• Profile picture of Anitah Gimase

    Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Do you prefer Western or Local Cuisine? in the forum Group logo of Dining OutDining Out 7 years, 11 months ago

    I love my local cuisine at anytime that is what I was brought up with and that is what I am used to having. But I do t really mind trying other cuisines from other countries. I like being adventurous not so much with food, but trying is not bad. I sometimes feel if I eat foreign food I may not like it but there is always a first time to…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, We Survived Super Typhoon Haima 7 years, 11 months ago

    With the wind of 220 kilometer per hour speed and gustiness of 300 kph, supertyphoon Lawin (Haima) was one of the strongest typhoon our province have experienced. It’s been a long time a warning storm signal n […]

    • You are lucky that your place was spared from the wrath of Lawin. You said that there was no casualty in your place. But in other place, it was reported that there were 8 dead and 2 were missing. This is the second super typhoon that hit the Philippines. The first one was in 2013 at the province of Tacloban. It was typhoon Yolanda. There were many casualties had been reported. They even reached to 10,000. Tacloban was badly hit or totally devastated by typhoon Yolanda.

      The people there mourned for several days or even months. That incident was highly politicized. It became the issue on the latest Presidential elections. It became the source of all forms of anomalies, graft and corruption. That brought the non winning of Presidential aspirant Mar Roxas because of the issue of non delivery of the welfare goods to the victims of the typhoon. it’s indeed the worst governance whatsoever.

    • Typhoons are natural disasters may appear in any country with the decree of God but lucky are those remained safe in this typhoon destruction someone said that only eight peoples died and were saved by the stroke of luck. May Allah preserve all the peoples the victims of the horrible typhoon.

    • I have oftenly wondered how those typhoons get their names. Maybe you can share on that so that we know how they come about. Typhoon Mario, halima you know it may sound funny to us but we don’t laught at the situation just the names amaze me. Anyway first and foremost i feel really sad when I watch on television to see how these typhoons wreck havoc and leave people homeless and poor. Starting off all over again is usually th3 hardest thing that anyone would have to go through. The first time I saw it on tv it was when it swept through Florida I think I can’t even remember the name, it was very popular and I saw how it swept over buildings, cars, brideges and stuff it looked like a horror movie to me. You know this are things we watch only on tv sometimes and it is a devastaing time for The residents. In our country they are just normal floods not typhoons. Anyway it’s a good thing that no deaths were reported and that people came out safe.

    • Typhoons are quite natural in the Philippines. The people adjusted themselves to the adverse circumstances and other natural calamities. The frequent typhoons in the regions have taught a lot of lessons to the Filipinos.

      The last typhoon has made them how to equip themselves to the natural disaster. The Disaster Management and Warning signal system have contributed a lot in the timely evacuation of the people from the typhoon-affected areas. The people were informed well in advance. Necessary food and water supply arrangements have already been taken up on war footing basis.

      The previous presidents though responded effectively there was a loss of human lives in the previous typhoon. The people were made to stay above the trees for days together. The food supply system was not alerted. The rescue operations were not taken up in time. Everything was politicized and the opposition tried to make use of the situation to the maximum benefit of winning the elections.

      The president is different now. The people are feeling the responsibility now. They are no more irresponsible and inactive. Everything is taking up as per planning with devotion and dedication.

    • Typhoons are very dangerous.May Allah save us all from these disasters.I red about this in Newspaper and watched on you tube i can feel how hard it will be for the people over there.We experienced Earthquake in Pakistan in 2005.It was a big deserter all the houses were damaged in our area and almost every house there were at least single death were reported.It relly was a hard time.The time was morning 8.00am when it happen mostly people are sleeping on that time that is way many people were died who were still on bed.They didnt know that they will never wakeup again.

  • Profile picture of Anitah Gimase

    Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Literacy Base – good site to make money or not? *did math* in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    It may look easy at first but when you get to the real thing that’s when you realize that it actually takes longer than you thought. Any online site needs a lot of time and dedication to be able to make 3$ a day. As much as you may try I must say it’s not easy. I won’t say that literacy base is a bad site, but it’s hard to earn here especially…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    We are here again, after the super typhoon Lawin, we were not cowed by it, we stand and ready to face the world again.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    We are here again, after the super typhoon Lawin, we were not cowed by it, we stand and ready to face the world again.

  • Profile picture of Anitah Gimase

    Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Free time activities in the forum Group logo of EntertainmentEntertainment 7 years, 11 months ago

    Free time mmhh. Sometimes I feel like I don’t have free time any more. Because I am forever doing chores and my job it consumes most of my time. I think when am relaxing am probably sleeping or just watching some music. When I leave work I get home late I need to do dinner take a shower eat and before I know it I am dozing on my sofa. That’s just…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Fortune Tellers and the Dregs in Your Tea Cup 7 years, 11 months ago

    Fortune tellers have many routes to go to. There are those lines on the hand that some fortune tellers are great at. And the tarot readers are adept with the cards. There could be many more methods and there are […]

    • The fortune telling is prevalent in all most all religions of the world. I had many experiences. There are many types as rightly said. Tarrot Reading Numerology Palmistry Clairvoyance Gadde Parrot Reading and many..

      In this connection I would like to bring to the notice of the readers my own experience.

      I am a regular visitor of Srisailam in
      Andhra Pradesh.

      I had been to that place in the year 2000 for performing the last rytes of my mother. After the work is over I was waiting for the Bus. It came and the driver told me that there are still 20 minutes.

      I was watching outside where there was heavy crowd. I got down and went there to see what it was. A lady was having a cauldron in her hand and was telling to her visitors. I actually wanted a change for Rs.100/-. I just inquired how much she would charge. They told me only Rs.10/-. I asked her whether she can give me change. She said “o.k. stretch your hand.’I did it. she started telling with a great fluency.

      I can not give all the details here. But what she predicted was 100% correct.

      In the beginning itself she told me that I visited this place in honor of paying tribute to the lady who gave birth to me. I shocked. She told me that I would visit the place again in a motor bike and after that in a car. They exactly happened. Totally amazing.

      There are persons who can predict with precision the time of death also.

      My own father could predict his date of birth as 13th June 1999. This took place exactly on the said date and time also. I came to know about it only when I was just reading his diary after his death.

      A person who knows how to read also knows what to tell and what not and how much. They will not be available to each and everybody.

      My Guru was a Muslim. His name was Syed Hussain. He was liking me very much.

      He personally spent some amount from his pocket and got a ring made for me and handed over it to me saying ‘better you wear it on your index finger. The days are not good nowadays. I am giving it to you because you are my favorite disciple. Whenever I pray for Namaz and if you recollect me I can see where you are”. He was not having even a house. He was leading a very ordinary life. He was even saying what orders were passed on the file written by me.

      These experiences have made me to believe such things. But always remember that it is only by sheer luck you will get the company of good friends and good Gurus.

      • Thanks for that long write up on your experience. If there were no believers there would not have been thriving business in fortune telling

    • We all must keep in mind that that there is no luck or fortune pre written in the book of life mentions in all the holy books. Man is free in his all doings and is responsible for his doing on the Day of Judgement. Actually the main branch of fortune telling is astrology that read just human trends in the birth chart and the trend show what she or he will do in practical life.

      Keep in mind the stars how trend not fortune what anybody does is called his or her luck or fortune. Humans trends on birth are awarded by God according to His Mega Plan for men on earth. Each man and woman is for a special purpose on earth but man and woman ignoring his birth trends follow their emotions that lead them poverty and thus they are compelled by poverty to ask the fortune tellers why my luck or fortune is going down.

      Astrology is a royal art on earth and its master was King Solomon. We all mus believe in astrology with whole heart because it is the art of reading the planets’ motions effecting man, woman and the whole universe. Ponder over the motions of the sun over the universe and its blessings you will wonder.

      • I know very little of the stars and their formations. As I have said the fact that these things have stayed for thousands of years shows there is substance in them, both astrology and fortune telling.

    • I wouldn’t say that I ha e visited a fortune teller before because there was one right there with me. That was my boss though he was not th3 actual fortune teller his daughter was. I have never believed in this things before or even now. He one day asked me to show him my palms which I did though I had not known at that point that he reads palms. So after he looked at my palms he started telling me what my future would be like. But of course me being who I am I just shrugged and said to him ooh well let’s wait and see. Then at the time I was in a long distance relationship and he went ahead and told his daughter about me, and the result that came out about me was that I would join my boyfriend where he was and that we would get married, but I still wasent satisfied with the findings so I let it just hang around me as I waited for the said day when I would go and be with my boyfriend. It has been more than five years and nothing ever happened, no actually something happened I broke up with him hehehe. So I really don’t believe in this things I only trust what God has for me.

      • Most of us who do not believe have subjected ourselves to such experiences just to please those who believed in it. The fact that this activity is going strong shows that there are believers.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Fraudulent Use of Debit Cards 7 years, 11 months ago


    Breaking news today is that millions of debit cards have been blocked by banks as fraudulent use of debit cards has been unearthed.

    I fail to understand how the owners of debit cards could so easily be […]

    • This is increasing day by day . The online fraud of Debit card is not new. There are people who will be watching the transactions regularly. By the time you go for shopping online the information will be looped into their browser and it will be obtained easily. They add something additionally to actual request and got them delivered . But these are a very few cases.

      As the customer is greedy of the offers so much so the fraudsters. They are now for cash. Once they track the entire information they are directly targeting the cash in the debit card account and making it empty.

      I need not say about the SMSs about the WINNING A LOTTERY. They congratulate you on having won …amount and ask you to submit details relating to your bank a/c cell number address etc and once you furnish it you are finish. So be careful about the Debit Card frauds which is gaining ground more than any other irregularities.

    • I totally not bothered with those promotional or advertisement SMS at all. To me, nothing is free or there is no free lunch in this world. This is the golden rule from stay away to this scam. If there is something in doubt, should call to your credit card center, but not the phone number given in the SMS for clarification. Again, the phone number in the SMS could a trap.
      Agree with you, changing password is the most easy and effective way to prevent from becoming victim. However, I am headache with too many password need to be memorized nowadays.

    • There should be some new ideas in order to avoid debit cards piracy

    • People should find ways to follow hackers of debit cards

    • People nowadays should find a solution for debit cards fraud

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, How to Face a Job Interview Well Prepared 7 years, 11 months ago

    Most have to go through the  grind of looking for a suitable job the moment they have enough to prove that they are capable of holding a position and many would  knock at several doors going from pillar to post s […]

    • When I applied for a job as I remember I have three things in mind. One is knowledge of my self. My weakness, my strength, my outlook in life. The point of caring and loving myself should come to mind always. In short, i know in all angles of life of myself.

      Second is those around me. The people whom I always come in contact with. The present trends, the latest news but more emphasis on the good point of view of the new. I would be confident if I am not ignorant what is happening in and out of the country. It pays to be knowledgeable and updated of the news.

      And the last is the company which I am applying for a job. I should have to do some research and focus myself on its achievement. I should also know the mission and the vision of the company including the staff, the personnel who handles a certain task in which I am applying for. in so doing, it is more likely that I am beginning to be a part of that company. Familiarization opens a big opportunity to get the job.

    • try to organize ur speech well

    • It is very important when we give interview we should be relax and very focused.Mostly peoplpe get so confused when they go for an interview.You should be very confident and the best way is when you are going to apply for any job suppose its a Nestle company.so before going for an interview you should go on their website find out the company does,about each and everything about their company .It will build up your confidence so when you wil go there you will b every relaxed because you have they best knowledge and also you can easily answer to the interviewer.I have seen many people when they go for an interview they dont even know the company profile ,and they struggle there.You must b well prepared also listen carefully listening and understanding is very important.Once you understand you will be able to reply properly,1st impression is a last impression you should be wil dressed.

    • All you have said is the truth, I terviews can be nerve wrecking sometimes in fact not sometimes but most of the times. No one is ever comfortable when going for interviews. We will always have some nervousness in us the whole time that we will be waiting to be interviews. The part that you have said that while at the reception one should have carried maybe a book and read, somehow I may disagree at some point because that would be hard you can’t even concentrate on what your reading all that is on your mind is what am I going to be asked inside there, how many people will be interviewing me, will they be looking at me when I walk into the room, will they ànslyze how I look like what will they think? With all this things going through my mind would I really focus on what am reading? I doubt it. Anyway all this ar3 things that will happen but once you have been to two or three interviews you will have got the hang of it.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Benefits And Uses Of Gelatin In Recipes 7 years, 11 months ago

    Little knowledge is dangerous they say. This could be said about gelatin. The uses of gelatin in our recipes be they deserts, pies, appetizers, salads, jams and jellies is a known fact. But did you know of the […]

    • I do not like gelatin because its made by boiling animal bones and tissues I think it is dangerous for health and heart but I have seen most of the children and people eat it with keen interest and eagerly at home and out of home.

      Actually gelatin is a protein made jelly as A type of protein derived from collagen, gelatin is found in animal parts that provide us with important amino acids, the “building blocks” of proteins. In fact, its unique amino acid profile is the reason for many of its health benefits, which you’ll read about below.

      But One of the reasons is because gelatin provides amino acids like glycine that strengthen the gut lining and therefore lower inflammation. Glycine is used by doctors to help improve digestive, joint, cardiovascular, cognitive and skin health.

      Benefits of Gelatin
      Improves Gut Health and Digestion
      2. Protects Joints and Lowers Joint Pain
      3. Helps Improve Sleep Quality
      4. Lifts Your Mood and Improves Cognitive Abilities
      5. Improves Skin Health
      6. Helps Maintain Heart Health
      7. Maintains Strong Bones
      8. Helps You Feel Full

      Gelatin is a form of hydrolyzed collagen, which means it’s essentially a part of broken-down collagen. Collagen is “the most abundant protein in the animal kingdom” and the major component of connective tissue in the human body, amazingly making up about a quarter of our total body mass. (10)

      Collagen is a key builder of healthy skin, muscle, tendons, joints, bones and other tissue in both humans and animals, so when we don’t produce enough it’s no wonder our health suffers big time. Within the body, collagen goes through a series of steps to break down its long chain proteins into its original amino acids, which are then absorbed and used for collagen synthesis throughout the body.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Woes of a Small time Farmer 7 years, 11 months ago

    With more and more opting for off the counter food and having lost interest in gardening, produce of small time farmers has no takers. Be it fruits, vegetables and even herbs rot in their gardens. Hotels and those […]

    • Yes, home gardening is real hobby and thus we cab get fresh fruits and vegetables at door to enjoy we all must grow home plants to get fresh everything the whole year. Farming dreams are a modern seduction. For city dwellers, the vision of making a living from the earth salves the psychic wounds of a day job, and acts as an antidote to urban malaise.

      If you could just get out there on the land, far from spreadsheets and stress, cubicles and car alarms, things would surely be different. Eating overripe tomatoes, fresh from the vine and bursting with juice. Cavorting with goats.

      Though small farmers believe their lives are far from ideal, I can’t think of any farmer who would switch to a life in the city. So how do you get the best of both worlds? How can you maximize profit from your land, small farm or homestead? You don’t have to stop at growing crops. Through diversification and thinking like an entrepreneur, you can achieve a much higher yield from your farm while keeping the lifestyle you love.

      Here are 26 ideas for you to consider for making the most of your farm. Of course, some of these ideas will be more practical than others depending on region, type of farm, etc.

    • It is always fun to harvest your own produce, more so if you are using natural fertilizers. You can get away from the effects of chemical fertilizers or pesticides which are harmful to the environment.

      If you are producing on a small scale, you can scout for farmers market or look for vendors who will be willing to sell your produce. Both of you can earn from it.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Fashion trend setters and their queer designs 7 years, 11 months ago


    So much thought went into designing fashions in our days. There were soothing colour combinations, even hems and matching sleeves and  even neck lines. That is history now.

    Every blunder that they commit b […]

  • Profile picture of Anitah Gimase

    Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Group Topics in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    I have also noticed that there are so many groups that have been created but the person who creates them doesny even start a thread. I agree qith you @jhsayyar. We have groups that the members can bring in topics that are of relevance to everyone especially those who ago still in school. At least stuff that will help them in their futures.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Free time activities in the forum Group logo of EntertainmentEntertainment 7 years, 11 months ago

    What i thought writing online to be free time has now become for me busy time  😀

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Health in the forum Group logo of NewBiesNewBies 7 years, 11 months ago

    @EvilElf  You have helped this newbie with directions. That is very nice.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, I Owe An Apology To Youngsters 7 years, 11 months ago

    In the good old days people depended on people for socialising. Not visiting family was never heard of.  Until the time I got married and a few years beyond this system was in vogue. But slowly I observed […]

    • Yes, it is fascinating to watch how old people use modern technology.

    • I leave just one message for the youths of the whole try to recognize their being that will heighten your personality to the peak of name and fame. Do not follow others’ trends but follow your birth trends in which lies your key success. All types of hobbies are the tools to enhance your personalities, do not be the slaves of these tools will lead the youngsters to fall. JH Sayyar

    • It is time a similar message is sent to seniors as well as they too are following in the steps of youngsters

    • Let’s consider the cycle of life and also how the world evolved to the modern age. There is indeed a great difference. We, of course, get hurt for we are not used to it. We are not accustomed to the present folkways and mores. I think there is nothing worry that about. We have still enough time go with the tide. Remember the Darwinian theory of survival of the fittest? Let’s adjust ourselves. Let’s not compel those youngsters to do of what we’d been doing anciently. Let’s welcome the new world.

      It’s good for you that you involve yourself on socializing through the online media facilities like the Facebook, the email, and anything that matters. In fact, I miss those good old days where our family get together for a party, for a special occasions like wedding, anniversaries, graduations, house blessings, and many more. I could still remember the joy, the happiness which everyone received from such occasions. Let’s be adaptable. Let’s not be hurt. Let’s take it or leave it provided we don’t neglect ourselves to be happy.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Garden Nursseries Slowly Closing Down 7 years, 11 months ago

    Gardening was a common interest among many. Seeds and plants were exchanged with each other. The nurseries equipped themselves with stuff they knew that would have heavy demand. Garden enthusiasts would queue up […]

    • Yes, it is a fact that gardening nursery is dying these days because people have changed their hobbies they are forgetting nature and sitting in her lap because that are chasing the target of huge money for life comforts at home especially for their families but gardening enhances home’s decoration and provide fresh air to the children who are still toddlers.

      GROWING your own vegetables is both fun and rewarding. All you really need to get started is some decent soil and a few plants. But to be a really successful vegetable gardener — and to do it organically — you’ll need to understand what it takes to keep your plants healthy and vigorous. Here are the basics.

      “Feed the soil” is like a mantra for organic gardeners, and with good reason. In conventional chemical agriculture, crop plants are indeed “fed” directly using synthetic fertilizers.

      When taken to extremes, this kind of chemical force-feeding can gradually impoverish the soil. And turn it from a rich entity teeming with microorganisms insects and other life forms, into an inert growing medium that exists mainly to anchor the plants’ roots, and that provides little or no nutrition in its own right.

    • I hardly find anyone in my real world interested in gardening. It it only here that I get to see some showing interest. Sad but true.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Wristwatches That Cost a Bomb 7 years, 11 months ago


    There is a huge difference between needs and wants. A wristwatch that costs a bomb surely comes under the category of one’s wants.

    Let’s look at the scenario of someone wanting to know what time it is. […]

    • There are many watches that are most expensive and a normal person cannot buy it because it becomes too much costly. At some point in time, everyone has held, worn, or owned a Rolex Submariner. This one is special because it was held, worn, and owned by the one and only Steve McQueen.

      That’s right, the “King of Cool” owned this particular submersible, self-winding, stainless steel oyster bracelet Rolex. You’re getting time, Rolex, and bona fide badassery.

      Rounding out the Patek trinity is the Ref 5016P (The P stands for platinum, duh). This watch is the second most complicated wristwatch (the first one was a pocket watch so it doesn’t count) that Patek has produced.

      The problem with watches of this caliber the need for adjustments, but Patek has an app for that. If you keep this moon-phase, perpetual calendar, retrograde behemoth running continuously it won’t need adjusting until 2100. That’s something your children’s children’s children will most certainly appreciate.

      Buying this watch would require selling 3.5 Bugatti Veyrons, which happens to be 70% of the total number they sold in 2005. The closest most of us will ever get to a Veyron is drooling over it on Top Gear. It’s all about perspective here people. Three Veyrons. Say it out loud – Three. Veyrons. So what makes this watch worth $5.12mil? For starters, it is the most complicated watch on the planet with 33 complications.

      Essentially, it requires a degree in mechanical engineering to understand, but suffice it to say it has everything but the kitchen sink. It also took more time to design than you spent in college (including those extra years “studying” chemistry).

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Changed format for posting Blogs in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    @EvilElf  There is a tags section there where you can place some keywords

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Blogs on LiteracyBase in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    @EvilElf  Personal Blogs need not rest with what one had for dinner.

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