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    Gil Camporazo commented on the post, Stigma Part 2 8 years, 5 months ago

    In reply to: Lola wrote a new post, Stigma Part 2 I’ve had far more experiences with mental health stigma that I ever want to. My earliest experience would have started around age 12, that is when I started to have panic […] View

    Now I know why you behave like that for you have been “pathologically abused”. I am very sorry to learn of that. It is good that you are aware of such panic depression you have had. And you are willing to cooperate with those who will treat you by giving them the needed information they want.

    They have, of course, to believe you. You are…[Read more]

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    Gil Camporazo commented on the post, Taken Too Soon… 8 years, 5 months ago

    In reply to: JoDee Stout wrote a new post, Taken Too Soon… *This post was inspired by @grecy095   Taken Too Soon   Death is inevitable But we can put our memories in a time capsule Of the loved ones who w […] View

    We have to accept this reality. No one is spared for this eventuality. If he does, he would be still experiencing this even a wink of an eye. This had happened to some Bible important persons like Moses, Enoch, and the rest who have not died for they are translated by the Lord.

    Death is one of the three realities in life. The first is birth,…[Read more]

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    Gil Camporazo commented on the post, Stigma 8 years, 5 months ago

    In reply to: Lola wrote a new post, Stigma I am so sick of mental health stigma. I encountered it again this week in both the emergency room and on the psych unit. On the psych unit, I was almost assaulted by 7 security guards […] View

    I am just curious for I don’t understand what is this mental health stigma. I don’t want to offend you. I just want to confirm if this is less compared to a psychopath. You are under treatment, I know it. But as if no member of your family or relative is watching you. You are all alone.

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    Gil Camporazo commented on the post, Bringing in the wild 8 years, 5 months ago

    In reply to: bestwriter wrote a new post, Bringing in the wild   Roses were once growing wild in the jungles. They were brought in gradually and they now enjoy a pride of place in many gardens. If one were to roam the […] View

    Those wildflowers before were unnoticed. The people have neglected them for they grow in mountains, hills and the bank of the river. But they never escape those flower lovers. They are cut or uprooted and put them in a polybag or plastic bag and brought home.

    Just like a domestic flower, they are nurtured, taken care. They grow and produce…[Read more]

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    Gil Camporazo commented on the post, Goodbye to my Dear Friend 8 years, 5 months ago

    In reply to: Grecy Garcia wrote a new post, Goodbye to my Dear Friend Early morning, after a prayer, I started my day with urgency because I need to review more calls. I was glad that on my favorite category, it still has […] View

    That is life. You have to take it squarely. Face the truth. Accept the reality. If she’s your best friend, don’t isolate yourself. Muster the needed strength and be bold to see her for the last time, if you want to visit here in Bacolod.

    By the way, I am living in Negros Occidental and our capital city is Bacolod. I want to venture to find it…[Read more]

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    Gil Camporazo commented on the post, Follow this simple trick and toothache wont happen 8 years, 5 months ago

    In reply to: Thinker wrote a new post, Follow this simple trick and toothache wont happen Hello Everyone! We are given near to 32 teeth. These are important. A toothless face does not look nice. Such people have trouble while […] View

    I have to admit and be frank. I have never ever heard the second trick in controlling the toothache. Why should a person go to the toilet when he suffers from a toothache? What is the significance scientifically? Where did you get this idea?

    Let me guess. In that process, the upper and the lower set of teeth are touching each. There is a…[Read more]

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    Gil Camporazo commented on the post, My friends are happy they found Literacybase 8 years, 5 months ago

    In reply to: suny wrote a new post, My friends are happy they found Literacybase Beware members I invariably find something to rant about here on Literacy base. I fail to understand am I just grumpy or trying to look into the […] View

    Since everyone is mentioning smile, I would say something about the smile. It is a worthless thing. It has no value. It has no effect unless it is shared. But I remember a line from a popular song by Johnny Mathis, “smile, even though your heart is aching”.

    Let’s go back on the premise that smile is worthless, nothing unless it is shared. It…[Read more]

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    Gil Camporazo wrote a new post, To Blog or Not To Blog? 8 years, 5 months ago

    Since we are already here on this site and find some fun and enjoyment, LiteracyBase doing our writing task in any way like reacting to the group’s thoughts, leaving a comment to the forum, and more importantly […]

    • I agree with you. I have chosen to blog, though I enjoy interacting with others in the forums. I agree with what you said, blogging allows us to ponder about a topic. Though we can also do that in forums, it’s different. While blogging, we involve in planning how we are going to layout in the post, how we are going to present the topic to the readers, and a lot more to consider. So, it might not be as casual as we comment in the forums, but this is something good for us to learn.

      Writing posts does not only allow us to earn more from the post itself, we might get better bonus from the site, and we can also help generating traffic and hence gaining us some coins for referring visitors, and also referring signups perhaps. With all these good reasons, I think we should blog!

      I am not sure if the forum is being indexed on the search engine. Hope someone can answer that for us. 🙂

    • Blog mus made to earn but it rests on your article writing in LB I think we can earn a lot at least ten dollars daily if someone writes ten to fifteen articles daily plus other source as answering the blog posts and writing new topic.

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    Gil Camporazo joined the group Group logo of Household Tips and TricksHousehold Tips and Tricks 8 years, 5 months ago

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    Gil Camporazo commented on the post, Why do you Love Blogging? 8 years, 5 months ago

    In reply to: Grecy Garcia wrote a new post, Why do you Love Blogging? Do you blog? Why are you doing that? What are the things that blogging help you and that you never stop blogging? Those are the questions my friends were […] View

    It is a comprehensive way of presenting the significance of blogging in your own way as it gives you the benefit you want in your life, especially the “inner peace” you mention. It is good you have that perception. By the way, how do blogging and writing differ each other?

    For me, writing is my passion. It becomes my hobby and later develops…[Read more]

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    Gil Camporazo commented on the post, Small issues- Big impacts 8 years, 5 months ago

    In reply to: suny wrote a new post, Small issues- Big impacts Dear Literate guys we all provide wonderful information about different aspects of life and I really enjoy reading different posts all day. We all write so many […] View

    No wonder why I have read from a religious magazine or spiritual book about the natural man is an enemy to God. The man by nature is pre-judgmental. He is prejudicial. He has a preconceived idea of imperfection among his fellow.

    I sympathize with the girl you mentioned in your post, who was berated by a customer for giving him the deficient…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    Gil Camporazo commented on the post, Misleading Information 8 years, 5 months ago

    In reply to: Grecy Garcia wrote a new post, Misleading Information Facebook is one of the popular social sites. It is my favorite past time when I do not need to meet a certain goal, which is during Sunday. However, afternoon […] View

    In the first, paragraph I read I already sense that this about the dirty politics in the Philippines. Before the election day, there were a lot of false news feeds that are flooding the social media especially the Facebook. I couldn’t directly react for I am connected with the government and we are advised not to be vocal or campaign for our…[Read more]

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    Gil Camporazo commented on the post, Curry Laksa Noodles 8 years, 5 months ago

    In reply to: peachpurple wrote a new post, Curry Laksa Noodles Copyright allrights reserved by […] View

    I am interested in getting this one. My mouth is watery for the spicy taste this noodle may offer. One thing more that pushes my taste buds to over function is the coconut mix used in the Laksa noodles recipe. Any food preparation with coconut mix or coconut milk enhances my appetite.

    I don’t know if this noodle is present in the Philippines. I…[Read more]

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    Gil Camporazo wrote a new post, Scammer Is On the Loose! 8 years, 5 months ago

    All over the Internet, you may be encountering the so-called scam. And the victims keep on complaining, keep on getting things lost recovered. This scam takes in any form. By the way, what is a […]

    • I also got email from Samara on LB as you have received I am thankful to LB who has banned the girl Samara she uses fraud to trap men showing fake money saying belonging to her deceased father.

      The scammer will tell you an elaborate fake story about large amounts of money ‘trapped’ in central banks during civil wars or coups, often in countries currently in the news. Or they may tell you about a large inheritance that is ‘difficult to access’ because of government restrictions or taxes in their country.

      The scammer may contact you by email, letter, text message or social networking message. They will offer you a large sum of money to help them transfer their personal fortune out of their country.

      These scams are often known as ‘Nigerian 419’ scams because the first wave of them came from Nigeria. The ‘419’ part of the name comes from the section of Nigeria’s Criminal Code which outlaws the practice. These scams now come from anywhere in the world.

      Scammers may ask for your bank account details to ‘help them transfer the money’ and use this information to later steal your funds.

      Never send money or give credit card details, online account details or copies of personal documents to anyone you don’t know or trust and never by email.

      Avoid any arrangement with a stranger that asks for up-front payment via money order, wire transfer, international funds transfer, pre-loaded card or electronic currency. It is rare to recover money sent this way.

      Do not agree to transfer money for someone else. Money laundering is a criminal offence.

    • all this scammer are heartless and lazy bone who want to loot people from their hard earn money….. I also encounter samara but I manage to escape cause she was so convincing

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    Gil Camporazo commented on the post, Carelessness or the new rule of the society? 8 years, 5 months ago

    In reply to: suny wrote a new post, Carelessness or the new rule of the society? I am noticing it more frequently and especially in the busy city’s malls and supermarkets. I saw this twice during my visit to nearby super m […] View

    People are different. They have different cultures. They have a unique way of treating each other. What we have felt a bit of harassment or discomfort may be acceptable to other people. But for us, they are taboo. They are not allowed. We couldn’t judge the way they behave based on what we believe and practice. In everything, there is a reason for…[Read more]

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    Gil Camporazo commented on the post, This Is How To Write 8 years, 5 months ago

    In reply to: Gil Camporazo wrote a new post, This Is How To Write This is how I made my writing easy.   Always find the difficulty on what to write, on how to start, and when to end. Those are the basic questions a […] View

    Thank you. My readers, my followers are one of my captured inspiration. I write for them. I write to keep them keep abreast of what is happening around us. In one of my writing session, I thought of how to make my readers glued to what I am writing. I consider them as the jewels of my writing task everyday, every month, all throughout the year.

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    Gil Camporazo commented on the post, This Is How To Write 8 years, 5 months ago

    In reply to: Gil Camporazo wrote a new post, This Is How To Write This is how I made my writing easy.   Always find the difficulty on what to write, on how to start, and when to end. Those are the basic questions a […] View

    I am glad to know that you have found this post of mine helpful to you. I would be coming up a more related post of this kind. Just keep on following me. You know it takes a single step to be a good if not a better writer. I don’t know if you have been already an experienced writer. Anyway, just keep on logging in here and you have the chance of…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    Gil Camporazo commented on the post, This Is How To Write 8 years, 5 months ago

    In reply to: Gil Camporazo wrote a new post, This Is How To Write This is how I made my writing easy.   Always find the difficulty on what to write, on how to start, and when to end. Those are the basic questions a […] View

    Looking for an inspiration to write, the writer himself is a practical and the best resource for inspiration. Once he wields his pen to a paper or starts striking his keyboard, his thoughts naturally come running. He will just organize them later. That is what we usually react to other’s dismal situation in the difficulty of writing. Anyway, we…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    Gil Camporazo commented on the post, This Is How To Write 8 years, 5 months ago

    In reply to: Gil Camporazo wrote a new post, This Is How To Write This is how I made my writing easy.   Always find the difficulty on what to write, on how to start, and when to end. Those are the basic questions a […] View

    I am referring it to the standard writing of articles, not for a tutorial, reportorial, and the like. This is what I consider the general approach in writing. It’s up to you to adapt its applicability to your situation. Well, for all we know, writing is an art of expressing oneself in the form of printed words to inform, to educate, to entertain.…[Read more]

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    Gil Camporazo commented on the post, Start a gratitude journal today! 8 years, 5 months ago

    In reply to: Lee Ka wrote a new post, Start a gratitude journal today! I wrote a blog post in LiteracyBase about being thankful for waking up yesterday, and I also wrote down my action plan to help me practicing […] View

    The journal itself is the word variance of “diurnal” meaning daily. Since I was studying in high school, I had already kept a mini diary. I entered everyday of my undertakings good or bad. After a year, my diary was a little book of my life. I really love documenting what I am doing everyday not only for myself by for my family.

    In fact, I have…[Read more]

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