for my living and so I can not do the things which I could do.