Categories: Computers & Internet

Two Simple Solutionss to Fix Windows Error Screens

Getting the ‘blue screen of death’, or an error screen on your computer is always a scary thing. Today, I’m going to give you some tips for addressing that issue when it happens to your computer. As long as you are able to reboot your computer and get Windows going again after experiencing the Windows error screen appears – you do have some good options to possibly fix the problem yourself. The first thing you need to do is stay calm. Your computer isn’t done for yet!

The first step is to check your computer for registry errors. Unless you’re a very experienced user, don’t do this manually. You’ll want to download a registry fix program and is a good place to do that. Simply search for registry fix and click the option for 5 stars on user reviews. You can choose any one you like and download it, install it and run a scan but make sure you choose one that is free. You shouldn’t have to pay to work on fixing your computer! After the scan is complete, let the program fix any errors it may find. Now, go ahead and complete the next few step just to be on the safe side.


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Now you will want to check your computer for malware and spyware. These programs can sneak into your computer and cause errors screens. I recommend Spybot for this as it’s a well known program and easy to use. A simple Google search will take you to its website and you can download the free version. Make sure to run an update and download the updated spyware definitions – I’ve found you need to run the update 2 or 3 times to get all the definitions downloaded. Then run a full system scan. Be aware this can take an hour or two but it’s well worth it. When it’s done, go ahead and fix any problems found.


After doing this, go ahead and run your computer for awhile. You will want to recreate the things you were doing before you got the error screen. Hopefully those two things will have taken care of the problem, as they are the most common causes of Windows error screens. If the error screen continues you can Google more options to try. Some things may be: cleaning temporary files off your computer, updating all drivers on your computer, or reinstalling Windows. In the interest of time, I won’t give detailed instructions on how to do those here as I want to keep this article simple. Best of luck to you!


  • Lola

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