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    kaylar replied to the topic When I Was In Blogjob , Top Card Tweet Impressions Earned in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 10 months ago

    Yeah, but you aren’t getting any $$

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Chauvinism; When it Goes Unrealised 7 years, 10 months ago

    There are people who believe their culture, their experiences, are ‘standard’ and any one who dares submit a different view or experience needs to be segregated and discredited.

    They go on and on never […]

    • When one is in America, say a super market and certain things happen… and you write about it and someone immediately attacks and denies… as if it’s not possible.

      Also what I found…

      I had written an item about something and mentioned Keisha was at the front desk. A black American woman instantly attacked me saying that Black women wouldn’t be at the front desk of a 5 Star Hotel.


    • I think that racism means that Belief in the superiority of one race over another; discrimination against an individual or group of people, based on racial background, usually colour.

      Main causes of racism
      Children get prejudice from their parents and peer groups. Racism is learned. We are not born with it.
      Ignorance and Fear: People fear things they do not know much about, e.g. coming into contact with people who have different customs, language or appearance, they might express their anxiety through racism.

      Bullying: People make themselves feel better by picking on a person or group they feel are weaker than them. Sometimes, we all want to feel we belong to an “in group” and “hate” those not in “our group”.
      Poverty and unemployment: Racism can form in areas of poverty or unemployment. People look for someone to blame: “Pakistanis are buying our corner shops, foreigners scrounge our benefits!”

      minorities are often given poorer housing, inferior education, not given a job or promotion. Many cities have ‘ghettoes’ where the majority of residents are ethnic minorities with poor living conditions and high unemployment. Recently the police was found to be guilty of institutional racism.

      The Stephen Lawrence case saw five white youths get away with the murder of a black boy because of the way the police handled the case. Other countries have seen the worst sort of racial violence, with millions of people killed in genocide (an attempt to wipe out a whole race of people), particularly in Rwanda and Bosnia but also in other racially-motivated disputes around the world.

    • The problem is when people don’t see their prejudice.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Death of a Hero 7 years, 10 months ago

    I remember the Cuban revolution and how much I loved Fidel and Che.  I had pictures of them in my room.

    Fidel was a great friend of Jamaica when Michael Manley came to power.  He gave us many doctors who were s […]

    • WOW! I am amazed at your praise of this man and I have a totally different point of view. I was not impressed with his visionary leadership at all and didn’t think he was all that extraordinary. That’s not to say he did not do anything good FOR THE PEOPLE! He did some good thing. But on his report card for an overall grade he gets a “D” in my book. Yep. He just barely passed.

      I will say one thing though. When it came to building a good relationship with Cuba, America dropped the ball. Kennedy and/or his foreign policy advisors or both missed a golden opportunity. The island of Cuba is a pearl in the Caribbean! We could have had a mutually beneficial relationship and I don’t blame Castro that it did not work out. America was the bigger country and had a significant place on the world stage. America should have stepped up to the plate and came up with a way to make the relationship work!

      Nevertheless, Obama tried to make a change for the better. Let’s hope the President Elect follows through and does make things better. I went to school with Cubans and there is a lot the people and culture have to offer. I don’t see any reason why the two countries can’t get along. The USA screwed up 50 years ago. We should try again and get it right time time!

      • One of the things I always have to tell people is that I Don’t Live in America. The propaganda that you get, I don’t. Up until the revolution the Mafia ruled in Cuba. There was a lot of corruption. Only certain tiny segment benefited under Batista.

        I have been to America and seen some of the Cubans there… many are racist because slavery was only abolished late in the 19th century so there were slaves and ex-slave owners when the revolution happened; and ex-slave even wrote a book.

        For us, in Jamaica, Cuba is the greatest. They sent us fantastic doctors and dentists, free. They have helped us a lot … free. They sent us the energy saving light bulbs… free. They come here and teach Spanish and other things. Their hurricane prepardness programme is 2nd to none. Their education system is superior.

        Fidel is a great hero here.

        As you brought out, if America had not behaved as it did under Eisenhower and the mistake carried forward into Kennedy’s Administration, things would have been far different.

        • Yes. I was aware of the nastiness of Batista and his nasty bedfellows. The Cubans I came across in America were not so much racist as they were nationalistic. In other words, “Cuban and proud!” Many were not happy to have left their homeland and fiercely clung to their heritage. Their pride actually caused what can be described as “bad blood” and a strained relationship began to develop between not just Cubans and black Americans, but Cubans and white Americans as well.

          I don’t doubt any of the things you say Castro did for Jamaica and the Jamaican people. I don’t doubt that he did a lot of good things. But it’s not just because I’m an American that I say this about him. It’s because now that he is gone, his life is his testament and his legacy. Based on his T & L, I personally would not call him a hero. But there are a lot of historical figures that I would not call heroes. In fact, 99.9% of many so-called great people who are revered by the multitude, I would not call them heroes. But that’s just me and I’m certain that none of them give a crap about my opinion! 🙂

          Hoping for good relations between Cuba and America in the future!

          (P.S. Always enjoy talking with you. 🙂 )

          • Many sugar plantations in America which send for ex-pat cane cutters are owned by the descendents of those Cubans who left in 1959/60. Some of them were slave owners. They treated Black Cubans as dirt. That is why you find so many white Cubans in America.

    • good article about cuban hero..

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    kaylar wrote a new post, President Park Geun-hye; When Friends Betray You 7 years, 10 months ago

    The South Korean President is under attack.  Choi Soon-sil, her close friend appears to have used that relationship to gain benefits for herself by what is called ‘influence peddling’.

    This is not […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, How Not to Throw Away Food 7 years, 10 months ago

    You just finished eating, There’s a spoonful of macaroni or potato or peas on your plate. What do you do?

    The worst thing is to toss them into the garbage.   The best thing is to save them. Save them to create […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, How and Why Jamaican Police Get Away With Murder 7 years, 10 months ago

    It is not shocking that most police officers were born and grown in the same slums that they now ‘hunt’.   That the enculturation of the police office is the same as the unlicensed gun man.   In fact,  they are th […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Some Shows You Shouldn’t Watch 7 years, 10 months ago

    There are some television serials which may be highly rated but leave you with a bad taste in your mouth.   Watching them on the television, broken by commercials and days between episodes, the bad taste may be […]

      Was starting to get into it and just as quickly got annoyed with it. Don’t know whatever happened because it was on cable TV and we stopped subscribing to cable.

      THE FALL
      Never heard of it! (O.o)

      Very disappointing show. The flashbacks are super annoying! My husband only watches it because he like Priyanka Chopra.

    • With Homeland, I forced myself to watch it… as soon as Brody was out… so was I. The Fall is British. It’s the tracking of a serial killer. The Police Officer is as horrible as he is so I stopped watching. Priya is nice to look at, but if I watch I’ll hate her.

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    kaylar replied to the topic NO Approval of BLOGS: Did You Notice It? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    It has been more than 48 hours for me… not since Wednesday.  I’ve got 4 sitting and sitting and waiting…

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Making Yourself Happy; Not That Hard 7 years, 10 months ago

    Some years ago I was riding the motorcycle home.  I live ten miles from my office.  I was about 5 miles out when a rainstorm came up and I was drenched to the skin in seconds.

    As the road floods at 7 miles   […]

    • Indeed you selected the right option. We must learn to be happy and enjoy every incident of life. It is not so difficult but requires some sort of practice. We must be perfect in this art that is going to change our life.

    • Being positive with things coming in our life is a key to make us happy.
      To be happy is not difficult, and yes it is. Only we can not feel happiness if we always look into those problems. We must deal with struggles positively, and we’ll feel true happiness.

    • I do too. I stay away from miserable people or those who see the worst.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The 22nd Day of November 1963 7 years, 10 months ago

    I expected other people to mention the significance of this date.  But the day is almost over so I will write about what happened.

    This is the day, the 22nd of November,  that in 1963,  John Fitzgerald Ke […]

    • It’s not a day America likes to remember. For me the saddest part is the huge question mark that’s plastered all over the pages of America’s history. Who killed John Kennedy? We have had other presidents who were assassinated. But we know who did it! Kennedy’s wife and son have both gone to their graves not knowing the answer. It’s more depressing than the assassination itself because if the highest official never got closure over a matter that sent him to his grave, how can ordinary citizens think there’s “justice for all”. We want to believe in the ideal. But our own president didn’t get justice. For all intents and purposes, his murder case is still unsolved.

      • I want to believe the ‘official’ story… but there are so many ‘holes’ in it. One man, by himself, for no reason just goes up into this building with a gun?

        I suppose we will never know.

    • The Most Important Memorable Moments

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    kaylar wrote a new post, How To Be a Failure 7 years, 10 months ago

    You can fail at anything.

    You can fail in the kitchen, you can fail in the boardroom, you can fail anything, anywhere, at any time.

    To fail means you had the ability to get into the door but once inside you […]

    • This is a sarcastic piece. It is written about an actor I know who has faded into oblivion. He’s a born failure do to his attitude and behaviour.
      I was sharing what not to do.

    • Without failure there can never be a success, failure therefore comes before success because all those who succeded in all fields of life failed many times. Failure therefore is not bad by itself. Failure becomes failure when one fails to act on a shortfall they face in their life.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Some People Don’t Lie Well 7 years, 10 months ago

    There are some people who lie so badly or who forget the lies they told that it is almost humorous.

    Eli said he would not be able to write as he was very busy.  Yet, every day, Facebook is jammed with photos […]

    • This is true unless the person has you restricted from seeing certain posts they make. You can limit the audience to your facebook account. I have done this plenty of times. If I don’t want someone seeing something then I will place them in my restricted list or I will make the post only where certain people can see it. Not hard.

      • Why post it at all? If I never read those ‘tests’ those ‘cleaver’ images, I wouldn’t have missed anything. It is the kind of thing a person does when they are bone deep dishonest. These guys are dishonest. They have more time than you and I put together. They just don’t want to communicate with K and I.

    • it was an easy way to see they were not who we thought they were. They tipped their hand. They proved they were dishonest.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Attention Deficit HyperActivity Disorder; Another Scam 7 years, 10 months ago

    When I first heard of this “Disorder”, my first remark was; Rubbish, (a bit more XX than that, but you get the point).

    I said it because over the years there has been an upswing in what I call Artsy Craftsy […]

    • Maybe. Maybe not. I can understand you giving your opinion about it but that’s only what it is your opinion. ADHD and ADD are being used too much on children that actually don’t have it, that part is true but those that actually do have it may need a way of doing things differently than other students. A child can have a learning disability and never get diagnosed. They can then turn into adults that struggle through life finding it hard to find and keep a job. So I wouldn’t call all diagnoses fake.

    • Put it like this, if you grew up in the 50s there were none of these diagnosis. No one had it. If you go to a 3rd World Country, (not the rich areas, the common ones) no one has it. No one has any of these maladies.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Why You Should Not Ever Work for a Boss From Hell 7 years, 10 months ago

    If I told you about this man, everyone’s blood would begin to boil. He was and is the most complete hypocrite I have ever met. An ex-friend of his, (a psychiatrist) diagnosed him with Narcissism, so you can s […]

    • I agree with everything you said, however, I did not get the full message you are bringing on board. There are so many details lacking which are capable of addressing the issue if one works under boss from hell.
      For example: one can be given an appointment letter detailing every bit of the work to done. However, working in the same company for couple of times, you realize that the whole job description given you has changed and time of closing shifted far beyond expected.

      You realize that day in day out your boss has new task which he or she always wait till the last minute when you are about to close from work.

      And even, times where you have to concentrate doing something for yourself, he brings item on board which you only have to be responsible for.

      The worst aspect of working with such a boss is, he is quick to criticize and praise less or no praise at all.

      He focuses on himself most of the time when it comes to training on the job.

      And there are more talk about unending and I hope your article could articulate in these aspects.

      All in all you did well.

      • What happens is that when you develope ‘coping mechanisms’ they tend to be negative. Since you know he will criticise everything you do, you leave documents fester on the computer until he signs off. If you want less work what you do is make an easy error so that by the time he sits down, reads the work, finds the error, tells you to correct it, you, get more free time. You get free time because you know the error and while he walks away, you make the correction, leave it on the computer for tomorrow. Hence the ten files on your desk, stay there until tomorrow.

        You see how non-productive one can get.

    • It was, on reflection, not as much of a job as a chance for him to exercise his narcissism. To have an audience.

      I have tried not to hate him, but it is not easy.

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    kaylar replied to the topic How do you control your anger in your work force? in the forum Group logo of ALL ABOUT YOUR ANGER AND HURTSALL ABOUT YOUR ANGER AND HURTS 7 years, 10 months ago

    Working for some one who effects your equilibrium and makes the office hell is not productive.

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    kaylar joined the group Group logo of East new yorkEast new york 7 years, 10 months ago

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    kaylar replied to the topic How do you control your anger in your work force? in the forum Group logo of ALL ABOUT YOUR ANGER AND HURTSALL ABOUT YOUR ANGER AND HURTS 7 years, 10 months ago

    I am not a coward.   But I found myself developing some very negative traits. Unworking, uncaring, sloppy….  no.  I can’t let someone corrupt me to that extrent.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, You Got What You Wanted, Now You Don’t Want What You Got 7 years, 10 months ago

    We were sitting in a posh restaurant,  having a happy conversation, deciding on what we would order.   There was a group at the other table, which had come before us, and we heard them order.

    We made our o […]

    • What has Donald Trump got to do with dining out? LgrinL

      Well, you are right about wanting to know what a dish contains specially those dishes that have fancy names.

      • You always have to know, and ask. Or else…

        This article was rather pro-active for just now, January 28 2017, people are expression shock at Trump’s actions.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Ignored Power of Hate 7 years, 10 months ago

    I am often surprised by the inability of people to appreciate the absolute power of hatred.   For some reason we are to believe that ‘love’ is a great power when it is only in few situations that it manifests. […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Why Waste Anger on What ? 7 years, 10 months ago

    A number of years ago I was having an argument with a guy called Gordon.   A chap called Jeffrey asked me to step over for a moment.

    I left Gordon, took the twenty steps to Jeffrey and he, point blank, asked; […]

    • That is my view. Why care? If you can’t change it, walk away. If you can, do it.

    • An angry man is a mad man any day. One should be able to control is anger. The strongest man is he who is able to control is anger however the weakest man on earth is he who cannot control is anger. The reason the world is in the state it is today (war everywhere) is because some people were unable to control their anger at some point in life of this world. That is my humble submission.

    • Anger is the fume of depressed soul and its expression appears on human mind in shape of anger in practical field. Anger is a natural human emotion, and it’s not always negative. It can help you know when you’ve been hurt or when a situation needs to change. It’s important to learn how to process and react to your anger.

      Frequent feelings of anger have been linked to higher risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, depression and difficulty sleeping. This is especially possible if you experience highly explosive anger or your anger is extremely repressed. Fortunately, you can learn to understand, process, and release your anger in healthy ways.

      When you’re feeling angry, doing some moderate exercise could help you. A study by the University of Georgia suggests that moderate exercise (such as running or riding a bike) during or immediately after an upsetting experience can help you manage the experience of anger.

      When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which are natural “feel-good” chemicals that make you feel more positive and happy. If you’re unable to run or ride a bike, consider walking, stretching, and other easier forms of exercise.

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