Excellent post.
I hope your friend will find this useful! I’m sure that the system works somewhat differently in Europe, though. So her experience may be very different to ours. Even between Canada and the US, the system is very different. And in Canada, each province decides how it will help the families of autistic children. Our experiences as parents of autistic kids are often very similar, but the ways we cope for the purpose of getting funding and services can be quite different.
It can be really tempting to assume that saving money now is a good thing, especially when it comes to a government whose principal players may not even be in power by the time the child is grown. But yes, investing in a child’s development mo could very well mean he will require greatly reduced supports as an adult.
It’s a tough fight, that’s for sure! But these kids are really smart. If only they were all getting the services they need, without all the budgetary constraints!
We’re lucky that our government is providing these special children for their education needs even they are already 5 years old. We have special education for them.
Autism has been a great problem for many parents who have kids who suffer from autism. I like the information that you have shared it’s very informative, and it states everything clearly on how they behave so that one is able to recognize a problem early enough and work on it. I agree that such complications need to be given the attention that it desrves to save lives. Like you have said that it’s better if more funds are pumped into the treatment early enough than waiting for it to escallate to the time when one is an adult. The earlier the better it saves one a lot of time, stress and finances.
Hi sissy @4cryingoutloud hahahaha, I am laughing at your username sissy hahahaah.
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