• Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, Introducing A Weed Called Purslane That Contains Omega 3- Fatty Acids Best Treatment For Diabetes 7 years, 5 months ago

    This is not the weed know as marijuana. Its name is purslane. This is a very terrific weed that contains fatty-acids of any vegetable. Actually I got this info from a search engine supported by medics in United […]

    • Is it Portulaca olaracea or locally known as ulasiman? I read its benefits and I have planted one when I saw it growing in a neighbor’s yard, but I had not tasted it.

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    cely replied to the topic Happy to know Mylot sent my payment through pay pal this day in the forum Group logo of Friendly and smiling groupFriendly and smiling group 7 years, 5 months ago

    @Michelle, Your encounter with that rude driver was so risky what if he has a gun and do something harmful. I am glad you did not mind that poor soul. About our friend, it is hard to analyze why he is not paid.Only the site owners know most about the real reason. We will be thankful if they will give him a chance.

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    cely replied to the topic Its 19th April and Still not Paid**** What should i do now in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 5 months ago

    I hope everything is okay in your waiting this time.So that your heart won’t sink to loneliness and uncertainty, try to divert your attention to other things to forget for a moment your long awaited pay. We do not know what happens and what causes the site to fulfill their promise to you.However, there was no date set for them to pay you and no…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Happy to know Mylot sent my payment through pay pal this day in the forum Group logo of Friendly and smiling groupFriendly and smiling group 7 years, 5 months ago

    @Michelle, hehehehe, by the way I have just read your blog and commented there. I am happy that both of you had extra patience and escape yourselves from that rude driver. There are really bad drivers in the world. That driver was senseless. He might be a drug addict or having a criminal mind, better you did not argue with that arrogant and…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Its 19th April and Still not Paid**** What should i do now in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 5 months ago

    @happsingh, I hope you receive this day your long awaited pay. if you are not here this moment maybe you are at work for you told us in the other planet that you will work in your office even tomorrow Sunday. I hope you are happy this time full of life and vigor, full of hope and promising life to come with your own lovely family.In case your long…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Happy to know Mylot sent my payment through pay pal this day in the forum Group logo of Friendly and smiling groupFriendly and smiling group 7 years, 5 months ago

    @Michelle, Mylot threshold payout is only $5, it is in LB we receive $10 per month. How nice if there is increase of our points earning here.I am on vacation now so I have to utilize my time blogging here and ML for few minutes in a day only.I still go to school every now and then to follow up some students grades marked INC to sign their…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Smiling Faces and Private Sector 7 years, 5 months ago

    I think most of our present businessmen have forgotten the old tradition of having a smiling face that was symbol of friendly relations with their customers. But trust me a customer doesn’t mind walking a few m […]

    • Once the Customer enters inside a Bank he generally expects some attention from the employees. He expects somebody to come and assist him so that he can leave the bank finishing his work with confidence. He needs some trusted people. Here in this aspect, the Banks especially Private Sector Banks are far ahead of their counterpart Public Sector Banks.

      A smiling face will always have its value wherever it is. A small smile with an attention and care towards a customer will do a lot than a routine attention and care. They smile and give you information politely explaining the things with a lot of patience. This is one of the positive signs of Private banks which we all should appreciate and the Public sector Banks need to know. It needs special training of the employees the value of which the Public Sector Banks have now realized and are implementing. They are picking up now.

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    suny wrote a new post, Courageous or defensive- Your choice 7 years, 5 months ago

    Being defensive is fine but there should be a limit to everything. However the fact is that most of us have become too defensive to the extent where we stop thinking of taking any risks or try to think out of the […]

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    suny wrote a new post, Your good behavior makes you younger than your age 7 years, 5 months ago


    I don’t remember who said it but it’s a fact that it takes just a moment to make someone feel bad or angry but to make someone happy takes a lot of your efforts therefore it’s advised to stay happy, that helps […]

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    suny wrote a new post, Are we ready to help? 7 years, 5 months ago

    The incidents of road rage are on the increase in my area for last few years and increasing at such an alarming rate that I have started fearing being involved in one myself soon. It’s been happening too f […]

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    suny wrote a new post, Day of too many mistakes 7 years, 5 months ago

    My day began with a small mistake that I overlooked as it was not as troubling which I thought could not be corrected easily. I got up late at 5 .20 in the morning instead of my routine 5. But I managed to reach […]

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    suny wrote a new post, Do you give up easily? 7 years, 5 months ago

    How many of us feel in terms of ‘I am proud to say that I never give up easily’. I am sure most of us will smile and say immediately they are confident they can handle any situation easily. But is it really the […]

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    suny wrote a new post, Do you help your partner? 7 years, 5 months ago

    I am not sure how many of our members on this site are married or in partnership and if they are how many of them feel happy or bad with the habits of their partners! My topic of this particular post is related to […]

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    suny wrote a new post, Internet: Is it the added brain? 7 years, 5 months ago

    There is no doubt about the fact that Internet has changed our world. Internet is comparatively new for our part of the world so people from developed countries especially the ones taking advantage of this […]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, A Friend in Deed Won’t Let You Smoke That Weed 7 years, 5 months ago

    A friend is always a friend and life without friends will be lonesome. They are substitutes if parents do not care you most of the time. Though your parents may lack constant communication with their children, it […]

    • Good article.

    • @cheryl roberts,Thank you Cheryl for dropping by.This is indeed an article for the youths , who, this time so many of them like to venture to some illegal and immoral activities. After feeling their lives in misery, they come back to their parents whose arms always ready to welcome them. A hug to them means another chance to restore their lives. technology sometimes a factor why misled some youths. The young generation this time never fear God and to parents. They have lots of freedom and they always want to enjoy and bond with friends of the same feathers.Thank you so much.

    • Sad to know there are also friends that put you to harm I am not exempted to that harm inflicted to me by my best friend. My best friend and my cousin went to United States as a nurse there and before he left he got the phone number and address f my boyfriend there, After two years I learned that they are living together and bow they are married. The worst thing is my cousin is married husband seaman and they have three children. She told a lie to the court inc New York that she is a widow, All her children are there now in New York, I was thinking where on earth she hot that talent of cheating me and cheating their marriage declaring her husband dead when he is very much alive. I condemned her husband for a long tolerance. I hope to meet her someday and her husband my ex and she is married, how could she face the Lord when she dies? Se will surely receives a harsh punishment.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Its 19th April and Still not Paid**** What should i do now in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 5 months ago

    @happsingh , if I am only rich my friend, I will be the one to pay you, It hurts me to see someone in agony of a broken dream. Somehow in your life you will realize that failures like this will bring you to richness my dear. Never let yourself be affected of this much for we never knew about the real score of the unsent pay of your good for two…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Easy Cookies: How to make Jumbles 7 years, 5 months ago

    Some people called this cookie Jumbles or Jumballs but that doesn’t matter as long as they are edible and attracts kids attention easily.


    Jumbles are cookies semi pastries , that looked alike bread but ta […]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Its 19th April and Still not Paid**** What should i do now in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 5 months ago

    @happsingh, hi friend? All you have to do is wait and deal only with @Support.Please be patient my friend. It is not yet the end of the world hehehe. The site might be teasing you for you are so cute and handsome,LOLS.

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    cely wrote a new post, Have You Barked Up A Wrong Tree? What Response Have You Received From The Person? 7 years, 5 months ago

    Is this common to human beings barking up a wrong tree? For me, we cannot avoid this thing if the person is close to us, if not, never will I do. I do not know your stand about this issue if having experience this […]

    • Being human is not an excuse why cannot adjust our attitude in dealing towards others. Plus we have the education and mind to evaluate our action as right or not, It is indeed not a good action to show our temper to others because they are not part of your problem though they can assist you through giving you the best advice not to show anger at them to respect your feeling.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to make perfect Almond Macaroons 7 years, 5 months ago

    I love ALmond macaroons, which are actually chewy flat cookies that does not use any butter nor flour.


    I am sure that you will enjoy these macaroons as much as I did, when you bite into those crispy and chewy […]

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