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    cely replied to the topic I Received A Werewolf Award At SkyRock in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    Mahesh ,it could still work for you despite a site you are in is not connected with Skyrock because you can log in through Facebook.

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    cely replied to the topic MODS! Please Help! in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 4 months ago

    @kaylar, they must stop their drama. How dare they say you plagiarized. Bring it to other plagiarized tool and spread here the result.That sounds weird.

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    cely started the topic I Received A Werewolf Award At SkyRock in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    I am happy to share you my feeling. I received another award from Sky Rock. I also have 7 visitors this day. I am so happy that I gain some trust there. I am thankful to Literacy Base for they have worked things out just to have agreement accomplished between LB and SR. Kudos to the site and kudos to me, Lol.

    I am so consistent with the sharing…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic Happy Pay Day Guys in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    @acelawrites, that is nice not to concentrate more on many things, rather enjoy to escape boredom and other kind of feeling. Rest assured by next month you can join the batch of redeemers.

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    cely wrote a new post, Gruesome But True – A Male Snake Caught On Camera Lovingly Embracing Corpse Of A Female Snake 7 years, 4 months ago

    Gruesome But True – A Male Snake Caught On Camera Lovingly Embracing Corpse Of A Female Snake
    By erlymags ( @cely / @lovern )

    Look at the picture in this blog; this is the picture of the two snakes embracing. […]

    • I am afraid of snakes, and can not even look closer at their photos just like what you asked us to do! ha ha ha! I just read your words and description of what the male snake did!

    • Snakes or human we are all attracted to opposite sex. But this one is romancing a dead snake, hmm just wondering if the snake have the thing called necrophilia. That is weird, isn’t it?

      Anyway, I don’t know if its mine only but I cannot see the photo.

    • Better the snake knows the feeling of pity and compassion compared to bad people like the terrorists, rebels, Abusayaffs and more that stir the world with their ruthless killings of innocent people. They should not have born in this world so peace will reign all throughout the universe.

      But this snake, if people only see this thing, they surely agree with me that snakes are better than some human beings.

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    cely wrote a new post, Imagine Your Life Without A Mom- What Do You Think? 7 years, 4 months ago

    Imagine Your Life Without A Mom- What Do You Think?
    By erlymags ( @cely / @lovern )

    A mom’s love is everlasting , no matter how hard-headed a child is mom can always keep her temper and hide her hurt hoping o […]

    • Belated Happy Moters day all mothers single mom, legal mom, widow mom, grandmom, and feeling mom worldwide,lol.

    • You are right, it is so hard without a Mom to attend to the needs of her children. I am sorry to know that you lost your Mom when you were just 8 years old. So that situation made you a stronger person and be responsible at a very young age, so with your sister!

      Children should love their mothers, because mothers love them unconditionally.

    • I lost my Mom when I was 15. It changed my life forever. She was amazing. The glue that held the entire family together. I still see my sisters and Father. But not enough. I never see any extended family, like I did when I was younger. My mother would cook a feast on Holidays and everyone would come over. Family and Friends. Not just holidays though. Weekends I would hangout with all my cousins. I am lucky to have had here love. I am 45 now and I still Miss her everyday. I Love You Mom.

    • @acelawritesm yes friend my mom passed away when I was 8, she was 42 years old when she left us all at home. That was a very crucial life we had without a mom.

    • @Immortal, thank you for inspiring me with your words.

    • @rosalba shahidi , Sorry to hear about the death of your mom at your young age. Like you, I still miss my mom at this time I am turning 36. My dad also passed away i 1998, very sad.

    • You ought to love your mom for without here you will never be on earth. There are children who always hurt their mom they only realized the value and love of their mom when she is gone and it will be too late for her to know you regret.What do you think life would be without her sacrificing carrying you inside her womb for nine months. When she labored to release you from her womb she was facing death for many mothers said that when a mom labors only the strand of her hair that can not feel the pain. But how come you cannot give your love to your mom?
      You owe your life to your mom She deserves respect and love.

    • @cely ,

      I am sorry to hear that at an early age you lost your mom. But look at you and your sisters, you survived and became responsible at an early age. And I suppose, you acted as the mother of your younger sister? I commend you for surviving that phase in your life.

      I cannot imagine myself not having a mom at an early age. I might be so emotionally broken. Because even now that my mom is already 79, though still strong , able in body and mind, I still wish for her and our dad to be still with us even if they will become so old already.

      Their presence at their house would be missed if ever they have to bid the world already.

      I am preparing myself for that, but I think I cannot be really ready when that time comes.

    • @Dina, thanks friend, life was hard without a mother.No one has combed my hair, clipped my hair, I do not remember who bathed me and if I was well-bathed. I also cannot remember if I had eaten 3 times a day because I was just a child. Our dad was always in the battleground as a military official. He came home once a week for two days stay. We feel much secure when our father is home. We were all so excited for he always brought home plenty of ripe mangoes, he knew that mangoes were our favorite fruit.

      Yes, like you, I always dream to have my parents stay until age 100, but we cannot hold life. It’s God’s.

    • I lost my mom when I was 17, she was murdered by her own boyfriend. I understand how it feels the holidays and seasons hurt me more then anything. She took care of the family and cooked for us. She was the favorite out of all the Aunties for as my cousins go. Then she was also a cool mom. I miss her so much, I think about her alot. But yes, it’s very hard but it is up to us to make the best of it. while your mother is here on earth. Because I wish every day that my mother was here.

    • Recently I have asked myself how my life would have been without my mum and how my children’s life would be if I were not in their lives. The mother’s presence is very important in her child’s life. The mother goes through a lot of struggles for her child. She burdens a lot of things. Mothers deserves all the kindness, respect and companionship in this life. They are really doing good job. That’s no wonder when the prophet Muhammad said ‘Paradise lies at the feet of your mother’ [Musnad Ahmad, Sunan An-Nas�i, Sunan Ibn M�jah]

    • @Mariam , That is true, not only your life all lives would be in disaster without a mom.There is no one in this world willing to offer her life for her children,and that is our mom.

    • @immortal, thank you my dear fan for following me and liking some og my blogs hehehe nce to meet you here.

    • Thank you guys for dropping by and sharing your thoughts and feelings of this blog.

    • no hope withouth mom,mom does the best thing in the world

    • life without mom is no life

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    cely replied to the topic Happy Pay Day Guys in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    @Michelle, yes, I also received my pay in Mylot. I hope this evening here payment is sent to our pay pal.take care everyone.

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    cely replied to the topic What is your favorite song? in the forum Group logo of EntertainmentEntertainment 7 years, 4 months ago

    I like mellow, rock, slow rock, metal songs, and music of Beethoven, Mozart.

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    cely replied to the topic Happy Pay Day Guys in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    This day is 13th of the month and no payment yet sent to pay pal.Maybe there are some who already received theirs.I will be happy for you. Let us just wait anytime this day. Do share here your happiness. I am not happy this time, my internet so slow and climate extremely hot. We had rain last night, but small rains, better than none.

    I am wishing…[Read more]

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    cely wrote a new post, The Incredible Healing Power Of A Horse 7 years, 4 months ago

    The Incredible Healing Power Of A Horse
    By erlymags ( @cely / @lovern )

    Many of you may not believe that a horse is very important to man not only to a sport he likes or to have horse to serve his family as […]

    • Some animals are better than man in attitude , perseverance and thinking.

    • Horses are beautiful animals; and they are farmers’ friends too because they can carry heavy loads like farm produce or harvest. It is interesting to know you like to own a horse! why not? But you should have a caretaker because it eats grass, etc. and also needs so much care and attention. But they could be lovely pets. Have you seen the dwarf breeds? They could be easier to maintain than large ones.

      Their healing power is amazing; just like dogs, cats and other animals do.

    • I have just bought a baby horsy. His color is golden brown. I have to tame him and make him like me so we can be a team. Despite he is so young, he can adjust himself to the situation to stay in loneliness. I fence horsy , installed lights, electric fan and planted many trees so when he is big so with the trees. It is not difficult to tame this pet of mine. I always talk to him. He looks so smart and adorable. The kids at hiome also enjoy touching horsy’s forehead. I am thankful for this knowledge on horse as a healer.

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    cely replied to the topic Plagiarist Shady45 is still here, she plagiarized the blog of Shavkat in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    @Treathyl FOX , I think so, they might be professional hackers, scammers, stealers, but so weird, their blogs are featured, hahaha what kind of moderators the site have here, featuring blogs authoured by photo stealers, plagiarizer and all that a site sanctions for a dismissal/ removal are here.It the site’s plagium, ‘per se’ functions accurately?…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic I saw photo image of @Acelawrites Stolen by @Zasa in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    @acelawrites, I was so shocked to see yours and my photos with our blogs just posted and someone followed to steal and use as her blog image. That person is very unprofessional, bad manner and having mental problems. A person doing that has some illness that cannot be cured and that is attitude problem. Just imagine we have just discussed here…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic Happy to know I have 5 visitors and 2 awards at Skyrock in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    @Treathyl FOX, Try to send your blog here and click Skyrock in LB, it’s there left the side of the screen with its symbol. Thanks. Good luck, share me if successful in your registration at SR.

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    cely replied to the topic Happy to know I have 5 visitors and 2 awards at Skyrock in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    @Treathyl FOX , Why is that French, no it is in English language.The first thing to do is click Skyrock, then if you are not yet a member, they will require you to register. After your registration is completed your blog , your link in LB and the link of LB will be positioned in their flatform. All you have to do is write tags, at least 5, then…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic I saw photo image of @Acelawrites Stolen by @Zasa in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    @Dina, the other blog, the image used by zasa is mine. That is my image photo of my blog I submitted yesterdy.What a shame of that thief, thick face. I do not know if that cheater is male or female. She provokes me, she provokes acelawrites she provokes Shavkay and most of all, she provokes the site and @Support. That person might have been choked…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Plagiarist Shady45 is still here, she plagiarized the blog of Shavkat in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    @Dina, yes, so many ill happenings here that is why I suspend my interest to write blogs, so discouraging this site is made a nest or den by cheaters, hackers, thieves, plagiarists hahaha, like a drug den lols.

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    cely replied to the topic @CHUCKS,HOW DARE YOU STEAL MY PHOTO WITH ME IN PHOTO? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    @Dina, my photo stolen did ot derive from a blog but in forum a group site I created entitled The Beauty Of Nature.That is right, photo stealung is so rampant. I saw my photo imge stolen by the same person zasa,Is she a mylotter? I already reported it awhile ago to Support, I dunno if @Support acts it on the spot.The other cheaters here were on…[Read more]

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    cely replied to the topic Please Use Your Own Photos! in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 4 months ago

    @acelawrites, yes friend, I saw your image photo bearing your name in blog of @zasa, and her blog is plagiarized, that was posted here long time ago by another writer not anymore active here. The photo she uses is stoleb and the blog with your photo image is plagiarzed by this evil woman.

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    cely replied to the topic Plagiarist Shady45 is still here, she plagiarized the blog of Shavkat in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    @Shavkat, That report is meaningless. Look at the Most Liked Blogs features there is blog of @shady45. This site becomes a den of spams, scams cheaters, photo stealers.I am feeling so discouraged this time. This is not acceptable seeing blogs featured onwers plagiarist, photo sealer, so weird display.

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    cely started the topic I saw photo image of @Acelawrites Stolen by @Zasa in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    10 ways to fund your studies abroad
    Education & Reference
    May 12, 2017

    I now agree to myself that there are impostors here that like to provoke us. I do ot know why they are hired to writer here by @Support. I believd the contents this @zasa submitted might be copied from others and posted here. I cannot anymore swallow…[Read more]

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