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December 16, 2016 at 1:17 pm

Do you always do those Christmas tradition yearly like decorating evergreen trees with lights, colorful ornaments, different socks, and gifts under it?

christmas tree

Are those necessary to you when celebrating Christmas?

December 16, 2016 at 9:49 pm

Oohh i remember that kind of christmas like it was yesterday. I used to love christmas time when i was still a young kid, it used to be so interesting as compared to today. I guess my mum and dad came with the English traditions from England and set them on us. We always used to decorate the house with christmas lights, s Christmas tree, presents, the socks i still see one sock with my mum still surviving to this day since the 70’s hehehe. Then tgere was the mistletoe, which was placed above the main door, and yhat meant that if you met someone at the door you would have to kiss them. That happened mostly with my dad and mum for us whenever our friends came over it was the norm and you can only imagine how much fun the boys wrre having. Anyway so the Christmas traditions were very much alive in our family and it went on until we all finished college and people decided that they wrte too old to be doing those things so it started fading off little by little until the nieces and nephews started coming and the tradition started again but not as much. i used to enjoy it and so i am hoping that i will pass it over to my kids as well so that the tradition can go on to the end of time.

December 17, 2016 at 7:25 am

@Anita, that was a very nice experience you have there. Well, indeed true, that decorating the house with Christmas trees and all those stuff together with the family is such a memorable and enjoyable bonding.

Having decorations around the house during holiday season adds up the excitement for the Christmas.

December 17, 2016 at 6:49 pm

You are a Filipino and you surely know that Christmas celebration is part of our culture and tradition, unless you are not a believer of Jesus Christ’ birthday and existence. For those who do not celebrate are those who do not know God, those who do not have religion. Absence of belief means you are totally in the other side of the moon.

Well, all our family members believe and every Christmas we prepare signs that it is Christmas time like Christmas tree, Christa lanterns, series lights decor and more symbols to remind us all Christians that we love Jesus Christ , our Savior, so we always want to remember his birthday celebrated by the entire populace in the world.


Image credit: 2014-12-25 03.51.53

Our Feng Shui at home shot by me,lol.

Merry Christmas

December 17, 2016 at 6:58 pm

Not all follow Christmas traditions for there are people in other countries that do not celebrate Christmas, like IN New Zealand.  When I visited new Zealand, that was  a Christmas time and noticed the surrounding so dry, no symbols to show and prove that they celebrate Christmas .Others might believe but they do not show it  through creating Christmas lanterns, Christmas Trees and others to remind them it is Christmas season of the year.

Even in their church, I noticed the lyrics of the Christmas song White Christmas was wrong hehehehe. I was so shocked for even children in the Philippines could memorize well the lyrics of the Christmas song White Christmas. I cannot blame them simply, that is not part of their tradition and culture. They only dance with the music.

What I appreciate most, the Asians there who migrated to New Zealand always have lavished decors inside and outside of their homes, that is why many children flock there to witness.Better the children feel the spirit of Christmas.

December 17, 2016 at 7:38 pm

@ Ma’am Cely, yes, it is already a culture for us, Filipinos, but I have this friend whose family doesn’t decorate anything in their house during Christmas. I asked her one time why they don’t have decorations and Christmas is now approaching, she said, decorations are not necessary, it’s the heart that remembers our Savior to be prepared. That is why I came up with the discussion I have posted.


December 17, 2016 at 7:39 pm

Yeah…From my Childhood, I was very much liking the festival. In those days I was eagerly waiting for the festival and was making a round in front of the Bakeries to see the varieties of CAKES kept on display. The shopkeepers were informing me that the festival is far more days to come. When they keep the cakes on display I was taking money from my father and purchasing them and distributing them to my friends. I was sharing the gifts also. We were very happy and deriving some pleasure to look at the items and the decoration made to the shops. Just before Christmas, my father was taking me on his shoulder to the different shops and making big purchases. The shopkeepers were happy to see me like this.

As I grew up, the visit was cut down and however, the pleasure to visit the shop never died out.

Even now, I decorate the house with a number of lights and decorate each and every item in the house. There is some thrill to do it.

December 17, 2016 at 7:51 pm

@shivamani, sir, that was so inspiring. Sharing what you have to others is nice. I admire you, for during your younger days, you had been doing good deeds to others like sharing. Nowadays, as being observed in our place

Nowadays, as being observed in our place, children are not used to give what they have. I can only see children giving gifts in school which is not that pure giving because there is always a changed gift from others.




December 18, 2016 at 5:22 pm

My family is keeping one tradition and starting new ones. WE will still celebrate with extended family on Christmas Eve but since my mom died this past April my hamster and I are going to sleep over my sister’s on Christmas week and Christmas morning will be my sister, my brother in law and my nephew and my hamster and me and my sister’s family dog. According to my sister five of us have stockings something my mom nedid with me, so my hamster and I are excitred!

I put up the decorations but have not lit the tree or Nativity scene in the window.

December 18, 2016 at 6:01 pm

@Jennifer, I’m sorry for your lost. But I wish for your happiness together with your siblings and nephew this Christmas even without your mom. She’s just right up in heaven watching you, your siblings and grandchildren.



February 24, 2017 at 11:46 pm

Me and my mom have a tradition where on the 1st or 8th of December we put up the tree. We get out are old christmas CD’s put them on and sing along while decoreting the house. Every year we have a diferent way to decorate our christmas tree.


Funny fact: this year my mom put up two trees, one where everyone out side could see and it was the biggest one and a smaller one in the kitchen for us to put our gifts.

The big tree is still up. She shut the shutters and the doors to the room it is in and it is going to be there until next christmas or spring cleaning.