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    bestwriter replied to the topic Those unfulfilled wishes that still hurt in the forum Group logo of ALL ABOUT YOUR ANGER AND HURTSALL ABOUT YOUR ANGER AND HURTS 7 years, 11 months ago

    Disappointments have to be left behind.  If one lives with a thought that disappointments are a part of life there will be no hurts.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Stir Fry Water Spinach with Firm Tofu 7 years, 11 months ago

    Glad to be back here again!

    It is time to introduce my next recipe which is a vegetarian dish,
     Stir Fry Water Spinach with Firm Tofu.

    Water Spinach is locally known as “Kangkong” among the Malay
    wh […]

    • I love Spinach as it is a leafy vegetable. It is rich in taste and having good iron content. It is good to eat Spinach just boiling and frying it in in coconut oil. It gives immediate relief to the muscle pain. Whenever I visit any Punjabi Restaurant in Hyderabad I order two kulchas (masala) along with Spinach curry. Actually, the people suffering from Arthritis should avoid Spinach. But, when it is combined with Coconut oil and a dish is prepared it will be proved very beneficial for the problem.

      The dish you have written an article is containing some Tofu also. So it generates heat in the body and anybody suffering from Arthritis should be very careful in using this dish. Others, can without any second thought welcome this dish. It will be great in taste also.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Mustard Green With Egg Sauce And Crispy Cruller 7 years, 11 months ago

    Here is another vegetable recipe which I had cooked 2 days ago and had almost
    forgotten to post it here.

    This is one of my favorite Chinese veggies, Mustard Green, locally known as
    “Sawi” in Malay lan […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Master Chef India Season 5 2016 7 years, 11 months ago

    I have been religiously watching Master Chef India right from its inception. I like this programme and admire the participants who have come with  grit and determination to handle any posers however difficult t […]

    • We used to watch a lot of cooking shows when we had cable TV. We still watch a lot via the public television station but not as much as before. Checked and found some videos available on YouTube. Have to set aside a time to take a look. Thanks for mentioning. Love cooking shows! 🙂

    • @Treathyl FOX
      I took this topic to write a Blog on because it has a different concept this time. The participants are those who are holding great positions and yet have a passion for cooking – something that will encourage others in similar positions. Cooking is mostly shunned by this category.

      • Good topic choice for a blog post. Actually I think I know of an American chef who was a lawyer who decided he wanted to bake! He didn’t get his start through a competition or cooking show. He just decided he wanted to do it! His cakes were unbelievable! 🙂

        • Do you enjoy cooking or you just do it because you have no other go? I love cooking provided there is some help around to chop and clean. I love creating new recipes. 🙂

          • Do I enjoy cooking? That’s a tricky question for me. There was once a time when my kids would tell you to make sure to come by our house for traditional holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas. Yeah! I put my best foot forward and must say my meals were pretty impressive. But now my husband has a health condition that requires me to change everything that I ever knew about cooking and create new recipes or modify my old recipes. Enjoy cooking these days? To be honest. Not so much. It’s very stressful trying to get the meals right for his dietary purposes. But I’m learning how! Because I love my husband. 🙂

            • Challenges are great no matter where we come across them. You have cooking challenges. Go for them and enjoy when you see your beloved husband relishing what you have cooked for him.

    • Well! This one is no different than any other reality series but Leaving aside the cynicsm atleast it helped shaped a few careers and inspiring many more.

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    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Fight for the Gift 7 years, 11 months ago

    We’re all blessed with a gift and although not all will let their “gift” shine. We all have a gift. We’re encouraged to show the world what God has given His children. Not everyone will be encouraging. Some will […]

    • We all have gifts just as you have said. And we all have to nurture them accordingly. Like when a child is born, they grow up, knowing or loving something, and when the parents see this they are supposed to motivate the child through what they like, and this way the child would grow up getting better at what they do. And when the parents show interest in what the child loves, the child is going to put in more effort and work harder at what they do.

    • Gift is the peace of mind and heart but the gift given by other any good [performance is pure encouragement for future work. Gift has more importance in life than any other thing in life. Gift giving is something that should not be a chore.

      It must come from the heart. When you give gifts, you are giving something willingly without wanting something in return. Making someone feel special is more than enough reason to make you give more. It tells the receiver that you were thinking about them.

      Gift giving is an act of self-gratification. It is a good way of strengthening relationships. If you are in a friendship or a relationship, you should always show the other person how much you care for him or her. You don’t need to wait for an occasion in order to give a gift. Give one to show how much you love someone

      There are some instances when you need to give back to someone who has helped you or provided you a favor. Gift giving is an act that can show that you are thankful. Giving and receiving is the purest of reasons to give gifts. The receiver will truly feel your gratitude when you give gifts for elevating happiness and well being.

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    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Be Firm About the Advocating 7 years, 11 months ago

    Advocating takes courage. Lots of courage to advocate for ourselves. To stand up against groups on continuous attacks. To have “voice” that refuses to be silent even when there’s intimidation. Soaking when others […]

    • The import of advocating cannot be overemphasized. It is needed for good governance to be achieved. It is the scale the balances the society. I sometimes call it constructive criticism. When it judiciously utilized it shape an ideal society. It is a tool for checkmating erring leadership.My believe is that a society that is devoid of sincere and thorough advocators is not an ideal society.

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    bestwriter joined the group Group logo of Help The PoorHelp The Poor 7 years, 11 months ago

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    bestwriter joined the group Group logo of Help The PoorHelp The Poor 7 years, 11 months ago

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    bestwriter joined the group Group logo of ALL ABOUT YOUR ANGER AND HURTSALL ABOUT YOUR ANGER AND HURTS 7 years, 11 months ago

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Uses and benefit of Urad Dal (Black Lentils) 7 years, 11 months ago


    Black Lentil (Urad)  is not normally  used as a whole but urad dal is in great demand specially in South India. 

    Black Lentil  is very nutritious as it contains high levels of protein potassium, calciu […]

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    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Tougher Cyber Security to lower the Intrusions 7 years, 11 months ago

    The web is very beneficial. There’s surfing and so many have to use technology for their business. When things go smoothly technology is our best friend but when there’s intruders then everything goes haywire. […]

    • This time technology is abused by bad elements. yes true, it is so beneficial and never be taken for any criminal activity. It seems human beings want to explore the unknowns thru computers and internet.Many crimes soar anywhere in the world because of technology.I can no longer describe how they disregard the beauty of mother earth that produces wealth and health to man.

    • Cybersecurity is the body of technologies, processes and practices designed to protect networks, computers, programs and data from attack, damage or unauthorized access. In a computing context, the term security implies cybersecurity.

      One of the most problematic elements of cybersecurity is the quickly and constantly evolving nature of security risks. The traditional approach has been to focus most resources on the most crucial system components and protect against the biggest known threats, which necessitated leaving some less important system components undefended and some less dangerous risks not protected against.

      Such an approach is insufficient in the current environment. Adam Vincent, CTO-public sector at Layer 7 Technologies (a security services provider to federal agencies including Defense Department organizations), describes the problem:

      To deal with the current environment, advisory organizations are promoting a more proactive and adaptive approach. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), for example, recently issued updated guidelines in its risk assessment framework that recommended a shift toward continuous monitoring and real-time assessments.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Cantharis a homoeopathic remedy for UTI (Urinary Track Infection) 7 years, 11 months ago

    Urinary Track Infection is common among both men, women and even pets. Preiti my pet had problem with scanty urine. She would run in and out and when I followed her I notice there would just be a drop. Not being […]

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    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Concentrate on the Victory 7 years, 11 months ago

    It does matter what it looks like. We’re capable of conquering. Being determined even when it’s stormy is a great way to develop the strength that we’ll need to move to the next level. At no time should we have a […]

    • that’s something we all must keep in mind and practice, be optimistic

    • Concentration is the key to success in every branch of life and peace of mind and soul lies in both of them. When you go out to war against your enemies, and see horses and chariots and an army larger than your own, you shall not be afraid of them, for the Lord your God is with you, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt.

      And when you draw near to the battle, the priest shall come forward and speak to the people and shall say to them, ‘Hear, O Israel, today you are drawing near for battle against your enemies: let not your heart faint. Do not fear or panic or be in dread of them, for the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory

      There was a rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. And at his gate was laid a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, who desired to be fed with what fell from the rich man’s table. Moreover, even the dogs came and licked his sores.

      The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried, and in Hades, being in torment, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus at his side. …

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Recipe – Mackerel Rolls in Banana Leaves 7 years, 11 months ago

    Mackerels are not every one’s favourite and that includes me. But from the health point of view they are loaded with Omega 3 and hence eating them regularly is sound advice. Omega 3 helps reduce the bad […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Sweet Corn and Chicken Soup – the way I make it 7 years, 11 months ago

    Chinese Food grows on you. A one time experience will want you to eat it again and again. 

    Rather than going to Chinese restaurants I decided to try out a few recipes myself and realised they taste  better t […]

    • At what stage do you add sweet corn?

      Chicken corn soup is a must have dish in our home in winter and there is usually a pot in which stock is being prepared on a daily basis.

      My recipe is quite similar to yours. But I make a coarse paste of sweet corn in blender and add it with shredded chicken in stock and boil thoroughly before adding cornflour paste.

      Yummy, yummy.

    • I love chicken and corn soup but I’ve never made my own. You recipe seems very easy. My kids would probably like it too. Tweeted! 🙂

    • Oh I always adapt and modify recipes anyway. There are a lot of mouths in my house and when cooking I have to try to consider everybody’s palette. It’s not easy these days since my cooking has to be modified drastically due my husband’s health condition. Now when I see a recipe I like, I have to start thinking what adjustments need to be made for family members starting with the hubby and then working my down to TLT (the last teenager). 🙂

    • I know only sweet corn soup I tasted it in the Hiking Chinese Restaurant. My children like it very much and offered me to taste it and then to go for ordering the soup. I selected it for me also. But the chicken part I do not know.

    • It is a good recipe because soup is easy to digest and help for human health. We must make soup at home in winter to maintain heat of our body.

      This is a quick and easy way to make this soup that is usually served at Chinese restaurants. For a tangy/hot flavor try this: about 3 to 4 hours before serving combine 1/4 cup vinegar and 3 finely chopped green chilies. Refrigerate until serving time and then sprinkle about a teaspoon of this on the soup. Enjoy!! Garnish with fresh scallions

      My sister made this about two weeks ago and forgot to review! I used a whole cooked chicken from the deli department at the supermarket and shredded as much meat as I could while my two children attacke…

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Masalaa for fish curry 7 years, 11 months ago

    There are a number of ways fish can be cooked – in curries, baked , fried, in  cutlets and patties. There are several curries in which fish can be cooked. Here I am going to give the recipe for fish curry that I […]

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Comforting a hurt child 7 years, 11 months ago

    When a child is hurt, it is a natural instinct that he wanted to be comforted by his parents and grandparents immediately.

    In contrast, parents and grandparents themselves, wanted to shower the child their […]

    • They just want to know that your are there for them

    • S hurting child will sometimes be very quiet, and not really say anything just in case he is told that he is being too petty about some issues. When a child is hurt that will always throw tantrums others will get aimlessly just like you have mentioned above. And that can be very annoying trying to stop that child from crying can be a huge mess. But the best way is to show them that you are attentive to them. It’s not really about what you will give them but just your time would change everything. Time is very essential most people take it for granted they don’t spend much time with their children’s making their kids feel vulnerable and neglected and that’s why they will always get and throw tantrums.

    • In my case when a child is hurt I check what the issue is and then treat the child accordingly. I do not like to treat the child with kid gloves always. Sometimes it is needed to be done but many other times I explain them why they are crying and when they will stop crying and how they can help themselves in the situation.

      I see many grown children also crying nowadays. For very minor issues. I feel they have been turned into delicate darling’s by there parents by showering too much of love and affection and also by being overprotective. This sort of a thing will never help the child and will turn out to be a problem when they grow as adults. An interesting article giving information on how to handle different children with varied mentalities. Best wishes.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Old Folks and Their Recipes 7 years, 11 months ago

    My mother did not read any recipe books but churned out fantastic food. The ingredients that she used all had health properties. No one told her about it and so it is surprising that old folks of her time knew […]

    • The food cooked by our mothers and grandmothers have a very unique flavour because they do most things by hand and spend ours churning out dishes. If you use homemade yogurt, ghee etc the taste and aroma of food is totally different than if you use factory made products.

      Crushing garlic with pestle is so different than using a chopper and then freezing garlic in big batches. But sadly we lack time and patience so our food lacks the health qualities of our part generation.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Homemade Prawn Dumpling Soup 7 years, 11 months ago

    I started to fall in love with dumplings since my childhood days.
    Mom used to homemade dumplings which were large, fulled of generous fillings and super delicious soup.
    She always added generous heaps of mixed […]

    • I have not tasted it still but I will try to taste it soon making at home with the help of my cousin. Ingredients:
      1 packet dumpling wrappers, for soup
      1.5 liter chicken stock, homemade or store-bought
      2 to 3 stalks baby bok choy
      spring onion, diced, for garnish
      sesame oil, to taste
      salt, for cleansing the prawn meat
      corn flour, for cleansing the prawn meat
      250 gm pork mince
      160 gm prawn meat
      3 shiitake mushrooms, soaked and shredded
      30 gm bamboo shoots, frozen or canned, blanched in hot water then shredded
      20 gm wood ears, blanched in hot water then shredded
      2 tsp light soy sauce
      ½ tsp salt
      ½ tsp sugar
      ½ tsp oyster sauce
      1 tsp cornflour / corn starch
      ½ tsp chicken powder / chicken bouillon
      1 egg white
      white pepper, to taste
      sesame oil, to taste

      Mix the prawn meat with a little of salt and corn flour. Leave them for about 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse and pat dry with kitchen papers. Cut each into 3 to 4 pieces.
      Mix pork mince with marinade. Stir in the prawn, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, wood ears. Cover and chill in fridge for about 20 minutes, or until you’re ready to wrap dumplings.
      Put a heaped spoon of fillings in the middle of a wrapper. Damp the wrapper around the fillings and seal the filling tightly, leaving the wrapper edges loosely. No need to make it perfect. Just make sure the fillings won’t leak out while boiling. Repeat this step to finish wrapping with the remaining fillings.
      Bring the chicken stock to a boil over high heat in a pot.
      In the meantime, carefully put dumplings into another large pot of boiling water over high heat. Stir the water with chopsticks in order to avoid the dumplings stick to the bottom. When the dumplings float to the water surface. Immediately transfer them into the chicken stock. Add bok choy and cook for a while. Season with salt. Sprinkle spring onion and sesame oil. Serve immediately.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Test Your Nutrient Knowledge 7 years, 11 months ago

    Knowing the actual nutrients in your food is essential
    rather than blindly gobble up the same food everyday while
    pushing yourself away from other nutritious food that you

    It is wise to eat wide […]

    • vegetables are the best source of vitamins but vegetables do not produce minerals in human body we have to take minerals from out side source as from all fruits and dry fruit. Our body is composed of vitamins and minerals brick by brick made of cells.

      I think that Most vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories. …
      Vegetables are important sources of many nutrients, including potassium, dietary fiber, folate (folic acid), vitamin A, and vitamin C.
      Diets rich in potassium may help to maintain healthy blood pressure.
      More items…

      People who eat fruit and vegetables as part of their daily diet have a reduced risk of many chronic diseases. USDA’s MyPlate encourages making half your plate fruits and vegetables.

      Vegetables are important part of healthy eating and provide a source of many nutrients, including potassium, fiber, folate (folic acid) and vitamins A, E and C. Options like broccoli, spinach, tomatoes and garlic provide additional benefits, making them a superfood!

      Potassium may help to maintain healthy blood pressure. Dietary fiber from vegetables helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower risk of heart disease.

      Folate (folic acid) helps the body form healthy red blood cells. Women of childbearing age who may become pregnant and those in the first trimester of pregnancy need adequate folate to reduce the risk of neural tube defects and spina bifida during fetal development.

      The nutrients in vegetables are vital for health and maintenance of your body.

      Vegetable’s Health benefits mat be these as

      Eating a diet rich in vegetables may reduce risk for stroke, cancer, heart diseases and type-2 diabetes.
      One to four cups of vegetables are recommended each day, depending on how many calories you need. To find out how many vegetables you need to eat, use the Healthy Eating Planner.

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