I also love to help people but as a quid pro quo, I would like to make some money!
My motivation is to connect to the world at large. As a kid I always wanted penfriends but did not succeed much and here I have the world at my feet. I get to interact with so many who share my interests. Whatever money I get writing is a pittance but serves as an incentive to blog.
Motivation source is ideas latest and old and the writer must know how to mix them for a new creation for any blog post. If you are not full of ideas you cannot write a better blog post.
In the search for story-worthy ideas, most writers are sidelined by occasional bouts of creative myopia. When it sets in—when your field of inspiration narrows—it’s easy to convince yourself that your luck has run out and all the good ideas are taken. But finding exceptional writing ideas isn’t a matter of luck. Waiting passively for creativity to strike won’t put words on the page, either. The secret to cultivating writing inspiration is to go out and hunt it down—in unexpected places.
“Curiosity, attention, a little bravado, and a willingness to break routines lead to great writing ideas,” says writing coach Don Fry. “You lurk, listen, ask questions, and find experts. You can prowl the Internet, but the best writing ideas come from face to face interaction with people.”
If something bothers or puzzles you, find out why by interviewing people with similar reactions. You’ll discover you’re not alone in never changing your passwords, buying lottery tickets, or your fear of high bridges. I’ve always wondered if my parents are really my parents, which turns out to be a fairly common doubt.
Take alternate routes to your normal destinations, and try out different types of transportation, especially slower ones that let you see more. Leave your car at home and walk to work, or ride a bike. Climb stairs instead of taking elevators, take the service elevator, or enter through back doors.
Role-play the lives of people with viewpoints different from yours or your readers’. I once spent half a day in a wheelchair and learned about hazards I never imagined. Bob Graham, the former governor of Florida, did manual labor one day a month to understand the public.
All of these writing techniques jar you out of your normal vision, because that’s where the writing ideas are, invisible in plain sight.”
Going college is a real guideline for the students to make future bright. College is garden where very color flower bloom for display. College is the place where young learn how to live and how to make future bright and learn what they know not living with the learned students.
Successful college students are independent learners, and successful learning in College Now courses begins with a strong curriculum. Clearly articulated learning goals connected to coordinated formative and summative assessments allow students to reflect on their learning and academic achievement.
Thoughtful scaffolding and sequencing of assignments supports the rigorous learning opportunities provided by College Now activities.
Many College Now courses and activities take place on the college campus. If not, we encourage our instructors to incorporate arts programming, college library activities, or college campus tours to enable students to experience college activities outside the traditional classroom, even in classes designated as ‘high school courses’ or workshops.
For many students, particularly those who do not have a family history of college attendance, actual campus visits are an important part of the college preparation process.
In reply to: Itre wrote a new post, Cycling: An Amateur’s Point Of View Cycling is a sport, where all you need is a specialized bike and the open (concrete) road. Cycling has many disciplines: mountains, hills, flat and […] View
In reply to: bestwriter wrote a new post, I Owe An Apology To Youngsters In the good old days people depended on people for socialising. Not visiting family was never heard of. Until the time I got married and a few years […] View
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This has to be viewed from another angle. What makes you to keep a person happy? Are you doing it for your own happiness or doing it as a token of sympathy and hobby. In the former case there is likelihood of expecting something in return. That means if that ‘Return’ is not derived as per the expected level then starts your own peril starting wit frustration. In the latter case it does not carry any weight. This may be called in better terms ‘Nice guy’s syndrome’.
Most of the people fall into the former case only. But there are other ways also to make oneself happy, not necessarily by keeping others happy.
First search the ways out that keep you happy. The list gone in a long way. Choose that is appropriate and suitable for you.
These thoughts were running in my mind when I was thinking of a niece that we have in our family. By hook or by crook she will grab opportunities to help others rendering those who are better than her useless. I fully agree with whatever you have explained in this post.
hi nece writing thought
Those who are ever ready to help others are lucky in the Kingdom of God and they all will be awarded by God in Paradise. Helping others’ nature is one of the best traits of anyone. the darkest side of any man’s mature is to make happy the partner with sexuality. Those who do so waste their life force in lustful pleasures.
Always help the needy free of reward because goodness reward is in the hands of God think what can the poor give you in return against goodness? Those who happy others on earth God makes them on earth and in heaven.
Yes, there is a unique relation between blog and net work on the surface of internet and you can find the relation siting at home. When you receive a brief or are asked to draw up a quote, it is crucial that you prepare a clear outline of the project. Maybe your client will provide an accurate and detailed set of specifications, or perhaps they will be a little vague in what they actually expect as a project outcome.
Whatever the case, the sooner you establish a project outline the sooner both parties can see how the work will unfold.
A project plan should be framed around:
clear objectives
the end product your client expects on delivery
Once you have established what needs to be produced you can work out a detailed timeline and agree on a deadline. Communication is essential in every part of our lives, not least in our work and business relations.Generally, your clients come to you for a specific service or product, but you undoubtedly have a variety of skills and breadth of knowledge beyond the work you are asked to deliver.
As you get to know your clients better you may discover other areas you can help out with, share your knowledge and apply your skills to a wider range of problems than your client expected you capable of. In sharing your wisdom you go beyond being simply a service provider and become a teacher. By doing this for free you will boost your client’s confidence, potentially leading to a wider scope of projects, extra work and extra pay.
In addition to sharing your skills and knowledge with clients, it also helps to share contacts from your address book.
Your clients probably commissions work from various vendors for different services; if you can link them up with trusted and powerful contacts to provide these services, your clients will develop confidence in your advice.
This networking may also be reciprocated: when your client links you up with their own contacts a web of rewarding relationships can grow.
All this blogging staff is new to me though am a creative writer. Though am a newbie here am begining to enjoy the various blogs and is understanding how blogging works. Blogging can really help people to create a good lead to sell products and projects. Am now enjoying stories and i hope to add mine soon.
In reply to: bestwriter wrote a new post, How To Grow Your Own Aloe Vera I was a distributor for a Company that has the Multi Level Marketing system for their products that are based on Aloe vera. They have their own Aloe v […] View
In reply to: Atiq Anayat khan wrote a new post, Popularity of cricket in Pakistan Hello,Today i am going to talk to you about one of the main sport called” Cricket.Cricket is one of the most famous game in Pakistan,India and […] View