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    kaylar wrote a new post, Getting rid of your Relatives 7 years, 8 months ago

    I read, with some shock, about the prevalence of  ‘Granny Dumping’.   This is the disposal of older relatives, many with Alzheimer’s disease by their children or grandchildren.

    By dumping, it is that the c […]

    • Yes. I was shocked by it when I learned of the practice. It is terribly cruel and selfish.

    • Sad that some people have no conscience in doing that to their parents. How were they able to sleep peacefully, when they know that the very parents who loved and took care of them and gave them education, were put in a place where they cannot be disturbed.

      Good thing, here in the Philippines, majority of the old people are being taken cared of their children until their death. The children loves their parents that’s why.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Ten Most Corrupt Countries 7 years, 8 months ago

    Although many countries are corrupt, the Top Ten seem to have exceeded.

    Transparency International  blames/attributes corruption on what is called the rise of ‘populism’.   People are elected because they a […]

    • There are reports that are published about the most corrupt countries and also the nicest countries. I remember seeing reports on both. I remember one report that said Ireland was one of the nicest or “goodest” countries.

      The information gathered about corrupt countries is informative but it is also very sad. The late Ray Charles sang a song with these lyrics: “None of us are free. If one of us is chained, none of us are free.”

      You or we … have a tendency to review these reports and breath a sigh of relief when our country is not in the Top 10. But then, you have to think:
      ~ Is there no way the people in those countries can be set free?

      If you’re in a corrupt country, with a ruthless regime, it’s worse than being a slave in chains!

    • I was scared we’d be in the top ten. We are in the top ten of the most dangerous cities…Kingston.

    • thank god india is not in this list …

    • Speaking corruption, the Philippines has a lot of corrupt officials. In fact, everyone is clamoring to enter politics because they want to enrich themselves through those projects being implemented in the place where they rule.

      But with us having a new president now, so bent in curbing corruption and in fact, have relieved the whole management of its Bilibid prison, where drug lords have their shabu laboratories.

      He has already a strict instruction that government employees should expedite all government trasactions and report those who asks for bribes.

      I Hope this is the beginning of at least the lessening if not for the eradication of corruption in the government.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Trump’s First “heck of a job” moment 7 years, 8 months ago

    In 2005, President George W Bush praised his emergency management head, Michael Brown, for doing a “heckuva job” with recovery efforts.   As everyone knows, Brown did a terrible job.  If he had been abducted by K […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Books You Must Read – Sherlock Holmes 7 years, 8 months ago

    With the two competing television serials; Elementary in the United States and Sherlock in Britain, as well as the motion pictures and references,  it suits you to read Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories about […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Peculiar Power of Language 7 years, 8 months ago

    I was sitting in a room and the moderator of a speech contest told one of the competitors that his ‘persiflage’ did him no credit.

    The word persiflage rolled off the moderator’s tongue easily.   I looked up the […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, A Little Trip About Watching Serials On Line 7 years, 8 months ago

    One of the up sides is that you can watch what you want to watch when you want to watch it.   You can stop the show to answer the phone or use the bathroom.

    The operative word is ‘Can’.

    You must collect a […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Books You Must Read – by Edgar Allan Poe 7 years, 8 months ago

    This author needs to be read periodically.  From his poems to short stories,  some need to be read out loud.

    He was born in 1809 and died forty years later.   He is is best known for his tales of mystery and the […]

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    kaylar replied to the topic Trump Tweets – A continuing discussion in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 8 months ago

    I am being ‘sarcastic’ when I call them abductees.    I have some genius friends.  One had been headhunted from one major company to another, and then no less than Dell went after him.  He was going to buy a house here, he had everything here, and you never would have thought he’d of left. But they offered him a package if I write it here you wou…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, The Upside of Not Being Politically Correct 7 years, 8 months ago

    Let me begin with this fact; we are not, NOT politically correct in Jamaica.   Oh, the painted media mouths will twist their lips and bite their tongues, and make it seem that a cess pool is sanitation deprived, […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Upside of America for Americans 7 years, 8 months ago

    Way back, in the 1950s, America used to trawl Jamaica for domestic servants, hospital and farm workers.  For whatever reason, America had a dearth of such persons seeking employment, so set upon Jamaica.   J […]

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    kaylar replied to the topic Trump Tweets – A continuing discussion in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 8 months ago

    my response to you has just inspired an article

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    kaylar replied to the topic Trump Tweets – A continuing discussion in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 8 months ago

    Yeah, but we aren’t as worried as I thought we would be.   We’ve gotten into a lot of trade deals with other countries, and have been replacing many American imports with others… for example, (this is coming from the ‘me’ who is a frequent shopper) there used to be a huge quantity of cooking oil from America on the shelves.  Today, the m…[Read more]

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    kaylar replied to the topic Updating or editing past blogs.. in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 8 months ago

    I don’t think you can… unless there’s a change in the basics

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    kaylar replied to the topic Trump Tweets – A continuing discussion in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 8 months ago

    If you were with me in Jamaica right now, you’d hear how people are laughing at him and America. You’d know that America is NOT the world, that people have other opinions and as Jamaica is not Politically Correct, we express them.


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    kaylar wrote a new post, Getting What You Ordered; Why Surprise? 7 years, 8 months ago

    Some years ago I was in a fancy restaurant with friends of mine.  At another table came one of those pretentious females.  She was a bit overdressed, a bit loud, and somewhat amusing.

    In an unnecessarily loud v […]

    • The previous Presidents of the U.S were posing themselves as true Americans and remained as such the completion of their term of office. They remained, enjoyed, and did not and said nothing for the U.S.
      Mr. Trump on the contrary and beyond the expectations of his own non-supporters in the Elections has bent upon keeping and giving a shape to the promises he addressed and made during the Election campaign.
      The construction of Wall along the Mexican border has been the centerpiece of his promises made in the Campaign. He wanted to fulfill it after becoming the President. There is no surprise in it. It happens rarely. It appears as a great surprise because no previous Presidents tried to pay attention to the promises made in the election campaign.

      How one can criticize Mr. Donald if he says and declares his country is for safety and welfare of Christians and takes steps to this effect.

      He is not a lady ordering something in the restaurant which she does not know and protest latter.

    • He is not, his supporters, and many Americans show ‘shock’ at it. Why? He said so. The fact is, I don’t think a lot of Americans really expected it. If you read American news…

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Books You Must Read – Slaughterhouse-Five 7 years, 8 months ago

    Kurt Vonnegut is an American author who wrote a number of books and short stories.  Slaughterhouse-Five is simply the most well-read.  There are other books by Kurt Vonnegut that you should read, basically b […]

    • I like to read, though long time I did not, its due the work and home and house and garden and lots of things that make you busy from things you must do like reading and posting in my humble opinion, thank you for this nice aricle and really needs to go and read a little but I am into real life boooks and parenting or psychology books, not other type of books, as I feel these books teach you , yes all the books give you few details that may help you in life and bit in daily work, but at the end it depend on what you do and how you daily routine, that will decide the type of book you read and why you read and when you get it

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Books You Must Read – Things Fall Apart 7 years, 8 months ago

    Written in 1958 by Chinua Achebe in Nigeria, it is a very powerful story of a clash of cultures. The story is set in the 1800s and confronts the  pre- and post-colonial life in Nigeria.

    The novel follows the l […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, We Don’t Talk to Each Other Anymore 7 years, 8 months ago

    Everyone is walking with a cell phone, talking to someone who isn’t there.  Some are texting.   And those who sit in front of computers aren’t emailing,  aren’t communicating, they are posting to Fa […]

    • I enjoyed your article and like your writing. I am a Facebook fan. Personally, I like to catch up with family and friends. Facebook live is a good asset because I can get a first hand view of the news. Social Media is,also, a blessing to me but I understand your point. Whenever I pass by people, they are more concerned with their cell than what is happening around them. I agree–Email is still a good way to express yourself and it is becoming a lost art. Thanks for sharing.

      • Imagine your notifications, 28 of them. Someone posting these ‘observations’ one after another. It’s like dumping trash in my account. The news is better kept personal in emails.

    • If you have something to say, it is better to put it here on a writing site, where you aren’t making ‘pronouncements’ but writing a complete article.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Books You Must Read – Alice in Wonderland 7 years, 8 months ago

    Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was written in 1865 by  Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the alias of Lewis Carroll.   Considering the success of Alice he decided to write a sequel called, Through the Looking G […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, The Mexican Wall; who will it Hurt? 7 years, 8 months ago

    Although one wouldn’t expect a businessman like Donald Trump, or a President of the United States, know that Mexico is the number Three Trading Partner.

    I know it, because I can find information.

    Maybe, in the […]

    • I really pity this guy, does he ever feel sorry for himself? Honestly we all need each other for some reason, nations need one another to grow, where in earth has there been a nation that doesn’t rely on another nation for something, am yet to see that. All he thinks about is he himself, what he wants and what he needs. From what I know and am aware of is the fact that outsiders are the ones who go to work for th3 Americans, you will find this foreigners in hospitals, homes, hotels and so many other places working. We all know that there are people who cannot do without workers, they need them around them 24/7. When trump starts building walls and cutting off links with certain countries what’s going to happen to this people who are so reliant on the foreigners to work, are they going to look for their own people to do that work? If course not! So trump just needs to get his act together and rethink about some of the decisions he is making for the American people. This is not a game like the enterpreneurship that he used to run, this are real issues that will affect people and their families. You cannot mess up someone’s life and tell them you are FIRED! Help make life better not worse for people.

      • This is the archtypical spoiled brat. He has no idea of the existence of other people. He looks in the mirror and doesn’t see an old fat orange pig with a toupee but superman. He knows nothing.

        Many countries buy ‘American Products’ which consist of weapons and probably steel to build. Not Consumer products. Not cars, not clothes, not appliances. What he doesn’t realise is that there is a large population of Americans in America who are employed in the trade with Mexico.

        All Mexico has to do is wink at China. The Mexicans won’t suffer much loss. China makes a whole bunch of imitation goods, so they can put a ‘Ford’ engine in a Ford car. The engine, of course is as much Ford as chow mein.

        He’s a stupid man.

    • Never really thought about who the wall would hurt. At present, I’m not even sure building it is achievable! (O.o) One step at a time. Can we even get the wall built? I know I’ve heard all kinds of thoughts and ideas being thrown “to the wind” but so far nothing concrete on how The project is going to move from rhetoric and materialize into reality.

      • Trump is going to build the wall… remember… this isn’t a normal person. This is Trump. Just now he’s banned all immigrants… it doesn’t matter what treaties say… he’s Trump!

        I have to laugh when people who supported him seem puzzled by what they supported.

        • Please try to realize that everything you hear reported in the news is not gospel, the law, the final word. Yes. Another “change” has come to America. Yes. Trump is Trump. But that’s only who he is. Yes. Trump is POTUS. Nobody is denying or disputing it.

          But I don’t get why people keep imagining he’s a giant FOOT and he’s just going around stepping on US like we’re ANTS!!

          That’s not happening! It’s not going to happen.

          Oh sure! He may do things differently from previous leaders. Big deal! So what? Americans know how to adapt to survive and preserve the American Way! I have faith in US!!!

          If the wall is built then … America will still be America. It’ll just be America with a wall. And some day, a person who writes articles or blog posts about history may write about America’s Wall, the same way they write about Hadrian’s Wall, the Great Wall of China, the walls of Jericho, etc. 🙂

          If the ancient emperors, the wall builders of old, were here today, no doubt they’d say: “People! Get a grip! It’s just a wall.” 🙂

    • Here’s where the roads diverge. This is not the 60s; America isn’t the centre of gravity. Right now Mexicans are going to boycott American businesses. There are options.

      Trying to defend Trump is hysterically funny. He doesn’t need you to defend his ideas. He’s gonna do what he’s gonna do, and reap the ‘rewards’.

      He can push for oil, others are turning to solar and electric, and hey! You can pollute America as much as you want!

      Lots of countries are moving quickly to make new Trade Deals. It benefits the rest of the world. It is better for the world for America to pull back and let other countries fill the ‘gaps’.

      • A few points. One goes back to a comment you made earlier.

        (1) If you voted for Trump why are you puzzled by anything he says or does?
        ~ I didn’t vote, as I have already said. But according to you, I voted for Trump. Fine! Trump doesn’t confuse me at all and nothing he does is a puzzle. It may be a puzzle piece. But it’s easy to fit the pieces together.

        (2) Mexicans are going to boycott American businesses?
        ~ Uuuh … Why don’t Mexicans figure out a way to stop their own citizens from leaving Mexico?

        (3) Trying to defend Trump is hysterically funny?
        ~ Who’s defending him? I mean … besides that lady with the “alternative facts”.

        (4) Lots of countries are moving quickly to make new Trade Deals?
        Countries like … uuuhh … ? Cuba?? Trade Deals with who?

        • To Answer; it was more a general than a personal… if one voted for Trump or supported him, nothing he has done so far should be of any shock. He is doing what he said he would do. For me it is like someone says, “I’m going to tear down the awning…” they tear down the awning. It doesn’t need any analysis or explaination or defence.

          Right now, in Mexico there is a boycott against Starbucks. That one has made the BBC… there are probably others, one could Google if they want. Mexico isn’t a pathetic poor set of pueblos. There are a lot of American businesses there a lot of investment.

          It isn’t just the Mexicans crossing over…it is people from all over South America; people from El Salvadore, Hondurus, Columbia, etc, going north and crossing into America. Even Trump knows that. I think he, or one of his people said something to Mexico like; “The wall will benefit you because it will prevent Central and South American criminals from entering…”

          There is no spin to put on anything TRump says or does. Not need to explain. This is what he said he would do.

          In Jamaica, for example, we’ve hooked into China, Nigeria, Cuba, and other countries. Other countries have done the same. In fact, American imports here have dropped by about $3 Billion dollars.

          • No Mexico is not a pathetic poor set of pueblos. They’re corrupt spineless bastards who can’t keep criminals like El Chapo in jail! Ggrrrrr …!! They’re not exactly the best next door neighbors to have! But hey! Can’t do nothing about the geography except … except .. uuhh … put up a wall?? LOL.

            (Excuse my grumpiness and sick sense of humor. It’s getting late and I’m sick and tired of talking and hearing about Trump!)

            Anyway I don’t think the wall is going to stop anybody who is determined to slip through. Walls have “cracks”.

            I’m going to bed. Don’t usually sign in on Sundays. So … see you Monday!!! 🙂

            • The Wall is not going to stop anyone… the drug trade needs to be confronted. The gun men and drug traders will go by submarine. Others, by boat, and dig tunnels…

    • America is gonna build the Border Wall? Wow! Good for you, Americans. That’s what tens of millions voted for and won BIG TIME. You are seeing many great things and results happening already since the President Trump Administration. Congratulations! Good days are looking very promising for U.S.A. 🙂

      • I’m assuming you are being sarcastic because the very idea, the 1k mile wall… just a waste of money.

    • Mr. Trump is towards his election promises made to the citizen of U.S. In all his meetings during the election campaigns he has been emphasizing the constructions of a wall along the Mexican border to protect their infiltration into U.S to safeguard the financial interest of the people of U.S.
      No doubt the Japan and China are making a lot of business and are technologically improved themselves.
      I think Mr. Trump has sensed the danger into which his country is being pushed and hence he might have taken a decision which his predecessors have not taken up and this might have caused some heart-burning to the opposition parties and also to the media whom Mr. Trump did not want to care about.
      What we are all thinking and hearing about in the Media seems to be quite opposite to what actually happening in U.S is.
      Most of the so called financially benefited countries are now realizing the danger that is likely to cause to their economy by the order of Mr. Trump and hence the demonstrations and the media support magnifying his each and every activity of Mr. Trump.
      I have seen many Americans and talked to them and nobody is interested in allowing the foreigners to settle in U.S and what they say is it is somewhat towards making the U.S a financially a stable Nation.
      They say “If the foreigners are so impressed with the Democratic structure of U.S why can’t they adopt and press for it in their own nations. The U.S is not a land of immigrants into which each and everybody can land and make a permanent settlement at the cost of the Natives”.

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