cely replied to the topic GOODNEWS: You may now send your blogs to Reddit in the forum Thinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago
@Michelle, Yes girl, I was able to redeem them, I was almost promoted to the next level to receive pay increase of $ 250 , but it shrank because of its sudden shutting. There were few who already received $250 they are ahead of everyone. One will be qualified to that pay if having reached minimum viewers weekly of 10,000. I was so shocked to…[Read more]
cely joined the group Your favourite recipes 7 years, 8 months ago
cely joined the group Genetic Variation in a Population 7 years, 8 months ago
cely replied to the topic A TRUE JOURNEY in the forum Inspirational/Motivational 7 years, 8 months ago
@ haripriya, Very well said, you said them all.In short, without God we will be nothing in this world.We need God in our lives.
cely replied to the topic Try to share your comments in blogs earning is much better,higher in the forum Thinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago
@Michelle, that is true, I hope others comment too to blogs. I have just toured in my blogs and others’ blogs to comment and reply those who happened to comment on my blogs. I am also excited or interested to read others’ blogs to feel and see the beauty of their world. Every writer here write according to own experience and that is normal thing to do.
@ Albena Lyudmilova Ivanova, Do try to discover many sites since we are writers we need to expand our horizon and network. It is also nice to meet many people of the same interest writing. Your decision is great and share us here your experience there. Good luck to all of us.
@Mahesh, I am just trying to experience entering these two sites for a moment for I cannot directly open a site web my internet is getting slower . I have just replaced my previous wi fi thinking the new better, I am wrong I am juts wasting money,
About Reddit, I have just entered last night and I am so glad to check my account, I have 1 up…[Read more]
cely joined the group Coping with stress 7 years, 8 months ago
cely replied to the topic Have You Reached Your Goal This Time? Month Of April Almost Ends in the forum Thinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago
@Michelle, I hope I can make it you know it is not easy to write blogs we almost run our of breath,lols. Before my blogs reached up to 300 plus only but I noticed that the pay is so small and so slow that is why I decided to make it long and a friend here suggested that on me. I realized that I need only two long blogs to get payment of $1 so the…[Read more]
cely replied to the topic When shall you redeem, today, tomorrow or on the 30th? in the forum Thinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago
@Mahesh, nice you wold redeem tomorrow, me too plan to redeem tomorrow afternoon here. Why is it that you still have three pending payments.Is that here in LB pending payments? Maybe you did not redeem them monthly instead quarterly. Let us hope no problem along the way and many can redeem tomorrow or on the 3th.
@Michelle. hehehehe ML means Mylot hahaha we mostly use short cut to prevent from any untoward happenings, lol anyway we can write in forum without restrictions unless topic discussed plagiarized.About BJ I been with it for 1 year and I enjoyed comm there are $100 every 6 weeks. The tasks are very specific. Many long for that site I believe would…[Read more]
@Michelle, today is 28th of April here in Ph we are one day ahead of you.You can still bet that 1 dollar. You only need to write two blogs at least 800 words the discussions. Write about your winter feeling, love life, family, shopping on line, shopping malls there closed, wall mart and more.
Good luck to s, God is great.
@Michelle, This time there are only two sites I enjoy sharing and writing Literacy and Mylot. Therer are many sites around and many invited me, but I am not inspired to write there because our income depends on viewers, I lack sufficient time to share to many sites, time consuming.Better write a blog here and interact there are ML, plus those…[Read more]
@Michelle, for that lacking $1 in your earning, what to do with that is write two long blogs.About my maximum only $30 you know I am teaching hehehe,plus I cannot bring my lap top in school with a purpose of blogging our program head is so sensitive and so mindful of my other matters hehehe. I earned here every evening blogging at least spending…[Read more]
@Michelle, hehehe I just write and write what pops up from my mind and connect details to add life to my ideas. It is not easy, exhausting, but challenging.In commenting, it should be better to comment if long paragraph or at least 5 sentences for there is no pay if comment in one sentence only. I observed the flow that is why you notice that I…[Read more]
@Michelle, yes rue, but we need other sites to recognize us and help us too. It was already stated by @Support the payment gained from those sharing sites recognized by LB. I knew many sites from the others site that I wrote before like Triond, Blogjob, Apple wood, Wikinut, Mykites, BMN and more for 9 years blogging,lols. Mylot has no access to…[Read more]
@Michelle, Yes true, at last a little consolation for happsingh, even the basic pay, he can have some inspiring feelings and thoughts to share to others so others will follow here and let the site grow big and fat. His last chance to a pay might be on the 30th it is only my thinking,lol.But I am so hopeful that the site owners are very diplomatic…[Read more]
@Michelle, Hi Mich, we are not paid there. Those sites are affiliates of Literacy Base to help us gain viewers in such away our income here will increase.Haven’t you registered yet there? In site Reddit, writers there are very nice for they mostly enter the site like LB to read our blogs and comment too. Just submit blogs in Reddit at 10 to 25…[Read more]