@tupgeaylepcha active 5 years, 7 months ago-
A new mother of anyone taking care of a baby, especially those below one year old should know the “baby’s language,” and that is crying. This is to call the attention of the people around him that something is not good, or he is hungry, or wanted to be caressed.
What you had shared is a complete guide for mothers and babysitters.
There are many different things I observe especially how infants and children of today behave. I learn many new things observing them and these were some of the ones which belong to that. Infants nowadays seem to be more aware and intelligent compared to say those 20 to 30 years back. What is shows is that human brain is developing at a rapid pace while the size of the brain is slowly but surely becoming small.
Infants also like to have something in their hand to hold. Holding not only is an exercise for the hands and fingers but also teaches them to grip things and what I understand is gripping a toy makes them feel in control of things and if they like to enjoy the sound when the toy gripped is moved they tend to move their hands faster which is a good exercise for the hands of the infants. Thanks for the input, appreciate the same.
Well said. New born babies have their own little way of telling their story like for example if they are hungry, wetting, or sick. You will see all of those signs the way the act towards you as if their actions transmitting the words they cant even uttered or express. My childhood friend has a 7 years old baby boy. He’s so adorable but at the same time has lots of tantrums. He was crying so loud that everybody in the house would heared even some close neighboor outside the house. He will keep on crying a lot if you are not fast enough to respond on his likes most especially when his hungry, wetting, or sleepy. When his on a good mood he keep on smilling with every people he used to play with, grab your hair, slap you on the face, and keep on turning and turning around as if swaying in the rythm that he only knows. Taking care of new born babies need a lots endurance, patience, and love to get along well with them and to give the essential care they need for their growth.
Thanks for the feed back it helps me understand infants and children better. In my opinion if we try understand and communicate with them from the infancy stage then it would be of great help for the parents to handle him or her as they grow older. If the emotional bond is strong then the infant of the child will have lesser difficulties as they grow up. Their coping mechanism will also be far better. Attention has to be given to them and it is their right but one must be careful to see that they are not being spoilt as that creates trouble for them and parents when they grow up.
I have also seen infants of a year age slapping their brother and they also would want to come and attend the study center where the elder one is going. They want to be with them and they also would want to get what the elder one seems to get in their opinion. They do not want to be left out of the party of life. It is a interesting experience for me observing these things. The mother who is the basic provider and the care giver has to take good care of her health by giving herself sufficient rest and time as it is a must for tending properly to the children as it is energy draining and saps one of the energy and makes them tired running after them the whole day. Appreciate the information you provided.
good piece of work and good tips also, crying is not for attintion in babies world, it is for being hungery or having pain or his or her diaper is wet and needs to be changed
Swimming is my sports. I am a deep sea swimmer since high school. We live near many beaches and deep sea.
An advantage that both individual and team sports share is that it helps in bringing people of different backgrounds together to interact. This is seen in the attendance in the stadiums and different arenas.
Wow friend, very long blog, I appreciate you on this. I am so happy for you seeing your blogs soaring up in sky. About the issue raised here, yes true, there are some who do not give thanks to some wonderful things that happen to them. It is the same as not saying a thank you for an act of gratitude. there are really people like them, insensitive,selfish.
Thanks for the appreciation. Yes this topic was such that the blog become a bit long. Good to here from friends like you it always makes my day. Hope you were able to read my other blogs too. Agree with you that the people about whom this blog discussed and who are of different types do not seem to appreciate the good days they get to see. I feel sad for them and hope they can understand what they are losing in life.
I have tried to highlight different situations which make people do such a thing and also tried to analyzed why they do such a thing. I personally have seen many people who are very well of and have everything behave like this. Their condition looks pitiable and pathetic to say the least. Hope people who are having this problem try to understand life and appreciate the good things which life offers. Thanks for the inputs.
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