Categories: Education & Reference

Study of planets and solar systems.

Science has always been one of my favorite subjects. It was never a boring subject there was always something to learn. And you could get really creative when it came to doing a project. From studying the plants to studying animals and the human body.

Plants is an astronomical body orbiting a star or stellar remnant, which is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity that it pulls. But its not massive enough to cause thermo nuclear fusion, which has also cleared neighboring region of the planetesimals.

Planet is a big term it seems as if its not but it plays a big role. Its ancient and leads to history, astrology, science, mythology, and religion.

The planets within our solar system can be seen with an naked eye. Tyco Brahe, and Johannes Kepter had analysis that the planets orbits were not circular but elliptical.

Planets are usually divided into two main types. These types were large low-density and small rocky terrestrials.

Under the IAU definition there are eight planets In our solar system. From the increasing distance of the sun, they are four terrestrials, which is Mercury, venus, Earth, And Mars. Than you have the four giant planets which are Jupiture, Saturn, Uranius, And Neptune. Six of these planets are orbited by one or more natural satellites.

There are more than two thousand more planets that’s located around other stars. You have the Extrasolar planets and the Exoplanets, which were discovered in the milky way. As of January 2017 there are 3,565 known Extrasolar planets in 2,675 planetary systems.

From moon to gas giants twice as large as Jupiture have been discovered more than 100 planets are known to be the same size as earth.

There were a team that came together and reported the discovery of the first earth- size extra solar planets. This team was called “Kepler Space Telescope”

Over history the idea of planets has evolved from divine lights of Antiguity to earthly objects of the scientific age.

The concept expanded to include the worlds not only in solar system but in hundreds of other extrasolar systems. The classical planets being visible to the naked eye, were known since Ancient times, which had a significant impact on mythology, religious cosmology and ancient astronomy. There has been certain lights to move across the sky, called “Fixed Stars . this was found and known by Ancient astronomers. Babylonians were the first known to have a functional theory of the planets., which lived in mesopotamia in the first and second Millennia  BC.

By the 1st century BC the geeks had began to developed their own mathematical schemes for predicting the positions of the planets.

19th century is when astronomers began to realize recently discovered bodies that had been classified as planets for almost half a century, such as Ceres, Pallas, and Vesta were very different from the traditional ones.

eight planets of the solar system

(  Terrestrial planets)





( Giant Planets)

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Which are known as gas giants



Which were known as ice giants

The solar system

The solar system is the gravitationally bound system comprising the sun and objects that orbit around it. It either orbits directly or indirecvtly.

The solar system formed 4.6 Billion years ago from the gravitational collapse of a giant inster stellar molecular cloud. The sun is the vast majority of the systems mass.

There are four small inner planets which are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars

The four outer planets are Jupiture, saturn, Uranus, and Neptune

The solar system also contains smaller objects.

The Asteroid belt, which lies between the orbits of mars and jupiture.  These contain objects as rock and metal.

You have the solar wind which is a stream of charged particles flowing outwards from the sun that creates bubble-like region in the interstellar medium known as lthe heliosphere.

The sun is the solar systems star and is by far its most massive component you can that can fit 332,900 Earths in its large releases an enormous amount of energy, mostly radicted into space as electromagnetic radiation peaking in some visible light.

Let’s not forget about the comets. Comets are small solar system bodies that have highly eccentric orbits that a perihelion within the orbits of the inner planets and aphelion beyond Pluto.

When a comment enters the inner solar system, the sun causes its icy surface to sublimate and ionise which creates a coma, which is a long tail of gas and dust often visible to the naked eye.

Short period comets has had orbits to last less than two hundred years.

Long period comets has lasted thousands of years

Some comets with hyperbolic orbits may originate outside the solar system

  • Miranda Hunt

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    • The entire solar system described and defined vividly in Ancient Vedas, According to Vedas, there are 9 plants viz.,1 Ravi, 2.Budha,3. Kuja,4. Sani,5. Angaraka,6. Sukra,7. Chandra,8. Rahu, and 9. Ketu. They predict the planetary moments and their paths to the precision. There is also a detailed description of Comets, Asteroids, and Meteoroids.
      It will be quite interesting to know that Vedas also describe the elliptical paths of planets, their temperatures, and their origin. They also talk about the time required to travel to each planet which our modern science with its calculations is finding now. The light year is also well described.
      According to Vedas, there are Many Milky Ways and Galaxies. Our entire solar system is only a part of it. There are many Suns, many moons..etc in the entire universe. by this, one can imagine what the Universe is and what it is composed of.
      Astronomy mentions only 8 planets but leaves the 9th planet for the reasons best known to it. How much time do they require to find the existence of one more planet? Ancient contemporary scriptures subsequent to Vedas which our historians mention as ancient scriptures do really talk and mention about 9 planets only. Even in Mayas' Calendar, Aztec Calendar,9 planets are mentioned but the modern science is unable to agree and accept the existence of 9th Planet in the solar system. But, going on finding something or other that comes to the vicinity of their observation. However, the positive aspect of their observation is that they are now agreeing with the fact there are many Milky ways and Many thousands of Solar systems existing in the Universe.

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