@veeratamilan active 7 years, 10 months ago-
You are lucky you have that very nice boss, our boss in school is not nice for we do not have Christmas bonus for 2 years now hehehe.I posted it in ML, right? We rant about the missing bonus in our university.
Yes, I remembered that. Actually, bonus is not mandatory like the 13th month.
It can be given by the employer if they are gaining. But if not, understandably there’s no bonus to be given. Although it is still according to the employer’s generosity.
Anyway, you can just get it in other ways,I am sure. he he he
no, they are so greedy and so bad and arrogant, i do not know why such people do gain money and take places or positions like this, maybe they get the positions only to suffer later from lose
You are unlucky for having bosses like that. I don’t like working in a company where the bosses are inconsiderate and greedy.
Maybe you should find a job that you will love because the bosses are kind and considerate and generous.
The more that they will be generous, the more that blessing will come into the company, because all the employees are inSpired to work. 🙂
you are true, i hate it and i count the time to go home , going to try other palces, i do not like to live in stress, all the week en in weekend at times. ohhhh its is too hard to work in such a place i hate her somtiems i feel if the bosss i woman it wll be more respectful i guess from my past trial i say it
Look for another job and see to it that you know that the boss is kind and considerate. Pray for it and you will get it.
When one has a nice boss, the job is worth going to everyday. Another is having kind officemates. These two are important for you to be able to enjoy your job, aside from the decent pay they would be giving you.
That is true, mismanagement is always the cause of every issue of business ‘ failure. Those who failed lack experience and capital, so ty better do not gamble to avoid trouble .
Running a business requires a certain skill set. Many people don’t know that
That is true.When you deal with business make sure that you have the expertise, do not just open p a business because you envy others, you will never succeed.Those business people engage with business for many years and those new may find it hard to prospers.It takes 10 years to become stable in the business you want to explore .
One has to take a business seriously, be alert and committed. Just hiring people to fill posts isn’t enough.
Actually I left a comment at your post about Hadrian’s Wall. I did not realize you had also posted about Trump’s Wall. The comment applies here too. I’m not repeating myself because, in my humble opinion, even though I said it, it does not bear repeating. 🙂
That’s cute…now I have to run over to the other post to read what you posted.
He just leave people speechless (not in a good way)
The wall is one of the cornerstones of Donald Trump’s campaign, if not the sole consistency. Ever since he uttered those magical words, the wall has grown into a rallying cry for his supporters.
Donald Trump has promoted a xenophobic immigration policy from the outset of his presidential campaign. He declared that Mexico was exporting “criminals,” “killers,” “rapists” and “drug dealers” to the United States.
To deal with this situation, Trump announced he would build a wall along the Mexic0-U.S. border, for which he would force Mexico to pay costs.As with most Trump proposals to “make America great again,” he has been long on promises and short on details. In the months since the official launch of his campaign on June 17, 2015, however, journalists have forced him into giving some details of the wall he envisions.
Trump’s wall typifies his governing ideas and tactics. He has simply tossed out a thought without carefully thinking it through. As a result, it is unrealistic and unworkable. It would likely cause more harm than good.
No informed person believes any good could come from such a wall, although there is no shortage of bad things that could occur.
Nor is there public clamor for such a draconian sealing of our southern border. According to the latest Pew Research Poll, only about a third of Americans support the idea of a wall, with Republicans predominantly favoring it.
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