i think the way of simple life is satisfication.its a simple word but very difficult to implement it in our life.we have to kill our desires to implement it and it is very hard to kill our desires.we have seen or seeing daily that a labour is much happier than a rich person.i am not saying that he has no problems ofcourse he has but the way of thinking is different.a satisfied person always enjoy every little hapiness but an unsatisfied person kill all small hapiness to achieve big desires.
Once the Customer enters inside a Bank he generally expects some attention from the employees. He expects somebody to come and assist him so that he can leave the bank finishing his work with confidence. He needs some trusted people. Here in this aspect, the Banks especially Private Sector Banks are far ahead of their counterpart Public Sector Banks.
A smiling face will always have its value wherever it is. A small smile with an attention and care towards a customer will do a lot than a routine attention and care. They smile and give you information politely explaining the things with a lot of patience. This is one of the positive signs of Private banks which we all should appreciate and the Public sector Banks need to know. It needs special training of the employees the value of which the Public Sector Banks have now realized and are implementing. They are picking up now.
Beauty is relative; some people regard a beautiful woman by her physical attributes; others consider her “inner being” that radiates its beautiful glow on the person making her beautiful too.
It’s true that everyone has their own charm deep within themselves. Many times we tend to look at the outside and forget what is in the inside. The outside can be very deceiving. Someone can look all pretty and right in every way but when you take a look at their character or manners as many call it they are as rotten as it can get. You cannot even imagine that what your seeing is what is within. I have seen so many people who are good looking but their behaviours are wanting. But all the same we all have a good side of us, others are seen from the inside others from the outside. Someone may be ugly but when you talk to them they have the cleanest of hearts and are the most caring and warm hearted people you could ever come across.
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