• Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Should I become good? My simple question 7 years, 8 months ago

    I have often thought about this commonly advised topic that a man should become good or behave well but I never found a satisfactory answer of this particular question. My question is why should I become good […]

    • For me, I am actually basing my actions according to what is being taught by Jesus in the Holy bible. As simple as that.

      In my opinion, if we are a firm believer of Jesus and put into heart and mind his teaching at the Holy bible , we will be good persons.

      Being good is dependent on how other perceive actions as good or bad actually. But when you follow Jesus teachings you can be sure that you will be a good person. 🙂

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    suny wrote a new post, Goa- one of the best places along the Arabian  7 years, 8 months ago

    Whenever I read something about Goa it takes me back to the time when I used to spend all my weekends in that lovely land of beautiful beaches and friendly people. I wanted to use few other words about the lively […]

    • I cannot agree to you more than this. Goa is the best place that I have visited till date. Though it has been more than 4 years now followed by many more vacations to other places Goa stays in my mind as fresh as ever.

      I’m longing to revisit it again. I loved everything about it.From night life to culture, loud music and dance, beach and fresh air I love it all.

      You have posted a natural and perfect pic…I love to see it again and again.

  • Profile picture of Lee Ka

    Lee Ka wrote a new post, Let’s join Love Your Sibling Challenge 7 years, 8 months ago

    Have you ever wondered how your kids can play well together and be nice to each other all the time? Before my second child was born, I used to think all my kids will get along with each other well, especially when […]

    • Reward system is nice, once in a while like when they are on the top 3 of their whole batch in prep, primary and other years of their school year.

      However, it shouldn’t be on our everyday or always basis.It should be that we should teach them how to be patient with our little siblings if they are older. We make it a lesson to them that as the older ones, we should be the model of goodness.

      Of course, as to the younger ones, we should tell them not to be so dependent on the older ones, so when they are taught of what should be done, they should memorize them or put them into practice.

      Most of all, we should teach them all how to be loving and hugging each other always.

      Actually, as siblings we weren’t taught this way, to be hugging one another, so until now, we find it not a natural way to hug one another. SO, that’s why as early as now we should teach our kids to be this way.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Why we fail in some cases 7 years, 8 months ago

    We all are born to do something worth in our lives but some of us reach nowhere because either we do not take full advantage of the opportunities or handle the situation in a wrong way.  We are born to live but […]

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    suny wrote a new post, Your expertise makes you more burnable 7 years, 8 months ago

    I think everyone will agree with me that people who put extra efforts in their jobs trusted more by their bosses therefore more burdened with extra work. There is no doubt about this fact that an employer always […]

    • Then maybe the government of India should do something about those government employees who are like that.

      Here in the Philippines, many years before government employees are really lax in their work. They have a one hour break from 12:00-1:00 but others would be going out from 11:00 and be back at 2:00.

      Now, with the new president, everyone are mandated not to be late to work and they have a report of their work accomplishments. I think that’s because some were incompentent ones were fired and their works were given to other employees, thus they all are busy already. Though, they were given increases in salary, so much so that the minimum wage in the government is so much higher than that in the private sector.

      On top of that, there is a hotline where complaints about employees can be reported and investigated. If proven true, they can be dismissed from work.

    • I think government job in India are harder to acquire because there is a lot of competition. And one has to focus on what they can do what they can’t make competition to do. As the competition continues to increase, it’s harder to get the job we want. I think the burnout can be avoided if the person don’t waste time in competing and focuses on money.

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    suny wrote a new post, Work from Home is not a bad idea 7 years, 8 months ago

    I once saw a book “Chicken Soup for the Soul: Married Life! Written by three authors Amy Newmark , Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield. First I thought it was a recipe book with different chicken and chicken s […]

    • Yah, indeed its true working from home is good but if I’m not mistaken, this may apply mostly to developed countries.

      In many third world countries, People wakeup every morning, run to working places to appear physically, if not so, you will be marked absent and your pay will be cut for absentism. This is because facilities that enable one to work from home are not common and even if they could be, most of the People dont know how to use them.

      And we dont believe you can sit, work from home and be paid, for most of us offer manual labour and you know what it means.

      Like me I have never been paid for working from home. If LiteracyBase does pay me, then this will be the first of its kind.

    • I think it can be bad idea once you get bored. If the work is regular then you;d be happy. But when the work stops and you have no other option, then work from home can be bad. It’s better to have day job and working on online stuff during evening or the weekend. That way one can’t get bored and also money making would be lot better.

    • The only work at home I am with is this site and myLot. Before, I had Bubblews and I really was able to earn a lot there.

      So even if I weren’t paid there for a few hundred dollars, it’s okay because they really gave me a big earning there. It’s just so sad that it got closed because of those spammers who scammed them of money.

      I hope this site will be here a very long time so I can always have a place to earn extra through writing.

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    suny wrote a new post, You win the game if you know how to tackle problems 7 years, 8 months ago

    Life is perhaps a statement of the beliefs or aims which guide someone’s actions and I feel life works that way only. It’s all about your faith and you trust it only when you recognize your own abilities. But y […]

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    suny wrote a new post, Walking, Jogging and running is secret of my fitness 7 years, 8 months ago

    One of my friends gave me a reason to smile when I read her lovely comment on one of my posts that read, ‘you must be fit enough for participating in a marathon”. Yes, I think I am fit enough in my present age but […]

    • Indeed , walking is being advised to be what should be the exercise for seniors, though this one is good for all ages of people, except of course for toddlers. he he he

      Though, it is said that it has to be a brisk walking not leisurely or slow walking, to be called an exercise. You should sweat from your walking.

      As for jogging, it is said that it’s not recommended for according to a dermatologist. That’s because doing so can sag our skins .

      Well, I am never into jogging ever since. It makes me feel dizzy when I jog.

      But I am happy for you that you do these two things because indeed they can really help one to be fit and with flat tummy.

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    suny wrote a new post, A Chef can do a lot with Cooked up Stories- Read on please 7 years, 8 months ago

    If you wish to learn what a chef can do you should learn it from Kenji Fujimoto the personal sushi chef of former leader Kim Jong-Un of North Korea. To cook the food one has to be an expert on cooking but our hero […]

    • Oh wow, what a revelation. But I bet there are some exaggerations in his book, just so it will earn much readers, don’t you think so?

      ANyway, thank to his courage for writing the book and risking his life by this book, we now will know some things weird or not with the present ruler of North Korea, which everyone fears for their hydrogen bomb.

      Well, Kim Jong is after all human as shown by his being a fan of Whitney Huston’s music. We have the same taste of music. he he he

    • I wonder what else is going on with that government. Recently getting attacked. And also some of the other international issues. It must be hard to see how that countries citizen are suffering under his regime.

    • Really I am surprised they have not assassinated this man yet, considering the leader has supposedly assassinated his own half brother. It should be interesting to read the book though and gain some insight into their lifestyle.

      These regimes are scary to me. I can’t imagine living there.

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    suny wrote a new post, What is right for you is wrong for me- is it? 7 years, 8 months ago

    There is an old saying in our country that if translated will sound something to the effect, “When I tried searching for a bad person I found none as bad as myself”. That makes one think about evils that we all […]

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    suny wrote a new post, Patients, Hospitals & Diagnostic information System 7 years, 8 months ago

    My state government’s decision to provide hospitals patients’ all data online in the government sector is a major step in the direction of making medical facilities better and transparent that was a long dem […]

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    suny wrote a new post, What Should I Do to Get Rid of Bad Habits? 7 years, 8 months ago

    If you ask me to get rid of my worst habit maybe I will look at you first before thinking about my bad habits because I have no bad habits. Jokes apart but for most of us getting rid of our bad habits perhaps not […]

    • Yes there is no fixed formula but few steps they should help everyone to get rid of bad habits.
      First stay calm and think about your bad habits.
      Write down them in your diary
      Now choose one of them which you want to leave.
      Now think about the solutions how you can leave it
      Write down the steps to follow

      Now best thing is make your mindset to follow your steps strictly.

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    suny wrote a new post, What does self-development mean to you? 7 years, 8 months ago

    The life is beautiful and to make it more beautiful everyone wants to improve his skills and efficiency but have you ever pondered over a simple question- What does self-development mean? What I feel is that the […]

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    suny wrote a new post, How to live a normal life 7 years, 8 months ago

    Hello everyone! We are about to enter into third month of 2017 and I am sure you must be feeling fired up and hopeful for better days ahead. I wouldn’t ask you about your resolutions because some of them are r […]

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    suny wrote a new post, You are the only one who can do it 7 years, 8 months ago

    Professor William Lyon Phelps the well known public speaker and writer used to say that the best way of moving ahead and staying free from worries was no secret but if you know how to tackle your problems you […]

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    suny replied to the topic Writing Sites; Learning From Mistakes/Successes in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 8 months ago

    @Mahesh I agree with you all but luckily I got paid from all the sites mentioned in this post. I earned almost $4500 from Bubblews, $200 or more from Tinycent, $286 so far from Niume, $70+ from Literacybase, Factoidz, Triond, Wikinut, Yahoo etc. The only site I did not earn anything is Hubpages and Squidoo but I enjoy interaction on these sites…[Read more]

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    suny wrote a new post, Who is the boss- I hope it is not your Mood 7 years, 8 months ago

    Are you one of them who depend on your mood before starting something? I know some of us wait for a long time before they really feel like doing a particular job because they were not mentally prepared. And some […]

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    suny wrote a new post, Anonymous Hackers Groups did a good job   7 years, 8 months ago

    When the Anonymous Hackers Group counter challenged the terrorist groups to hack their accounts, websites and email accounts the terrorist groups especially ISIS took them too lightly. But Anonymous Hackers Groups […]

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, How to get Around Troubled People 7 years, 8 months ago

    There will be some who will display war like personalities. Trying to get groups to fight against one another in hopes of creating weakness within the groups of people. We’re living in times where everyone wants […]

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    suny wrote a new post, You spoiled my day buddy 7 years, 8 months ago

    Are we all so desperate that we can all fall into two categories but I feel blessed talking to some people and never forget to tell them ‘loved talking to you – You made my day’. Here are the two categories I avo […]

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