• Profile picture of Anthony Davis

    Anthony Davis voted up to a reply by Lee Ka in the topic Do you cut hair for others or yourself? 8 years, 5 months ago

  • Profile picture of Anthony Davis

    Anthony Davis voted up to a reply by Lee Ka in the topic Do you cut hair for others or yourself? 8 years, 5 months ago

  • Profile picture of Anthony Davis

    Anthony Davis joined the group Group logo of HandworkHandwork 8 years, 5 months ago

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Obama eats in a street food restaurant in Nagasaki: Wishful thinking 8 years, 5 months ago

    You know guys what politicians and celebrities can do for publicity. At a time when the United States of America is busy in the contest in between Hilary Clinton and Donald trump President Obama is busy in a […]

    • He acts like an ordinary man when not.he is like our new president simple yet trong.

    • @suny You took me back to my holiday in the US when we were taken to an Indian restaurant where Bill clinton was a regular customer.

    • TO ALL
      The Prime Minister of Cambodia reached to a police station driving his own bike and paid his fine money. He was caught driving without helmet. It is something that our politicians should learn how to behave in public.

    • what an experience i am sure. i really like how Obama is willing to try most things at least once and learn from others!

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Learning anything new 8 years, 5 months ago

    I am a learner but I feel kind of fearful every time I try to learn something new. Yes, even at this stage of age I feel the fear of imperfection that could bring failure into my efforts. I try something new a […]

    • It is good to be able to have the spirit to learn , regardless of age.
      Problem is older folks are dampen in spirit when nobody could help them out to learn how to use latest gadgets, computers and surfing.
      For example my dad and mum. I wanted them to learn how to surf the net.
      My younger brother refused to lend them his PC which he had not touched for decades!
      In addition, he refused to on the modem for them to use the internet.

      Hence, my parents said forget about it, they are to old to learn anything.

      That is not true. If you could learn, you are a grandpa right? Why can’t they?

    • Learning new thing is false pursuit because there is nothing new under the heaven but the mixture of four elements air, fire, earth and water but if you will cogitate over it you will find its mystery and your third eye will be opened by God to see all hidden things of earths and the skies.

      Read the holy books you will find peace of mind and when you will be peaceful you will everything because in muddy water no one can see clearly what is the in bottom of a crystal lake stone of pearl.

      Doubt is the main hindrance in the way of progress and learning new things on earth because doubts in human minds are just as cat among birds and looking at the cat all birds close their eyes to satisfy their hearts as if cat were not looking at them and in while while the cat decides which ti eat first.

      In such situation wisdom fails, hunger flies, emotions burn.. how some one can learn new things in such condition.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic Quality Posts At LiteracyBase in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 5 months ago

    I will not go into a discussion on this one but give something different for a change and see if the pay rate improves. You know guys, when I was in regular job as marketing head of my company I always tried to convince my directors to pay marketing executives a little more than going market rate and see the result. The executives increased their…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Do you fit in the role of a surveyor? 8 years, 5 months ago

    I was on this site a few minutes before when I read a post about survey sites by one of the respected members of this site which roughly meant that no one ever gets a survey because most of the surveys conduct […]

    • Wouldn’t that be lying..just to get a survey though?

      • No, if you have ever noticed it they encourage you in the beginning if you do not fall in this group you can ask someone to do that for you. That is a clear Go-Go for you

    • They are fake in their reports, first the work or surveys here are given to their friend and their prefered members, i have been in that situation, also in the middle of the survey when you spend 20 minutes or so they tell you ok you are not fit for the survey, how rude and careless is that? I do hate them but since no replacement i do still waiting and hoping for some work in some survey, luck is not the matter, they pick the people as they want, that is not only my experience that is friends from different areas and that happend to them, so I do not trust the result of any research or report done through such company and I hope the big brands will see that, though im not sure if the big companies knwo or pay for that to happend or companies do not know such issues do occur in these companies, its shame we don not know whome to trust now, anyway thaks for the post what the company that you advice to use

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic Has anyone earned 1$ in a day on this site? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 5 months ago

    A great number I must say, I posted only 3-4 a day during my 3 yeas stay at bubblews but all my posts brought in the range of $3-4 because Twitter worked fine in the beginning. Besides Views, comments and all the features were doing fine. I had lots of fun and earned $4000+ but lost almost 400-+ too. No regrets though or hard feelings.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic Survey Sites in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 5 months ago

    @ JoDee Stout I have written a detailed post on this topic today which is not yet published. I hope some of the tips provided based on my own experiences will help you get more surveys. I can only say that my average from surveys account for $150-200 per month for me in cash and GV.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic Has anyone earned 1$ in a day on this site? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 5 months ago

    @Lee Ka  I wish I had my bubblews posts (I had 1800 posts while I was In Australia and 1200+ when I came back from there) all with 200 + words. 

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic Has anyone earned 1$ in a day on this site? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 5 months ago

    @shaloo walia  I just found out that you mentioned me in the OP so I feel it is my duty to repeat what I said on that post. $1 is not a problem for me because it is only 2000 words at an average. I am used to write 5000-7000 worded articles on one of my Indian sites for last five years which pays upfront. So writing 300 worded posts…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic Blog posts or forum posting? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 5 months ago

    @Lee Ka Apart from being shy there are different other reasons which are preventing me from being active in forums. I know some of you must have known them by now or know them sooner than later. Thanks for your encouraging words.

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    suny changed their profile picture 8 years, 5 months ago

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Online business against ethics 8 years, 5 months ago

    I remember reading an official report by Google, the biggest search engine removed more than 0.50 billion advertisements from the internet till date starting from 2011. Google also banned 2,015,000 advertisers for […]

    • I think Google is facing an ethical issue over the advertising business.
      Some of the highest paid keywords are online casino related. The advertisers are willing to pay $100 for a single click for such keywords.
      However, Google does not endorse gambling! Adsense users are not allowed to promote gambling related products!

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Why Tattoo is not Lady like? 8 years, 5 months ago

    I was at the mall near my locality the other day and I heard this man who was talking to his friend about the woman with tattoos down her arm and other visible parts. He said, “It did not look lady-like”. I wan […]

    • Absolutely, people shouldn’t judge people by the way they look!! I have 6 of them..yeah, I’m a grandma!! lol If they are done in good taste, I see nothing wrong with women/men having tattoos.

    • Already when someone uses the expression “ladylike,” the intention is to fit a woman into a box defined by the speaker.

      Can someone passing by have an opinion about whether a tattoo is aesthetically pleasing? Absolutely! After all, why put body art where it can be seen in public unless you want to show it off?

      Can the tattoo contrast sharply with its wearer’s femininity? Just as surely as a different tattoo might contrast with the masculinity of a male wearer. Is it wrong for a passer by to remark on the contrast? No more than if that person noticed a contrast between a frilly skirt and combat boots. And often the people who make such choices are hoping to elicit a strong response.

      So I don’t really see anything wrong with commenting on a tattoo, even if one doesn’t care for it. But I do think that when commenting it’s more appropriate to place the emphasis on one’s own preferences, rather than to judge the owner of that tattoo or to imply she’s somehow less of a woman for being tattooed.

    • that is the biggest problem with Asian preception about tattoos especially on ladies or women.

      People judge those with tattoos as gangsters, mafia gang, prisoners or just plainly good for nothing.


      The people around them had implemented the wrong thoughts and judgement about it.
      Take a look when you walk on the streets. Look at those people who stared at the tattoos, what kind of impression they had in mind.

      You can see that they are trying to get away from them.

      Tattoo is an art of the body. Some find is cool, fun or just a sign of being oneself.

      If tattoo is bad and not ladylike, I bet Angelina Jolie would be punching those bad mouth people!

    • by the way, I had shared your article at FB, Twitter, etc, good post I must say

    • Thank you for this post. I was afraid to read it when I read the title, but you surprised me. I am so glad that there are people who look to the inside to see a person’s beauty. I personally do not have tattoos but my sister does. She has many that are in plain sight but she is one of the most honest, loyal, and caring person I know. Each of her tattoos mean something to her and that is what she got them for. I can understand that using body art as a form of expression leaves you open to people such as you encountered, but we need to put aside our own prejudices and look at them for what they are…art. So, not everyone is going to like everyone’s idea of art, but the way I see it is they are the ones wearing it not me. Great post!!!!

    • Thanks for all the comments in favor or against. I agree some of my titles are controversial or the matter is in indirect form but my intention is always straight 🙂

    • I have never been a tattoo lover ever. They don’t give me that good feeling. Unlike some people tattoos are like part of their lives without them they would feel incomplete. I guess it’s just a way of identifying one self. Tattoos have their own people, for me be it a woman or a man I just don’t like tattoos in them. Okay I must say there are those that look nice if they are small, but there are those that ar3 huge and they make someone’s body look like some jungle. For womae tattos are just not the thing to go for it makes you look like some one who is not serious with life you actually just look like a joker. I wonder if a serious man came along and says they want to have a relationship with you and you have your body tattoed all over would be take you seriously? I don’t think so. If people have to put tattoes on their bodies let them have a good meaning to it don’t just tattoo for the sake of or because you friend has done. Let it have a purpose.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Can we increase viewership at Literacybase? 8 years, 5 months ago

    To be very frank I was thinking in terms of growing my viewership in thousands a day but it is not working for me. And as they say you do not need luck to get this achievement. In fact there is a simple formula to […]

    • If you don’t mind a bit of honest feedback, I’d like to suggest that you look at the disparity between your title and your content. If this post is exemplary of most of your writing, it could offer a clue to the lower traffic.

      your title promises a discussion of increasing traffic on LiteracyBase, and indeed you’ve placed the post in the “About LiteracyBase” category. This would suggest the post will be a discussion of traffic to the site in general, and not traffic to your posts only.

      The reader will likely come to your post hoping for some suggestions about how to increase traffic to the site, but what we find is a personal journal that rambles between discussing your own reduced stats and something you call adversity quotient. This is the kind of content that will not only create a drop in traffic, but increased bounce rates and even “pogo sticking.”

      I would suggest that you try to get a better match between your title/category and content, to reduce the potential of reader disappointment. It’s a simple thing to fix, and will hopefully improve your readership.

    • @Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881) I do not wish to sound rude to site owners (and to you) but the fact is there is no view through social media sharing. Try it and then come for a discussion. Thanks all the same.

    • honestly, I also thought that you would be suggesting for some ideas how to increase the viewership, that is why I came to read your article.
      Maybe I had mistaken.
      Just my thoughts, I had an increased of viewship since I started to share my post url at FB, Twitter, GooglePlus, Pinterest, Stumbleupon, Linkedin, Tumblr, TSu and DIGG.

      So you see, it takes a LOT of TROUBLE to get those little pennies to become a mountain in order
      Followers are like cats, you feed them, they follow you.

      • Sorry to say that after the last maintenance the sharing buttons which worked have been removed and the ones still there bring nothing for your share on social media. The latest example is my post which you shared hasn’t brought a single view. In fact my last 10 tweet have failed entirely with 0 result. I had written this post in hidden words for the site management but your comments forced me to write the reality.

    • We do not know how many views our articles are getting.
      If the traffic comes from Google, and you have 1000 views a day, you will not know about it.
      Only the earnings from referred visitors are paid to you.
      Those who are not “referred” by you, and who come from search engines are not paid to you.

      • I knew the exact number before the site went under the last maintenance but then it stopped bringing any viewers. Not from any source outside or internal. Try it on your own blog post!

    • Not in my case as there are no buttons visible on my posts apart from the share buttons which in my cases are not working that prompted me to write this post. And all the IQ and AQ stuff was to make things light only.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny posted an update 8 years, 5 months ago

    Hello Everyone, how are you all doing!

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    suny replied to the topic Anyone wants to take part in fun writing project? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 5 months ago

    @scheng1 I would certainly chose this one  “How to spend million dollars” Do you want me to write a full article or a forum post?

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Women are not alone in this 8 years, 5 months ago

    I can recall a situation where a woman herself said that woman is not a victim every time and atrocities against her were not as much as painted by feminist. And when writing this I’m sure some of you will feel […]

    • I think any person who experiences domestic violence feels vulnerable, ashamed, afraid of what might come next. Yes, it is true that men are even less likely to report abuse than women in a similar situation. And even more importantly, there are far fewer services set up to help men who need support and shelter.

      One thing we can do in our efforts to raise awareness is to avoid “us and them” style comparisons, mentions of feminism or misogyny, and any appearance of a sour grapes approach to the topic. The goal should be to increase and awareness for men, rather than to further pit men against women.

    • Yes it is not easy for anyone be it a man or a woman to go out in public and report that they have been abused. Usually you will find that the man or woman will be quiet about and just suffer silently, but that should be th3 case. Because there are some people who are just outright abusers and they should be caught and jailed. If you do not report them then they continue abusing their victims and may also abuse others. In my country cases of men started coming out in the open about them being abused, and some people laughed while others were actually moved and applauded the move. As the cases started growing people took more interest and it turned out that man just suffer the same ordeals that women also go through. So a guy came up with a can I call it a forum or platform where men could find a place of refuge and report their cases. To tell you the truth it was so hard for the man to come forward very few did so but the others thought it was best to just keep to themselves than bringing shame to themselves. But it shouldn’t come out as a shameful act, man shouldn’t feel embarassed coz they are the once suffering.

    • You say both right, somewhere men are abused and somewhere women are abused, we must think where is the root of evil in our society? So that we could uproot the real evil root from our society. I think poverty is basic problem in our society and I see most of the domestic problem start with poverty.

      Lenin used to say, You, abolish poverty, social evils will end traumatically from every societies on earth” Political and social instability in any country is produced by the rich politicians knowingly.

      As you see after getting degree men and women do not get hob what they will do in future from they will feed their children and selves, just one way remains is crime or looting someone and and woman has one to sell out her chastity in open market.

      I say our social and political structures both are corrupt in every country.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Celebrity talk rubbish 8 years, 5 months ago

    What’s with all those so-called celebrities and ex-sportspeople carrying on with all this crap about not being able to life anymore? It seems you have nothing better to do with your time than to watch people s […]

    • My dear friend, keep in mind that there are 90 per cent people who spend their lives in praising others and not what is their aim of live and thus they waste their lives praising celebrities.

      English and Psychology teacher Melanie Lindsey also thinks that praising certain celebrities is unnecessary and is negative for girls to spend time on.As for the role models for young men, Lindsey believes that society influences them rather than celebrities in the media who can have a negative influence.

      I believe celebrities can have a role in helping raise awareness around mental health but there has to be proportionality; let’s promote the people already speaking out and encourage everyone with experience of mental health difficulties – whether they have recovered or not – to contribute to the discussion and educate the public about the true reality of living with a mental health difficulty, the good, the bad and the ugly.

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