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Dominion Elshaddai

@eldizua active 7 years, 6 months ago
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February 9, 2017 at 9:13 pm

  1. Absolutely those nuggets are the right ones. Respect for one another is key.

February 9, 2017 at 12:23 am

  1. Absolutely, relationship is the driver of man’s existence. It is the nucleus of every habitat occupied by all forms of living things. But it is unfortunate that this all important aspect of man’s existence is not really taken seriously. Like the saying goes, no man is an Island, therefore no man can relate with his or herself absolutely and successfully.                            I have always been a proponent of letting other people’s opinions count, respecting the views of others and always agreeing with others. No wonder when Jesus was about to create the earth,  He said, “Come let us make man in our own image” this depicts a cordial relationship that existed between the three supreme bodies there.            Whether you relate with a spouse, boss, siblings, colleagues, friends and so on, always make sure you agree with one another. Always let other people’s opinions count and always prefer one another.                     Even though in today’s world people are only concerned about themselves, a good relationship will leave thinking of how not to hurt your partner, how to be of help to one another.                     If we do this,  trust me the world will be a better  place.

November 15, 2016 at 4:21 am

I totally agree with you. Jealousy is almost in every being. I never knew I could be so jealous until when I got into a relationship. My spouse is far away from me, and each time I call her cell phone and she doesn’t pick up, I just feel someone is maybe occupying her mind and taking my place. Worst of it is that I am always wrong with my predictions. So I knew I was just jealous.

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