
on line income from writing and more

My steps for me making money on line number one with my writing sites is to get stick with my… Read More

8 years ago

How I get topics to write about with word games

How do I get topics for my writing sites? here one way on how I get topics to my writing… Read More

8 years ago

Wasting Time, Losing Money on Facebook

Kris posts at least twenty times a day on Facebook.  Bits of a story, reactions to a current event, mentions… Read More

8 years ago

Inspiration to Write: You Need A Music In the Background

I am back in writing. I stopped writing when some new sites that I enjoyed stop counting the views. Now,… Read More

8 years ago

more on why I use most of the same images on my posts here on LB

Why do I use the same images with most of post here on LB? I know I did a early… Read More

8 years ago

Haven’t been on MyLot lately

Ever since a fellow Mylotter reffered me to this site i have found myself more here than on Mylot. The… Read More

8 years ago

Today i am felling inspired

Today is a good day for me here at Literacy Base. I am feeling a certain inspiration for posting blogs… Read More

8 years ago

Show your stories to the world with Wattpad

If you like writing short stories, novels or even trying to write a book then this is the place for… Read More

8 years ago

The day of the duck and a wedding to

The day of the duck The day of the duck, Patty the duck was sitting in a pool in spring… Read More

8 years ago

Do you take brakes if you do ten topics a day?

If you are writing ten topics at the same time do you take breaks in posting stories? say you time… Read More

8 years ago