Treathyl FOX and sam kal are now friends 7 years ago
Treathyl FOX and Lady Krishna are now friends 7 years ago
Treathyl FOX and Giovanni Guillermo are now friends 7 years ago
Treathyl FOX replied to the topic Star Trek Star Wars Wars in the forum Entertainment 8 years ago
* * Apologies. Sharing a replacement link: 10 reasons why Star Wars is better than Star Trek By Robert Jones May 04, 2017
Treathyl FOX posted an update 8 years ago
Phasing out my activity at this site. No longer publishing blog posts, making comments, or accepting friend requests. Please don’t take my rejection personally. My other home business projects have taken the priority on my To Do List. Be blessed! (Jun 2, 2017)
This is the first time I’ve been back here in a long while. I read that nobody was paid this month. That’s too bad
Than what now
Treathyl FOX started the topic I'm Leaving. Time to Say 'Good bye!' in the forum Making Money Online 8 years ago
I have given the matter careful thought and consideration and have made a decision. I’m leaving this community. I had a wonderful time participating in the groups, publishing blog posts and commenting, etc. But now it’s time to move on. The income possibilities that I had hoped for did not materialize. I hope those who stay enjoy success. It has…[Read more]
@wowrameezali – Rumor has it you are the owner of this site. Or you were. Supposedly we’ve been compromised by Nigerians. Any truth to rumor? Just testing.
Treathyl FOX replied to the topic Dear @SUPPORT – We Need Some Words From You? in the forum Thinkers Group 8 years ago
Don’t know where to go as yet but I’m preparing to leave and find another site that will pay me. It was nice being here while it lasted. At this point, can’t even tell if this site has been surreptitiously infected or invaded by “unseen malicious parties”.
Gonna have to change the lyrics to Michael Jackson’s song. Instead of “got me workin’…[Read more]
Don’t know where to go as yet but I’m preparing to leave and find another site that will pay me. It was nice being here while it lasted. At this point, can’t even tell if this site has been by “malicious parties”.
Treathyl FOX and rosalba shahidi are now friends 8 years ago
Treathyl FOX replied to the topic Happy to know I have 5 visitors and 2 awards at Skyrock in the forum Thinkers Group 8 years ago
cely – Got it! I Googled at first and found the site in French. Thanks for helping me. It’s late now and I’m tired. I’ll check it later.
Good Night | Forward this Image
Treathyl FOX wrote a new post, Character Study: A Brief Examination of Daniel the Prophet and John the Baptist 8 years ago
This first post summarizes the results of my examinations of the lives of Noah and Job. Presented below are the results of my study of lives of Daniel the Prophet and John the Baptist.
Daniel was a young […]
Treathyl FOX wrote a new post, Character Study: A Brief Examination of Noah and Job 8 years ago
I read biographies and study characters for the purposes of my personal development. Many of the people I choose to learn about are people mentioned in the Bible. People that we would likely know nothing about had […]
Treathyl FOX replied to the topic Happy Pay Day Guys in the forum Thinkers Group 8 years ago
Bubblews left a bad taste in almost everybody’s mouth. So bad that people united to try to sue them. Tsu social network was also a disappointment. Many of these sites are very disappointing. It’s the reason you don’t just devote all your time to one of them. Because you never know when any of them will shut down.
Let me speak plainly.
Working online is proving to be very different from struggling to earn money working online. When I worked outside the home, a regular 9 to 5, there was never once a time when I had to “wonder” if I was going to get paid. I did the work and my employers paid me as per the contracted agreement.
I find that when I sign up wit…[Read more]
“click Skyrock in LB”? Not sure what you’re talking about and I don’t see a “symbol”? If I figure it out, I’ll let you know if I have success. Thanks.
Treathyl FOX replied to the topic What is your favorite song? in the forum Entertainment 8 years ago
This is a question that I just can’t stop answering. Found another song. It’s called “Always”. This is one of the most beautiful love songs I’ve ever heard. I don’t know if this lady is a new artist, but she’s new to me. Her name is Lara Fabian. She also wrote the lyrics. If you listen to her sing this song, you’ll fall in love! <3
( [Read more]
Treathyl FOX replied to the topic 300 word minumin in the forum NewBies 8 years ago
It happened to me once. I figured it was me. I revised my post and it was accepted.