• Profile picture of Mahesh

    Mahesh wrote a new post, Why I Still Do Freelance Designing 7 years, 5 months ago

    I think a lot of my life was affected by freelance routine. I never developed a routine in which I can manag my health. I think a lot of bad changes happens over the past. I learned a lot of things about job and […]

  • Profile picture of Mahesh

    Mahesh wrote a new post, Why Assumptions Should Not be Taken Seriously 7 years, 5 months ago

    I think many of us assume a lot of things bad about this world. And it can drain us really bad if we don’t keep check on what we assume. Because assumption has the power to destroy our life. These days I am going […]

    • You are right, assumptions can break relationships, they can bring tensions in families as well. Assumptions are there they are all over us. We cannot avoid them that easy but we can choose to ignore them as they come there are some people who use assumptions as a way of getting rid of someone or situation without knowing that they can actually cost you dearly either physically or emotionally. There are many time when I have had assumptions about so many things but before I react to them I will always try to find ways to verify any claims that have come up. I will also do my own investigations just to be sure only then would I react. Because when we react on assumptions only we will find ourselves doing wrong things and at the end of it we are the ones who get hurt.

  • Profile picture of Albena Lyudmilova Ivanova

    Albena Lyudmilova Ivanova posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago

    Glad to meet all of the newbies on this site!

  • Profile picture of Albena Lyudmilova Ivanova

    Albena Lyudmilova Ivanova posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago

    Good evening!

  • Profile picture of Albena Lyudmilova Ivanova

    Albena Lyudmilova Ivanova posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago

    I had a nice birthday party with my colleagues today.

  • Profile picture of Albena Lyudmilova Ivanova

    Albena Lyudmilova Ivanova joined the group Group logo of Courtship and MarriageCourtship and Marriage 7 years, 5 months ago

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago

    Hi guys? I have just toured on my blogs to reply the comments of my nice friends . I also shared my blogs to many sites and the newly one Skyrock.

  • Profile picture of Mahesh

    Mahesh wrote a new post, Why Display Ads are No Future for Bloggers 7 years, 5 months ago

    I know that I am making a bold claim. But after being in this as an affiliate and also displaying google ads. I can tell you that this market is not much powerful. You have to understand that many of us are now […]

    • So many ads in the internet yet they don’t attract much people because people start to feel that these ads are annoying rather than interesting.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, When You Touch My Hair And Hold My Hand Miracle Happen 7 years, 5 months ago

    When You Touch My Hair And Hold My Hand Miracle Happen

    It is so fantastic, feeling automatic when you touch my hair
    It is seems so majestic; likewise, when you touch me like […]

    • Touch is so powerful, it converts ur present mood to a new one nice and acceptable one by peer or family. Just like a baby after minutes of crying he will only stop if hold him tight.There is feeling of security when someone touch us it seems like magic. It seems like to stand to associate your present mood, very nice and then your eyes meet, so trouble is over with that power of touch.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely started the topic Potentail Reasons Why Gain Less Viewers in facebook, Twitter and More in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 5 months ago

    Hello guys? How have you been? How’s your blogging activities? Have you tried to open the site Skyrock ? I hope so to experience what’s in store at SR.It is already part of the already displayed sites ready to click found at the left and top part once read our published blogs.

    These are the potential reasons why gain less viewers especially from…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Its 19th April and Still not Paid**** What should i do now in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 5 months ago

    @happsingh ,let us appeal to the heart of @Support to pay you even small so that there is something nice you can feel , say and here to your friends so they too will be encouraged to join us so this site will prosper more. Usually the writers here now are from Mylot. Let us be happy for our friends are also here to abide and support us all.…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic ATTENTION: You May Now Send Your Blogs To Skyrock, I Have Found It Here In LB in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 5 months ago

    @suny, yes,that is right. I did this gaining many viewers when I was at Blogjob, I gained 10,000 viewers all in all from different net sites especially at Reddit which i am going to check if it connected to LB, I let you know. I registered back because my previous account when BJ was alive was cancelled due to absence of visits and blogs…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Mahesh

    Mahesh wrote a new post, Why I Don’t Use LinkShare Affiliate Network 7 years, 5 months ago

    I think many of us know that there is this affiliate network. This is not one of the popular affiliate network. In fact many brands are working local for US based citizens alone. And this makes you wonder if this […]

  • Profile picture of happsingh

    happsingh replied to the topic Its 19th April and Still not Paid**** What should i do now in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 5 months ago

    @lovern Hopefully @support is reading this is and do something in this behalf as its getting very very late and this wouldn’t set a good example for other prospective bloggers here and for those who are here from some time

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, Do You Pull Your White Hair? Stop It They Multiply, Unstoppable 7 years, 5 months ago

    When a person reaches 40, life begins. In reverse, life begins at 40, agree or disagree? I will not laugh at this for I almost reach 40. Four years from now, I will be 40 and I may feel the changes so many had […]

    • No, I didn’t pull them anymore when they have grown aplenty. I just dye them. Even now, I just dye those grey hairs that is visible. But not underneath because anyone they cannot be seen underneath.

      Indeed, grey hairs can really make us look so aged. In my case, where most of my officemates are so much younger than me, I really have to dye my hair. At least , I look younger when I have my hair dyed with darkest brown. I do the dyeing, myself.

    • It not a shame to show other people that you have white hair. It is merely a sign that getting older not getting uglier or unattractive. One should accept the fact that everyone will turn old and it is just a matter of time before a person turn old. But of course if you want to dye your hair to look younger it is not a problem because it is you that made the choice regarding your hair not others.

    • @Dina, hehehe I thought you will laugh too, at least you not pull your white/grey hair for the more they grow incessantly,forever. My co teacher never dyed her hair. She lets her hair transformed to grey, and you know what, her hair still look good, so thick and healthy. I asked her and she said she never likes to dye her hair for that is normal to have hair turned grey, but one day we met and was so surprised to see her hair dyed hahaha, how I wished to say she is a liar, but that was 5 years ago she retired as chairman of the math department.

      At least i know she lied me and herself plus the reality that in this generation we can cover other things for the sake of our own satisfaction. Thanks friend and welcome back.

    • @Ngiam Kee Wei ,Very well said, thank you for sharing and adding some nice thoughts about having hair turn grey which is normal and no way to be ashamed of facing the reality Everyone passes this stage unless your hair like our neighbor never turns grey despite so old already, they are gifted maybe they have strong hair nerve system.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely joined the group Group logo of Courtship and MarriageCourtship and Marriage 7 years, 5 months ago

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic ATTENTION: You May Now Send Your Blogs To Skyrock, I Have Found It Here In LB in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 5 months ago

    @Michelle , hehehe to get viewers of your blogs in such away you can have better income.There are so many writers there from different sites like Reddit , Stumble, Tumbler , Vimeo and other personal webs who may happen to like your blogs and enter the site Literacy Base to read your blogs and like them, and comment. It is so enjoyable meeting…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely started the topic ATTENTION: You May Now Send Your Blogs To Skyrock, I Have Found It Here In LB in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 5 months ago

    Hey guys? I finally found Skyrock in Literacy Base after I click the other sites awhile ago when I shared my blogs to the usual sites like Facebook, Twitter, G-Blogger, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and more and then I tried to click, there goes …SKY ROCK is rocking like heaven, bus sad, when I clicked my old account in Blogjob, it said it did not exist…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, Some Superstitious Beliefs In Philippines That Seem Like Funny And Crazy 7 years, 5 months ago

    Superstition has become part of a country’s tradition and culture. Superstition is always a ride on to whatever activities done and the feeling is like having accomplished a task that promotes safety and a […]

    • Superstition varies country to country.I think even a superior country like America people also have superstition. Superstition dwells to man because others had met something bad as coincidence to the belief, that is why it may not fade as years go by.In the country of my birth, there are so many superstitious beliefs that mostly guide people to do right acts, but in reverse to the real world for they do not follow like excuse me. They are afraid of the none existent rather than to those humans alive and existing.If a person says excuse me to a fictitious existence of a bad spirit why can’t others say excuse me to the living humans? Maybe they are not afraid, they are only afraid to those having imaginative powers.

    • As time goes on, new generations do not believe or practice those superstitious beliefs. But in some areas, there are still a lot of it. Sometimes I observe it sometimes not. It is interesting to know they have the same one in New Zealand!

    • My 4 sister and I grew up not believing any of the superstitious beliefs. My father being a lawyer then would always refute any belief that we would say is being believed by old people.

      My mother would believe some but as always would be told by my father that they have no scientific basis.

      So far, we all grew up well, even if we didn’t believe any of the superstitious beliefs.

    • @Dina, that is always how life goes when our father is a lawyer. My father was a retired military official and was always assigned in remote and weird places even entered a cave to rest with his men and nothing had been observed. Superstition is just a matter of thinking because a person believes in it and afraid of it though in reality there is no negative effect in their lives. Somehow we cannot also believe those believers for they lack education and orientation and strong beliefs of God, Those who are close to God as being religious are not easily be affected with their surrounding for God is their instrument against all evils and odd .

    • Superstition continues to exists as long as there are believers and culture correlates with it. Well anyway, this is better than committing a crime. This kind brings people in unison and bond.

  • Profile picture of Albena Lyudmilova Ivanova

    Albena Lyudmilova Ivanova posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago

    Both of us me and The First US Lady Melania Trump have birthday today, April 26th 2017. Happy Birthday to Mrs Melania Trump too!

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