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    kaylar wrote a new post, Hey Mama’s Boy! Here’s Mama 7 years, 8 months ago

    Hey! Mama’s Boy!

    Here is how your mother screwed up your life and is going continue until one of you dies.

    Bet she made you think you were special. That you had more right to breath than anyone else. You didn’t […]

    • I dated a guy that was a mamas boy. It made the relationship very difficult. It was always why she wanted and what she said, to the point were he never came to me about anything, he always went to his mama. I felt like I was never involved in anything.yeah I know that his mama, but come on he is grown and in a relationship. It should have been me and him discuss things not him and his mama. She made it hard for us to love.

      • I know exactly what you’re saying. And trust me, you don’t want to ever be in any relationship with a guy like that. I know one who left his fiance alone, at night, because Mama called him. And she felt scared, cause there was all kind of noise outside and she was in this big house alone.

        As soon as the sun came up, she left the ring, took her bags and went home.

    • I like what you have shared, you are totally right about this and right on point. Momma’s boys as they are called by many are the kind of men that no woman wants to land with.
      They cling so much on their mother’s because that is the way they have been brought up. They tend to follow everything that they are told by their mother’s and funny e nought you will find that they have some characteristics of their mother’s. The one thing that i know is that i wouldn’t want to land in marriage with such a guy. They will expect you to act like their mother, cook like them, dress like them practically everything you do has to be like their mother, that is crazy. You are your own person Why would someone want you to be like someone else?
      Some man just need to grow up and man up. Even if your mum brought you up it doesn’t mean that you have to do exactly as she says some things just have to change.
      There are also some women who will go as far as moving into their son’s homes just to make sure that their son’s are treated right, that will keep correcting theirdaughter’s inlaw on what to do and what not do as if the guy is still a child. Please mother’s just let th3 guy be met him grow up and take care of his woman you have done your part now release him and let him face the real world.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Number Stumblers; Dysnumeracy or Dyscalcula 7 years, 8 months ago

    Most people have heard of Dyslexia.  This is the difficulty in reading and writing.  It does not effect intelligence and many dyslexics are quite brilliant.

    Most people, however, do not know about Dysnumeracy o […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Men Who Live Off Of Women 7 years, 8 months ago

    I am not talking about a ‘house husband’,  or a man who finds himself in a situation where he can’t find a job. I am writing about people, men, who set their lives to find and exploit women.   Men, whose p […]

    • It’s unfortunate that there are men like this.

      • It is because it eradicates the views one holds about ‘man’, but they are very common, and getting more common.

    • If you live off a woman how could you call yourself a man. I mean the woman has the baby who is going to provide for her at that moment if she isn’t financially stable. Living off a woman can be the lowest way a man can live only if he chooses to do that for a lifetime and it’s not because he just lost a job a couple of days ago

      • Oh these men don’t know the meaning of pride. They don’t have any positive traits. They will live off any woman they can.

    • Its A shame how men live off of Women. Men are supposed to be providers not free loaders.

    • This is very true just as you have said itmany men ar3 nowadays just looking yo be fed clothed and sheltered by women. Gone are the days when men were men. A man will take some responsibility for his woman and family. He will make sure that are clothed Fed well, they love in a good home etc.
      If you look around in most societies nowadays men are giving themselves to older some for services in return for money. They do not want to work to earn a living all that want is to have fun and in the process make free money. It maybe you will find a woman or just a young girl who works hard for her money, she gets herself an apartment, stocks her kitchen with food, buys a car and so on. Then she finds a guy who really speaks well if her just so that he can get into her house, and once he does that, that’s the end of it. He will come and stay. While he’s there there is nothing much he’s helping out with all he does is just demand and command, yet all his needs are being taken care of. And you wonder what kind of guy is this who doesn’t even feel ashamed to be living of his girlfriend can’t be get up and get a job to take care of his woman and himself.
      Men have become too lazy and irresponsible. They don’t want to do anything to improve themselves. All they want is free stuff. They should style up and do what is right. Stop waiting for the women to do for you what you should be doing? Or maybe the saying that goes ” A MAN IS THE HEAD OF THE HOUSE should change to A WOMAN IS THE HEAD OF THE HOUSE so that it is known that women are th3 ones who are running families nowadays

      • You are very right. Many men sit back and live out of a woman’s pocket until she puts them out and they find another woman or stand on their feet.

        I know one chap… absolutely worthless. Charming Chap, but worthless. He lived off the woman and they had a daughter… and after the woman tossed him out… he played interested in the daughter until today… the Daughter supports Him!

        MY Daddy is the Best Daddy in the World! she posts on Facebook

    • These are basically Prostitutes. Male Prostitutes. And the fact you’ll see a man in his 30s with a woman in her 50s … where she has a profession and he is virtually illiterate is not that strange any more

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Never Get Involved With a Mama’s Boy 7 years, 8 months ago

    There are women who can be widowed or divorced and have their own lives.   They can communicate with their children easily, but also have friends and interests.   Whether they have sons or daughters is not an i […]

    • I couldn’t see myself with a Mama’s boy.
      They are too selfish and gossip as much as any other female.
      They always run crying to mama ” what should I do ” , ” what do you think is best for me ” .
      I went through this with one of my sister’s.
      I couldn’t believe how unviable he was .
      My sister did everything for him cause he didn’t know what to do .
      He couldn’t even do his own college paper work , nor fill out an online application form.
      He has both of his parents come from good family but lacks all knowledge of self motivation.
      A man that can’t cook not even boiling water is a definite no in my book .

      • They have to ask Mama for everything, and even if you think you ‘come first’… Ha! One word from Mama and you are on your own.

    • yes it happen in some cases,my husband is too mumma boy but i manage it all i give space to them and provide them full privacy and make her have full control on him but not on me i do what i think is right.

      • I couldn’t do it. Nothing is worse then when you need him and Mama calls him, and he leaves you to run to her. Esp. when she invents reasons.

    • Pity the wife… she comes 2nd. Not much of a marriage.

    • Lots of mothers or parents in general have lots of control over the children. Same goes for women. Some women are mama’s girls or daddy’s girls. So it does go both ways. The only one that can change this behavior is the child themselves. Otherwise it will continue for the rest of their lives.

      • Women who put their mother’s first often are thrown out by their husbands or their husbands leave them. Too many parents exercise too much control over their children never letting them grow up and move on.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, If You are Hacked; blame yourself 7 years, 8 months ago

    Hacking has been known to everyone since 1990, when the Internet became commercially available in the 1st World and for us, in Jamaica, we knew about it, even before we could get onto the Great Cyber Highway.

    We […]

    • Yes. The people during the campaign too light of Mr. Donald and vehemently criticized him starting from his mouth to every organ of the body.
      It is the xenophobia as well as the racism that stirred up their minds making the gray matter more powerful tool with analysis and self-conscience.
      Hacking as you said is not at all an issue and it will be the stupidity to blame Russia for the victory of Mr. Donald. Still, they are not realizing this aspect and continuing arraigning the Russian Government in the politics of the U.S.

      • What is so significant is that you and I see this so clearly, and persons who are supposed to know better, don’t.

        People voted for Trump. Maybe a lot of people who didn’t like Hilary very much assumed that Trump couldn’t win so didn’t vote.

        However, unless they have proof that the Russians hacked into the voting machines, they should just shut up and stop making trouble.

    • you have to download and use different malware. You have to be sensible. We can’t blame other people when we are at fault. This thing with the DNC just causes the world to lose respect for them.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Once a Week vs Every Other Day Shopping 7 years, 8 months ago

    I used to have a motorcycle  which I rode to and from work.  Every day, almost, on my way home from work, I’d stop at a particular crummy supermarket and buy what I felt like.  I didn’t know what I’d eat for di […]

    • Regular shopping is good for not to miss anything that comes in the form of offers, deals, and fresh stock. But, it needs a lot of patience also. It is actually a test for patience. Coming all the way from a bike and parking it in the appropriate place means it is a challenge. Can you park every day in the Cellar meant for the two wheelers? Is it not a test for your patience? But one has to develop this activity to improve one’s personal relationships with others in the society we live in. This is a good habit.
      The other benefits are monetary but the developing inter-personal relationship is more than that.

      • I park right at the front of the store, in the handicap parking…(I do have a pin in my leg). I do have a lot of good relationships with all the people around the market, as I take my venture like a social engagement. So it does enhance that relationship as you mentioned.

    • I used to think once a week was good, but I prefer being able to run in when I want and not have to make that many plans. When it comes to vegetables, I always pick those that look a little handicapped or like they suffered to avoid GM.

    • I am no fan of shopping. Believe me. I don’t like it one bit. But it is something that needs to be done. Shopping daily is just ridiculous. Shopping once a week is better. I am actually looking into shopping for groceries online now. There are many services that we can do that now.

    • If you have your own transpeed and you pass the supermarket each day…?

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    kaylar wrote a new post, You Need To See The Original Title 7 years, 8 months ago

    There are copies of the official title in the possession of persons who own, or claim to own property.  These are copies.  The Title you Need to see is in a Government Office.

    This is why…

    Turning Lemons i […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Giving the American Television Series Elementary Another Chance 7 years, 8 months ago

    Sometime ago I compared the two ‘versions’ of a modern day Sherlock Holmes.   That is, the British “Sherlock” to the American “Elementary”.

    In a way, it was a bit unfair, for Benedict Cumberbatch in Sherlock is, […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Riding a Motorcycle; being a Woman 7 years, 8 months ago

    It was many years ago when I was waiting for a bus when I saw a dumb looking guy shooting past on a motorcycle.  I thought to myself, “I can ride a bike, how hard could a motorcycle be if this guy can operate […]

    • The main thing is to get from Point A to Point B. When I was growing up, we had a pretty good public transportation system. As a result, I rode buses all over Miami, Florida, and into the Greater Miami areas as well (Coral Gables, Miami Beach, etc.) I didn’t learn how to drive until I got married. I was 21 years old by then. I drove lots of places, i.e. different states in the US and different cities within the state of Florida. Having a reliable form of transportation – public or private – is very liberating.

      The motorcycle were never my thing because I never learned how to ride a bike. By the way, I don’t recommend that. Riding a bike is a life skill and it’s something everyone should learn how to do. I missed out but encourage others to do so. Also, never learned how to swim. Another important life skill. My kids taught themselves how to ride a bike and swim. Thank goodness they didn’t rely on me! 🙂

      • You are not too old to learn. Listen, Ema… who is 100 years old, went to school to learn how to operate a computer at the age of 89. You should learn how to swim, (life saving for sure) and ride a bike… it’s really nice.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, What is and is not Plagiarism 7 years, 8 months ago

    Some years ago, on another site, I wrote an article about the Black Plague.

    I researched the Bubonic plague, and got a great deal of information. I posted my first article on the topic. I was quite proud of it […]

    • This has happened to me before too. Then I realized that you and another can bother be doing research and information can lead you to taling about the same topic but in different ways.It’s still good to check in on a topic that looks similar to yours to make sure though.

      • Oh yes… that is key. Make sure; but also I find that when I’m writing I have to NOT read any one else’s stuff so that I don’t wind up taking ‘your’ topic.

        It was amazing, I’m in Jamaica, the chap was in England, and I was watching the BBC World Service News, which touched on Bubonic Plague and ran to research it. He was watching the News on the BBC, which ran the same story, and he was fascinated by various plagues.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, It is Just as Easy to be Nice… 7 years, 8 months ago

    My mother used to tell me;  “It is just as easy to be nice as it is to be nasty, so be nice.  You can always be nasty.”

    I’ve tried my best to be nice.  To present a pleasant countenance, to speak kindly, to be wa […]

    • You and I are very much alike. I am nice, and when that doesn’t work, I show my claws and cut them off. Sometimes I don’t show my claws, I just go away.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, How Some WebSites Cut Their Own Hits 7 years, 9 months ago

    I used to get news delivered to my in box from a particular service.   I liked it, quoted it, thought it was a good service.  It decided to charge.  I no longer use it.  I applied for another service, which is fre […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, How To Deal with the Slow Brain 7 years, 9 months ago

    This is perfectly evident.   It takes you a second or two to recognise it.  It’s clear.  But!   If you are around a person with a Slow Brain, they will take forever to recognise it, and in between, will ‘di […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Dealing With The Curse of Cassandra 7 years, 9 months ago

    You might think being able to read situations and know what is going to happen next is a great gift.
    Not only does no one who has any control over the situation listen, but when it happens, they have this […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Basa Fish; Something else to Poison the Population 7 years, 9 months ago

    Supermarkets are full of ‘Basa’.   Whether called “swai” “bocourti” “river cobbler”, “cobbler”, “pangasius”, “panga”, or any of these with the addition of “catfish” they swamp the shelves.

    In 2002,  Vietnam was […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Fake News, Biased Reporting, and the Public…? 7 years, 9 months ago

    We have all heard of the Fake News Stories, whether that the Pope endorsed Trump or some anti-Clinton rubbish.  Most people believe everything they read, which is nothing new.   People are gullible.  That is wh […]

    • It also happens here in Philippines, bias news, fake news, unreliable news, the only reason is to create trouble and release their hatred, to scam and to distort the minds of the people.It is not only fake news, likewise fake persons. Just recently one young lady was stabbed to death after meeting a boy friend met in Facebook. It is not wise to accept someone;s love on line hehehe. Fortunately, the suspects is o detained in jail. He left something in the crime scene with his name inscribed on it, so God does not sleep and the criminal must pay. That is why, there are are many fake persons not only ads or news,LOL.

      • Many years ago, as a project, I joined dating sites, (I wrote about it on this site somewhere) and it was clear to me that a lot of what was there was untrue. But people are too gullible. They believe things without proof.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Results of Not Planning 7 years, 9 months ago

    No country opens its borders without some serious organisation of data collection.    No organisation opens itself to acceptance of applicants without pre-requisites.

    If, for example, a hurricane destroys all t […]

    • Congrats freind,despite only two of us here saving the site with our blogs, at least we also enjoy writing blogs hehehehe.We are fighetrs and courageous. I am going to submit blogs this afternoon here. I have to sleep first. i slept 3 in the morning and woke up 7 in the morning. I feel groggy. We have many visitors at home this new yer, 6 visitors from other countries, our relatives. They are going to leave home tomorrow to Manila then, USA. They are afraid of the storm that will attack in Mindanao, I am from Mindanao and the storm makes its showdown next week.I hope its performance is nice not worst.

      Your post is on high profile on different issues, congrats.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, You Let The Wookie Win 7 years, 9 months ago

    We were standing on line, maybe we were invisible, as the door man was passing in other people and keeping us out.   Then my friend announced happily; “Let the Wookie Win!”  With that, smiling, we came off the l […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Mad Men; The Television Series 7 years, 9 months ago

    This series ran seven season.  It began in 2007 ended in 2014.  It is the story of the Advertising Industry in America, primarily, New York City; Madison Avenue.  The show begins in 1959 and ends in 1970.

    The at […]

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    kaylar replied to the topic What makes you happy living alone? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 9 months ago

    Exactly.   For example, certain days you set to cook.  You prepare stuff for the week.  Then you go to work.  You can set time to clean or not clean, watch TV or not watch.  You get a power of yourself you can never have when you live with people.

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