• Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, The Key Points to Staying Motivated 7 years, 8 months ago

    Trying to live a dream have ideas or projects. Staying up late trying to complete tasks. All of the activities can be draining. Trying to reach certain goals and trying to reach a certain level of success. Some […]

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    cely wrote a new post, Street Children Need Help, They Deserve A Better Life 7 years, 8 months ago

    In the country where I reside, I always see street children. They look so tired, hungry, dirty and mal-nourished. They have something to eat from their begging. Although the government tasks an agency like the […]

    • Actually, there are street children here in our place. They beg because their parents cannot support them. They would be at the jeepney stand and goes around the jeepney windows to beg. Some would get angry when you don’t give any.

      Thus, I never give to these street children. Because if I do, I am encouraging them to beg more instead of going back to their parents or submit themselves to those DSWD people rounding the streets to search for them to be helped.

      Besides, some of these street children specially those in Manila, are part of a syndicate operating them.

      Though, if I have food with me, I instead give it to the street children. At least too, they will be surely fed unlike when it’s money that I will be giving, it could be used to buy Rugby.

      Yes, they are pitiful, but we should be discerning of what to give and whom to give.

    • @Dina, the more in our city, not only street children rampaging, but also the Badjao’s hehehe.But this new year 2017, the city government disallow the children to beg in roads where there are jeepneys on traffic. The Badjaos are no longer in Cagayan de Oro city, maybe they are brought to other place.You are right, the are pitiful, helpless, and bright future deprived.

    • The poor little angels! It break my heart in a thousand pieces to know that they have to suffer like that. And it make my so mad toward their wicket parents for using their innocent children and destroy their young promising beautifull lifes for their own gain! I will personaly strangle such an atuld! In my country the same is happening!

    • @leonora fourie, yes true very sickening reality parent making babies or having baby factory,They never feel the need of their children as being too young and innocent cannot understand life and cannot stand alone to survive yet when they are big enough some are trained to become beggars,Thank you dear for your nice thought on this blog very much appreciated,

    • @Dina, that is the best way for we are teaching them to be more lazy. I remember one time, I gave the beggar boy very small amount of money 20 pesos and you know what after few minutes so many of them went nearer me thankful of the jeep driver he drove right away from that are. This time ,we no longer see street children in the city to beg from the jeep passengers by dancing hehehe, they are afraid to be captured by police,

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Some Competitors use Bullying Tactics Against Their Competition 7 years, 8 months ago

    These days the competition is outrageous. Some of things some will do just to compete. Not understanding that the same old tactics just won’t work. Trying to get their competition down. All of the game playing and […]

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    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, The Woman who Loves a Gangsta 7 years, 8 months ago

    In Urban terms the word is gansta. Really the term is gangster. Some may hear the word and come to conclusion a person is evil or dangerous. Not necessarily. Gangsta falls under the category Gangsta Rapper. Some […]

    • LOL. Well here’s my practical observation. You could fall in love with somebody who is a straight arrow. But something turns them and they become a criminal or a gangster. You could fall in love with a gangster but because they are also in love with you, you gave them a reason to change their ways. So, in that sense, you could say love doesn’t discriminate.

      But my advice to my daughters and to any other woman is: If YOU KNOW he’s a bad boy, set in his ways who isn’t going change … RUN!! Get away from him as fast you can!

      Face facts. His criminal lifestyle could get you get killed!! FOR REAL!

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, What’s in the Name of Adversity 7 years, 8 months ago

    Everyone has to go through adversity and of course some will experience more than others. Some adversity will seem so complex and may appear as if there will ever be a break through. We’re all equipped to handle […]

  • Profile picture of GAUTAM PENDHARKAR

    GAUTAM PENDHARKAR replied to the topic Got the Payout Email from LiteracyBase! in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 8 months ago

    Congratulations, this is the first or the second/third?

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    GAUTAM PENDHARKAR started the topic Are Marketers Good Bloggers? in the forum Group logo of Digital Marketing GroupDigital Marketing Group 7 years, 8 months ago

    Kiev, Ukraine - May 20, 2013 - Hand pointing on keyboard with social media logotype collection of well-known social network brand's placed on keyboard buttons. Include Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram and more other logos.


    This topic is always close to my heart, since I come from a marketing background. A great marketing person is apparently immensely positive personality, he/she does not have a choice and he has to be creative, imaginative and at the same time articulate to convince the prospect.

    Hence it becomes imperative for a marketer to learn, imbibe,…[Read more]

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    cely started the topic There Is a Blog Here, Language Use Not English Owner Of The Blog: Yanuar Wisnu in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago

    I read blogs of others, but this evening , our Ph time, I notice the blog of this author cannot be understood hehehehe. Try to read you might laugh for no matter how, we can never understand what this person was writing about. The site Support may now have the idea at all for the title of this person’s blog is in English. I think this spams the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic How much long we may create a blog….? in the forum Group logo of NewBiesNewBies 7 years, 8 months ago

     @Seth, Should you like to earn $2 per day for few hours, blogging only, submit 7 blogs of different titles not one blog with thousand words.Split the words at 700 each blog to have a unique post or blog. If desire only $1 per fay, submit 4 blogs at 600 words each blog.

    I submit 3 to 4 blogs a day at more or less 600 words at $1 rate, better…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic How much long we may create a blog….? in the forum Group logo of NewBiesNewBies 7 years, 8 months ago

    @Dina, You are lucky friend for when I invited you to join here, I already have something to brag you for every blog submitted, takes only few seconds to its approval unlike previously, it took almost 2 days approval. That was because the site moderators have tried to change the approval platform for many went away.

    This time when the moderation…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Lots of Out of Topic post in the forum Group logo of NewBiesNewBies 7 years, 8 months ago

    @Seth, Most writers here are still on mood status, but these writers are nit just writers without experience. They have been from many sites and even site to site hehehehe. They are expert writers and they know much the control and know much the limits and the what not to write that may harm the site and kick out the writers in this site,LB.

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    cely replied to the topic Uploading Profile Picture in the forum Group logo of NewBiesNewBies 7 years, 8 months ago

    @Dina, hehehe, at least you learned through practice. This site is not like Mylot which is a very simple site. This is how it looks in a blog site, at least you learned some platforms here that may lead you to become expert and have some  gains whenever there is a another blog site to exist and you wish to venture and explore. Good luck to your…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Blog More, To Earn More in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 8 months ago

    @Miranda Hunt, That is true my dear, the more we blog the better the income becomes. yes, there are many friendly people here willing to help anyone. Plus, you can get the help from others through writing your concern in forum or through your created group site.

    As long as I am here, you can have all the time my help should I can have the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Blog More, To Earn More in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 8 months ago

    @Lady Krishna, Hi? Thanks for sharing your nice thoughts and feelings. There is no permanence in this world but our needs are constant, so all we have to do is help this site stay us  for many years by reporting to site admin about some illegal activities here like submitting spammy and plagiarized contents for they kill a site. That is the wonky…[Read more]

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    cely wrote a new post, Have A Strong And Healthy Hair, Just Avoid Many Simple Applications, That Damage Your Hair 7 years, 8 months ago

    Maybe you are thinking that your hair does not suffer. If your hair suffers, it is you that suffer and not your hair. Our hair is considered the instrument to become beautiful and appealing to the eyes of the […]

    • Addendum: There are many young people this time that never care about tomorrow. What I mean is they won’t remain young and when they grow old , they will realize that those they had done in the past will appear during old age.Many agree that life begins at 40,this means that at age 40 is where you will have many ill feelings or sicknesses not encountered during younger years.

      I hope that you would stop applying gel to your hair and if use hair conditioner, make sure that you wash your hair after 5 minutes. If use gel in the day, wipe your hair with virgin coconut oil to remove the bad dust that sticks to your hair and scalp/

    • I agree with the blogger.
      Regular usage of shampoo is one of the reasons, but not definitely an absolute reason for the hair loss. There is a point in losing hair by applying shampoo directly without mixing water. This may be a cause.

      The younger generation has lost a real treatment which actually was a boon for us. Mother was bringing warm Sesame oil in a can on every Sunday. She was asking us to sit on a floor removing all our dresses which we were doing with fear. She was applying oil to the entire body.
      She was handing over the can to father to continue the last scene. It was oil massage. He was drenching our heads with oil and was giving nice taps. We were getting sleep. Afterward, we were asked to take our bath. This activity is totally absent and almost disappeared from the houses. Parents are busy with their work and children do not get proper attention. Application of oil once in a week to the head is a very good for health. Sesame oil is the only one which goes deep into the scalp and strengthens it. Consequently, it makes the roots and scalp very strong.
      This is sufficient and daily application of oil to the hair need not be considered. But, there are some who regularly apply oil. It all depends upon how you adjust yourself to the habit. The daily application of oil need not be followed necessarily as most of the oil needed for the growth of hair can be had from the body system itself. For this, it is necessary to take nutritious food.
      Instead of shampoo, it is always advisable to use Soap nuts. It cleanses hair nicely removing the dirt and gives luster to the hair.

      Using a mix of Almond oil and Neem oil (warm) to the scalp and leaving it for 30 minutes squeezes the dirt in the hair and makes the roots strong.

      Using hot water for head bath also weakens the hair.

      Certain skin diseases like Psoriasis,
      and vitamins deficiency in the body also make the hair thin. So, the advice of a doctor in such situations is a must.

    • Very well said Mr. Siva, I try to check this type of oil you mentioned here.That is why your hair is very nice and thick.You are so lucky for having a very caring parents.Other parents do not care about the welfare of their children, in fact, they can afford to leave their children for a work abroad, too bad the children grow without feeling the real feeling of parents. My nephew has a very thick hair but so sad he uses hair gel every day and from that time on, his hair gets thinner and his scalp could be seen. he only stops using it just recently after 10 years of applying gel to his hair. I cannot fathom some mind sets of the younger generation. they have lots of freedom. They do not see what is ahead of their actions. They are exploited and alienated. They will only realize when something bad comes in to their lives.

    • If hair loss runs in the family, you are most likely to suffer from it too.
      Male pattern baldness is caused by hormones and genetic predisposition. It usually begins with thinning at the hairline, which gradually recedes and forms an “M” shape. Eventually, the hair becomes finer, shorter, and thinner, and creates a U-shaped pattern of hair around the sides of the head. It does not stop there. Baldness will follow when the follicles stop growing new hairs.
      This baldness is common to males than of females.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, The Simplest And Natural Ways To Control And Cure Your Goiter 7 years, 8 months ago

    If you have thyroid goiter, you always feel your life in gloom. That is one effect of having goiter. You always feel sad and lonely despite do not know the cause of it. You just feel it. Your heart is first […]

    • Addendum: At first, you will feel like having chili feeling in your throat when you wrap the cloth containing the scraped ginger meat. Just ignore it and keep loosening the cloth in case you will like suffocating fro it. You may also fan yourself though your room is airconed. That will gradually decline the chili feeling from ginger Its juice is the one responsible for the healing and the reducing of your goiter. Honestly, you can see the fast result reduction of your goiter’s size after two to three weeks. Do it every evening before going to bed.Make sure your husband r wife understands your case, if not he or she will be angry at the odor and procedure you will do. yes, that is based on natural way, and if like the direct removal of your goiter, go to doctor and have it removed. Make sure your age can still guarantee of your endurance and survival.
      Thanks for reading.

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    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Continuation of What Caused the big red to Become so Notorious 7 years, 8 months ago

    It’s known that so many are fearful of the Producer, Business man, and Father. Why? Well Big Red is Red. Some may not understand exactly what the red means but for the ones who are in the same positions will […]

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    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Be Brave Enough and Believe in Prosperity 7 years, 8 months ago

    It feels so good to accomplish. Especially large “accomplishments.” Trying to shine in a very dark world isn’t easy but certainly should be done. That’s right! Of course one has to be brave because they’ll come up […]

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    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, It’s Still a Business Right 7 years, 8 months ago

    Looks pretty glamorous huh? On the outside of course. There’s a lot great benefits but what about all of the heartache one has to go through in such a business. What business? The Music Business. Some just about […]

    • When one decides to go into business, he should really make a feasibility study of it first. It is important that you should have a sure target market or a niche for it.

      It is also important that the location of the business is strategic especially when it will be dealing with selling.

      Most importantly, is one should now how to run the business and not leave it to hired employees only.

      Just my thoughts on business. . .

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    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, The Rise, Fall, and the get Back up Again 7 years, 8 months ago

    We all should be appreciative of even the small blessings received. Imagine being a mogul and feeling like new money. Expensive home, luxury cars, extravagant parties. Feeling as free as a bird. No worries because […]

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