Another plant which has got this type of medicinal properties is Aloe Vera. This is plant used in the manufacture of many beauty products, lotions, creams, ointments, soaps, drinks, food products etc., The plant is very rich in almost all vitamins, proteins, and other cancer-fighting constituents. People were neglecting the use of this plant and now only they are coming to know the value of this plant in fighting against diseases.
All yoga poses were made out of the observation only. The yoga poses viz., Bhujanga Asana, Matsyasana, Tree pose, Parvatasana, are introduced after observing the nature only.
similarly, the substance which acts as anti-venom was found after observing the Mongoose. This is well known for its ability to fight and kill the poisonous snakes, particularly cobra. During the fight when the snake bites it runs immediately towards a plant and eats the leaves. By observing the plant that it prefers to eat after a snake bite the anti-venom tablets and injections have come to light.
This is the observation and thinking of the surroundings that make one a good master.
I was a distributor for Aloe vera based products marketed by Forever Living, USA. You are right about the Mongoose. We have them roaming around in our garden.
Well you learned me something. Never heard of a fruit so stink the gardeners don’t like it!
It is a new information for me about this fruit and I an hearing about it first time but I have read it in the book, called the species of fruits I got it from an old book stall many years ago. Now I recall and think about it.
It is most commonly sold in juice form. There are different types, such as unsweetened, sweetened, diluted with grape or other berry juices, or even noni powder mixed with water or juice.
. Analgesic – Noni has the nicknames of “The Tree For Headaches” or “The Painkiller Tree”. Studies have shown that noni reduced pain comparable to the drugs tramadol and hydrocortisone, making it effective for arthritic and other joint pains.
Immune system booster – Noni activates macrophages and strengthens the immune system, which then produces more lymphocytes. It also contains antibacterial agents that fight infectious bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.
Antidepressant/sedative – Noni stimulates seratonin and melatonin, two very important hormones. Seratonin affects mood, emotions, and sleep; imbalance in levels of serotonin may contribute to depression. Melatonin regulates the Circadian rhythm, which helps you sleep; keeping this regular will help you get a good night’s rest, also improving your mood.
I do not understand why everything is being viewed in a magnifying mirror. Politics is a game. We do not know about the genesis of the idea and it is not necessary also.
What we require now is an Administration based on some principles. An Administration that can take up some developmental activities.
The people are totally fed up with the long administration of Corrupt Governments and decided chose the present one.
Has anyone in India anticipated a thumping majority for the BJP in the Elections? No. Even I could not expect it. It is the bitter anguish and resentment that made to drift towards the BJP.
The activities of Greenpeace India came to light only after a block has been made. It was taken up by the Modiji’s Govt., The list of such N.G.Os will be a lengthy one. How can an N.G.O. gather information pertaining to India and place it on the table of the House of Commons in the name of ‘Protection of the Forest Laws’?
The people of India are highly intelligent. The pulse can not be read by anyone just by the size of the mob attending the election speeches.
Public opinions play a role specially when they are made on the Net for the world to see.
I have never thought of carbohydrates as a “bad food”. However, when I was younger and I wanted to drop a few pounds really fast, I would cut out the carbs for a couple of weeks. Weight dropped right off. That’s how it worked for me. Everybody is different! 🙂
Losing weight is different from carbohydrates affecting one’s health in a bad way,.
A well-written one. I agree with the views expressed therein. But, i request to check it up whether the soft drinks can be considered as containing good carbohydrates. I do not think so. They are very unworthy. They immediately tell upon your health condition. Most of them are made up of Chemicals and color preservatives. Further, fried potatoes are also not good for health.They obstruct the bowel movement if taken regularly.
“The list of refined processed carbohydrates would include, sweetened fruit juices, alcohol, soft drinks, white flour and therefore everything prepared from white flour such as cookies, cake and bread.”
I have clearly stated what is bad in the above para
This is my point of view. I beg to disagree with your premise that all carbohydrates are not bad. It is just like saying that all medicines are not bad. Am I not correct? But in reality, they are not if they are taken in excess. Therefore it is actually misleading. This generalization would mislead the people to consider carbohydrates are “good” but in so doing they’re not.
Complex carbohydrates, if taken in excess would lead to obesity and diabetes. Simple carbohydrates, in excess amount, would also lead to the degeneration of the human body.
I don’t know if you’re in authority to say all these things. We should be cautious in dealing with these things.
One does not have to be in authority specially what is mentioned is backed by data as is done here.
Yes, all carbohydrates are not bad but too much are very bad health as medical reveals this facts. Carbohydrates play a crucial role in a healthy, balanced diet. For example, without carbohydrates, our body would lack a key fuel source.
Similar to fats, the role and value of carbohydrates is often misunderstood, which can lead to a diet that restricts this important nutrient rather than including healthy food choices to provide carbohydrates in recommended amounts.
Carbohydrates are the body’s primary source of energy, and provide about 4 calories per gram. This nutrient category includes sugars, starches, and fiber. The American Dietetic Association (ADA) recommends that for children 2–11 years of age, carbohydrates should make up 45–65% of total energy intake each day.
Following these recommendations, approximately one half of total daily energy intake comes from carbohydrate, with the other half from protein and fat.
Simple carbohydrates are those that contain only one sugar unit (monosaccharides) or two sugar units (disaccharides). Glucose and fructose are the two most common monosaccharides.
Glucose is the primary form of sugar stored in the human body for energy, and fructose is the main sugar found in most fruits. The most common disaccharide is sucrose, which is table sugar.
Carbohydrates are so useful to us… It is readily available even in the least available meal.feeding on it olongside lipids can be quite a disaster given that both are major producers of energy..so eating carbohydrates can help you become active in work and in other places…but to maintain a healthy growth you must eata balanced meal
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Some people get approved faster than others. Some people experience 48 hours (or more) before approval. With both ‘tinycent’ and ‘blogbourne’ I’ll wait. I don’t feel comfortable on either of those sites.
Tinycent is easy. You just need to share your blogs with social networking where you have a registration.
I prefer LiteracyBase to Tinycent. It’s my preference.
I see your point. But if you want to earn fast tinycent helps.
I am a newbie here. I am yet to earn here. I am seeing the blogs regularly.
You are right. Here one need to do some work before posting their blogs.
I am still not getting the site to my knowledge. Groups,blogs, Forums, and topics ..I am feeling some confusion here.
I can overcome it.
I accept that the site is a value and quality based one.
You need to get your teeth into it so to say and all will be well for you. Just be active – blog, create groups, or participate in groups and you will be there before you know it.
Good Luck
Even I have earned twice here and heading towards third payment. This month is quite busy for me because of too much travelling and my offline work. But I will try my best to reach to third one.
As LB is on time for paying each member, surely we can’t ignore. And unlike other sites this site is having so many ways of paying. It is like we are earning here for our each work. So no way we can ignore this site. It is in list of my daily working sites.
I have reached my third payout and shall redeem it at the end of the month. You are right about the several outlets we have to earn.
I posted a blog here with a certain topic but the admin says that it cant be publish due to some problem. Sad to say. Hope one ill be successful posting my own story here.
What was the topic about. It can help others also what topics are not allowed here.