• Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter started the topic Blogs on LiteracyBase in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    With as many as 3,631,124,813  Netizens worldwide as of June 2016   (http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats.htm) I feel Blogs written here on any subject will invite viewers.  Sadly personal Blogs do not rate well here.  If personal Blogs got the same status as other informative Blogs writing here would be easy and there would he more joinin…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, If They’re Unable to Compete Then They Will Become Angry 7 years, 11 months ago

    Too much competition can create insanity. Some are unable to resist competition. If they’re unable to surpass then they will try to pull down. It’s so unfortunate that so many are unable to accept that some will […]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Choosing a topic to write a blog 7 years, 11 months ago

    Considering there is a 10 figure –  a number that speaks of Netizens worldwide (http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats.htm)  no matter what is posted there is every hope that someone or the other will get to r […]

    • Once upon a time, I had no idea what to write on my blog. Coming up with blog article titles was slow and painful.

      That was 10 years ago.

      Now, thousands of articles later, coming up with topics is easy. Not only do I publish articles on my two blogs, but I also publish hundreds of guest posts for dozens of publications.

      Wondering what happened along the way that made this process so much easier?

      I’m going to pull back the curtain on how I’m able to generate so many topics, and explain what it means to choose great article topics. I think you’ll find it helpful.

      Know your target audience.

      Let me deal with first things first — the “best possible blogging topics” are the best ones for your audience.

      Everything comes down to your audience. In fact, there is nothing more important, essential, and critical to blog success than knowing your audience.

      The story of my own blog is a testament to this fact. The longer I write my blog, the better I understand my audience. I read and respond to blog comments. I take time to read emails from my readers. I listen to what they have to say.

      Make relevance your guiding light.

      I’m going to introduce a concept, and then explain how to do it: Relevancy.

      Relevancy is nothing new. It’s popular to talk about relevancy and the need for relevancy in content marketing … but hang on a second.

      Find a blog to steal from.

      Someone once said, “Good artists copy. Great artists steal.”

      If you want to pick absolutely stellar topics, then go to the blogs that are already doing it and pilfer them. Lest you think I’m going nefarious, allow me to explain …

      I absolutely oppose anything remotely connected with stealing content or intellectual property. What I do suggest, however, is to identify a blog that is doing it right, and follow their example. Here’s the process:

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Sweet Dessert: Easy Mango Pudding 7 years, 11 months ago

    Do you know that Sagittarius loves mangoes?

    Do not be surprised to find a mango tree in the garden!

    My neighbor had a mango tree for years,
    bearing lots of ripe mangoes.
    He was a kind middle age man, that […]

    • Another wonderful dessert recipe with the taste of tropical paradise in it. 🙂

    • hmm, it look yummy. I would try it for my kids

    • That sounds so delicious with that mango pudding. When season of mango come, so many mango being rotten and people don’t even dare to look ways to have it preserved or cook for things that can be used for future use.

    • This post is very interesting. The pudding you have written about has to be tried comfortably with patience at convenient time. Of course, I am having patience in rich quantity. It is only the time I need.
      The pudding you have mentioned is somewhat similar to ‘MANGO TANDRA’. The difference is that it looks like small thick layers instead of juice or jelly.
      I like mangoes very much. I remembered the days when I ate number of mangoes and suffered from severe stomach pain. The only medicine the Doctor suggested me was to take them out by vomiting. He gave injection and brought the whole stuff out.
      In India this is called KING OF FRUITS. Here many people prefer it along with sweet curd. After the meals people mix the juice of Mango in their curd rice and eat it. They enjoy it. This is the only way of eating I avoid.

    • Wow sounds so so nice.

    • You are right. I am a Sagittarius and love mangoes since my childhood and even I am an old man but I still eat mango pudding made by my friend’s mom for me.

      Mango pudding is a popular dim sum dessert. Stephen Wong writes: “This simple dessert captures the glorious flavor of mango like no other. Its texture is silky rich, and its flavor, simply wonderful. Fresh cream is called for in the original recipe, but evaporated milk gives it the same richness without the fat.”
      Need a little help? Here are photo instructions showing how to make this recipe for Mango Pudding

      I have read ten benefits of mango pudding
      1. Prevents Cancer:
      2. Lowers Cholesterol:
      3. Clears the Skin:
      4. Improves Eye Health:
      5. Alkalizes the Whole Body:
      6. May Help with Diabetes:
      7. Promotes Healthy Sex:
      8. Improves Digestion:
      9. Helps Fight Heat Stroke:
      10. Boosts the Immune System:

      Keeping in mind these benefits it is most useful for human health. We must all eat the mango pudding making at home.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Reasons For Rivalry Between Parents and Teenagers 7 years, 11 months ago

    It is a common scene when there
    is /are teenagers in the household.

    Parents amd teenagers couldn’t
    agree with the same point, they
    couldn’t sit on the same bar due to
    different point of view […]

    • The writer’s point of view about parents v children rivalry is feelings, and emotions of the child is not a correct concept of the writer because it is the fault of age in childhood and youth but in adulthood the main cause of rivalry is lack of true education and nothing else. The feelings and emotions are the same awarded by God on birth to every child. Actually birth planets settle human trends since childhood and the child follows his trend active on birth while parents force the child do what they want from her starts parents v children rivalry at home.

      When with the passage of time 90 per cent children mend selves by improving education leads the children to the right path. I am International Net Astrologer,have advised parents let the children follow their birth trends they will get success on growing up.

      That is why is said that follow the rend for success and the planets shape human trends in society and those who follow birth trends may not be a problem for parents, history is replete with such examples.

      JH Sayyat

    • It is good for parents and children to respect each other. When there is a lack of respect on either side, that is when complications arise. People can disagree with each other, but need to do so in a respectable way if they want to live together in some type of harmony.

      A person who owns/rents their home, whether they are a parent or not, is essentially “the boss” of anyone who they allow to stay under their roof, in their home. That being said, most of the time, the boss RULES. But… good bosses have respect, and are lenient and understanding when situations call for those types of responses.

      Sometimes parents are disrespectful to their children because the parent might feel like since they are the older adult, they are always right. On the other hand, some children are very disrespectful to their parents. The key (although sometimes easier said than done) is for both parties to respect the differences in one another.

      If one side is being respectful, let’s say the child is very respectful, but the parent for whatever reason is NOT, then it would be wise for the ‘child’ to leave the parental home as soon as possible.

      If things are the other way around, where the child is disrespectful for no reason to a very understanding and respectful parent, then it is up to the parent to make some decisions as to that child’s continued living arrangements in the parental home.

      Once living apart from each other, if the two still can’t get along, then limited contact is the best for everybody.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Understanding Between a Writing Site and the Writer 7 years, 11 months ago

    Why should writing sites have an upper hand and the writer should humbly accept accusations hurled against them?
    When there is inter dependence there should be mutual respect. Many a writer has left the site […]

    • So the blame is on Google? That makes no sense at all. A writer should know that it can take months if not years for their articles to be de-indexed from Google. Is that Google’s fault? No. That is just how things work. Now a writer can ask Google to de-index their articles earlier but they are not obliged to do so. Why would anyone want to share the same article from one site onto another site? All material should be fresh and new. Even if it is just your blog.

      On EliteWriters, for example, if someone claims an article is plagiarized the owner wants to see proof of such claim. The owner will then check to see the links if any is given and go from there. If an article is found to be indexed on another site then it can be deleted without any warning. That is why it’s good to read the rules before a person gets started on any site.

      • When sites do not pay and the account there is deleted those sites where those Blogs are reposted could check. Barring the title the article does not show on the net. That much patience site owners should have.

    • The write of this article says right that posts are deleted by saying plagiarism giving no proof of plagiarism to the writer. It is not a good thing for the writer. I give my example, I posted my own written Sonnet and Ode but I was told that is is plagiarism. I request my humble readers that anyone can write my name in Google (jhsayyar) and find mind Urdu and English block on which I have written 463 Sonnets, 53 Odes and couple of hundred articles written on cricket matches prediction and songs how my own poetry may be plagiarism?

    • The site owners forget that it is the writers that sustains them. And they have to respect writers that they fully deserve.

    • Many sites do have plagiarism checker. Thee is a separate software also. It scans every article and co relates the source of the text of it is plagiarized. I do not know why these social blogging sites are not entertaining them. They need some additional staff also for this job as you said.

      But one thing is acceptable that plagiarism is not advisable under any circumstances. If some sites show discrimination in the payment like 1st, 2nd, and 3rd it is left to their own conscience. They definitely one day or the other will be paid in the same coin as happened to Bubnlews. The site is no more now.

    • I think writing sites ought to invest a bit in persons who sometimes randomly check posts for duplicated content apart from checker softwares.
      At times, huge volumes of posts or articles can present issues but then keeping users happy should be the topmost priority.

    • Excellent post. As indicated, Bub had it’s pets. These pets were the Shills who brought in warm bodies. These pets would race from site to site shouting; “I always got paid!”

      Hubpages suffers the kind of ‘pet’ situation in which other ‘writers’ will mark down your work so that it is ‘unfeatured’. This prevents you from earning revenue and allows them to write an almost plagiarised version of your work.

      Where writing sites abuse their writers, by not paying, low paying, long moderation periods, the writer will contribute elsewhere, which, of course creates the cycle of decline.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Stir Fry Snow Peas with Black Fungus 7 years, 11 months ago

    There was a big discount on the Snow peas at Tesco
    I bet that the snow peas season are out now.
    There were a group of aunties grabbing a few
    packets of snow peas and I finally understood […]

    • This looks interesting, although I admit I’m kind of leery about the “black fungus” portion of the recipe, lol. I like the look of the snow peas. I buy these types of peas often and eat them as a snack when they are cold and fresh, but they look like they will taste good stir-fried. I’d add chicken to this recipe, like you suggested for meat lovers.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Okras with Prawn Sambal Paste 7 years, 11 months ago

    Although some people are put off by this
    vegetable called Okra ( which is often known 
    as ladies fingers or bendi”, okra is indeed a
    healthy vegetable that one should not
    missed at all.

    What is Okra […]

    • I’ve never liked the taste of cooked okra. My mother used to fix it a lot when I was a kid, and I hated it.

      The only kind of okra that I will eat is if it is fried and tastes crunchy. It can be rolled in a cornmeal mixture, then fried in olive oil, or maybe even coconut oil. I’ll even eat okra that has been roasted in the oven, but it can’t be slimy at all, or else I won’t eat it.

      I’ve never heard of it being prepared in the way you described, but if I liked okra I would try it your way 🙂

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, 7 Tips To Protect Your Child From Cyber Bully 7 years, 11 months ago

    It is difficult you prevent your child from the

    effect of cyber bullying if you do not know
    what it is all about in the first place.
    When your child is the victim of cyber bully, it
    would be be […]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Simple Memory Enhancers 7 years, 11 months ago

    I am a senior and I give credit to online writing sites that give my brain a good exercise keeping it alert and sharp. I search for information and produce good articles. Once the article goes live I look at the […]

    • Yes. I do accept that memory loss may be due to many problems like diseases, vitamin deficiency, improper bone growth, improper diet, depression etc.
      Nearly 90-92 cases constituting Insomnia, obsessive anger, high blood pressure, memory loss, Alzheimers are due to only depression as per the Massicheutus University study report.

      Of all the memory 53% people approach a doctor with a complaint of low memory .

      The only tool to halt this problem is meditation. The study report says that this is the meditation that has got the power to control depression.

      How to do it?
      Just take a mantra or a word of any deity of your choice and recite it for 10 times regularly. It will control the brain reaction to the weird problems.

      Besides this, taking a good food can also work as an effective tool.

      Taking Almonds, using herbs like Belladonna, Saraswati Churna etc. will definitely control the memory loss.

      • Thanks for adding more tools. Keeping our mind active to my mind is one of the best ways besides ofcourse eating the right kind of food.

    • I know that people who use brain and sharpen it with any activity that includes thinking, observing and memory have their brains not only trained but also maintain mental health longer.

    • When we look around and see those who are inflicted with bad memory they are those who never exercise their brain.

    • My kids love to play the card games, they just enjoy it without care about any intention. However, for the aging group, these kid of card games or even Mahjong, which is famous in Chinese group, heard can help them in brain exercise, thus prevent memory loss or Alzheimer’s disease.

      However, I believe, physical exercise with sweating, i.e at least 30 minutes per section can help in making our mind fresh and healthy, and enhancing our memory power.

    • Hello.Thank you very much its a very useful information you shared with us.Mostly we dont know how to overcome these problems and now a days most of the people i my self has the same problem.I hope your tips will be useful for me.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Never Under-estimate the Power of the Sweet Potato 7 years, 11 months ago

    Even food differentiates between the rich and the poor. I have a plant that grows profusely in my garden and I was told that it is packed with nutrients. When I asked my gardener to fetch me a few leaves and that […]

    • Sweet Potatoe is very rich in Iron which is very useful for Red Blood cells in the body. It is not a vegetable preferred by Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribe people. Everybody likes it very much.

      The correct method of cooking is to boil it along with Jaggery. Jaggery is also rich in Iron. One works on blood cells and the other improves the flow of blood.

    • I like to eat sweet potato cooked in jaggery and coconut. Sweet potato was considered food of the poor once upon a time.

    • i love sweet potato even when I was a child, and until now I still eat kamote– I read a book that sweet potato is good for ulcer. There are more than varieties of sweet potato as I see it everyday, that includes the yellow, purple and even the skin have different colors also, it also differs with sizes. There are sweet potato best for its young leaves though most are for it root crop. My favorite is the yellow skin with an orange color, this is the sweetest kind of them.

    • You heard Oprah Winfrey singing the praises of the sweet potato? I was watching a TV chef cooking contest and the chefs were invited to pick anything from the White House garden and prepare it for the judges. The chefs also met with First Lady Michelle Obama – she’s the reason there is a White House veggie garden – and one of the chefs asked if she had a “favorite” from the garden. Guess what she said? Sweet potato! Not just a fave her but for her whole family. I love sweet potato too!

    • Sweet potatoes are VERY common in the US as a dish to eat, and they are sold on every corner in every grocery store, even way before Oprah said anything about them.

      They are a very common dish. People eat sweet potatoes all the time, especially around November for Thanksgiving where there are thousands and thousands of sweet potato pies sold and eaten during this season. Which reminds me, I need to go and get some for myself soon!

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Signs of Having Stroke 7 years, 11 months ago

    When my mom had a sudden stroke, she didn’t the symptoms of stroke
    before hand.
    Furthermore, my parents and my brother didn’t have any knowledge of
    stroke details because none of my parents siblings had any […]

    • Thank peach, my co- teacher had a mild stroke last week. She just fell down on the floor while writing some lessons on board. She was brought to hospital and was told she has a mild stroke.Thus time her palm cannot be open well and her lip was deformed.It will be better for us to know the symptoms like these you presented here, so helpful. My co teacher has just turned 44 last month.She loves to eat pork chop anything about pork.

    • yes. The symptoms of stroke should be known to everyone. This is a very useful post.
      I had bitter experience with my mother when she got a stroke. She developed pain suddenly. She was admitted to a hospital. She was recovering. The Doctor once again checked her and advised some diet and got down the stairs. Suddenly my mother started getting vomiting. There was no one. I immediately rushed to the Doctor and informed about it. He took some time. In the meanwhile when there was nothing to collect the Vomit I kept my both hands and collected it. Mother was looking at me. I do not know the meaning of her feeling. I did it as a son. I never hesitated for anything. She was my mother.

      When I took her to another hospital the Doctor advised me not to allow her to drink coffee.

      One should be more careful with a stroke.

      The symptoms are
      A Sudden headache, Chest pain, exasperation, numbness to any part of the body, giddiness, faltering walk,sweating.

      One should know about Defibrillator. One should know how to use it. It saved many people from heart stroke.

    • My dad also suffered a stroke in 2012 he had bleeding on brain I have helped him with physio speech ot I had too as I couldn’t get him for excercise you learn a lot from google stroke patients are very difficult people to look after specially if they are stubborn I have looked after him 5 years he can talk quite a lot but he has expressive aphasia so sometimes words dont come out propely but can’t open his hand or walk yet any ideas of excercises that I can give him

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic TinyCent and Its Payday: Is It Really Within 7 to 10 Working Days? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 11 months ago

    @Shavkat  TinyCent started off well but they are facing some issues at the moment and are desperately trying to get out of it. I would give them time.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Sharing at LiberacyBase in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    @support Needless to say this but you should keep a watch out for spammers. One site lost its Adsense Account as they gave a blind eye to thousands of views spammers were providing.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Think Twice Before Taking Decisions 7 years, 11 months ago

    There is a’ tug of war’  as  it is called  going on between a mother and son. Listening to their side of the story individually  would not really settle the issue as they would probably speak up defending the […]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Sharing at LiberacyBase in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    @support  I am very active here but sharing is what I have not done so far. As soon as we hear from you as promised I will certainly add that in my activity.

    I appreciate your presence here.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Sharing at LiberacyBase in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    @Your Seldom  Nice to hear that.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Needs Come in Many Ways 7 years, 11 months ago

    Generally when it comes to  helping out or reaching out, the thought centres round financial need. The fact of the matter is that there are different types of needs that require  attention. 
    With more and more ch […]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Good Health adds to the Success of a Tour 7 years, 11 months ago

    Staying fit while traveling starts right from the planning stage. Getting a good idea of the places that one has plans to travel, the climate that one would have to face and such other information does help to […]

    • Before going on a foreign holiday we all have to go through medical check ups. I was referring to short term irritants that can affect our health due to lack of proper planni

    • yes. A good list giving almost all the required and essential items. Above all health is the first and foremost factor which one should pay attention to before taking up a travel to foreign countries. A healthy person can get along with any kind of situation and can come out successfully. It is here most of the people fail to pay proper attention and they will have all sad memories of their travel experiences.

      But, getting a companion of equal tastes, hobbies, and habits is the most important among all. But the chances for getting a good companion are only 2-5%. You can get anything . You can manage anything by saving. But you can not get a good companion. It is always your luck and depends on how you reciprocate with others during a tour. So do not build any expectations regarding this aspect. You have to search for a good friend or companion while you are on the go only.

    • This is nice info for I will travel to NZ next week and may apply this.It is true that while on waiting mood , passengers just keep on sitting making the body heavy,blood not circulated well. That is the usual feeling when body is idle.It just keeps on staying idle and after few minutes may drowse. It is so important to do some simple steps to alleviate the boredom and body idleness that may lead to unhappy travel.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Helping the Needy is a Source of Joy 7 years, 11 months ago

    Not all are blessed with the gift of joy while giving. It is not necessary that one must have loads of money to give nor loads of time to spend with the needy.
    Having said that a word about need and want. The […]

    • You have the right definition of what it means reaching out to the needy.

    • I feel the same way I wish I could help so many people out and it feels like if I don’t have the time it’s almost like I don’t have the extra money to give out makes me feel so bad at times

      • Money is not the only way in which help can be extended. There are so many opportunities we get to reach out. Even a kind word can make a difference.

    • yes. Need is a continuous activity. But a want is an emotional phenomenon that starts after the minimum needs are fulfilled.

      Once a man’s needs are fulfilled he looks for wants. At the same time, he becomes financially independent. This means the chances of getting help become narrow. But, our social and political system do not encourage it. It is their attitude and wants to see that a person’s wants are never fulfilled. They should continue their lives at the mercy of friends, daughter, in lawsetc.,

    • I am a lifetime member of YMCA and Y’s Men’s Club international,I am trained to extend help to the needy. I also feed street children every Christmas. I never hesitate to donate goods and clothing to victims of flood. I was once the President of the Rotaract Club during college and training to help the poor started during my young life which until now those never depart from me. I love humanity.Children and old are helpless, they are what God wants to be helped by active humans.

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