• Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Sharing is Boring in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 12 months ago

    @suny I have posted this under TinyCent. I never share my blogs here. But there I do get a few views and those view earn for us. But sharing each time is quite boring and tiring!!!!!!

    And as regards your activity you are in a category that none can compete with. Congrats.   How much have you earned from those 35000 shares?

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    bestwriter replied to the topic A Blog with 1711 Views in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 12 months ago

    Chrome Share App has over 300 sites where one can share their Blogs.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Sharing is Boring in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 12 months ago

    @nakitakona 13 So there is no short cut   😀

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, So, Why I Dream To Be A Chef? 7 years, 12 months ago

    Why do I love watching US Master chef and Hell’s Kitchen? It’s not just because I’m a fan of Gordon Ramsay. Or be entertained how these chefs cook their own dishes. I feel yummy though I cannot taste the d […]

    • So is it only a dream or do you intend to fulfill your aspirations?

      • too bad for me my dream will always be a dream. It will never come true. Why? Because I am old now, I have fiver children to support their studies. They are the most important thing in my life now. Their ambitions is what I am working for. Its not my own ambition now. I have been there and I think the dreams of my children is what I need to fulfill.

        Its just sad that some dreams don’t come to reality. Many factors and reasons why you did not achieve that. One could the be hardship in life. If only we are rich or have money to support my ambition, it would have been easy. I am not complaining.

        Anyway, I may not be chef but I am a cook, good cook in our house.

        • do you think that still there is something wrong in aspiring to be a Chef? I do not think so. Even becoming a Top Chef is not as easy as 123. It needs a continuous hard work , determination, and devotion towards the work.

          • It should have been great if I’m a career oriented person and my emotional quotient is lower than my IQ, its so happen that I’m a family man who can do cooking for my family and just helping the children to find their ambition. Anyway, maybe one of my child can be a great chef someday.

        • Before I got married and started having children, I had planned to go to law school. I set that ambition aside and like you, worked on my family instead. I’m totally OK with that. But I will say that I met a lady who went back to law school at age 53, after she had raised her children. I know of a successful missionary effort that was started by a man in his 70s. So if you have your life, health and strength, and a desire to pursue your dream, then do it! If you no longer have the will or ambition, that’s fine too! As long you don’t spend the rest of your life lamenting that you never had the opportunity and did not fulfill your dream. That would be tragic!

    • There is nothing wrong to become a cook. After all, even after earning millions and billions one will aspire for a day meal only. If that is not there with all flavors and rich taste what is the use of money. we know our place is already reserved in the graveyard. It may be some six feet or 7 ft and not more than that. Money will not come. If the money we do have can not give us food as per our taste and flavor what is that we are going to do with that money. Becoming Chef is not an easy task. He prepares the food with a lot of devotion to please his guests and family members. This is his selfless desire that food prepared by him should have good appreciation from all who eat it. Is there anything wrong in that? He is the first man to have the least desire

      • Thank you very much for this respond. There was nothing wrong, only the timing was wrong. If it was given at the right time, I could have been the chef beside Ramsay.

    • Looks like we share a dream the only difference is that my dream can earlier on and I did not pursue it for reasons best known to me. But I can say I achieved that dream only in a different way without the white cap and the white chef uniform. The only thing that I have with me is an apron. I also don’t have a large kitchen like the ones we watch on tv. That dream was realized in my own kitchen I am my own chef, because I cook for myself and my family. Am actually called chef by my family, friends collegues you name it. Whenever am home hosting visitors am usually the one doing all the preparations in the kitchen and when I get out of there everyone is always appreciative for the food that I prepared I have never disappointed. I started learning how to cook at a very tender age and that brought about a lot of interest for me in matters kitchen. No wonder I always have an interest in recipes and anything to do with food and healthy eating. I guess I can say I have a passion. So keep your dream alive you never know it could come to pass don’t give up wanting to know how to cook and bake that’s how people grow talents.

    • Yes, as a I have said the passion keep burning in my heart. And though I have no diploma and certificate on that dream uniform, I am like you wearing an apron to have the best cook for my family. Its been my way of fulfilling my passion and though sometimes I am bit disappointed of what I have become but never really regret about who I am now.

    • Your family is lucky in that you fulfil your dream by cooking for them. What a beautiful situation. May your tribe increase.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Too Many Distractions To Students During School Days 7 years, 12 months ago

    Students supposed to be studying: 5 days a week, from 8:00 in the morning to 12 noon and 1PM to 5 in the afternoon.
    This was supposed to be.
    But as the classes going on, this is not being followed very […]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Sharing is Boring in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 12 months ago

    @shaloo walia  Seriously, since I do not get many views I have to write many posts and you can imagine what that means    😀

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Sharing is Boring in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 12 months ago

    @suny  😀   Some help this

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Sharing is Boring in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 12 months ago

    @suny  😀   Some helpl this

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic A Blog with 1711 Views in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 12 months ago

    @SuperD  If it is 1000 views then the earnings are 500 cents which is 5 dollars  😀

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic A Blog with 1711 Views in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 12 months ago

    @cely I have posted this under the TinyCent Group and so it has to do with TinyCent

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic A Blog with 1711 Views in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 12 months ago

    @shaloo walia How can you say that. This post is clearly under  the TinyCent Group.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD replied to the topic Has Tinycent stopped new registration? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 12 months ago

    Opps, the no idea people here includes me, sorry maybe there are other members here who can explain the reason. But in case that is the situation, oh well, better wait for the next opening of the new members.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD replied to the topic Are our posts rated? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 12 months ago

    Oh I love @peachpurple always there to educate us about literacy base. You see I have been submitting articles here and not really aware how much I got from it. All I know is that I can post 3 posts a day in 300 words and that’s it. Maybe I will get the advice of posting 5 blog posts a day multiplied with 15 cents, sounds fair enough. But hey its…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD replied to the topic A Blog with 1711 Views in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 12 months ago

    This is the price when you share your posts in facebook, twitter, instagram and pinterest. When it becomes a viral, all you need to watch is the hits keep escalating as if it will never stop. I have never experienced to become a viral but I am really hoping that someday I can have it. Oh wow, its just easy mathematics, 1000 views is $500 and…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD joined the group Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 12 months ago

  • Profile picture of Anitah Gimase

    Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Future motherhood questions in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 12 months ago

    The answer to your question is a definite yes. Human beings are much more demanding then animals. You can’t even begin to start comparing him two they are way apart. A pup just needs a month or two to take care of, whereas a baby will take years on end to take care off. Children’s will always be kids to their parents forever so parenting never…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD posted an update 7 years, 12 months ago

    How’s everybody here now, outside its so hot because rain is out of nowhere, hope it will rain tonight.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter started the topic Sharing is Boring in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 12 months ago

    I do not mind searching for images or information to churn out my Blog but I get bored sharing my Blogs I need to do the same thing  over and over again. Is there any shortcut?

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter started the topic A Blog with 1711 Views in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 12 months ago

    In the Top Posts that we see I spotted this Blog with 1711 views. Apparently this is not spam as how else would it find a place among Top Posts?  I wonder how they amass such viewership

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, “Sorry” And The Three Presidents 7 years, 12 months ago

    What is the difference between the three presidents of the Philippines: incumbent president Rodrigo Roa Duterte and former president Benigno Simeon Noynoy Aquino, and yes, including former president Gloria […]

    • Yes, i agree that President Rodrigo Duterte is much responsible for his actions than the past corruptive administration who did nothing for the growth, development, employment in our country.

      • The economy went well during the administration of President Aquino. It cannot be denied because of the good exchange rate of peso to dollar that is just playing to P45 per dollar and yet now its already P48 to one dollar. Also the stocks market are on the diving view.

        President Duterte is responsible to maintain this good marked in economy and not destroy it buy his irresponsible comment to the community and to international community.

    • If not Duterte the president of the Philippines will have all the people converted to drug users/ traffickers and even digs might forcibly take drugs.There are million addicts on Ph. Celebrities are predicted 50 might take drugs, my goodness. This the figure assumption from the PDEA.There are so many bad images that are happening now through few senators. RIP to Senator Meriam Defensor Santiago. The country has lost a dedicated lady senator.

      • That is true but the government is not just dealing with the drug users and pushers, government is also making the economy and strong and secured which the President seem lapsing to this duty. Let he fight the drug problem but let him not forget the economy. We are having good trading and business but seems this might lost if not given importance.

        Anyway, there is no perfect country, there will always be a crime and such there will always be a drug pusher (remember in Davao during his term it was not fully eliminated) but make sure his countrymen have food to eat.

    • Everyone of them has the motive of expressing that misinterpreted word, “sorry”. It is easy to say sorry, but it is difficult to amend it especially when it involves the security and the life of a person. The worst is the mistake made by President Duterte. Why? If that certain public official is being liquidated for the gross mistake, could his life be restored? In the case, of President Aquino, he didn’t say anything for he has the reason. By so doing it, he is like admitting that the security of the foreigners in the country couldn’t be protected. It’s better to keep quite than to commit mistake or being misinterpreted. In the case of President Arroyo, it is different, very different.

      • In such cases “sorry” seems to be the hardest word to say from former President Noynoy Aquino and yet seems to be the easiest word to say from President Rody Duterte. That is true, this can be utter and not be utter depending on the situation But this could also be depends on the leadership and feelings of such person.

        In my case, I can say sorry if I really commit the mistake. But sometimes, even its not my fault, I still say sorry, especially when it comes to my wife, he he. To avoid more circumstances.

    • Of all the three, in my opinion, it is Mr. Duterte who is more interested in the welfare and health of his people. He is taking hard action against those who are more responsible in spoiling the bright future of the youth on whom the foundation of the country lies. Even if he does not say sorry it will be acceptable to the people who are really interested in the welfare and development of their country. How the Governor got the list of names, is the question. Did he visited each and every house and inquired about the people? If not, how can he come out with a list of names showing them in a matrix.? This is what actually happens when one is taking and toiling for the development of the country. Generally, in such situations people who are the powerful approach the Governor and got their names included in the list. When the President is making such a hard work why the persons like Governor should meddle in the affairs and spoil the situation which is coming into the right track. Mr. Duterte should not care the Governor and should go ahead with the plan. Mr. Arrayo is already dubbed as inefficient. He never cared for the people and never took any action against the pusher. Better we do not talk about him. Mr. Aquino never said sorry. The security of foreign nationals was at stake means that he too failed miserably in arresting corruption. No need to talk about this man. His not saying sorry does not make him a great man.

      • I think each one of them have the reason to that word sorry: for Mr. Duterte because he accepted there was a mistake in the name of the former governor of Pangasinan, that means a lapses on his part. How about those people killed already in the drug war and was just mistaken to be a drug pusher.

        Mr. Aquino as the hardest man because he never said sorry because of foreign relation. But I love your words, he never become great man of not saying sorry.

        Miss Arroyo said sorry because of her mistake. Its an acceptance of her mistake and asking understanding from the people.

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