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    SuperD wrote a new post, Though Shall Not Kill – 5th laws in the Ten Commandments – Bible 8 years ago

    “Though Shall Not Kill”, this is the 5th laws in the Ten Commandments in the bible which the Christian religiously follow. Everybody are afraid to take one’s life because they believe the soul will be punis […]

    • In following the 5th law of the 10 commandments is subjective. You may have the reason to kill that is to defend yourself from being killed. But we talk about the Bible which is the source of this law, “Thou shalt not kill” is not followed in toto. I am not reasoning out that God is unfair and unbelievable for I know Him that He is the Almighty, the great Providence, and everything comes from Him. There were instances in the Bible that God had caused the killings of the sinful people. He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. He caused the great flood in the time of Noah. He killed the son of the Pharaoh. Killings were common among the Biblical times and God knows it. So what’s your position now?

      • Yes it is subjective, but as you see, the proliferation of killing is not just because killer defend themselves. You see, there’s even no suspect for the killing in our country. So, the subject itself cannot reason the incident. There must be a reason why you kill and there must be a suspect. And not just killing like a chicken eating your vegetable in your garden.

      • Yes it’s true God doesn’t allow killings to take place just like that just like you have said in th3 bible God ordained for killings to happen for a particular reason for his glory to show. But I’m this case there are people being killed innocently in the name of curbing drugs but I guess that’s not the right way to go.

    • It speaks of total indiscipline prevailing in the Philippines.

      This is an attack against the pushers and other drug peddlers. The uneducated people are not getting jobs and they are becoming pushers as stated in your article is not acceptable. It is only during Mr. Dutete’s period an action has been initiated against these illegal activities. Earlier, the previous presidents have not taken any stringent action against these peddlers.They simply closed their eyes to these activities. The earlier President has left this problem to the incoming President
      When Mr. Duterte took up charge he immediately initiated action against them which should be appreciated internationally.

      you are also accepting that stringent action should be taken against these pushers but feeling sorry for the innocents being killed in the operations. If this is the real issue this can be reduced to the minimum by finding suitable solutions and taking up a discussion with all the parties. Sometimes, the opposition parties make a hue and cry when such incidents take place. This is the worst situation prevailing not only in your country but also with every country in the world. This must be given a stop. It is only a mud sledging activity which hampers the development of any country.

      The U.S also has experienced such incidents. They took up drone strikes in Ukraine and other places and when the people revolt the opposition parties support such revolts and bring down the Government in power.

      Killing three thousand people can not take place in a night. If such incident has occurred the other parties should bring it to the notice fo the Government and suggest remedial measures. They kept quiet for all these days. When the figure has reached a substantial level they are making an issue out of it. They should also suggest remedial measures to Mr Duterte instead of making protests and demonstrations in the streets.

      • Killing 1,000 drug pushers should already scared the 2,000 other. Sometimes, what saddens me is the fact the police officers is like being forced to do so because they need to report it in their accomplishment. And accomplishment is not just by turning them into good person but there should be a drug pusher killed that should intimidate other drug personalities.

        Why not change some strategies and programs now. Instead of killing them now, give them livelihood to support their families, bring them to rehabilitation center for their transformation. Lift up their spirit instead of demoralizing and killing, especially the young people.

    • Okay fine we may agree with you at some point that the uneducated ar3 being pushed because of poverty to do this kinds of jobs, but where is th3 government in all of this? Are they really for the idea of getting hold of the manufacturer’s of this drugs or are they in it themselves that’s the problem. I have watched this lady’s story in he need and found out that she had been removed from the government. Now it’s really up to the people of Philippines to decide whether they want to change their lives and country or not by refusing to work for this kinds of people

    • Yes tenth commandment is that you will not kill any man but in all countries this law has been crushed mercilessly and in this act all the country politicians are on the front line I think they do not believe in God and his decrees and they lost faith in God fear of God.

      “You shall not covet” means that we should banish our desires for whatever does not belong to us. Never having enough money is regarded as a symptom of the love of money. Obedience to the tenth commandment requires that envy be banished from the human heart.

      Thou shalt not kill (LXX; οὐ φονεύσεις), You shall not murder (Hebrew לֹא תִּרְצָח lo tirṣaḥ) or You shall not kill (KJV), is a moral imperative included as one of the Ten Commandments in the Torah, specifically Exodus 20:13 and Deuteronomy 5:17.

      Simply stated, the sixth of the Ten Commandments forbids the unjustified taking of a human life. However, the commandment itself has a couple of interesting elements that bear mentioning.

      First and foremost, different Bible translations give the appearance of different meanings, and there is potential for misunderstanding the actual meaning of the verse. Second, man was never created for the act of murdering another, and there needs to be an explanation for such a violent and final act towards another human being.

      Third, because of the translational challenge, we need to understand the difference between “murder” and “killing.” And last but not least, how does God view murder? To God, murder is not just physical in nature but also the condition of one’s heart towards another.

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    SuperD replied to the topic How To Edit Blog Post Which Is Still Still In 'Awaiting Approval'? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    I think this is the best thing to do because we cannot yet do it on our own. Editing may be important but I guess we need to wait a little for more until admin can decide to allow us to edit our own post.

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Warning, Do Not Catch Tadpoles! 8 years ago

    Beware those who love eating exotic food that includes the adobo (cook in soy and vinegar) because this is now prohibited in our place. No these creatures are not considered endangered, its just a move to […]

    • Tadpols when I think of what we used to do when we were kids I just laugh. There was a small stream where the neighbourhood kids used to come together with containers then get into the stream and start catching the tadpols.usually it’s th3boys who used to go ahead and catch them while we watch from afar. So I remember telling them that they were not fish they were frogs but they wouldn’t listen, so we would play around them and watch them grow but at some point my big brother pours it out. It was adventourous to do such things but not anymore

    • But now, our kid’s play will be halted because of some ordinances and laws prohibiting people to catch them. For the good of human kind we need to follow the rules.

    • I have never heard this kind of ordinance. What I know is about the protection and preservation of endangered species in plants and animals. But tadpoles seem to be “weird” I should say. In any manner, it is a good move. Your government deserves to be lauded. In our country, there are various laws and ordinances protecting the environment including those on the air, on land and on the sea. Well, logically, these tadpoles probably are also included.

      Frogs are exotic foods. People cook them and eat. Frog delicacy is delicious. It tastes good and it is good for the body. By the way, these tadpoles have reminded me of my early days. We used to catch them from the canal where we always passed after our classes. They’re so many of them in the canal, swimming to and fro. We picked them up and placed them inside the small bottle. We enjoyed watching them inside the bottle. When we’re done playing with them, we threw them back to the canal.

      • I have heard in some towns having the same ordinance passing in their council. Maybe there is already a law protecting this tadpoles because of its importance in farming and the towns and cities are just adopting this into their town. But it is a laudable move because frogs now are on the verge of extinction because it is considered to be a good food.

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    SuperD replied to the topic How To Edit Blog Post Which Is Still Still In 'Awaiting Approval'? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    none yet

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    SuperD wrote a new post, The Dying Of Tradition 8 years ago

    Filipino tradition about caring of the department relative is extra-ordinary. It’s not the last wish of the departed but the relatives and family giving all the best that they can for the last time to s […]

    • There are many tradition that filipinos must follow when one of their love ones passed away, like never ever leave a deceased unattended specially at night over their wake, praying for the repose of their soul, having bless the body by a priest, and offering mass for them.

      • And that makes our tradition unique no other race can have. Giving importance to our beloved one, giving the last sacrifice is always a treasure culture we can always practice.

    • I don’t know when it started or who started it, but there is one tradition that has developed in the United States that I really like and that I think shows honor to the departed and that is … instead of flowers for the grave, donating money to a charity or a non-profit foundation or any kind of good work. Usually it’s a contribution to an effort that the deceased was passionate about or maybe it’s continuing research on a sickness that was the cause of death of that person or something like that. The family would request that in lieu of flowers, make a donation to ________. It’s a lovely and practical tradition!

      • We have different of practicing this tradition, but we call it “saranay” of helping. The community that include friends and relatives will donate money to the family of the departed one and then it will be used for the funeral service. Always, we have a feeding for the people who attended the funeral procession and the money collected is what we used to buy pigs, rice, vegetables, water among others.

    • By the way it seems like the traditions that people used to have back in the days is slowly dying away. It’s high time that people stopped all this manner of traditions and just did things in the right way without having to do certain things. Like in our tradition it is said that when a father dies in a family the kids are supposed to shave their heads clean in respect of the dead we never knew what all the symbolized to date but it’s a good thing that most people are slowly walking away from this kinds of things that make no sense at all.

      • I believe some traditions need to be forgotten because some are practice by paganism but I believe some are good enough to brought to the next generations because its part of our humanity.

    • It is a fact that people are forgetting the old tradition. It is very pathetic when I was crossing from a road I saw funeral but very sad that there were a few persons with the funeral. Looking at this site my heart wept and really tears floated in my eyes thinking this that all old traditions are dying with the modernism

      Is it our new civilization that is making the new generation away from the old cherished traditions. I think old traditions are dying like the some old species as Diasporas and flying and Phoenix….

      All traditions will die withe passage of time but there are some traditions will never die on earth as
      The Wedding Cake
      Fresh New Idea:
      The Bridal Shower
      The Rings
      Marriage ceremony

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    SuperD posted an update 8 years ago

    Its afternoon again, getting ready to go home now.

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    SuperD replied to the topic How To Edit Blog Post Which Is Still Still In 'Awaiting Approval'? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    None, no edit button for us ( this is what I learned from the responses), so what supposed we should do, well we can ask admin to consider this very useful button, second, proofreading our article before posting.

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