Okprike Reddah created the group Raphiredo Scientific Matters 6 years ago
Okprike Reddah joined the group Health Issues 6 years ago
Health is life
Okprike Reddah joined the group About LiteracyBase 7 years ago
Sathish kumar posted an update 7 years ago
Always love your friends from your heart, not from your mood or need.
Stay away from anger, It hurts only you!
A gentleman will apologize after a fight even if he is not wrong.
Earn by Refferal Program
You can Earn money by simply Reffering peoples. upto Rs.1500 Per Successive Refferal.
Anyone can Own a mobile app that manage their business. But how many of them have a computer software? And is it manage other than business….????
“Get your own custumized software that can manage your business, office Management,…[Read more]
You could Own a mobile app that manage your business.
But do you have computer software? And is it manage other than business….????
Get your own custumized software that can manage your business, events, organization, settlements, incomes, etc
Affordable prices and earn with refferal offers,
BMAX 1.0 Business management administration…[Read more]
I choose to make the rest of my life the best of my life!.
Positive Thoughts, Positive Actions, Positive Results!!
Emmanuel started the topic 5 things to get her interested. in the forum Family & Relationships 7 years ago
1. Give her a day to reply before you send another text Assume that your message was delivered successfully. Unless your phone says otherwise, it’s almost guaranteed that she received it. Maybe she just hasn’t seen it yet. Maybe she did but she’s busy with work, study, or something else in the real world. Maybe she is waiting to respond becau…[Read more]
Emmanuel started the topic Six reason why girl don't call or text back…. in the forum Family & Relationships 7 years ago
1. Life Happens and Things Change Things come up, happen, and change in our lives that we don’t expect. Sometimes women really do like you and, out of the blue, something makes her realize she needs to shift her priorities to more than just “guys” and dating. Things like health, family, kids, ex drama, career, death, loss of a friendship, etc.…[Read more]
Emmanuel started the topic Bobrisky's real look exposed….. in the forum Entertainment 7 years ago
The Snapchat king seem to have disappointed his fans when non-photoshop photos of him surfaced online Snapchat king and bleaching cream expert Bobrisky has finally been exposed. The male Barbie who is known for many things including his love for make-up, always looks flawless in his photos, making most Nigerian women think bleaching is the new…[Read more]
Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.
Emmanuel started the topic DSS, police reportedly occupy Ekweremadu’s Abuja residence. in the forum Entertainment 7 years ago
Reports have emerged that operatives of the Department of State Services (DSS) and police have reportedly barricaded the Apo residence of the deputy Senate president, Ike Ekweremadu. An aide to Ekweremandu was said to have confirmed to Daily Sun that the senator might be arrested and detained by the security agencies. The reported siege on…[Read more]
Emmanuel started the topic Why guy cheat. in the forum Family & Relationships 7 years ago
Cheating isn’t about the person you are cheating on, it’s about the cheater. Great question “What more does the guy need?” — because he is looking for something, right? Things are not always what they appear. Also, it’s absolutely possible that when it LOOKED good it WAS good. Things change. Sometimes people cheat on their partners at the highest…[Read more]
Emmanuel posted an update in the group Family & Relationships 7 years ago
When is perfect time to break up.that is one of most difficult question.but there are the sign that should tell you it is time for break up. The road to a fulfilling, enduring relationship is almost always littered with a few attempts that turned out to be unfulfilling and unenduring. That’s what dating is all about: finding out if two people h…[Read more]
FACTS:if I am to say Tolerance Is Key To Building A Healthy Relationship How easy is it to say something nasty when you are agitated or tired? I think rather easily. The tongue tends to slip foul language when we are tired, overworked, stressed, or irritable. The issue in relationships is that regardless of how agitated, tired or overworked one…[Read more]
Emmanuel posted an update 7 years ago
The office of the Osun state governor office, Abere is currently on fire as officers of the state fire service are battling to put the fire out.
FACTS:Agric value in Nigeria to hit N91trn by 2050- according to Expert.hey!!time to take agriculture serious.