Reading to a very small child is a wonderful experience not only for the child but for yourself it helps the child develop a wonderful love of reading and they carry that with them always in turn when they have children they begin to read to thier children and carry on a wonderful tradition, my sister recently became a grandmother and she began reading to her grandson while he was a baby , he now loves books and reads to his younger sister.
dear @Michelle,thanks for reading my post. I almost ignore your comment here as there is no notification to alert me. How I wish there is a notification feature set up by LB team.
And, there is no comment notification at the dashboard too, so we know nothing on the progress of our blogs. I feel a bit sad on this, hope there will be a little bit improvement from the team of LB in the future.
Back to your question, what I send to my daughter for lunch, right? I don’t send, will ask her to bring along in the morning, she just need some snack for tea break or recess time only. She will go home at 1.00p.m, so no lunch box needed for this year.I try to reduce the carbohydrate content food for her, as she is a bit overweight and this caused she has foot ache.
I try to give her more vegetables and fruits beside some cakes, noodles, chapatti. 😛Do you still remember what did your mummy prepare you during your school time?
good tip and the best is the tomato really super healthy choice and got water along with vitamins to make you more healthy. good tip amazing
There is this saying that goes like “LET GO AND LET GOD” if you read between the lines you will understand what I mean by that statement. Though it is straight forward you don’t need to expound on it. It’s all about leaving everything to God. Don’t keep dwelling on the things that keep putting you down, sometimes it’s good to just lay on Jesus feet and let him do his work. Don’t keep stressing over stuff that you cannot change. When we pray to God, our words go up to him and he brings down answers. God let’s us go through stuff so that he can teach us something, or warn us, or protect us. We should not always take disappointments to be a bad thing, we should in fact embrace them because it’s through this trials that we get breakthroughs. Think about it this way you have to have a disappointment in your life to be able to get to your appointment. So don’t disregard them they happen for a pretty good reason. I am an example of such I have experienced so much pain and hurt in life but when I look back at it I realize that it was all for good course. If i didn’t go through the turmoils I would never have travelled to the places I did, i never would heave built the house that i built and so many other things. That’s why I look back and just thank God for his ever loving mercy and grace upon my life.
Trust in God and he will never fail us. His path leads to truth and freedom.
“How can one become more productive?” is a question that will continue to always come up.
Everyone wants to get more done and feel a sense of accomplishment as each day comes to an end. There are a million different productivity tips out there, but here are other five ways to increase your productivity levels that can work wonders in y our life.
1. Arrive early, stay later
2. Plan each day the night before
3. Leave the office for lunch
4. Minimize distractions. Stay concentrate or focus
5. Keep your goals in sight at all times -
@Nemzie, thanks for your feedback. I agree with you, this is a continue to come up issue in the office. Hehe!
Yes, can’t agree more, there are thousands of tips on increase the productivity, the willingness to learn is the key.
And, thanks for another 5 tips.I love the first tip, arrive early, so will have a quite section to do our own things. And, won’t waste our time in the traffic.
And, planning is important too, so we won’t miss out anything and will focus on the important things.
leave the office for lunch can help too? An interesting point! I love it! Does it because we can have a rest from work, and come back with a fresh mind and head, so can help in increase the productivity?
Stay focus is very important, I agree too, it will help us not divert from the goal and make sure we are heading toward our goal, and in the fast way!
I really like posts like this , good to do it your self and carfted your self, i guess its really will be done with love, that no one can really do. we all like our kids but we also we are limited with money, so what to do, just like you posted, do it with budget caue im sure there are things tomake a great party while you are spending maybe just few things to buy.
I made birthday for kid with recycling things such as bottles and spend some money on things i was nto able to doat home like plates with superman and cups and so on. you know sometimes you do know thing but you do have to find someone to remind you about
All so very true, I agree routine is a must even though it is not always easy to set one. Keeping a little one busy is also a good way to keep them well behaved and out of mischief.
Agree with you, @tracy, keep the kids busy is one of the good way to keep them stick to same place for hours long, but hopefully never with the T.V . Hehe!
The vehicles games can get the boys love into and play for long hours while Barbie toy is the most favourite of the girls.
I keep my boy busy with routine house core, he has his own broom, mop, cleaning tools set, thus he has something or tasks to do at home everyday, so he has not time for running here and there. Hehe!
He loves to do all the tasks because of self fulfilment and joys! -
good tip to do while talking to kids, but kids are differetnnt and what good with one it may be bad with other, also some are sensitive, some the other way around they need real hard time to learn, we raise them but the society and the mixed jeans means that they come with some attitude that we cant control but can trim. also some kids you find them nice when they are naughty, i mean being devil is sometimes wanted so the kids able to face and learn and do mistakes also. and being childish for kids that less than 5 years is really cute and sweet. thanks for your tips and well writing posts
Why should we argue with a fool. Doing so would also make us a fool, knowing that we cannot get any good answer from a person like that.
Anyway, maybe if one vented it out with a fool, he /she may never know what will be the reaction of a fool. Good if he only will laugh. But what about if he gets angry and slap you. Now , who is the fool ? ha ha ha
When you argue with a fool, you will also look like onebecause no one is going to know the difference between the two. If you get into an argument with someone, and you notice that that person just keeps going on and on and is not relenting even if they are wrong please just surrender and walk away, make them feel like they have won even though you know what is true. If you know what is right why sit there and listen to what the fool is saying you know your stand don’t waste your time. I am one of those people who really don’t like arguments, so I try to avoid them at all costs. Because it makes no sense to me to keep arguing when I know that whatever I say will not change the other persons mind. Just walk away.
I learned that foolish people never want to know what they are being foolish about so they will not listen if you try to tell them. The best way with a fool is to walk away and not engage in them as it puts you on an equal footing and wastes your energy. Spend time with those with enough wisdom inside them to understand they need to listen to advice as they may not always make wise decisions.
Politicians will always fight and when it comes down to it few will be really out just for the good of their country. Most people just get confused and let them get on with it. It is a shame because this leaves countries prone to chaos and dictatorships or corruption which gets too bit for the people on the ground to fight against. I have concluded that all we can do is pray and ask God to intervene in many of the world situations we see today.
Hobbies are important. My children had no T.V growing up and that left time for them to develop their talents. One became an artist and a musician and the other can really sing. I never heard they were bored and they always had energy for their hobbies. We also did ice-skating which was fun. The secret was always to follow the child’s interest and never impose something on them that they were not willing to practice at. That is how I ended up having to have piano lessons. The kids hated them, but I had paid and I think both the teacher and I were glad when that money was used up! I still maintain not having a T.V was the best decision I ever made although of course, being older, we also avoided the intrusion of the Internet till the kids were quite old as it was not really in use.
While our daughter was growing up, she asked for a guitar, so we bought her one. She studied guitar through a book she bought and she can already play it while she sings.
Then, she wants a tennis table and played table tennis with her father. After a while,she became busy with studies. The playing of table tennis stopped and the table tennis was kept. The table tennis is now nowhere to be found.
Though her guitar is still at her bed. She didn’t even play with it when she came home for a brief vacation because she is into watching Korea novela instead on her laptop.
But at least, whatever she would like to try, we give it to her.
I think it;s hard to ignore difficult people if they are more rich than you. You can’t avoid them because they have some social and financial power over you.
I have a lovely story to tell about my son. His caricatures have gone all over the world now. He is a sought after artist. At art school, a tramp asked him to do a caricature and tore it up saying he was hopeless. Instead of taking this as defeat as even a tramp thought his work was rubbish he determined to become a brilliant caricaturist and he has and a brilliant artist as well.
When we listen to others opinions we are often hyper critical of ourselves so we hear even the smallest criticism as a huge negative. The only way forward is to get on and do what you enjoy for your own sake.
For me, the best thing is to have another peer come over the house. I did that to our daughter when she was still a kid.
We would ask the neighbor’s kid to come over the house. The kid would be there in the house with our kid the whole day. The helper would let the kid eat with our daughter and they really have fun playing.
In the evening it’s our turn to play with our daughter. 🙂
Yes, you are right, @Dina,the kids need another peer, if not, they might need the parent to stay along almost the whole day.
I have two kids, so they can play with and play around sometimes, but do need the guidance from the parents sometimes.Some single kid can play and stay alone for hours, it’s good also for them to have “me” time, I think.
There is a lot more you can do. I would like to write an article on this myself. As we did not have a T.V as my kids were growing up I have a lot of experience! One thing I did was create a craft box with all sorts of things to make things with and paint and brushes and glue and junk. If it would work to make something, into the craft box it went. We had many happy afternoons getting that box out and once, my daughter and I used a huge cardboard box and made it into a play oven. That was an afternoon and then other afternoons “cooking” for the dolls.
Those are actually all the things I did when I was younger. I am a 90’s child so cellphones and computers were fairly a recent thing especially the Internet.
But my favorite things to do when I was a child was playing with my neighbor. Would would make up the weirdest games,camping in our back yard or just play finding Waldo.
Those were the times we’re we actually spent quality. time with people.
Now a days I see children with iPhones even and that is something I dont find right. I can’t say how to parent a child but let them be a child while they can. Once technology hits it will be impossible to get them off it.
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