• Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX replied to the topic Image Sizing Criteria in the forum Group logo of NewBiesNewBies 8 years, 1 month ago

    Yeah. It turns out it wasn’t a problem at all. When the post was approved the image I submitted came out perfectly fine! Guess it just showed that way in draft pre-approval mode. (O.o) I don’t know! My approved post looks great online and displays the way I want it to look. So if something ain’t broke, I don’t try to fix it! šŸ™‚

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX and Profile picture of ThisnthatThisnthat are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX replied to the topic Blogs sharing in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    I found posts that led me to Literacy Base because someone had shared them via Google Plus.Ā  Just said that in case some may think sharing doesn’t help.Ā  It does.Ā  Let’s face it!Ā  Sharing via social media is here to stay.Ā  So if you can share via Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, Tumblr, etc., then do it.Ā  Also, remember to include your own referral…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX replied to the topic Reading updates of members in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    @bestwriter ~ Thanks for the compliment. I try to supply the updates in the hopes of encouraging other members who may sometimes get discouraged and also because I’m thinking out loud or giving myself a pep talk. Ā  Come on! You can do this!Ā  šŸ™‚
    Everyday is a New Day

    Every Day is a New StartĀ  (Find free images at Pixabay.)


  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX replied to the topic Reading updates of members in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    @bestwriter ~ Thanks for the compliment. I try to supply the updates in the hopes of encouraging other members who may sometimes get discouraged and also because I’m thinking out loud or giving myself a pep talk. Ā  Come on! You can do this!Ā  šŸ™‚


  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago

    ā€œIn all the years Iā€™ve written, Iā€™ve found that your best work is often a result of those times when youā€™re afraid to push publish.ā€ – Srinivas Rao (medium.com)

    • That’s interesting! Our work might be the better when we have more pressure on it? Or perhaps we put more efforts into it?

      • That’s Mr. Rao’s experience. I thought it was interesting and that’s why I shared the quote. As for me, I don’t usually have a problem hitting the publish button. I’ve already agonized over my written word long before the decision is every made to share via a blog post or publish an article. Everybody’s experience is different. But whatever…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX wrote a new post, Exotic Fruits (Superfood or Wonder Fruit) 8 years, 1 month ago

    My first visit to The Bahamas (to meet my future in-laws) was almost 40 years ago and it opened up a whole new world for me. There were so many delicious fruits in this tropical paradise that I had never heard of […]

    • I don’t think our grocery stores stock any of these fruits. We are lucky to get mangoes and kiwifruit sometimes, and maybe a special on grapefruit. The one store will actually run out of carrots or lettuce some days, so it can be interesting to walk through the produce section….

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago

    ā€œThere comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world, because you realize there is so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on.ā€ ~ Zayn Malik

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX and Profile picture of morgoodiemorgoodie are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX wrote a new post, Why I Tsu and You Should Too! 8 years, 1 month ago

    What is Tsu
    Joined a social network called Tsu, several months back. If you are good at recruiting family and friends to join the Tsunation, you might generate some fairly consistent income. However, even if you […]

    • This is a great explanation of TSU. I have heard of it but have never checked it out. It sounds like a good place to earn passive income that is not easy to find. Thanks for the information about the site.

    • However I got an update that Tsu has closed.

    • Apparently, there was an official announcement about the site closing. I left long ago, as I could see it was on a downswing. It was an interesting concept and I met some lovely people there, though.

      • The Tsu revenu-share / original content concept was a good one. If only it had worked! I also really liked the fact that you could contribute to charity organizations with ease. Plus, there was also this group called MusicHistory101 that shared really cool stuff about music history. I will miss it. šŸ™

    • What is Tsu? Tsu is a social media network built, in my opinion, most similar to Facebook and was launched on October 14th, 2014. If youā€™ve ever used Facebook (who hasnā€™t?), then youā€™ll easily fit right in to working with Tsu, for the most part. Since launch, Tsu has welcomed stars like 50 Cent, NBA stars like Tyreke Evans and Kevin Durant, bands like Guns N Roses, NFL stars, singers and more (growing by the day).

      The main key difference when comparing the two networks is the fact that they pay their users a majority of revenue earned ( up to 90%) when users view pages and therefore, the advertisements. This key factor is, in my opinion, the reason why there was a big initial push with people sending their link everywhere and to everyone they could. This is a simplified summary of the ā€œgetting paid to socializeā€ concept, you can learn more about earning money in the ā€œHow do I earn money and get paid to be social?ā€ section.

      If you are anything like me when I got my start on tsÅ« (pronounced sue), you are likely skeptical and wondering what makes this social media network ā€œtickā€ without joining.

      I found out about Tsu while I was on a family vacation to Moab, Utah when there was a massive viral push for the network on Google+. I remember sending myself a text ā€œResearch Tsu and joinā€ to remind myself when we got back and I did just that after we got back.

      I couldnā€™t find much information about what the heck Tsu was and social media was flooded with ā€œJoin Tsuā€ links all over the freaking place with no real explanation of what the heck it was. I was frustrated as I am sure you are as well.

      I used Tsu for several weeks before writing this guide to offer my own educated input based on my research. So with that intro out of the way, let me go ahead and show you exactly what you are missing.

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX replied to the topic Image Sizing Criteria in the forum Group logo of NewBiesNewBies 8 years, 1 month ago

    Submitted a post for approval last night.Ā  First thing I did wrong was accidentally submit it twice.Ā  But I also noticed and this is a first … the image I picked is not showing up.Ā  It’s a gray box with the word “thumb” in it.Ā  What’s that all about??? (O.o)

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX replied to the topic Payment Proof Thread in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    LOL.Ā  Thanks so much.Ā  Like they say, “The only dumb question is the one you don’t ask.”

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX replied to the topic Payment Proof Thread in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    Thank you all for supplying proof of payment via PayPal.Ā  Now I feel silly!Ā  Sorry for asking.Ā  (O.o)

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX replied to the topic I have redeemed for the third time on LB in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    Congrats on your redemption. Now I have a problem. You are the 3rd person who said they received a redemption payment and another person indicated that this site does not have PayPal. If you don’t think my question is too personal, can you please tell me if you received your payment via PayPal? If I can’t use PayPal, I will have to leave this…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX and Profile picture of TiadaTiada are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago

    @dawnwriter – I like your blog, Movie Magic, on BlogJob. Would like to share some links. Do you plan to keep this blog or will you be republishing your content elsewhere? I’ll wait for your answer before sharing.

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago

    ā€œAll wise men respect honesty.ā€ Quote source: Odin Sphere (popular video game)

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX replied to the topic Adding Blog Topics or Categories in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    Yes.Ā  But even if you don’t purposely select Uncategorized, that’s the category where your post will default to anyway if you don’t pick a category.

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago

    ā€œBill Gates once said that he always gives the laziest people the hardest jobs, because they’ll find the easiest way to do it.ā€ Source: factslides.com

  • Profile picture of Treathyl FOX

    Treathyl FOX replied to the topic Adding Blog Topics or Categories in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 2 months ago

    You don’t have to put your posts in Uncategorized. If you don’t choose a specific category when you submit your post for approval, it automatically defaults to Uncategorized and shows up there. It has to end up somewhere or else it might not appear in the post archives at all which would mean that nobody would ever even see your post to read…[Read more]

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