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    kaylar replied to the topic How do you control your anger in your work force? in the forum Group logo of ALL ABOUT YOUR ANGER AND HURTSALL ABOUT YOUR ANGER AND HURTS 7 years, 10 months ago

    I once had a Boss From Hell.  And what happened is that I stopped caring about everything.   So did everyone.   I recall when the office was not unlocked on time, I went across the road and hung out.  It was a lovely social encounter.  No one cared.  Everyone eventually left… only the whack job secretary remained.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Beginning to Watch Television Online 7 years, 10 months ago

    The idea of watching television online might seem odd, at first.  Then the thought of control,  of being able to view programmes when one wants,  coupled with the realisation one can view programmes that might ha […]

    • I watch TV online only when I can not find the programs on regular television. To be honest, I don’t really like it because of the annoying and interrupting glitches. Would much rather just watch TV. But sometimes what I want to watch is not on TV. Thank the Lord for the Internet! 🙂

      • When you don’t live in the US or Britian you get catch as catch can TV. They will run House, for example, maybe part of the first season, then a year later, part of the third… nothing in order.

        And now they bleep out everything… hell, damn… nothing you can’t hear… and it’s better to watch on line where there are no bleeps or commercials.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Great Game; Understanding What is Really Going on 7 years, 10 months ago

    During the 1800s one family sat on the various thrones of Europe.  Queen Victoria’s children married into royal families around the continent. Eight ruled Britain, Greece, Norway, Prussia, Romania, Russia, Spain […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Holding Some One To Ransom 7 years, 10 months ago

    The helper in the kitchen at my weekly meeting site, used to heat water for me. I’d come in from work, just want a cup of coffee. I brought my own coffee. All I need was that cup of hot water.

    One day she t […]

    • Trying to be as independent as possible is the way to go. But have you noticed if you are independent you are not liked much. I am experiencing it.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Third World, Dumping Ground 7 years, 10 months ago

    Once a Jamaican gets something in his head, nothing gets it out save decapitation. Currently, the usual scam jockeys are pushing colloidal silver as the great cure all for everything from diabetes to […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, When People Think you are Inferior 7 years, 10 months ago

    Many years ago, when I was attending the University of the West Indies in Barbados, I used to walk down the hill to Paradise Beach Resort. I used to act as if I were a guest at the hotel, so enjoy the chaise […]

    • Those think inferior are those who are jealous and have evil past due to which they think that other are inferior and they are superior such persons fall prey to inferiority complex in real life. But the main cause becomes jealous and greed.

      Actually inferiority complex an unrealistic feeling of general inadequacy caused by actual or supposed inferiority in one sphere, sometimes marked by aggressive behaviour in compensation.

      Most of us compare ourselves to others. Mass media beams in the finest looking, richest, and most talented people into our lives 24/7. This creates the illusion that we ‘know’ all these beautiful, clever, younger, athletic, rich, able people. Because we compare ourselves to people we know, this illusion of knowing air-brushed ‘have-it-alls’ can make us feel correspondingly worse about ourselves.

      An inferiority complex is a general feeling of not being ‘up to the mark’. Now, I want to distinguish between knowing and feeling. I know I am inferior to Bill Gates financially, to Stephen Hawking intellectually, to millions of men aesthetically; but this knowledge doesn’t bother me one iota. Knowing you’re inferior in some ways is very different from feeling inferior.

      Knowledge that you might sometimes compare unfavourably to others may just be insight and perception. It’s crazy to try to pretend that we are all as good as each other in all ways.

      • I would not use the term ‘inferior’ because I don’t think that is correct. I can not fix the pipes as can the plumber, I can plant like the farmer, I can play cricket like the professional but I do not call myself inferior.

    • I know exactly what you are saying.Very often if people think I am American they treat me with much more respect. The idea that a non American can excel is difficult for them to grasp.

    • The attitude of inferiority is why so many Jamaicans resort to scamming… if the tourist thinks one is not at intelligent, they don’t protect themselves and the ‘inferior’ rips them off.

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    kaylar replied to the topic How do you control your anger in your work force? in the forum Group logo of ALL ABOUT YOUR ANGER AND HURTSALL ABOUT YOUR ANGER AND HURTS 7 years, 10 months ago

    For many people, they couldn’t care less about the work place.  They go there to get $$ and aren’t the least interested in anything.  So nothing is going to bother you.  It is only when you care.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Why Emotional Intelligence is Important 7 years, 10 months ago

    In previous articles I have mentioned Emotional Intelligence .   I gave an example of an obvious case of Emotional Ignorance and went on to show a genetic propensity to the kind of mistakes people who have no co […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Like Father, like Son; Repeating the Same Mistakes 7 years, 10 months ago

    There’s more to genetics than hair colour.  It seems the same missing brain cells go from generation to generation.

    When George’s 1st marriage ended, he was young and virile, and barely took a breath before […]

    • You can share your observations of George and his son. But from what I see? I think father and son having a good time! Sure! The relationships probably won’t last. But so what! Get a clean healthy girl. Don’t have to worry about sexual disease. Maybe you even get kids. So she leaves after a few years. So what! Go get another one. There’s plenty of them out there!! Who’s using who??

      • If the wife left without taking everything, sure, shrug it off. But in the cases I mentioned, the wives took everything. George’s second wife took his house. He wound up living in his mother’s flat, then renting something. Paul’s wife took the house as well. He was virtually on the street.

        Sure, you marry that pretty young thing who makes you feel ‘young’ but you pay for it a few times over.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, How to Get Out of an Organisation 7 years, 10 months ago

    Whether it is a political group or a street gang,  you just can’t leave.  Leaving is a non-insurable risk.

    But there is a way to get out alive and safe.
    Be pushed out.

    Imagine you belong to this group.   […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Fake News on Face Book 7 years, 10 months ago

    The British Broadcasting Corporation is having a discussion on fake sites, fake news and especially those false stories on Facebook.

    There are two things at work here, although most people will not perceive it. […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, An Example of Who Not To Be 7 years, 10 months ago

    We were talking about this chap who had been made redundant some years ago and couldn’t get another job. He wound up living from his wife’s salary, his savings, and some fill in posts which were extremely […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, There’s a Reason Why so many Illegal Immigrants come to the United States 7 years, 10 months ago

    Every so often a boat load of Haitians arrives in Jamaica to ask for asylum.  After a month or two of asylum, they ask to go back.

    They go back because there are no jobs for them, because no one takes them in, […]

    • The number of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. has stabilized in recent years after decades of rapid growth. But the origin countries of unauthorized immigrants have shifted, with the number from Mexico declining since 2009 and the number from elsewhere rising, according to the latest

      But some state populations had changed since 2009, despite the stable trend at the national level. From 2009 to 2014, the unauthorized immigrant population decreased in seven states: Alabama, California, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Nevada and South Carolina.

      In all of them, the decline was due to a decrease in unauthorized immigrants from Mexico. In six states, the unauthorized immigrant population rose over the same time period: Louisiana, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Washington.

      In all of these but Louisiana, the increases were due to growth in unauthorized immigrant populations from nations other than Mexico. In Louisiana, it was an increase in Mexican unauthorized immigrants that drove the overall increase in the number of unauthorized immigrants.

    • The reason why people come is money. The chance to make more money.. considering the rate of exchange… Many who come through Mexico are not Mexicans. They come from Honduras, El Salvador, etc.

    • I think all illegal imergrents are hard working careing n loveing people..the ones that come here without papers just be trying to leave to make it better for themselves n family.i think there living like slaves there its many small wats there the govmt.need to help them they come to just work and live normal lives..

      • When you are running for your life, you run anywhere you can be safe. Many people decide to go to the United States and use whatever is happening as the reason.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Understanding Emotional Intelligence (Part II) 7 years, 10 months ago

    There are people who ‘read’ other people.  Not by magic or divination, perhaps they can feel the ‘aura’ or are alert enough to pick up the clues.   They know if you are upset.  They know what to say, how to say it […]

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    kaylar replied to the topic TinyCent Is Totally Down! in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 10 months ago

    I went to the site, took a look and left.  I like to see lots of interesting articles crowding the front page.  Well written items which catch my interest, for they’d catch other eyes, and if my item is there, well, it gets read.

    When I saw nothing on the front page well, I wasn’t joining it because it seemed to signal to me that there was n…[Read more]

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    kaylar replied to the topic TinyCent Is Totally Down! in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 10 months ago

    Please defend a site that went down and didn’t pay it’s users.  And thanks for warning me about that other site.

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    kaylar replied to the topic TinyCent Is Totally Down! in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 10 months ago

    When a site deviates from what can be considered a sensible business model it is clear a scam is running.    It seemed evident to me as soon as that clown came posting about having phoned the owner.  How?  Where’d he get the number?  Get real.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Understanding What is Called Emotional Intelligence 7 years, 10 months ago

    For many years no one even imagined ‘Emotional Intelligence’.   There was simply ‘Intelligence’ based on Book learning.   People were judged by their I.Q.s (Intelligence quotient).

    Hence the person with t […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Understanding Why Legacy Companies Often Fail 7 years, 10 months ago

    On the last page of Pearl Buck’s book; The Good Earth, the grandfather, who spent the first part of his life poor and suffering, and then due to his dead wife, was able to sell jewels she had stolen to buy land, […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Mind Set of Oppression 7 years, 10 months ago

    Whether one is an Anthropologist or Psychologist, a Historian or Political Scientist, there is an imbued recognition of one’s self as some how inferior and others being superior.

    It is done over time, and by […]

    • Putting people in grooves is wrong as everyone has a right to be happy whether superior, inferior or mediocre and so this struggle to gain positions according to me is a waste of time.

      • The point is, if one sees themselves as second best, as inferior, that controls them. No one has to do anything to ‘oppress’ them. They do that themselves.

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