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sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam

@shivamani active 7 years, 9 months ago
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November 15, 2016 at 9:43 am

You are right and I totally accept with you Mr. Donald is right when he has taken a decision to repatriate those undocumented illegal immigrants to their respective countries. There are about 51% of Hispanic and Latino American in the total population of the US. Out of this, there are 17% are undocumented illegal immigrants who should be repatriated. Out of this

there are 17% are undocumented illegal immigrants who should be repatriated. Out of this 17% the Mexicans are 7%. Asian are 2.6%. Canada only 1% etc. All these must be asked to leave the U.S.

you have rightly said that these people have nothing to do with the affairs of the U.S Government . They came and roaming on the roads of U.S as labourers and workers . Eating the budget of the U.S but not contributing anything to the economy of the State. One baffling aspect is that there is a transfer of about $29 billion crossing the U.S every year into Mexico. If the Mexicans are repatriated this amount could be utilized for the citizen of the U. S in a well-planned manner.

When Mr. Donald Trump mooted the issue during his election campaign the people of the U.S have amused it and called him brainless and insane. But, now they are realizing who the insane really are.

Mr. Donald is a boon for the U.S who won the election and came as President at the appropriate time. If Mrs. Hillary supporters make demonstrations stating that Mr. Donald is not their President who do they want now?

They should all know that the victory Mr. Donald has got is not a narrow one. He got 291 (pls correct if I am wrong here ) whereas his counterpart got only 221. Even then if somebody is making demonstrations they are only all undocumented illegal immigrants only.

His each and every statement is having a terrible weight. Even the media is totally fooling the people. This should be stopped forthwith.


November 15, 2016 at 9:19 am

This is not a big job for the Government. They can call for the passport submission or credit card and debit card details. They can even verify the citizenship verification list also to find out whether the name of a particular person is figuring therein or not.

As you rightly said it is really a good move if implemented in toto without yielding to the external and internal pressure.

We should know that every year $29billions are crossing the borders of the U.S Government into Mexico through these undocumented illegal immigrants. They are eating a portion of the US Budget but not contributing anything to the Economy of the  State.

It is akin to residing in a relatives house and enjoying free food and sending the monthly salary to the house.

November 13, 2016 at 1:29 pm

No doubt youth is very important. It should be spent in a meaningful manner. But the old age is more important by virtue of their experience and knowledge. Youth does possess knowledge but the old possess wisdom.

No doubt the errors of young ruins the business and the errors of elders ruins the family. The errors of kings ruin the kingdom But ultimately we should accept that the elders do not attain their elderliness without passing through the stage of youth. If youth are to be quite knowedgeable and wise they should have the guidance of elders.

Here the elders become the master of the youth. They nurture them and teach them what is good and what is bad and gives full information on the know-how, how-tos in the society.

We should also understand that these masters can not teach everything to each and everyone. They select their pupil , test their suitability and then only impart knowledge .

This is here the elders and their services are highly valued.


November 13, 2016 at 1:08 pm

yes. The saying was applied in olden says whenever a man’s face becomes dry  and a woman’s nose becomes red while talking to others.

Anger is the worst tool that hinders the progress of anybody may be a man or a woman But to control anger is not so easy.

Even the saints have failed miserably in controlling the anger. Many have ruined their lives and progress.

There is a small story in Hinduism that clearly depicts the consequences of anger;

Vishwamitra was a Rishi (saint). He wants to become a Brahmarishi (highest category in the category of Rishis) like Vasishta. He vigorously does meditation and worships Lord Brahma. After many failures he becomes MAHARISHI He becomes arrogant. He challenges Vasishta. But he fails miserably as Vasishta defeats him very easily. Again he goes to forest and prays for  Lord Brahma. When he appears he expresses his desire to become Brahmarishi. Lord Brahma tells him to approach Vasishta for this

Then he finally goes to Vasishta and pleads him to show mercy and the path to becoming a Brahmarishi.

Vasishta blesses him and says that’ the time you lost your anger and approached me with a request keeping aside all your anger you became a Brahmarishi. You need not go anywhere . You are already a Brahmarishi. It is because of your anger your could not become a Brahmarishi all these years”.

This is how anger ruins the wish and prosperity of  a person.

The study on the suppression of anger leads to cancer as per the study  was taken up and revealed by the Harvard School of Health Studies.

Let us say goodbye to anger and lead a happy long life. Some of the best ways to keep anger at a distance are;

Meditation, yoga, spending time with friends, learn to laugh with others and reading good books.

November 13, 2016 at 9:28 am

Try to understand me.

We are electing the people as legislators and Parliamentarians and sending them to State Assemblies and Parliament to represent the people to discuss their problem, to provide facilities, to remove unequal distribution of wealth and proceeds. It is their moral responsibility to fulfil these duties and responsibilities. They discuss on various things during budget period and see that the funds are allocated to various schemes and othr welfare measures that are take up by the Government.

When these politicians miserably fail in their duties and responsibilities and try to swallow the funds allocated towards various schemes and programs what will be the position of a common man?

They allocate funds and instead of spending the amount they keep it in their Bank accounts and it will be running in crores.He and his family will be spending luxurious whereas the middle-class man is unable to. The prices will go up. Always it is only the poor and common man only who will suffer.

Added to this there are some anti-social elements who resort to printing of currency which again be termed as fake currency It comes various sources and enters into the Indian market. So, the people carrying this fake currency also spend lavishly  and enjoy the comforts meant for others. The common man and others are forced to resort for corruption to satisfy the basic and minimum needs.

Mr. Modi, our Prime Minister after studying the entire situation has decided a landmark decision to pull out the Rs.500 and Rs.1000 currencies from the market making them invalid and keeping a limit of Rs.2.5 lakhs in any individual bank account. Anybody, if he possess more than 2.5  lakhs in his bank account has to pay an Income Tax.  If they possess more than that they have to give the source of that extra amount.

As such everybody is fixed now. People who are possessing lakhs of bundles of Rs.500 and Rs.1000 currencies in their Almirahs have to dispense with their currencies as they are all obtained by unlawful means.

As you said that people would invest in Gold with that extra money the chances are minimum. If they purchase Gold for more than Rs.2.5 lakhs they should furnish the PAN No. which gives the amount purchased so far and other every details. Here also the Revenue Officials are watching the movement and transactions of the Jewelry shops.

The Prime minister has announced yesterday that it is only the beginning and warned the people to be more careful. Some more are shortly to come from the Government . These are all expected to be introduced by the earlier Governments under the Congress Party. But, they could not introduce these measures and unable to take decision for fear of votes.

This is why our Prime Minister is hailed by the people now. He is known for bold decisions and we are proud that we got after 60 years of Independence a real Prime Minister.


November 11, 2016 at 2:36 pm

yes. You are absolutely right. Unless all the countries come together this can not be solved.  That is why after the  shootout at Bardadinero France has convened a conference in Paris along with the U.S. Though it is towards the fight against terrorism. Though many decisions were expected of this conference it has been ended with the passing of some resolutions. India has only participated in the conference. In all these terrorist activities there is some external agency which had been backing the terrorists.

But this is not so in the case of India. There are nefarious forces working within the country and also  along the borders against the Government taking up nefarious activities which is really sad to know about. What made them powerful is the black money and the fake currency they are holding in their accounts.

It is after studying this situation the Modi Government has taken a firm decision to demonetization of  Currencies of Rs.500 and Rs.1000.


November 11, 2016 at 1:53 pm

yes. you are right. The previous Governments have not taken any step for developing the economy and the standard of living of a poor man. They had an ample opportunity for taking such decision as they have been in power for the last 30-50 years. They did nothing. On the contrary spoiled the country to the maximum.

You will be wondered if I say that even after 60 years of Independence the people are not having public toilets. The students in the educational institutions are not having proper toilets separately for Boys and Girls. This is one of the glaring  examples to show how the public money has been swallowed in the name of welfare schemes.

Mr. Mod has taken a very bold  decision for a cause and for doing something good for the Nation. Had it not been so he would not have taken such decision as you said.

November 11, 2016 at 9:03 am

One more interesting aspect is that the Prime Minister in his statement is stating that the decision became inevitable in the light of growing terrorism as the terrorist groups are pushing the ammunition and weaponry using fake currency though the actually this is not. The issue of terror financing is one of the strategies adopted in International politics by different countries but never at the cost of its own citizen.

The terrorist groups are within the country operating their anti-national activities circulating the fake currency. Very recently , the Telangana State Government has seized 10K crores of black money in a car . The Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh is blaming the Opposition party leave Mr. Jaganmohan Reddy is the owner of this money whereas Mr. Jagan Mohan Reddy is throwing the blame on the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Mr. Chandra Babu Naidu. Such activities are becoming common in the remaining states also. Modiji after watching the frequent occurrence of such incident has decided to take this bold decision. The same culprits spend this money during Election Time.They  announce promises generously which they do not know for themselves. Finally, the amount goes in the form of black money into their accounts within India or in foreign banks.

This is not the case only with India but in almost all countries of the world, the position is not good.  That is why the names of many Heads of the countries , and the  black money holders  found their place in Panama papers.

November 10, 2016 at 2:17 pm

yes. Initially, there will be some problem. But people are hailing the decision  of Mr. Modi and are ready to bear with the trouble.  If something good is about to happen by such daring decision majority of the people will accept it But the opposition parties are not happy with this decision as usual . They are not able to digest the name and fame Mr. Modi is getting by such drastic decisions which are meant for the development and restructuring of the economy of a country where most of the politicians are unethical and unscrupulous.

November 10, 2016 at 1:53 pm

I do not know why Samara is not sending photos. I am very much interested to see her photos. what about you? She has been bombarding each and everybody continuously ever since I joined here. I think by this time many might have received her messages. She is sending terror waves among LB members.

November 10, 2016 at 12:12 pm

The coffee shops and other establishments of routine nature are not accepting the Rs500 and Rs.1000 currency notes. They are being accepted in all Railway stations, Bus Stands,Airports, medical shops, Hospitals and  other important places of emergency services. The people are quite tolerant and could understand the reason why the banks have been closed. They are quite positive to the decision of the Government of Modi and they welcomed it. Today the Banks have been opened and there is a long queue I have noticed. They are taking up transactions and accepting only withdrawals to avoid inconvenience to the people. Tomorrow the ATMs will be opened.

November 10, 2016 at 12:06 pm

How much mud has been thrown at him.? The opposition calling names, giving weird interpretations to his statements, all have been proved falls and could not pave a smooth way towards White House for Mrs. Clinton. She got only 214 which was not expected even by the Election Analysts and the media.

Even the media did not support Mr. Donald. Let us leave media, even his own party has opposed him. Still, he got it through and could ascend the thrown as the RULER of US finally.

People called his insane, bigot,  anti-national, war-monger, and Putin’s aide. Still ….still he proved himself the dearest of all the U.S

In one way all the criticism against him by Mrs. Clinton really fetched him a lot. The language used by the Democrats, the filthy shouts  and the unparliamentary usage of words never heard of in any elections of the U.S, all have exposed the mindset of the Democratic candidate.

November 10, 2016 at 11:53 am

This is one of the boldest decisions ever taken by any Government and any Prime Minister of India The Congress Government though boasts of taken such decision earlier it was a flop show. The party itself lacked sincerity in arresting the corruption. Even now also they are ditching on the same mud. They are not improving themselves qualitatively suitable to the generation and changed circumstances.

Initially, there will be some inconvenience for a day or two for the public. But it is not a permanent one or irreparable one. The benefits and something good is yet to come. The public is waiting for the good to happen and ready to welcome the decision of Mr. Modi.

November 9, 2016 at 9:30 pm

My dream and effort became fruitful. I have been continuously siding Mr.Donald  As a staunch supporter of Mr. Donald I have contributed articles also on LinkedIn which have got some meaning.

Mr Donald is actually the right candidate for the President of US The U.S needs his service. He is bold and dynamic and mostly he is quite outspoken. Unlike other politicians he is not a hypocrite. He is no doubt a businessman. It is only a businessman whose services are needed for the U.S. He decisions and statements are spontaneous. He got a clear understanding of what he says.

One should remember and recollect his statements that ‘America unnecessarily purchased war with Saddam Hussain and Col. Gaddafi and killed them and in turn got nothing But only a War.” Is it not correct? The previous Presidents followed and showed  very critical approach towards International matters and ruined the US.

Let us hope Mr. Donald would make the U.S prevail in the state of peace and harmony.

November 9, 2016 at 8:30 pm

But for India, the action does make sense. Because most of the politicians are totally corrupt. In the recent times, this has become more. Though there are some restrictions on spending the amount during elections they search for alternative ways. They purchase voters, do booth capturing, create havoc, loot, murder, what not…all sorts of illegal activities take place and after winning the election the same people collect the money they have spent in the elections. There are many scams in which the Chief Ministers of different states are involved.

Modi has been trying to contain these evil forces of corruption. This is not only corruption there is a menace of fake currency also. Out of every 1 lakh rupee bundle, one will get 32 fake currency notes. This has become more. This is helping the anti-social elements. The terrorists are making the best use of this fake currency and resorting to insurgency activities along with the border of India.

Though there are corruption charges against the Chief Ministers and other politicians they judiciary is very lenient in granting them bail against their imprisonment. They come out spending huge amounts and go in for an appeal in the apex court.

One will be wondered if I say that a  case of  disproportionate assets was dragged on for 23 years in the different courts of India. Finally, the Chief Minister has been given a ‘CLEAN CHIT”. The instances are many.

Most of the Chief Ministers and politicians are corrupt, encourage corruption, and hid their money in foreign banks. The corrupt officials invest their black money in the real estate. As such, most of the prices of lands and buildings have gone high. The middle class and poor are finding it difficult to acquire a small house even after their retirement.

Here also, the politicians very generously invest their black money and purchase lands and give it builders for taking up house construction activity. Here the builder pays a huge amount for the land and as such is bound to sell the flats for very high prices. This is the area which needs an immediate  attention to curb the black marketing.

The result of the decision of the Prime Minister makes the things impossible for these section of the people. The decision halts the circulation of black money / unaccounted money into the Indian Market

A clear analysis should bring the prices of the commodities down. The real estate business should be crippled to the maximum to avoid the circulation of fake currency.

The politicians possessing are  investing their black money even in multi-speciality and super specialty hospitals. They are purchasing medical and engineering seats to their kith and kin and not allowing the common man to lead a comfortable life.

Mr. Modi’s decision is practically a slap on the face of corrupt politicians, officials, and the black marketrs.

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