Emmanuel alfred posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago
if we love one another the world will be a better place Fighting will not bringeth enmity between, let speak love, share love, act on love… For your heavily father is love that why he gave is only begotten so to die for mankid. My brother and sister go out share the God kind of love agape. Thank you
how do feel when is like all your sacrifice is becoming in vain ,unhappy right? That how jesus feels when you against him, that how jesus feels when you worship other gods instead of him, he was the one who die for your sins, he was bruise for forsake so you can have a happy and graceful life in him, he still assent to heaven to send the holysprit…[Read more]
christ in you the hope of all glory, wihitout christ life is useless don’t let the would deprive you of you heavenly inheritance, cause what does it profit a man if gain the whole world and loses is nothing, imagine burning in hell for a wrong decision or for reckless lifestyle, please don’t lose heaven because of your friends or for the…[Read more]
PEEUSH TRIKHA posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago
@lovern perhaps they can shut this site after writing a proper email.
This site is opened for it uses Cloud, the fact is, it is no longer active.
PEEUSH TRIKHA replied to the topic For Two Days Now @Support Is Active Yet Heard No Words in the forum Thinkers Group 7 years, 5 months ago
Any further update?
A warm and sunny day today. But evening could see some rains.
Marian Pius posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago
Someone just got arrested by the police for beating up his wife and throwing her down from a two storey building.
New Life posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago
Today was hot almost 100. Cant stand the summer time its to hot for me my wife loves it . It seems woman like the summer time more then the winter.