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    SuperD wrote a new post, Why EO Against Smoking is Not Good News For Us 7 years, 11 months ago

    Of course we are educated smoking cigarette is not good for our health because it cause cancer, diseases, and illnesses and will send us to hospital and even to grave. But just like any other foods, hobbies […]

    • I really the Governments while clamoring against the consumption of Tobacco pay deaf year to the consumption of Alcohol. Alcohol consumption is also having the same bad results as that of consumption of Tobacco. But why a campaign against smoking?

      Is it because it is a bitter rival and competitor to the Liquor Industry?

      When a person sits for consuming alcohol what most of them prefer to have is smoking not another round of Alcohol. Is Alcohol is encouraging smoking or the smoking is encouraging alcohol.

      If the liquor industry is providing the employment to the people then Tobacco industry is providing more jobs than the former one.

      Even as stated in the article there are many others financial benefits one will reap from the Tobacco Industry than the Liquor Industry.

      It is really unfortunate to say that the Government is not getting revenue from the Tobacco Industry by way of bidding. The politicians do not get their commissions and as such this is not, a profitable industry for them. But, in the case of the Liquor industry, there will be contractors who will be roaming in the corridors of the Ministers seeking licenses and for allotment of shops in their respective areas offering them with a huge commission.

      But this is not the case with a Tobacco Industry.

    • Smoking in injurious to our health but most of the people do not accept this because they are smoking since childhood and did not suffer any disease still.

      Tobacco causes 90 percent of lung and oral cancers. The list of tobacco related diseases is long and includes heart and blood vessel diseases, bronchitis, asthma, impotence, birth defects and growth retardation in babies

      Typically tobacco is chewed and the juice that is extracted from that causes the addiction. It releases nicotine which is absorbed into the system. Tobacco is used in various forms. Some just make a bundle out if it and keep it in the corner of the mouth, while chewing at it over a period of time.

      The tar like substances discolors the lungs and eventually is the cause for high risk cancers, tuberculosis and other oral diseases. Continuous consumption or chewing of tobacco also causes leukoplakia which is cancerous growths in the mouth.

      Before you know it they are diagnosed as malignant and can be life threatening. Once it takes over you, it is difficult to get over the addition and is the cause for many serious and life threatening diseases.

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Do Not Pass The Opportunity When Chance Comes To You Helping Other People 7 years, 11 months ago

    Helping other people was never a privilege; it’s best done and felt when opportunity comes to you. So when that chance knocks on your door, never let it pass without doing the right thing to do—help with wha […]

    • It is a fact that fate and chance play an important role in human life. Fate and chance may mar and make human life forever because man is a puppet in the hands of nature. Therefore it is said man propose God dispose because we free on earth but we can do everything on earth as we wish but we cannot get our deeds results according to our thinking and desire.

      Therefore chances come in human life brave avail chance and coward waits for chance therefore they can no nothing in life and remain behind in progress in all walk of life.

      If you have any chance to help the poor you must not miss the chance because chances never repeat selves in human life and they are like sea waves coming thousands of waves within the waves.

      If you chance to help other you must help the needy families and the poor keeping in mind it is from God, yea money is in the hands of God and given to all according to the law of nature.

      Therefore we all are supposed to help the poor and needy everywhere on earth.

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    SuperD replied to the topic Users at TinyCent are disappointed in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 11 months ago

    it got good discussion here but the point is still at blank because I cannot understand what its all about.

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    SuperD wrote a new post, What, Our President Is Called Psychopath! 7 years, 12 months ago

    Well, someone just called our president Rody Duterte a psychopath. Such a rude, harsh and no respect word to the highest leader of the Philippines. And take note, the person who called him this troubling […]

    • Those people who dislike our president are drug addicts. For so many years, there was one in the presidential side who did the way President DU30 is doing at present,none , right?
      I wonder about the mentality of some why they want to remain traditional. Maybe they like traditional politician,for they can continue to corrupt the Filipino people.Just imagine the buller olanting that stained the reputation pf our country,If not throw President DU30, out NAIA airport will remain scary this time. Thanks for treading.

      • I don’t know about Agot if she’s an addict or not but her comments are just few of other comments that coming out now because of bursting words of our President. He is labeled psychopath and then a French newspaper tagged him as ‘serial killer’. And all of these are because of 3,600 deaths on war on drugs. I believe FVR words that Digong should not only concentrate on drugs but headed also to some matter like economy. Maybe, some people just wanted to finesse our presidents’ words.

    • One thing about the actress, her words created a clear divide. You sure can tell the people who support the nation’s leader and the people who don’t. Just because a person is a junkie (drug addict) doesn’t mean their words are not true. Either he is or he isn’t. That remains to be proven.

      On thing I’ve noted is there are a lot intense, controversial, “explosive” events being reported in the Philippines since Duerte was elected. My goodness! Has he even been president for a year? Perhaps these are things he believes need to be done just to get things settled, so he can get on with creating order and making the country great! Hate to think what is happening now are the “calm before the storm” moments of his administration and that the years ahead are going to be a lot more heated, more tense and more difficult for the ordinary law-abiding hard-working peaceful decent citizens.

      Another thing? In the US, we hear a lot more about what’s going on in the Philippines in our news than we used to since Duerte became president. It’s rather worrisome to other countries when a country that wasn’t heard of much is all of a sudden on the radar. The citizens of the other countries start wondering about the “ripple effect”. In other words, how far reaching is the situation in one country and what impact will that situation have on their country? When a country’s activities start getting reported in our media, that means that place is carefully monitored for potential “spill over” into US!

      • Clearly President is not the type of self controlled or calm President, he easily reacted and got burst even in public. And clearly, he is more to offensive one because he is on challenging other leaders and countries like the US and European countries. He cannot do it to China and Russia, anyway. He got pride which sometimes is only to his personal attitude and not considering other people feelings. You attacked him on drug killing and he will attack you. We cannot only be ruled with drug problem.

    • Mrs. Isidro is a drug addict. There will be some monkeys always to spoil a good event. For Mr. Duterte eradication of Drugs in Philippines is the main goal of his administration. The people though initially make a hue and cry over the killings of the pushers have now realized and supporting Mr. Duterte and even ready to take up a campaign in this regard. The parents who lost their beautiful and handsome children are now moving towards making their nation a stronger one than it was earlier under other Presidents.

      Mr. Duterte is a boon for the people of Philippines. If one or two mad people make comments it does not make any difference. They made similar comments earlier when the earlier Presidents had worked at all. Now they are making comments who is working for the people and his own Nation with dedication. So the comments have no value at all. They can be treated and thrown into a trash bag.

      Now the Philippines has become a role model for taking stringent action against the drug peddlers and so the drug addicts and the Dons in other countries are fearing a lot to face the same situation from the Governments of their countries.

      The whole world is looking at the Philippines and at Mr. Duterte now .

      • He could be a role model to other people but sometimes he must also consider the future of these poor people being killed by unknown suspects and police officers, these poor children who will face problem on their education, everyday meals, and other things they need for their homes. No assistance for them, and then what, they these children grow up, they will grow up living in the wrong path of the government. When he did it in his hometown favorite Davao, families of victims have assistance, now in the country why there is no assistance. Anyway, its Miss Isidro and not Mrs.

    • People are depending the president are rude, people who are against the president are rude, there is really a division among the people in the Philippines, the reason is because the president is also rude. He goes on with his offensive remarks which is becoming a common to the Filipinos, which means we can also be common like him talking harsh words. What is becoming to the country and its people and yet we are just on 100 days of him. He thinks Federalism is good and brawl US, and praises communist government like China and Russia.

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    SuperD posted an update 7 years, 12 months ago

    I’m making most of my posts here in the office because my internet in our house was cute, sigh its so not timing.

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Translation Is More Difficult 7 years, 12 months ago

    Have you ever try to translate your article to other languages like English? How do you find it? Do you think it’s more difficult to translate now?
    Why do I ask this question? Because my essay just become h […]

    • Nice post friend.English cannot be made perfect,unless write only very few words and very s short sentences.If translate your own language to English, it cannot be matched the way we do using our own dialect for we know well the language that is part of our everyday lives.

    • For me translation is fairly easy as I am fluent in both English and French (Canadian). But I agree with Cely that English is a language of few words compared to French for example. an English book for example might be 200 pages while the French book is 300 to 400 pages. Some languages like French are more difficult than other languages with their different grammar, accents etc.

    • Translation is a very difficult job. A writer who opts for translation jobs should have sound knowledge of two languages at least. He should be perfect in choosing and using the words. The expression is not at all a criteria for a translation job. Because you take the subject as per the tone of the article. But, he should be thorough with a ocean of vocabulary .

      A writer will come across a variety of translations like Technical translation, scientific translation, Administrative translation, etc,

      Among all these the Administrative Translation involves the usage of a variety of words and terms. The words used in the administration touch upon various branches of administration like Industry, commerce, literature, transport, irrigation, police dept, energy matters, telephones, etc, So for translating the work relating to administration one should be thorough with a vast vocabulary relating to many departments. Once a writer becomes perfect he can have some basic knowledge of the various terms relating to each department.
      One of the hardest parts of translation one encounter in the translation is making a translation of a scientific article. There the writer need not focus much on the grammatical use. But he should choose and use each scientific name with precision and can not use in a vague manner.

      The translation jobs require one’s dedication to the work and one has to put forth ones 100 percent to get the work done.

    • Mist of the students who are non native feel national language translation into international language very very difficult due to having no real sense of grammar of English language. The main cause of translation that they have to real concept of English Language as I have observed. I am also MA English, Master of English language and literature.

      For example in English grammar there is no difference between the present tense and future tense because future tense tell man’ intention and present tense also near future intention. Non native makes difference between the two tenses while not,

      Both tenses tell us that an incomplete intention in future is the main cause of confusion. Besides, grammar there are a lot of grammatical phrases that are spoken in English are not known to the non native speaker.

      For example: in non native speaker English (It is better for you to read your lesson) But it is the replica of the original phrase. But the native speaker will say thus *(you)had better read your lesson)

      There are a lot of phrases in English. O have written a Grammar Book, Name (Sayyar English Grammar)It is a complete book on English grammar.

      I have translated hundreds of books in English from Urdu because I live in Pakistan.


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    SuperD wrote a new post, The Revolution Of Technical Course 7 years, 12 months ago

    TESDA or Technological Education and Skills Development Authority
    is raising the bar to help the community to have a better livelihood or landing a good compensation from the job.
    During the conference of […]

    • No. It will be wrong assumption to think that there will be no poverty. Will the poverty disappear by encouraging vocational courses in the Rural villages and in the Rural Areas? As long as the unscrupulous politicians and the system is there the disappearance of poverty will be only a day dream.

      In India also such promises were made to the people and some
      programs were introduced. The people were trained. Some of them could get jobs. As the programme continued the number of unemployeds in the vocational certificates increased. Another scheme was launched providing financial assistance to those remained unemployed to set up their own industries. To some extent some people got a livelihood.

      Suddenly the wicked nature appeared by taking up the Agricultural lands which were neglected by the people for construction activities. The agricultural landlords became helpless. He is compelled to forgo his fertile lands. Already some politicians purchased these lands from the farmers and after the introduction of the scheme, they got huge compensation from the Government.

      Ultimately the farmers lost their fertile agricultural lands. The shortage of food production is likely to be felt very shortly forcing the Government to go for important which is totally a brainless planning.

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    SuperD replied to the topic Home Cash in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 12 months ago

    yeah, if there are sites that would not require some investment, that would be good for us to start. Sometimes huge income is tempting but that would also require investment.

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    SuperD replied to the topic Premonitions in the forum Group logo of ParanormalParanormal 7 years, 12 months ago

    I think I have this kind of sense but not too develop. And I cannot foretell things before it happens. But is what happening to me is like this. I would go in one place which is new to me. While I was at that moment then it will come to my mind that as if it was already happened to me before. Many times I experienced this. Then I remember, this…[Read more]

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    SuperD joined the group Group logo of ParanormalParanormal 7 years, 12 months ago

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Let’s Talk About Divorce 8 years ago

    Divorce is not yet possible in my country. You are married—you are married for life. You are tied by that symbolical rope though you are night meant to each other. You are bound to the 7th sacrament until t […]

    • This is really very sad to read. For many relationships don’t work. yet, here you have a situation where people do not get along, separate, but are still married, so can’t marry anyone else. They can’t live with another person for that would, in a Xian country, create a problem.

      In Ja most people don’t marry.

    • This is the first time I am hearing that a country does not have a law to stand for the divorce issues.this is a first and it would be a good thing to have that and also have people also work towards it and make it work. But I’m today’s world people are finding it hard to keep a marriage going for different kinds of reasons. Anyway I hope that that law can be passed so that people who are married and are not happy can have the option to walk out and avoid further problems in their marriages. Divorce can be very expensive but if the couple decide once and for all that they actually don’t want to be together anymore that will make the divorce procedures easier.

    • I would hate to be in a country where divorce is not allowed. Not all relationships last for whatever reason. My marriage didn’t last because my ex-husband was an adulterer. So he left and filed for divorce. He has tried to make my life a living hell since then. He has tried to take my children away from me by alienating them from me. He has accused me of being on drugs. I took a drug test that came back negative.
      I really don’t want to get married anymore because of my first marriage. I rather just stay single until I die.

      • You did a good thing by not preferring a remarriage. It will be another headache to you as well as to the other. Your case is different.

        But in most of the marriages what actually happening is that the Children are not being taught the social values. The parents are not taking proper care of their children.They will be observing how their parents are moving with each other. So once the parents behave properly with due respect to each other the Children will come to know how they should be in a society. Otherwise, they become drunkards, gamblers, drug addicts, and the final step will be terrorists. All parents should arrange for a meeting, they should discuss their problem and try to find a solution whenever it is needed. The social interaction plays a vital role. Besides, all this it is important that a wife should respect her husband and the husband respect and honor the feelings of his wife.

    • I remember in our first to 2nd of our marriage we had to fight against trivial misunderstand brought by our pride, jealousy, and influence by in-laws, friends, and others. I found very difficult to cope with for I was married at the age of 21. To admit it, I wasn’t yet ready to have a family of my own but due to uncontrollable feelings I have to marry the girl. Well, in that age which seems to be needed a close supervision from my parents for I am the youngest, could I tackle to leave the girl?

      I am at a loss for I love the girl. I have to overcome the trial of that marriage. With a proper guidance from my concerned parents and a constant communication between my wife and me, I was able to survive that impending broken marriage and became victorious. Now to tell you, we are in our 44 married life. The main solution, I would happily share, is coming in contact with God. Jesus Christ became our inspiration. My old sinful ways were forsaken. My wife and I always go to Church. When we have our children, now they’re six, we go to Church together as a family. If I am going to be asked, if I am to divorce my wife, I would reply it with big NO. For I know family is important.

    • Though marriage is meant to last forever-till death separate the couple however, there are circumstances that may warrant separation of the couple and this must not be overlooked. At the inception of the marriage both parties must have the intention to live together forever- that is the moral thing to do in every sane society. However, if the marriage seems unrealistic and unmanageable then it is important both parties part ways to avoid unforeseen circumstances. If the both parties demonstrate act of conspicuous incompatibility then no point for them to live together anymore and divorce is inevitable.

    • jarik replied 8 years ago

      It is sad that there are no laws with regards to divorce but i think some how the people have to able to manage the situation by separating illegally. Ok i am not ok with this relationship you are not, lets go our separate ways.The authorities doesn’t know about it and each person goes their way and do what they want.

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      I hope divorce will be legalized in the Philippines. There are many married people no longer have the feeling of love to their partner.It should be better to evaluate first before marriage if the person you marry is truly your real partner willing to sacrifice for you and your love.This time many are easily tempted. Many husbands or wives weak to resist temptation.Too bad, better have the legal divorce. I am for Divorce.

      • When they are unable to have control over their temptation where is the need for a marriage? They are unable to give a continuity to the temptation throughout their life. There is no meaning to go for a marriage at all. Let them roam in a jungle once in a month and satisfy their temptations.

    • Why one should marry and after that seek for divorce. Is marriage so important?. Are dogs, and buffalos not living happily. Are the marrying?No. Then it is only human being who gives importance to marriage, children, tradition, customs, and God?

      Why can’t we move freely in the forest and have sexual satisfaction as per our choice? Why can’t we enjoy life? When we are unable to understand the value of a marriage and the parents close their eyes blindly to the happening in the society and do not bring their children up then what these traditions,marriage, and customs are meant for. If a marriage breaks it is the parents (90%) are responsible for this. They are becoming selfish. They want their children to earn and eat away their money happily.

      They use lipsticks, wear beautiful dresses, go for gym, time and again go for shopping. When they perform marriage and send their daughter to someone’s house who can and where can they have money for their expenses.? The moment the marriage over they start realizing their mistake. They slowly start poisoning the minds of their daughter and finally succeed in separating the couple. This is exactly what is happening with the parents. Better they do not perform their daughter’s marriage. There is no need for any divorce.

      Let their sons roam in the forest and have sexual satisfaction like animals. Who will question them? No one and Nobody. It is your body and it is your effort to nourish it or perish it.

    • For me, divorce should not be legalized or even the same sex marriage its very abomination in the eyes of God. Always remember that the Law of God is far more supreme than the Law of Men. Why there are many broken families in every part of the world? Just because of lust. They don’t actually love each other. For they only love their self without concerning the others. If what you feel towards someone is called true love you would stick to your so called significant other until the very end no matter what trials that will come your way. First and foremost, if you really want to find true love which is everlasting pray with all your heart and ask the Blessed Virgin Mary to be your guiding star to search for someone that was intended for you alone and you’ll see with constant prayers i know God in his time will hear your prayers. A prayers that comes from the heart. We should understand that a relationship without God in the center of it will ruin easily. But a relationship close to God will stand over the long run. Anyone united in the matrimony of marriage cannot be separated by men for they are one forever.

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Bringing Back Traditional Games 8 years ago

    Move over Clash of Clans and Pokemon Go, we will play the original games- the traditional games.
    Long time ago before Toru Iwatani created Pacman, these games was already the best of the games in the house. […]

    • Have to laugh at myself. Showing my age. When I saw the words “traditional games”, my mind went to board games like Monopoly and Scrabble and fun card games. As soon as I saw Pokemon I’m like … Oh well! Got nothing to say! 🙂

    • How can we allow our children play all these old stuff? They are all games meant for the poor and needy. In those days they were considered as good games. Only people having some financial background were allowing their children to go out and play. Most of the children were learning the work from their fathers. Earning some money was a great thing. People were working hard to earn some money . The poor man’s son was learning his work from his father. They were the games meant for those days. But there is technology now. We got the latest technology. Our concentration should be to move with the technology and know the things better than inviting the old traditions and customs. Are they of any use now? They are all obsolete. They can be considered only as memories.

      We should not live in memories and spoil the children. First, we have to educate ourselves to know the best thing and then allow our children know the things.

      Earlier a worker was accepting the Food when it was offered to him. Now can we offer such food to any worker? He, instead of accepting the food will get angry and throw it on our face. So better we change and move with the situation and time.

    • You may be right. But what is the use of it. I really wonder seeing people brooding over their past which has nothing to do with the present. Gone are those days when people were quite generous and kind. They were commanding respect not only in their house but also in the society.

      When my Grandfather was coming out wearing a Turban along with a Coat people were just escaping from his sight. A Tanga was kept outside the house which was taking him to his office. He was a Tahsildar. He got every power to dictate terms to the people of his area. Do we have such people and are we commanding such respect?

      Recollection of past is not a good thing. Let us live in the present and do effort to satisfy children with their choices and allow them to play with as many toys of their choices as possible. Allow them to lead a team instead of being in a team.

    • Times have changed a lot and I guess we have to move along. But with online games and computers, physical and emotional health has deteriorated in our children. There should be a balance and it is up to the parents to provide this balance by taking children to parks and gardens or enrolling children in swimming, sports classes etc. But technology is here to stay and we can’t keep children away from it.

    • Yes such games made us run and walk a lot and made us exercise. Howeer, shrinking space for parks, increased pollution and more crime has led to kids being more inside their houses after schools than outside.
      So its a social issue as well.

    • A survey out today points to a decline in traditional outdoor games like hopscotch, marbles and conkers. You may have heard me talking about the findings on Radio 5 live this morning (from 53’30” in), supporting the call for a ‘rough and tumble play’ campaign.

      Mourning the loss of such games makes a nice summer season story. But does it really matter? Isn’t the attempt to revive interest in these games just shallow nostalgia? Is it even adults’ business to get involved? After all, these games have traditionally been passed down through the generations by children themselves, with little or no adult input.

      Yes, people of the whole world have forgot their traditional games and following the country games is a bad thing as I think that because follow other peoples’ game but do not forget national games because respect lies in it.

      Thinking of a new place to hide, a quick joke to end the opponent’s ‘statue’, discovering how regular household objects can serve as unique toys all silently hone creativity… Creativity is usually at a high while engaged in imaginative play, as it does not have boundaries.

      There is no limit, for example, to the stories that can be woven around 5 barbie dolls, or the number of twists in rules that one can introduce to a regular ‘catch me if you can’ game. Electronic games don’t leave us with such opportunities.

      Everything from the rules of the game to the levels and the equipment is preset for us. There is very little scope for invention and innovation. Food for thought.

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Drug Test To Governmet Workers 8 years ago

    “Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with your self esteem.”― Kurt Cobain
    The drug problem continues and it will stay for the next six m […]

    • What Mr.Duterte is doing is exactly what is the philippines required for. People will not listen easily and the pushers can not lose thier lucrative business so easily. The only alternative is to extinguish either the people or the pusher. It is only by eliminating the Pushers the check can be made to this problem. So he took a firm decision which his predecessors lacked and did not take any decision even in the interest of their country. They are all totally selfish and are all political crooks. The International communities and others selfish people may exaggerate the things but the President should not yield to such criticism. Often there will be some crooks who point out something out of nothing and something more out of something. Mr. Duterte should implement it even with an Iron hand and should teach a lesson to these drug Pushers.

    • That is so nice for your place, my friend. Here too, the mayor and all the employees were also given a drug test and it is said that none tested positive too.

      This move of President Duterte in requiring all government employees to drug testing is one way to know if anyone amongst them is into the use of illegal drugs.

      Though, I wonder if all policemen were also drug tested?

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Don’t Leave Vigan Without Visiting These Places 8 years ago

    Vigan is the biggest tourist destination in northern Philippines. Dubbed as the New 7 Wonder Cities of the World last year, and declared as World Heritage Sites and known also as Ciudad Fernandina, Vigan […]

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    SuperD posted an update 8 years ago

    Happy October everyone, hope we all redeem for this month.

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    SuperD replied to the topic What' Next After 'Newbie' Member? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    We are all excited to know what is next after ‘newbie’, maybe after a year of us here we will be level up. The curiosity keeping us excited to wait and know what will be next.

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    SuperD replied to the topic What' Next After 'Newbie' Member? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    FYI, if you write 7 articles with 300 words for literacy base  per day that would be more than one dollar per day. If you comment long paragraphs that would be bonus on your earnings. Maybe this guide can help you and inform you why others keep on redeeming and you are not.

    BTW, I did not yet experience redeeming here but I hope I can make it…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Mosquito War 8 years ago

    The rainy season does not just bring floods in the country, it is also the time when mosquitoes multiply and their eggs hatches. Because of this reason, diseases from them are the main problem of the […]

    • This is a nice topic and I will like to add my voice to it. I believe to eliminate mosquitoes we need more than insecticide.We need to imbibe a thorough habit of cleanliness for mosquitoes live in stinking and dirty areas. We must ensure our kitchens are always clean and all dirty plates and pots are washed always. In the same vein our toilet and bathrooms must not be left out. We must ensure they are always neat.

      • Cleanliness is the best strategy to eliminate these little vampires. Its so happen we are always in the losing side because they were never eliminated and thus they multiply and continue to give us headache. There must be a good vaccine now against this virus, where are our scientists and chemists to manufacture this medicine so that even if we are bitten by them, we will not be affected by dengue, chickungunya, zika and yellow fever.

    • Mosquitoes live to thrive on the dirt and the leftovers the credit of which goes to a human being.
      Human being is considered as the most intelligent and is known for his rational thinking. Unfortunately, he is not taking proper care of the environment he lives in. He became totally indisciplined. Wearing suit and Boot, applying perfume on the whole body and dress does not make one a cultured man. He should know how to live comfortably and his existence should not cause panic to others but should give a sigh of relief. Is he doing that?
      He eats and the leftovers are thrown right in front of the others house to take proper care of that material to which the latter does not care at all. There won’t be any dustbin to be found in around any corner of any street. The other materials included the old oily clothes, damaged foods , vegetables, fruits, spoiled mutton , chicken , and pork pieces, whisper pads, clothes used cleaning the house, spoiled tiffin, breakfast, nails, hair, razors, old chappals, sandals , socks, giving reverberating odor, not to mention, the list runs in thousands. When such dearest and tasty food collected in and around a locality it is quite convenient for the mosquitoes to make a comfortable living on them.
      We need not kill , fight , or eradicate mosquitoes but we should eradicate uncleanliness in the premises we live in. This tendency is prevalent more in India because here the people are irresponsible towards themselves and never take responsibility for the society. Here they learn everything by Hunter lashes but not by words. Some foreigner should point out this position in a humiliating manner in his report . Even then everything goes right and takes twist and turns and the courts in India are already there to take a lenient view of everything without going deep into the gravity of the situation and to allow stay orders against the action proposed.
      One will be wondered to observe that in most of the schools run by Government there are no Toilets for Boys and Girls. They take pleasure in going to the near by empty places or fields. The officials swallow whatever is released as per their mutual understanding with the Bureaucrts and Politicians. Totally shameless ceature on the planet Earth.
      It is not necessary to eradicate the mosquitoes but to develop a sense of social resp;onsibility and cleanliness is more im;portant with particular reference to India. The P:rime Minister is introducing many schemes and concentrating on this issue more. But there is more to be taken up on war footing basis whole heartedlyh. Mr. Modi is the only Prime Minister who could concentrate on this issue and evolved a scheme to clean the entire country . Still the people of India are not considering or thinking over it seriously. Who should tell them. ? Should my neighbour come and clean my house?

      • Wow, that was long explanation here about mosquito. You really did some good research about our little insects. Anyway its always good to be always aware about this diseases. What we should do the right thing, cleanliness in our surrounding where this mosquito thrive.

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      Thanks for sharing the reality of some places in our country. Siva is right too, we need to clean our surroundings. If we always clean our area, but we are not so sure if our neighbors also do the same.There are many stupid neighbors this time.
      Before I go to sleep, I spray our sala and other rooms with Quick.I also bought mosquito killer lamp I bought on line at Lazada. In the day, we always plug 24/7 Baygon in current. We are doing these things because we have children at home ages 4 and 6, my nephews.
      If everyone is willing to accept cleanliness as way to a healthy life, then there will be no dengue at all.

      • That is a practical way to shoo the mosquito. Of course when we are aware that they are here and we do something to eliminate them, it will always be a good move. But if we do nothing and just let the mosquito roam around our home, then our children will be in vulnerable situation. Its better to act now than act later.

    • We went through, and go through, various epidemics which are kept off the front page due to lack of a blood test.

      When I got Chik-V they didn’t do a blood test, they didn’t tell me to come in, they announced.. there is no cure. Use paracetamin.

      Thousands upon thousands got it and some died.

      We got Zika late last year and again, no blood tests. I had it. My doctor smiled, gave me paracetamin. That’s it.

      A lot of preg. women have it and will be giving birth to sick babies.

      • that is really disappointing the modern medicine got no cure for this viruses from mosquito, and yes all they advice is for us to take some paracetamol. So, people in village just becoming scientist now by trying the wild shrubs. I think some get a nice try because they believe a kind of shrub said to cure dengue. But then again, the medical society said we should not take that extract because it might cause some danger to us. But people are helpless and they tried it and said it works for them.

    • The place where mosquitoes thrive is stagnant water. Even a small bottle is enough for them to thrive. Water in flower vases for example could be a good source. Water needs to be replaced from time to time.

      • That is true and its good we change them. I learned that while its true the water are their nest but when they are pour in the soil, for example, the egg do not die or damaged, instead it stays good up to six months. So, during summer, mosquito might disappear, but when rainy season come, the eggs hatched and the mosquito are here again (sigh, the sad truth why mosquito are still here)

    • Seems to me that illegal drugs are easier to eliminate than mosquito. Look, its been years now and still the mosquito continue to infect us dengue, chikungunya and now zika. No cure for this virus and all the doctor can say is to have stronger immune system and take a lots of fruits and also paracetamol.

    • Mosquito is a problem in every society because it creates many mysterious diseases among man and women and children and many of them die due to mosquito stinging anon. In this matter the government can do nothing because we cannot kill any mosquito from the whole country.

      Masquito causes theses Diseases as transmitted by mosquitoes include: malaria, dengue, West Nile virus, chikungunya, yellow fever, filariasis, Japanese encephalitis, Saint Louis encephalitis, Western equine encephalitis, Eastern equine encephalitis, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, La Crosse encephalitis and Zika fever.

      Mosquitoes cause more human suffering than any other organism — over one million people worldwide die from mosquito-borne diseases every year. Not only can mosquitoes carry diseases that afflict humans, they also transmit several diseases and parasites that dogs and horses are very susceptible to. These include dog heartworm, West Nile virus (WNV) and Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE). In addition, mosquito bites can cause severe skin irritation through an allergic reaction to the mosquito’s saliva –

      this is what causes the red bump and itching. Mosquito vectored diseases include protozoan diseases, i.e., malaria, filarial diseases such as dog heartworm, and viruses such as dengue, encephalitis and yellow fever. CDC Travelers’ Health provides information on travel to destinations where human-borne diseases might be a problem.

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