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    bestwriter replied to the topic I may not redeem this month in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    @Nakitakona 13  Expressing our concern is a good thing as Admin sees it and that certainly will have a impact on them. Yes. We cannot do anything to hasten the process but atleast we tell them that we are here waiting. 

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    bestwriter replied to the topic When do you end a friendship? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years ago

    @Nakitakona 13  One starts a friendship on certain commonalities between friends. When that no longer exists and there is nothing to talk about friendship naturally goes extinct.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic I may not redeem this month in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    @peachpurple  There is no hard and fast rule here. All of us have doses of frustration at varying times. I think we should be active and leave it to the site to honour their commitment.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic When do you end a friendship? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years ago

    Ending a friendship happens automatically when there is nothing to bind a friendship.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Embedded Content in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @peachpurple Embedded content is where the link opens. And that the blogger cannot do. Some sites have that arrangement. myLot has it. Here at LB not all my supportive links have opened like the way the link that is discussed here.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic I may not redeem this month in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    @shaloo walia The problem could be that tinycent pays  individually as and when users redeem,  unlike other sites. If they gave a fixed date for all that would help I think. myLot takes 15 days, LB takes 10 days. So may be we could give them some leeway until they organise themselves. – Just a thought.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic I may not redeem this month in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    @shaloo walia  No response from contact either. I hope all is well there.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic I may not redeem this month in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    @shaloo walia The third payment could be delayed perhaps but those that have redeemed first or second time they should be paid. I have also mentioned about the commenting system which is in disarray. Promises are being made but nothing so far has happened. The site needs straightening up in several areas.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic I may not redeem this month in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    @shaloo walia As I have often said there is nothing consistent here and there is nothing we can do about it. I will continue to be active as this is the only site that pays regularly, There are complaints about tinycent not paying Indians who have redeemed a long time ago.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Embedded Content in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @Nakitakona 13 Users should know what is allowed and what is not but I quite understand why there is confusion as in this blog of mine the whole link is opened which normally does not happen. And we as bloggers cannot embed anything. We can only add links which as you say benefits readers.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Embedded Content in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @Nakitakona 13 I have done no such thing that you have taught us here 😀 It is the site that has allowed it. Strangely even though I have posted links in several of my other blogs no embedding is seen there.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Embedded Content in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @ Treathyl FOX  You can support your blog with external links and embedding content is not done by the blogger. We cannot do it. It is the site that does it I think.  I only posted that link that you see there. 

    @Anitah Gimase  Embedding is not in the hands of a blogger. I myself saw that after the blog went live.

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    Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Living in love in the forum Group logo of Inspirational/MotivationalInspirational/Motivational 8 years ago

    True@jarik love is the true essence of life without it life is meaningless. Just like you have said some people mistake hatred for love like someone would say when you see me doing all this bad things to you it’s not that I don’t love you I love you too much that’s why I do what i do. How can you even say that? Or even compare love and hatred

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    Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Living in love in the forum Group logo of Inspirational/MotivationalInspirational/Motivational 8 years ago

    @shavkat you know no one asks for help if they don’t need it, and that’s why we are told when you see that someone needs help go ahead and help them you should not wait for them to ask coz there are those who he e too much pride them to say that they need help

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    Anitah Gimase posted an update in the group Group logo of A look into Nigeria and Boko haramA look into Nigeria and Boko haram 8 years ago

    Terrorism is something that is all over the world it’s not only in Nigeria, it has literally collapsed a lot of countries and it is so sad that many innocent lives are being lost, homes are being burnt down and so on and so forth. In such cases I always say the best way to go is to pray about it and seek for his grace he is the only one who can…[Read more]

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    Anitah Gimase joined the group Group logo of A look into Nigeria and Boko haramA look into Nigeria and Boko haram 8 years ago

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    Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Embedded Content in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    Embeded content i thought that was not allowed on this site, how was it submitted anyway? Th  way posts ar3 scrutinized before being posted. Anyway maybe it’s accepted th3 way she did it I would also like to know how she did it as well

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, How to make Candy Floss 8 years ago

    Candy Floss
    When we were kids we would see this candy man as we called him peddling around. The sound of his voice was like music to our ears.
    All neighbours’ kids got together and bought the stuff.

    Lo […]

    • my mom used to buy candy floss for us too, either the candy man on bicycle, with the bell ringing or at the store
      It was a perfect candy treat and it did brought cavities to my teeth too.
      The pink stain, stayed on my tongue !
      I also love another tidbits, white nuts called kacang putih, coated with white sugar

      • I have not eaten candy floss for a while now. But as kids it brought us happiness not so much that it filled our stomachs. (lol)

    • We never call it candy floss in our place. It has a different name. It is a cotton candy for the kids. Kids love to eat that. My wife and I haven tried eating it. Once it gets into our mouth, it easily melts by the time it touches with the saliva. It is often sold when there is a special occasion in the plaza, a special program. I once observed it how it is done. The ingredients are colored granules of sugar. It is processed by the heat as the sugar is poured into a receptacle which keeps on moving. The floss is thrown to the side of the machine. It is picked then by a stick.

    • Last April while at church one Sunday, I saw this man selling cotton candy. I observed how he’d do it. I observed he is using a kind of sugar putting it in a roller ball then the food coloring like red or blue or yellow, depending on what flavor. They make the turning and the cotton-like moss sprouting from that roller and then the stick catch it by turning, then putting it in the pack.

    • I remember the only time when I could buy candy floss was when we were in school there no one would have stopped me,because my mum wouldn’t let me buy it because it was too sugary. Back at home the ice cream man would come around the neighbourhood and all the kids would come out and sorround him to be baught for ice cream. At that point most parents had no choice but to buy ice cream to avoid tantrums from the kids

      • Your comment took me back to my childhood days – the exact scenario that you have described 🙂

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Who Wants To Be The King And Queen? 8 years ago

    Do you think it’s the contest for the most popular person in the city or town? In fact it is not meant for the most popular or the most beautiful person in the city. Not even the most beautiful person or the h […]

    • What is the money used for? Is it donated to a charitable work?

      • Usually, the generated money is used for the fiesta activities like prizes on different sports activities, buying things needed for decor in the whole community, for snacks during the activities, or the whole amount can be allotted for a certain project in the village like repair of barangay hall or cementing of road.

    • Philippines has many king and queens maybe because it was a part of our tradition, of our cultural heritage, and of our interest that lives on even up to this day of the modern age of technology. As we look back in this past years, philippines has been dominated the beauty pageant around the world with their own unique beauty, to show the world that we are not only beautiful inside and out but we have the eyes to see people who are in want, to bring equality to all, and to inspire people to never give up and stop dreaming, to follow that dreams, and make that dreams into reality.

      • Truly this is part of Philippine tradition. We have been like during the Spanish colonization of our country. Our rich culture and traditions also credited to our colonizers which we still practice until now. Our village fiesta are so enjoyable because of this traditions we have.

    • I have the same question as @Treathyl FOX has. What is the money for? Choosing a king and queen based on how much one collects does not seem to be a justification for that.

      • Yes, I forgot to mention about it. The accumulated money is used for fiesta activities or can also be used to fund certain project in the village, depending on what the village officials had approved.

    • Ha ha, that is true, we are all king and queen to our own way. We are the royalties without the protocol and without the wealth.

    • We call kind of thing beauty contest and name it something like miss or Mr so and so naming them from where they come from. Some of the things you ha e mentioned are similar to what we do back in our country as well They ar3 usually asked questions regarding the place they come from and if the judge’s are happy with their answers then they ar3 crowned with a tiara for the girl with flowers and so on and so for the. Then a celebration follows.there after.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Benefits of Coriander and Coriander (Cilantro) Leaves 8 years ago

    My garden has herbs most of which is not planted by me. I use them to make chutney for which I have a nice recipe. Herbs are packed with goodness and this chutney surely plays a role in my maintaining good h […]

    • Cilantro is an herb that I like but have found that many others don’t (like my husband). He uses parsley instead. Most herbs and spices are loaded with health benefits so if I use one or the other, it’s fine with me. 🙂

      • The chutney that I make is a combination of several herbs and each herb has specific benefits. I do add a few other ingredients such as onions, chillies…..

    • oh coriander leaves are well known to chinese cuisine, especially soups, grilled pork bellies and chicken rice.
      I love the taste although kids don’t like it because of the bitter like taste.

      • You can mix coriander leaves in salads. When eaten together your kids will not notice it. I have not found it to be bitter. Must taste it individually and see if it really tastes bitter.

    • I absolutely love herbs and spices in my cooking. My journey of cooking started when I was 10-11 years old. I’m an herb queen and put them in almost everything I cook because the smell is just amazing. Coriander is also great in spaghetti sauce, meats, mashed potatoes,etc. Cilantro is one of my favorites as well. We’ve made homemade garlic butter with fresh cilantro and it’s absolutely dee-licious.

      • Herbs are getting a pride of place that they rightly deserve. I have just become aware of it and have introduced them in our cuisine.

    • I don’t know if its just another name or maybe another herb or vegetable but I think, the one in the photo is the we call celery (I hope I’m not mistaken). We love putting it in the noodles because of the soft aroma and with regards to the health benefits, maybe this is just the other reason why we love it.

    • I love corianda it’s one of my favorite herbs it has a good aromanad the taste is really good. In my country we use it in literally everything and it turns out perfectly we also use it in salads where we use onions tomatoes and cupsicum this is used as a side dish for barbequed meat mmhh nice. Although I didn’t know that it is beneficial to our kidneys reading about it for the first time thanks for sharing

      • It is good that we are becoming aware of the health benefits of herbs. All along atleast I just had them for their taste.

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