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    SuperD posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago

    Why the rain don’t want to stopped, oh my.

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    SuperD and Profile picture of bestwriterbestwriter are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago

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    Jacky Hughes and Profile picture of bestwriterbestwriter are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago

  • Profile picture of ksp

    ksp posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago

    This is to inform the admin that my article “Mangalasutra Dharana” is till offline, I have already informed that some articles are written/slokas in Sanskrit. They does not have spellings in English so kindly post it still I have having 3 more articles about the marriage rituals if you publish these articles I will post those 3 articles also…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of ksp

    ksp posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago

    This is to inform the admin that my article “Mangalasutra Dharana” is till offline, I have already informed that some articles are written/slokas in Sanskrit. They does not have spellings in English so kindly post it still I have having 3 more articles about the marriage rituals if you publish these articles I will post those 3 articles also…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD and Profile picture of pcworkpcwork are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, The La Nina Effect 8 years, 1 month ago

    Just last night it was raining hard that the road in front in of our home flooded. Then this morning it was so hot that at around 8:30 in the morning the sun rays are pricking to my skin. Then this afternoon the […]

    • Part of me gets happy when the weather reports that there is a hurricane. I’m happy for the rain or the water. But I get very happy if it by the time it reaches landfall it has died down enough not to do any real damage.

    • La Nina is a phenomenon which waters in the equatorial regions of the Pacific Ocean are unseasonably cool. The cooler waters affect the atmosphere above the ocean, causing significant changes in climate, though usually not as significant as the changes that occur during an El Niño. As a result of heavy rain clouds and trade winds it may effect into any form of calamities like heavy rain fall, flash flood, and landslide. We must be responsible to take care of mother nature and used our natural resource in a very convenient way without destroying its value.

  • Profile picture of ksp

    ksp wrote a new post, Internet of Things 8 years, 1 month ago

    Previously if we require a cab, we have to call to the call center, then there one should collect our call and they are arranging cab at whatever the time we require. One car is providing jobs for two […]

    • Truly, technology play a major part in our lives today. Through the power of internet you can easily check to almost everything, banking, communication, shopping and you want technology have it all for you!

    • And with the reduction of call center agents, companies can give better efficiency using the internet and computers. But this does not mean that there will be no new jobs. There are also new job openings due to this as powerful computers and servers require IT teams to keep it from getting haywire plus companies that make computer parts would need extra hands to make things faster.

      So just look for jobs elsewhere. With the way things are going now, what used to be a booming business may not be one today anymore.

  • Profile picture of ksp

    ksp wrote a new post, World’s reputed nations -2 8 years, 1 month ago

    We have already discussed  about world’s reputed countries they are 1. Sweden 2. Canada 3. Switzerland 4. Australia 5. Norway 6. Finland 7. New Zealand and 8. Denmark now we will discuss about the rest of 11 r […]

    • No doubt that most european country has the largest growing economy in the world when it comes to there infastracture, employment, and financial services.

    • No doubt that most european country has the largest growing economy in the world when it comes to their infastracture, employment, and financial services.

    • I can see you have all the facts right, and that’s some good facts, come to think of it,they are all Scandinavian countries that must say something about this places. Nice data

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Why I Consider Them As Heroes? 8 years, 1 month ago

    Today the Philippines is celebrating the National Heroes Day. The day is to honor the war veterans and the Filipinos who fought for the freedom of the country during the World War 2 and the war before that […]

    • Indeed there are heroes apart from war heroes who help make a country strong.

    • I think I have heard of this day. Is it also called the Day of Valor?

    • You have missed to mention the parents, the mothers who have raised these men and women. Because of them, the heroes of today are made. The values they have learned from their parents. The attitudes that they possess in treating their fellow beings. Their traits of being polite, courteous and religious are all influenced by their parents.

      I may consider my father as the hero in our family. Because of him, we were all educated. We had our education and professional which we’re proud of having them. My father is the best example we have in our family. No wonder why that we consider him the hero of our own family.

      My mother is another heroine. She is working side by side with my father in rearing up and making us a law-abiding citizen of our community. She has taught us to be reverent and prayerful in all our undertaking. She has led us to be obedient, to be responsible for our own good. She has served as our model of righteousness.

      They are our heroes. If they are living today, we would be glad to give them the best honor which the sons and daughter could give to their parents.

  • Profile picture of ksp

    ksp wrote a new post, Yellow Fever 8 years, 1 month ago

    Now the world is fear of Yellow Fever, African nations are shivering with this yellow fever. This fever may attack Asian continent with other nations soon, there is a situation like that. Besides this the scarcity […]

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    ksp replied to the topic Redeem at Mykites in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 1 month ago

    I have also redeemed in My kites site 7 months back itself, Presently I am not much concentrating on My kites but daily I am posting something on My kites site.

  • Profile picture of ksp

    ksp replied to the topic An Edit option is a MUST in my opinion.. in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    That is quite right it is must

    to have edit option in this site, I have seen in some site there is no edit option so that I am worrying about spelling mistakes in that site. But in this site I am posting the articles which are already checked spelling mistakes and grammar also.

  • Profile picture of ksp

    ksp wrote a new post, Unified Payment Interface 8 years, 1 month ago

    Till now online money transfer via banks NEFT(National Electronic Fund Transfer and (RTGS) Real Time Gross Settlement are doing the process. The transfer of money to another bank account up to 16.30 hours and same […]

    • Yes this is a great initiative for the overall Financial System in India. I would also download this App, though I have a few queries that I think will be clear once I start using this App.
      Have you started using this interface @ksp ?

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Rain Is Important To Farmers 8 years, 1 month ago

    The farmer must have pray so hard. This is some of the comforting words of the villagers when the rain never wanted to stop again. It’s been raining in the Ilocos Region since yesterday, just like the o […]

    • I think rain is extremely important to everyone whether you ar3 a farmer or not. The only thing I can say is that rain in th3 city sometimes can be a nuisance to the residents there because it ripples up a lot of things. Like for example when you think about driving to work in the morning or evening you will always be caught up in the jam, meaning you have to wake up extremely early to get to work on time, then you have to sacrifice something’s because you will leave the office late and get home late. So this are some of the inconveniences that people have to go through in th3 city when it rains. In fact most people in my country would rather use public means to get to where they’re going as opposed to using their cars, because you and up using too much petrol on the roads stuck in jams. For th3 farmer in the village to him rain is a blessing just like you ha e said. That is what they want and need so that their crops do not for it either in the hot sun. And we all know that when there is no rain food is a little bit scarce and it becomes very expensive. So when it rains they know that at th3 and of the day they will at least sell their produce and be able to take care of their families and also get some income out of it. So either way rain helps people in different ways there are those who do taxi business that’s also an opportunity for them to make money during those days. People ask willing to pay some extra money just to be dropped at their door step without having to hassle for public means.

    • rain is most important for all of us because it is rain that irrigates our land where there is no well water or electric pump water. It is most important for farmers in the villages and mountains where there is no way to plant the field.

      Rain is the means by which fresh water is created; when it evaporates, water leaves behind its salt. … Rain fills aquifers, and it keeps rivers and lakes filled.

      Humans depend on fresh water for survival. While it is possible to remove salt from ocean water through a process called desalinization, it is expensive, and the cost of transporting water inland is prohibitively costly. Rain fills aquifers, and it keeps rivers and lakes filled. Forms of life that depend on rivers would not have evolved without rain.

      Rain has a number of effects on the environment. Many canyons and other natural features were shaped by rainwater eroding surfaces. The Grand Canyon was created by a river, which was fueled by rainfall. Many species of life in the ocean depend on minerals that flow from the land to the sea. Without rainwater, they would not be able to survive.

      We cannot neglect the importance of rain in human life on earth. We must be thankful to God for rain.

  • Profile picture of ksp

    ksp posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago

    I do not know that how many article per day is limited in this site, and what are the points we can earn per post. Kindly any one clarify the same to me. So that I can increase posts like that

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Landscape And Skyline 8 years, 1 month ago

    When you are in the peak of the mountain and you can see the whole surrounding, as if you are overlooking from the sky. All you see are the greens and blue of the mountains covered by the thick bushes and […]

    • Not just beautiful but an interesting history as well.

    • sometimes we forget to stop from our busy lives and take a minute to admire the beauty of nature. it’s the simple things that bring us happiness

    • This is one of the beautiful scenic location in Ilocos Sur. The scene is wondrous, pleasing to the eye, stress-relieving. Is this an aerial view of the mountain? How did you take this picture? The road is snake-like. Is there any reported vehicular accident ever recorded in this place? It’s the wonder of nature!

      I live in the Philippines, but I have never been to places as far as the Luzon. I have gone to Pampanga, the lahar covered placed when Mount Pinatubo erupted several years ago. It was the 11th National Jamboree of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines (BSP).

    • November is auspicious in so many parts of the country: the rice harvest is already in, the weather starts to cool, and the festive glow which precedes Christmas has began to brighten the landscape.

      Life is like a landscape. You live in the midst of it but can describe it only from the vantage point of distance.

      Sheep farming is heavily subsidized in Great Britain. Without the subsidies, the green grazing in the valley of the River Exe would be gone. The handsome agricultural landscape of which the British are so proud, carefully husbanded since Boudicca’s day, would be replaced by natural growth. The most likely growth is real-estate developments.

      One day, out of irritation, I said, you know all of those years with the Royal Shakespeare Company, all those years of playing kings and princes and speaking black verse, and bestriding the landscape of England was nothing but a preparation for sitting in the captain’s chair of the Enterprise.

  • Profile picture of ksp

    ksp wrote a new post, Internet change the route of the Universe 8 years, 1 month ago

    The Internet age is 25 years, light is fast than the air, the mind fast than the air, after that nothing means there is no faster thing in the world  than the mind. Now it is ruling the entire world […]

  • Profile picture of ksp

    ksp wrote a new post, Compost in the house 8 years, 1 month ago

    Now it is easy to prepare compost with investment of only Rs 2000.00,
    Rubbish things like dirt etc are the input for this, proteins for plants and good for the environment.

    Whatever the initiative we are […]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Freedom For Pets 8 years, 1 month ago

    Sure people love pets. Mostly, the pets are the animals that are so lovely and cuddly. The soft furs, the lovely sounds and the activity we are doing together.
    It would have been a great moment spending our […]

    • Animals should live in the place of their natural habitats not on the cage of a zoo because they will be a tendecy that they will become stressed.
      When an animal is stressed they often can’t breed or reproduce, causing the animal to soon become rare. The animals are held in a cage, not being able to roam free, causing the animal to become depressed for life. Also scientists have proven that animals that are kept in cages become stressed, sick and don’t live as long. Furthermore, they should live a free life without anyone dominating them, Free-range animals will have had a happy life and have been able to peck at the grass, getting the nutrients they need to sustain themselves for their own survival in the animal kingdom.

    • Freedom for pets is must as for human being it a great pity we men are free and keep pets in cages is human beings’ mercilessness. Many people buy parrots, cockatoos and galahs because they ‘speak’, and are therefore entertaining. The birds then spend the rest of their lives in a cage, repeating meaningless phrases for the amusement of their ‘owners’.
      These birds can live up to 100 years – that’s a long time to be locked up in small cage, often in solitude, with no room to carry out their natural behaviours, such as flying.

      There is currently no adequate legislation addressing the needs of birds in captivity. Animal Liberation’s campaign, Freedom for Birds, aims to free the birds from their cages.

      Flight is an innate biological function for birds, yet a standard cockatoo cage does not even allow a bird to fully stretch out their wings, let alone fly. Birds that normally fly vast distances in the wild are confined in small spaces and denied exercise.

      Wild birds eat a variety of foods, including insects and plants. For example, the Sulphur-crested Cockatoo has been observed eating over 55 species of plants, including seeds, roots, fruits, berries and flowers. In captivity, birds are generally fed a commercial mix containing only a few different seeds.

      Birds, who live up to 100 years, should not be forced to survive in a cramped cage for human pleasure. Animal Liberation is campaigning to outlaw the sale of wild birds from shops and markets.

    • Our whole garden is designed with birds in mind. They have a biridbath to frolic around. Trees to perch on, fruits to eat and the lush green environment is just what they need. Our dog Preit8i is never leashed. She as a well protected compound to roam around. She has her own soft bed to sleep on. She seeks our company most of the time.

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