• Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, 4 Tips to Save Money On Food 7 years, 11 months ago

    We all know that eating healthily is important for maintaining a fit and
    strong body buy that does not necessararily means that one has to be
    GOOD food, branded food ( imported from foreign countries) which is […]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Benefits of White Radish 7 years, 11 months ago

    Have you heard of radish?
    How often do you eat radish?
    In Malaysia, you could find the common white radish sold in the
    market but Western countries, both the white and red
    radish are sold for different […]

    • This is a food I am not familiar with although I’m sure it not only has great health benefits but taste good too. I’ve seen Ming Tsai, the popular Asian-American TV chef, use this ingredient in some of his recipes.

    • They say that radish can be eaten raw. My friend also extracts it’s juice and drink it as is without any ingredients or flavorings.Is there any difference with the health benefits we get when it is eaten cooked or uncooked?

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Major Competition Online 7 years, 11 months ago

    We all know that businesses compete but the biggest competition seems to be amongst mankind. Wanting to be first and being in control. The need to ferl superior and wanting competitors to fall. Takes courage to […]

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    bestwriter joined the group Group logo of elderly parentelderly parent 7 years, 11 months ago

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    bestwriter posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    Hi everyone. I have not been updating my status here but shall do so from now on

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Now it is “America Needs Talent” and not “American Got Talent” 7 years, 11 months ago

    Who would not have watched those episodes entitled “America’s Got Talent”  The latest news is America is ‘America is  looking for talent’ And it is talent  in  computer languages not to employ them in jobs rel […]

    • Most of the Indian are job seekers only. Once they complete their education they start searching for jobs…to say a good job which will not be available in India as there will be a large number in the queue.So this is compelling the educated Indian to go abroad and get some job after completing further studies as it will be easy to get one. The Americans need not go anywhere in search of a job. They can stay and earn comfortably. They got well-defined policies and education system. Everything is available to them within no time. But the cost of Education is very heavy in the U.S and one cannot afford to it. So just by completing the minimum education required for a job the Americans are shifting towards earning money. They work hard. As such all high profile jobs are left unfilled. It does not mean that the Indian are more intelligent than Americans.For Indians, this is a necessity.It is this necessity which make him work hard and earn more.

      • No Indian can dream of getting jobs in the US unless they go through education once again in the US. Your justifying that Americans do not study further because it is costly the same applies to Indians as well.

    • This particular requirement is for high profile jobs fetching above dollars 50,000 per year. Do you have anyone from your country aiming that high?

    • I take your point. I understand what you’re saying via this blog post. But … I’m going to get on my soap box and start shouting!

      America’s got talent. Not only America. But all countries have talent. The thing is not all countries develop and nurture that talent. It’s there! I guarantee it! Sad to say but instead of finding these gifted individuals, educating them, and giving them an opportunity to utilize their talent, “people in charge” oppress them and don’t do anything to help them use the gifts God has given them for the good of all mankind. I can’t stress that enough! Everybody in every part of the world has been gifted in some way by their Creator. This is why I don’t believe in that crap about “the perfect race”. This is why I don’t think because a person is “handicapped” or “retarded”, etc., that they are any less valuable or talented than a “normal” person. And most definitely their nationality has nothing to do with it!

      Nobody is here on earth by accident. There is a purpose for them and they should be allowed to accomplish that purpose. Where will you get the opportunity to accomplish that purpose? Well if you can’t do it where you live, then go some place where you can! Lift yourself up, so you can lift somebody else.

      OK. Sorry to go off and spill like that! Thank you. 🙂

    • I have to agree with the comments above. Here in America, the education system is so backwards and if anyone wants to attend college it’s almost next to impossible. It costs over $50,000 just to go to college or Univeristy that has some merit. Not many kids are being pushed into the “computer” field like they should. But I know plenty of “geeks” from around the world that are knowledgeable in the languages you mentioned above. The owner of EliteWriters happen to be one of those geeks.

      • (lol) It is foolishness to insist on high profile job seekers equipping themselves with those computer languages. I have worked for a multi national and I know who ‘delivered’ there. It is certainly not those who were in those high positions but those who came up the ladder.

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, The Best Relationships are Built Through Friendship 7 years, 11 months ago

    Friends first is the golden rule. Strong relationships are built through friendships. Getting to know one another. Finding out the flaws, strengths, and weaknesses. Knowing how to make one another life and knowing […]

    • I don’t think we need to worry so much on Relationships The very concept is totally fading away. Give me money, I will give you want you to want” is the only concept existing nowadays. To think about relationships and how to maintain them is of no use in these days of technological development where nobody will have time to care for each other. If you get a leisure, spend some time for them that too if the other agrees readily. Otherwise, each will have different timings and different routes which may sometimes meet some point provided they are not parallel routes….which never meet at any time.

      In most of the cases, the Relationships are distant lines only. It is only because of lack of time and busy work. It does not mean they lack Relationship, love, and affection. But, for the paucity of time only. Still, they have not taken the route of Parallel lines.

      The concept of Parallel relationship will be coming shortly and it is not far off. For this, there is no need to talk about anything like love and affection. “Because we are tied up with each other . we are supposed to live together for the sake of society.”. This mentality is developing in the society very much and it is gaining ground. Once it reaches to a considerable number then everything will be accepted and there will not be anything wrong living in a room but leading separate lives but respecting each other.

    • It is wonderful when wonderful friendship turns in romantically relationship and eventually after time in marriage. It has value at most to be stable because friends already know one another and they know to respect one another needs and way of doing things too. Lovers sometimes argue around trivial things that make life complicated and unbearable but are not important for life and that leads to nothing interesting.

    • Believer of Adam and Eve. Man and woman. Have a blessed day.

    • I firmly believe that friendship can be a solid foundation of any relationship where you can get to know each other very well, know your flaws, your strength, and weakness. While courtship is a prelude for ever lasting relationship. They it is much better to have a broken engagement than to have a broken marriage. If you’re looking for true love pray to God, and ask the Blessed Virgin Mary to guide you in your search of looking for a perfect partner to be with you for the rest of your life and you will see by the help of Our Blessed Mother in heaven you’ll find the perfect one that was intended for you alone. I believe that marriage is a lifetime commitment. You should value your partner as a person of worth, accept everything about him, will stick to him no matter what, be loyal to him always. Most importantly, put God in the center of your relationship to make it work.

    • I believe in this reason, long lasting relationship are build with good friendship which rapport between them then molded in emotional, psychological and not just bind by a piece of paper. If only the couples can have this thing, their relationship would really last long.

    • Yes you say right but there is a great difference between friendship and relationship we must understand the difference so that our relationship and friendship could walk side by side in practical field.

      A person can have many type of relations with another person either in shape of love or business purposes or friendship. And at the same times all are can be different from each others also. A good relation based on foundation of good understating, consensus, compromising and caring for each other either it is a family, love or friendship matter. Your collective behavior will decide the tenure of your association.

      I find the main difference between relationship and friendship read these carefully:
      Key Differences

      Relationship is more wider term than friendship. Even friendship is emerged from relationship.
      Relationship can be in two form natural or deliberate while friendship is always in deliberate form and people choose friends by their sole intention.

      Good friendship is the sign of good relation as well but good relationship does not means that there exists friendship also.
      Relationship always has legal aspect for example in case of dispute between business parties, family disputes or inheritance problems you can seek the help of law and enforce the legal values also.

      But in case of friendship there is no legal value. You cannot legally challenge the mutual consideration in case of friendship.
      Level of trustworthiness, loyalty and trust in friendship is more than relationship.

      People are more open about emotions, feelings and expectations in friendship in comparison to relationship.

      Most of the relationship cases are based on win-lose situation while friendship always based on lose-win or win-win situation.

    • Being a couple in marriage is one thing and being friends is another different thing. Most people get into marriages with the hope that things will just run smoothly, but marriage is a lot of work. When you become friends with someone you really have to work towards it so that you can keep it going.
      A relationship is usually started as a result of true friendship, that is what keeps the relationship longer. Because you both know each other in and out, you know the strengths and weaknesses of that person, so getting along is not quite a problem. When they do you wrong then you know what to do, if they react in a bad way you will know how ready too. So relationships can be a very tricky affair but can be something that you can grow to live with in the long run.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Rabadaba Is Not Available in the Philippines: Any Other Sites? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 11 months ago

    I am not keen on adding any more earning sites but this App is only available on mobiles.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, An Approach To Living A Happy Life 7 years, 11 months ago

    The aim of every person is to remain happy. And happiness does not depend on how much one has but what one makes of what one has.

    There is not a day passes when situations that confront us  need handling. […]

    • My aim in life was always to become happier person and better mother. Nothing to me shall be more important or will be. I have career like gym coach but still stand very much family oriented and children oriented. that gives me not just happiness but security and being needed and useful. I admit some friends try take more time but with years I know how to send them messages to spare some tiem later because I am busy. They have to understand, it is not easy to be with family.

    • I wrote this Blog based on my own personal experience. I have wasted many years mulling over issues which I now realise were not needed for my happiness. As they say better late than never. Today I have created a world where I spend time on issues that are pertinent to my happiness.

    • For me, happiness is the act of contentment into one’s life having a some sort of solitude to enjoy the thing you want, having an inner peace of mind and heart. Honestly speaking, there is no such thing as happiness in this world but amidst all the decieving apperances in this world suffering is the only true one. Real happiness came from God, and we can achieve that eternal happiness by means of prayers, sacrifice, and devotion that somehow throughout our journey in this valley of tears at the end of our journey we will find our Loving Father in heaven to be in his arms, and to be with him and share the joys with him in paradise that was meant for us in the very beginning of the creation. Our life here on earth is like a passing journey. Like a clouds in the sky. It’s here a little while then its gone. We will pass in this world but once so we must make the most of it! For our final inevitable destination is death.

      • As you have said contentment is the key to happiness and that we can get if we know how to pick wheat from chaff. There is plenty of chaff in our life and if we know the art of finding out what is wheat and what is chaff we have reached.

    • That is a good approach. We all wanted to live a happy life but sometimes its hard to reach. Sometimes there are stress, anger, burden and many more that burden us to fulfill our happy life. But maybe we can do it not instantly but through the guidance of our Lord. Be contented of what we have and always give thanks.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Passive income with literacybase in the forum Group logo of Earn Money OnlineEarn Money Online 7 years, 11 months ago

    @suny So it is a closely guarded secret   🙂

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, 20 Reasons Why Kids Should Do Household Chores 7 years, 11 months ago

    Nowadays, it isn’t easy to get my kids to do household chores and I am sure that
    some parents out there are having the same kids problems too.

    My hubby was sick and tired of hearing my repeated nagging d […]

    • They should be encouraged in doing household chores because it prepares them for future.

    • I have very young kids and I have to admit with no lying I wish there was some help for my house hold chores. It is not easy do a job, come back home, and find all filthy and ready for new circle of cleaning, cooking and feeding. My parents help, my mother in law is radically useless and vain. She does helping only if her son explicitly tells her to do us a favor.
      My children are still too small to provide normal help with mind that they will not hurt or cut hands. I give older daughter to help. She can dust and clean simple things, but many times work become play and then younger brothers were one used like mops to reach under bed. It was funny but ever dirty again.

    • Well said, house chores have to be done regardless. No one wakes up one morning and becomes responsible you have start from somewhere. And that’s where the mum comes in she has to initiate the work in the house and make him kids responsible in their lives. You have outlined them very well there is nothing else to add really. There should be no excuse for not doing house chores that just have to be done.

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Observing the Cyber Monsters 7 years, 11 months ago

    Perhaps not too many are concerned about cyber crimes but the FBI is and other agencies. Cyber attacks are not only annoying but those attacks can run havoc on a person’s life. The good thing is the FBI monitors […]

    • I think cyber criminals are more dangerous for people owning companies and big money and not for small people using Facebook and games. If used in bad way we can lose credentials to some fraud, but in now present community it is easy to trace and identify all troubles. There is no need to be alerted if you have no money in bank either like me. What cyber criminal can steal away from me online? 4 dollars I earned last month? Hehe that funny…

    • The top and hopefully most well known place to observe your adversary is your attack surface. If you’re a financial institution or managed security service provider (MSSP), we could include things touching your customer’s attack surface as being another top place to observe your adversary. Analysis of logs sourced from your security devices is a great way to identify the type of cyber threat activity that is impacting you directly.

      Although Intel 471 is an intelligence vendor, we still believe that an organization’s #1 source of relevant threat data is their own attack surface. One of the first steps into developing a threat intelligence program should be the identification, consumption, and analysis of all relevant internal sources of information to include attack surface data.

      However, when it comes to cybercrime and hacktivism knowing the actual person behind the keyboard provides additional options for a victim organization, such as submitting a complaint to law enforcement. There is continuous debate in the information security community about the usefulness of attribution of threat actors and groups, but we believe that attribution to various levels (person, group, nation-state, etc.) provides valuable insights that support decision-making at all levels.

      The most value of actor-centric information lies with identifying motivations, goals and intent. This enables analysts to produce predictive intelligence that can drive proactive decision making and action at numerous levels of an organization.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Reasons Why Writers Write the Same Post Titles 7 years, 11 months ago

    I had read many posts online at different sites but why do we
    writers keep writing the same post titles since we already know
    the answers.
    Everytime I search for a title for my new post, I could find […]

    • I think that various different writers in different pages about very same topic use exactly same titles to tehir problem post because there is no other way how to present that porblem but with preset combination of words, that leads to exactly same title every time with no mistake. If you write about cakes from chocolate and cream, why not you use other words but chocolate and cream? Because it is just not possible.

    • Writing the same title is basis problem of SEO Search Engine Operation, for example, m name is ranked in the google search people ill choose the name as mine just bit different so that traffic could reach to their sites is the main problem.

      Post titles are essential to promoting your blog content. Believe it or not, it really makes the difference when a you carefully craft post title to work well, social media, in SEO, and most of all, with your readers. But how do you do it? Actually, it’s not as hard as you think. With just a few tips to keep in mind writing posts titles that get people to click on your links is as easy as pie.

      If you don’t believe me. Give the tips a try, and test them. You can use tools like bit.ly to track the post titles, and you can see which post titles get more clicks. If you’re using a newsletter service like Mailchimp, you can test with A/B split testing to see which headlines get more opens. While each person’s blog is different, I’ve found the tips below to increase click rates quite significantly, sometimes as much as the difference between 100 clicks and 1,200 clicks.

    • Writing blog post titles that get attention and traffic is a unique form of writing, because you write blog post titles for multiple reasons. First, you want people to be intrigued enough to feel compelled to read the actual blog post. Second, you don’t want to trick anyone by writing a title that is irrelevant to your blog post content.

      Third, you want your blog post to help drive search engine traffic, so you need to focus on keywords when you come up with your blog post titles. That’s a hefty list, but you can meet all three goals when you write blog post titles following the steps below.

      Your blog post titles should be interesting. They should intrigue readers enough to make them want to click on the link to your post and keep reading it. That’s not to say that straightforward titles aren’t effective. They are! However, you need to have a mix of creative and intuitive post titles to get the best of both worlds.

      You don’t want to be accused of tricking people into reading your blog post based on the title and then have them be disappointed in the actual content they find within the post. That can do more harm to your blog than good. If you bait them in your blog post title, you need to be sure that you deliver the content they’re looking for within your post content.

    • I also observed the same thing regarding the usage of one title by different authors. I suppose that is the best way they can write it.

    • to make money you need to write attractiv epost titel for sure, and it have to be also related to your post and to use
      i guess that writers should not write the dame title like others, to make it work

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Gram flour for beauty treatment. 7 years, 11 months ago


    Gram flour – besan as it is called,-  in the normal course,  is  only connected with making several food items for which there is no limit. We use it as a coating when we make batata wada and you must hav […]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Tips To Quit Social Smoking 7 years, 11 months ago

    You had seen men and women smoking in public places.

    It is a common scenario where these smokers know that
    smoking is bad for health but they cannot quit immediately.

    However, they are not 100% addicted […]

    • I have to say sadly I have many of my personal friends and family friends doing this bad habit which I try to avoid in any and from any situation. It is bad for young and old and I see no enjoyment in it. How can you possibly enjoy in toxic activity that will get you certainly dead after sometime.

    • I am in process now of trying to stop….I wish I never started this bad habbite. It is very hard to stop when other around you are still smoking

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Bloggers and their Ethics 7 years, 11 months ago

    There are many sites including LiteracyBase where members write Blogs on many subjects. And that which is posted there becomes their property unless there are rules that takes away their right over those […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Beyong the Classroom 7 years, 11 months ago


    What one learns in a classroom is not enough to get on in this world. The aptitude of a child is totally ignored. It is this aptitude that needs to be triggered converting it into a passion which will hold […]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Pork Shreds with Enoki Mushrooms and Seaweed Laver 7 years, 11 months ago

    If you are looking for a low cholesterol recipe , you no more!
    A few days ago,  I had came up with my kids’ favorite snack added to
    pork shreds.
    Dried Seaweed laver!
    My kids are great fan of dried seaw […]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Passive income with literacybase in the forum Group logo of Earn Money OnlineEarn Money Online 7 years, 11 months ago

    @Rajaraman K  @shaloo walia  One must have followers to share. I hardly have any  @suny ‘s is a Guinness Book of World Records  😀

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Passive income with literacybase in the forum Group logo of Earn Money OnlineEarn Money Online 7 years, 11 months ago

    I have never shared my blogs. I shall do so the moment I hear of increased rates   😀

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