false news

Believing the Worst About People

People want to believe the worst about those they don’t like. They will misread, mishear, and over-react. It is almost… Read More

8 years ago

When People Believe in ‘Fairy Tales’

In previous article I recounted an embarrassing prank. My crew and I made up a story about our friend who… Read More

8 years ago

Why and How Macedonians Played Americans

The only time I thought of Macedonia was when I was reading a book about Alexander the Great.   Other… Read More

8 years ago

The Drawbacks of Being Caught in a Hoax

Recently I wrote about Macedonia's 'American' sites and previously on a number of hoaxes, including the Ulsterman Report. Many people… Read More

8 years ago

Macedonia; Learning from Ulsterman and Creating Fakebook

It depends on how you look at it. If you like scams and hoaxes and seeing other people made fools… Read More

8 years ago

Fake News on Face Book

The British Broadcasting Corporation is having a discussion on fake sites, fake news and especially those false stories on Facebook.… Read More

8 years ago