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February 26, 2017 at 9:40 am

Friends are a dime of dozen, but true friends are something far rarer, and far more rewarding. Luckily, they’re also easy to spot.

Real friends make you feel needed, confident, and happy. A real friend support you the best they can do all the way. They give genuine compliments, everyting to your new hair cut, to your new outfit, or to your simple acheivements.

True friends listen to you. Sometimes, all you need is a friend who shut up for even an hour just to lend his or her ears to listen to you, even if it means you are talking nonsense.

With true friends, you can share even those embarrassing stories and secrets.


February 26, 2017 at 11:54 am

I passed my 30s. So these days I don’t look for real or temporary friend. I think that every person you meet after 30s is temporary. And they are not going to be attached to you. Real friend concept stays as long as you are in college or working in some place. So the place changes, your friend is lost in memory.

February 26, 2017 at 7:14 pm

Yeah, maybe that was what you think of it, however, for me real friends is still matter.

But yes, if you are that person who travels or go from place to place, real friend concept is not to your consideration.

Although my mother who is in the business world also have somewhat the same as your insight about real friends. She thinks that all the people that she met is just temporary and they will not stay longer as a friend. They are just their because of the benefits they might get from her or pure business, that is.

February 26, 2017 at 7:27 pm

In order for friend to remain with you till the end. The friends and you both need to be in same industry, company or same region where you live. Because if there is a long distance between friends and there is no daily communication, then friendship won’t remain. Life after college is pure business. It’s like that all over the world. Everybody we meet is temporary. You can realize after 30s or so.

February 27, 2017 at 2:54 pm

You will only be able to know who is your true friend during your difficult times. All friends will praise, complement and behave good with you, but those same friends will let you down once you are in precarious position. In that position, the friends who steps in and stands with you like a rock is your real friend and he/she is the one who you can blindfoldedly trust

February 27, 2017 at 4:44 pm

It would be nice to have true friends in life. But still, it is difficult to find them. Even if you have friends, you can never tell if they will stay. Some of them can bite without noticing it. I am not being bitter but I don’t consider my close friends are real. It is only my family circle are real friends for life. They can never betray us. If it does, there is always a way to patch up the shortcomings.


February 27, 2017 at 7:00 pm

@Nemzie Bayawa , There is no real friend you have to know.Only God is my real friend. I have so many friends and have thought them as real only to realize they are fake, plastic people. I have one best friend who married a rich American businessman. At first Lyn, always chat me and every time she and her hubby have a vacation in cagayan de Oro, they never missed to invite me to a rampage, then after two years, she was changed when she broadcasted through Facebook that she bought worth 5 million house and lot for his parents, bought a car worth 1.8 million for her parents and more improvements of their live in California.She also should us all her friends their mansion home.Question: Will it be a ground for a friend to forget you? There were so many times they visited Philippines and never had she invited me again, unlike before. I messaged her welcome home my friend, no replies received until finally I understand she forgot me.

She never even remember to pay me the amount she spent during her graduation everything worth 8,000. I never told her to pay me. If she is that rich now, why can’t she pay me. I have so many friends who turned black sheep in our friendship.I already black listed them.Thanks for sharing this that lets me remind of my heartaches two years ago. I never asked her why she did this to me.

February 28, 2017 at 8:31 am

Every one has its own understanding, opinion, and idea of what a real friend is. However, ma’am Cely don’t believe in the concept of having a real friend because of her experience. Although, I agree With her about God as the real friend.

But, I wanna ask everyone who don’t think that real friend in this world is existing. IF YOU DON’T BELIEVE THAT THERE ARE REAL FRIENDS, THEN HOW DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF AS A FRIEND? A REAL ONE OR THE FAKE ONE?

February 28, 2017 at 8:40 am

I think I’ve gotten to that age when I am already aware if people are sincere or not. I  used to make it a goal to make friends everywhere I go. But these days, I don’t care if anyone will like me or not. I simply stick to the ones who choose to stay and not get tired of being a good friend. I have few real friends and they are those who never judged me for being me. Although at times, they often give pieces of advice which will help me along. They are also the ones who I can talk to freely without reservations and we help make each others’ lives better. I also have so-called-friends, who I’ve known since my elementary days. And although they are the ones I’ve known the longest, they are the ones who always makes demands of me and will not understand my situation. I got rid of them. I realized that it is not the time spent but the value you give each other.

February 28, 2017 at 8:54 am

@Christi Ann, Yeah right. I like the way you look into your friends. Better stick to friends who ill help you along the way. Stay with those friends who stands up with you at your lowest times. Real friendship really are not measured with the time you’ve known each other, its the sincere attachment that matters.


March 5, 2017 at 3:45 pm

Agreements and disagreements,likes and dislikes,emotions and feelings can be expressed without compromising the relationship.Although some must be.Best friends usually share a common interests or find one to share.Some being toxic and others nutritional. Figuring out which is fairly simple.If you step back and observe your actions together. Does the relationship help or hurt your positive energy?Do you feel drained by this person or do they make you want to learn and get better Smiling and laughing isn’t always positive by the way.You can have a good time with someone and it still effect you

March 5, 2017 at 3:58 pm

I think the point is that we assume that the real friend is someone outside ourselves. If you try to be real and good friend with everyone. You’d just end up being used. And that means you got your assumptions validated. So in short you get the idea that thing such as real friend or temporary. The thing is that if you try to force people to be a best friend then that does not work. Real friends happen naturally or they just remain a formality. That’s how I have found out so far.

March 5, 2017 at 5:46 pm

Yes i agree with you. True friend is one who genuinely helps us to improve ,to grow . A true friend knows our weaknesses but does not make us embarrass by showing it to others, rather he helps us to get rid of our weaknesses . A true friend always helps us to find and concentrate on our qualities and strength.A true friend never gets jealous of our success or blessings but he feels happy even he had ever failed on the same or similar matters.
I have a very good friend ,she is my bestfriend for twenty four years.she has all the qualities
I mentioned.

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Manju.

March 7, 2017 at 9:33 am

UNfortunately, I never met and mingled with true friends in my life. One was there but he died in a mishap. What a life, expected and was cheated by many believing them true friends

March 7, 2017 at 6:22 pm

Hi Samia,. I agree with you, we can express our feelings to other person regardless of the relationship we have. Though most of the time, real friends are the better person to tell our feelings, sentiments, or problems.

To answer your question, does the relationship helps or not? It’s a yes. I believe that relationship can affect a person. Real friends can make us more stronger and motivates us despite the trials and struggles we maybe facing, while those un real friends pull us down and can possible help us to be missirable.