• Profile picture of suny

    suny joined the group Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic You can never click redeem if submit spammy and useless blogs in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago

    @ kaylar ,Yes, that is true very clear that person’s blog is plagiarized. There are two persons I see submitting blogs using their own language/ dialect/ vernacular. The first was a lady, I thought she use Spanish language, but no, it seems the language used is unknown to me, The other one is owned by a guy, I think from my country and he uses his…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, The Enemy Attacks When Breakthroughs are Near 7 years, 8 months ago

    John 14:1 says, “Let not Your Heart be Troubled.” Just remembering what a Pastor use to say about “Turn the Other Cheek.” The Pastor expressed often how doing so was a problem for him. For a lot of people […]

    • The whole world is filled with darkness, abominable deeds have taken over the day.

      Christians are being irritated by the truth.

      Now, You will have to think twice before you correct.

      Will faith be found on earth when Jesus comes back?

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, The World is Filled With Dictators 7 years, 8 months ago

    The need to control and be powerful continues to drive so many insane. Wanting to control another or others for personal gain or monetary gain. Some thrive off of power. Being able to have complete control over “a […]

    • I do agree that Dictator is always a selfish person. He will be cruel in dealing wiht his own people as well as the nationals of other countries. He is not a guide but only dictates and commands. He dictates terms to others to follow unmindful of the consequences. There is no place of seeking opinion or suggestion. I AM ALWAYS RIGHT is the concept that makes his personality. There is no place for compassion but only suppression.
      They frame their own rules and guidelines for others to follow. Any deviation will be treated with harsh punishment. Sometimes even death by hanging, death by stoning on the street, incarceration, removing the testis or blasting them between wooden wedges, slitting the throats, amputation of organs and other punishments involving cruel procedures. They do not mind even if million die but want their order to be followed and implemented.
      He never takes the responsibility for the failures but holds others responsible and punish them.
      They suppress people, purchase wars with neighboring countries, flout the agreements openly without any respect for bilateral agreements, hate consultation with others. They are all ego centered and self-centered personalities.
      Though Fridel Castro is considered better than Hitler as Dictator of Cuba. But, Hitler is considered better than Joseph Stalin of Russia who is again considered better than Attila. There are many dictators who ruled different countries at different times without realizing the importance of the qualities of a leader.

      They deny to accept the qualities of a leader and failed to understand that leader is meant for guiding his subjects. He is a torch that shows a light in the darkness. He teaches than following by virtue of his knowledge and total acceptance of power by the people.

      Idi Amin is considered as the worst dictator of the modern times and he was cutting the heads of his opponents and drinking the blood preserving them in his Fridge.

  • Profile picture of Rajaraman K

    Rajaraman K wrote a new post, Genuine Work at Home for you 7 years, 8 months ago

    There are many people who have found success by making use of genuine work at home opportunities. You can also get the benefits of genuine work at home, if you are willing to spend some time daily doing the […]

    • What are the basic qualities needed for a data entry job? Can anyone do it? and How much they pay.
      Any advice?

      • It is not ‘qualities’ but ‘qualifications’. It differs from company to company based on their individual requirement. Accordingly, pay may also vary as per the job requirement. I would request you to do a search on Google for more information.

    • You are welcome @lisamoore.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic You can never click redeem if submit spammy and useless blogs in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago

    @Dina, I already messaged the site Support I hope that person was removed. That was an annoying post. I felt so discouraged for I did some research before writing and submitting a blog.Though that person succeeded in his submission of his blogs, but he can never click the redeem button so he could request for a pay.

    By the way, was it you…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic You can never click redeem if submit spammy and useless blogs in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago

    Those who just come by to shout out their anger to someone, you will be wrong for this site will never allow any writer to do it for the sake of self-satisfaction of feeling. I felt so discourage seeing a blog that is useless blog. The way it is written seems the owner is in constant madness due to his girlfriend’s cheat and lie. Why not confront…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, Refugees- Are They Not Humans? There Are Countries That Refuse Them 7 years, 8 months ago

    Each day war forces thousands of families to flee their homes. People like you, people like me , and to escape the violence they leave everything behind – everything except their hopes and dreams for a safer […]

    • In my opinion, these refugees should be open to Developed countries not on third world countries like our country. Why, because in our country, there are also a lot of very poor people who are homeless and could harly eat 2 times a day, needing the help of the government. They should be attended to first before anyone.

      Charity begins at home, that’s how it should be.

    • There are two dimensions(in fact- multiple but I am more aware of two):
      1)United Nations is not impartial and needs to formaulate and implement a uniform policy with regards to refugees and immigration.
      2)Countries from where refugees originate must be provided help whenever and wherever possible and in cases of autocratic rulers, sanctions ought to be imposed on known leaders and not on the general population.

      However, the problem is a tough one and it needs more collaboration between countries across the world.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely started the topic You can never click redeem if submit spammy and useless blogs in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago

    There are so many new members in this site this time. But I noticed some writers abused the site. They are not versatile writers. They can express well their thoughts and feelings in English, so they used their own dialect and other language no one can understand.

    This site is not a playground where you can play whatever you want to, but this is…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely started the topic I Read Spammy Blog, Ranting, Medium Used Not English Discouraging in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago

    I read two posts of new member whose language used is not English, plus his blog seems like ranting his ex.That person just uses this site to express his hatred in the wrong way. He also used vulgar words/ spammy words that may destroy the reputation of this site. I hope each one professional enough not to abuse the kindness of this site by…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, No One Reaches The Top Without Encountering Difficulties 7 years, 8 months ago

    Do you know of someone who becomes successful in his career without encountering and surpassing difficulties? If there is, that person is highly exceptional for in my existence and from others that there is no one […]

    • yes. There are no short-cuts to reach the top without an encounter. But, some people will reach the top with less effort and some with more effort. Some people can not reach their goal in spite of many efforts.This is another point for consideration which will land us some where totally deviating from the topic.

      There will be some problems and difficulties we encounter in reaching the top but one should keep oneself abreast of facing the difficult situations.
      It needs tolerance, tact, industry and patience. These are all inevitables that one will face in reaching the top.
      Sometimes, one will experience some difficulties even in learning vices. To come out successfully from those vices one needs will power and if not his efforts to reach the top will never be fulfilled.
      Whether success or failure, everything depends on our own decision and effort and nobody will come to lift us to catch an Apple or climb a tree for us.

    • You have put up a point to which I think all of us will agree. It is a truth of life and the backbone of all success stories.
      As roses cannot be without thorns success cannot be without obstacles.
      Water appears sweet only to a thirsty mouth. So you can enjoy your success only when you are really tired of actual hard work.

    • @siva, Thank you Sir for your brilliant back up of my blog. yes, everything needs so start from the first step to reach the ladder of success and yes, even those problematic drunkard also had difficulties to get thought his vice and the difficulty to get out of it.Our will is our constant guide to reach what we desire for unless, if back out and give up because of fear.

    • Thanks Dr. Agarwal for your very bright ideas about this blog that it is true that no one can taste the sweetest wine of life if you do not long to taste for it. Life will not be worth living if problem in the past is the source of all the pains in the recent if the person had not tried to reach the ladder of success to taste the wine of happiness and to have less financial burden, for it is so true that education liberates man from the bondage of ignorance and crucial living. What was built in the past is now enjoyed and reaped as planned while still struggling with difficulties to solve some problems along the way in the past.

    • Indeed, if one would want to succeed in life, he should work hard in life.

      Henry Sy, started in just a small shoe store. But look at hiS SM empire now. he has his 3 branches already as it was said , in China.

      Those Banco De Oro banks that are in some of his SM stores, are not his and are now called BDO. It has a lot of branches already all over the country. In fact, here in Legazpi , It has 3 branches.

      He was able to do this by first making a loan at a bank and through perseverance was able to make his store grow and now has a lot of big branches all over the Philippines.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Are you a hater type of person? in the forum Group logo of Friendly and smiling groupFriendly and smiling group 7 years, 8 months ago

    @purity Purity, You are right, we are surrounded with different kinds of attitude and those who easily react may have problems at home and only wait for the right person to be the recipient of his/ her madness. Despite anger is a temporary insanity, but it could cause a lasting hatred and dislikeness to the person you are angry at.

    It is better…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, The Tragedies Related to Bullying 7 years, 8 months ago

    Bullying has caused a lot heartache for a lot of people. Some have lost love ones and friends because of bullying. Not everyone will understand how bullying affects others. So many teens are here because of the […]

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, The Watchers are Watching me! 7 years, 8 months ago

    Who are the watchers? Lots of people who have taken an interest in a person or perhaps some individuals. But why? They’re to find out what they’re up to. Every single move. Trying duplicate a person they’ll never […]

    • I think these happens when we install those apps, that requires that they would have access on your mobile data, photos, email address and others on your gadget. if we have those in our mobile or gadgs, we have a lot of sites , people actually watching us through what we gave away when we installed those apps.
      That’s why I choose what to install and see what they ask if I install them. No photos please , if they ask that , because I won’t install it.

    • Very interesting post. I have wondered myself sometimes if we are being watched as they say. To me, this is an invasion of privacy and with the areas that we live in being such law enforced places then the law should implement this. I mean come on! this is ridiculous if they are worried about, let’s say, terrorists, psychotic people, serial killers and etc… then maybe they should start coming up with some type of evaluation screening or plan for all individuals. The fact proved that there are several different methods where psychologists and/or their counterparts have evaluated individuals and found some to be psychotic and/or having behaviors of a killer. With all of the bad stuff that goes on in this world, I am sure that there is some type of solution to lessen the number of crimes and everything else that goes on. It would, of course, take a lot of work but I know that we can do it.

  • Profile picture of Rajaraman K

    Rajaraman K wrote a new post, Do you want to lose weight? 7 years, 8 months ago

    Are you obese? Do you want to lose weight? If so, the basis for success is to formulate a good plan for your attempt at weight loss. If you do not have a plan in place, you may not be able to lose weight […]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, You Have To Know Your Mouth Has 100 Billion Bacteria That Forms A Sticky Film Called Plaque That Hardens Into Tartar 7 years, 8 months ago

    No matter how you brush your teeth severally in a day before and after eating, and no matter how you floss and visit your dentists, you may still find your gum in a disease. This is a common problem among senior […]

    • Great post.. I m happy to see a dental surgeon like me with a passion for writing. I loved the way you quoted it down easy to read and understood even by a layman.
      I think it will be a nice experience being here and sharing thoughts with you as well.

    • Hi Dr. Agarwal hehehehe, I am so pleased to see you here joining in this great site. I learned this through reading the book of Dr. Al Sears. You know me dear a Mylotter like you hehehe.I am cacay there at ML. I am no longer active there, I am so busy and only have few times interacting the source of our earning there. I better spend some minutes here writing and submitting blogs for I can right away see my progress.

      Thanks and much pleasure to be here and now you are here too, the more my life becomes meaningful in this site. take care and have a nice weekend.

    • @anonymous, thanks for the visit and enjoy flossing, gargling and toothbrushing your teeth to make them healthy and glossy.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Are you a hater type of person? in the forum Group logo of Friendly and smiling groupFriendly and smiling group 7 years, 8 months ago

    Hi? Are you having too much patience with someone that likes to annoy our joke you in green hehehehe. There are people that easily get irritated with some funny jokes, and bullying. Sometimes we cannot avoid to feel bad if there is too loud noise in a room having few people doing something serious like reading, studying, computing, solving…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, Was There Justice On The Removing Of Albert Einstein’s Brain Within Seven And A Half Hours Of His Death? 7 years, 8 months ago

    Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955), died in 1955 but his brain was removed and preserved and this fact was not revealed. His immediate relatives did not even know about what they had done to their gen […]

    • I was shocked about this matter because I only learn about this case right now and thank you for sharing. Albert Einsteins are already dead but they killed him again by removing his brain and eyes. In short, he’s double dead.

    • If Albert Einstein wanted his body or parts of his body donated to scientific research, then it was simply respecting the wishes of the deceased. (A matter which is conveniently being disputed. Most people write it in their will or find some way to communicate their final wish.)

      If it was not per Mr. Einstein’s instruction, then it’s a desecration and was totally unethical on the part of those who did it.

      You have to ask yourself the question:
      ~ If it was right to do it why did not tell the family first?

      Answer: They probably knew it was wrong and the family would object.

      Usually when people “sneak” and do something, there’s a good chance it’s something they know they should not have done. THEY KNOW!

    • @Treathyl FOX , That was the source of dispute by people in the world who happen to know about this trespassing done by his pathologist Dr. Harvey.His son, in fact did not like the late knowledge of the removal of his father’s brain for when his father was still alive, he instructed his family to use his brain only for research study but never had he ordered in his will to remove his brain from his head. That was a brutal crime done by Harvey for he kept it secretly.There were only two f them that new it at first and the other one was Einstein pulmunulogist. he kept some but before accepting the dissected eyes of Einsteins, he was instructed or told about Harvey’s reason why he did it without permission , the world only knew it late and Harvey was dead. That was 20 years secret crime.For me, it was a crime.I hate Harvey. I hope God gave him harsh punishment in the other world.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Be the first to comment on your blog so others follow in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago

    @ Itre,  and @ Emmanuel Mensah,When  reason to you comment your own blog, the main reason is, the site pays you better than commenting in discussions. That is why , there are many ways to earn here asides from blogging, discussing in forum, commenting others topic ;likewise, your own written blog. if you feel do not ,like to comment on your own b…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, How to Ignore Difficult People 7 years, 8 months ago

    It’s better to ignore then to say somethings which can be regretted later. We’ll come in contact with lots of difficult people and in order to make any progress ignoring will have to occur. However there will be […]

    • If you have experienced being bullied or hurled hurting words by a person, better avoid him next time you see him.
      If he is an officemate just be civil but cordial . But if he is your boss, better find another job where your boss doesn”t demean anyone.
      These kind of people are venting out their unhappiness to others tehy think they can bully, so better avoid them, or you will always be stressed, consequently get sick like getting a high blood pressure.

      • I’m my own boss no confronting self but there’s ways to keep going while having to deal with difficult individuals. There’s certainly a lot of cynical ones and they have no problem expressing how cynical they are. We’ll in life we’ll come across such souls.

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