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    Chris Rogers wrote a new post, A step toward a successful business 7 years, 8 months ago

    As in present-day search, engine ratings is very necessary to give a boost to your company or business. I would discuss some of the ideal Tips To Upgrade Search engine Ratings.

    Everyone wants his company to be […]

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    Chris Rogers wrote a new post, People tends in hypnotic sugar momma 7 years, 8 months ago

    Today  sugar momma dating has been an enchanting and alluring addiction in people. A  sugar momma is a rich and affluent woman who lavishes money on a younger man to fulfill sexual desire.

    We all need a someone i […]

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    Chris Rogers wrote a new post, How to feed solid foods to your infant 7 years, 8 months ago

    Here is a great solution for the new mother for their newborn infant feeding. Every mother has a worry about the food and nutrition of their baby. Here is how and when to introduce solid food to […]

    • your advice taken its awesome how they grow fast and give that type of food to them after the milk for few months. as i knwo all solid food should start only after few months or even one year its is not wrong to prolong the feeing as teh milk is the best for the babies. but spices and some oter hard food really not should be given to those babies as they will develop more disease when they grow older, like hernia and stomach ulcer and colon ulcer and much more things like that, I do learn from this article but i guess somtimes it dpen on the child him self or her self and their jen, kids do differ and some as you say tolerate things other do not tolerates

  • Profile picture of neeru sharma

    neeru sharma posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago

    jobless these days need money to survive but to do. nobody is for their help, no one they are just taken suicide as a measure for getting rid of daily life survival problem. i saw many people are dying due to this. i do not know anything but to do for them just want to help them so i have decided to ask every one for some money so by their…[Read more]

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    Chris Rogers wrote a new post, Useful Tips for Expecting Moms 7 years, 8 months ago

    Moms! Get ready. Your delivery date is near. The new one is coming to get the beam of the world. I know this you have been very exited through these days. But, be careful, a dangerous step could harm you. Here are […]

    • Thanks for sharing this although I am not expecting now. I feel the tips are useful, I tried to do all that too when expecting. Eat properly and just add on a bit extra calories and nutrients is good enough, but can’t eat overly as the doctor always advise to eat as usual, should control gaining of weight at about 1 KG per month but not more than that.
      I gained 17 KG extra during my pregnancy period, from 52KG to 69 KG , which considered a lot although I didn’t consume much food during pregnancy period.
      This would cause the expecting hard to reduce her body weight after delivery, I only lost about 6 KG after delivery, so there was extra 12KG to go for backing to normal body shape.
      Anyway, thanks to breast feeding, this will help to consume some of the body fats and calories of the body, and all these go to the baby, thus my baby always looked chubby and fat when they were few months old.

    • When I was pregnant with our only child now a 26 years old lady doctor, I always different fruits. My favorite is pineapple. I can eat one small pineapple, a local one here that is so sweet and delicious.

      So I wonder, why your post says that it’s one of the fruits that can harm the baby. I believe all fruits can be eaten by a pregnant woman. They are all nutritious.

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    Chris Rogers and Profile picture of DinaDina are now friends 7 years, 8 months ago

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    Chris Rogers and Profile picture of Juan DavidJuan David are now friends 7 years, 8 months ago

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    Chris Rogers wrote a new post, 4 Full Body Simple Workout Tips That Do Not Require The Gym 7 years, 8 months ago

    Our body is just like a machine. Each machine goes wrong without oiling and proper care. Consequently,

    our body too needs exact attention to work properly. So, we all need to do workout to stay healthy and […]

    • How I wish I have the time to exercise at least 30 minutes a day, I can only exercise on weekends for more than an hour in the morning.

      Though, I watch what I eat and eat in moderation. I actually have a medium built body. It’s just that I have to flatten my tummy which has become a bit protruding now. So far, my eating just an apple for dinner has already flattened my stomach a bit.

    • It’s just the other day i I was thinking of buying a bike so that I can be riding instead of driving around. I thought that would be a good way of keeping fit and exercising my body. I have never been that much of fun of riding but i thought I could give it a try especially now i am feeling motivates after reading this post. I used to do exercises religiously every single day. Push ups aerobics, dancing and walking and I used to feel so rejuvenated whenever I did them. But of late I have lugged behind I have not be consistent and I feel lazy all the time, i get tired quickly when I run up the stairs and down I breathe so hard. I know all this are not good signs I can say for sure that i am not fit. Even though I walk quite a lot. Sometimes I don’t understand how I walk for like 2 hours every single day and I still feel heavy. I always feel like am putting on weight instead of shading it hehehe. But i guess am not so badly off, when i kick start my exercise regime i go all the way, I may hurt a bit in the first week but after that am good to go.

  • Profile picture of Chris Rogers

    Chris Rogers wrote a new post, Funding tips to start up small business 7 years, 8 months ago

    Starting up own business venture is a dream of many amongst us. Still, Entrepreneurs are not all time capable of fulfilling dream due to lack of funding.

    Entrepreneurs people, secure your safety belts, whether […]

    • Retirees and people approaching retirement should work on paying all debts and mortagage debts, and not borrowing any cent at all to start a business and preparing for retirement. Financial security into the future must be secured: are investment property (a home to live paid for while employed), supperannuation (while employed), and building profile shares to strategise now. Not borrowing money.

  • Profile picture of Chris Rogers

    Chris Rogers wrote a new post, List of Quick Remedies for Diarrhea 7 years, 8 months ago

    Most of us suffer from the diarrhea several times in our life. It is a very common bowel condition often occurs as a result of food poisoning and some other causes.


    Not only one symptom is enough to […]

    • Thanks for sharing. So helpful.

      This infection can spread from contaminated water, raw fruits and vegetables, grains, raw or inadequately cooked fish and seafood, and contaminated feces.

      It is very common among children under age 5, but it can also affect people of other ages. Within a week of ingesting the bacteria, symptoms will start showing that can range from mild to severe.

      Watery diarrhea is the most common symptom of cholera, which can lead to dehydration and serious conditions if not treated timely. Other symptoms include stomach cramps, dry mouth, dry skin, muscle cramps, nausea, vomiting, low blood pressure, exhaustion, weakness and restlessness.

      As cholera is highly contagious, you need to take precautions to stop the spread of the infection and get proper treatment. Also, you can use a number of home remedies to help treat the symptoms and promote quick recovery.

      Few home remedies for cholera as follows:

      1. Increase Fluid Intake
      The first step in treating cholera should be rehydration. Due to diarrhea, there is a high chance of becoming dehydrated and this can worsen your condition.

      So, drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated. But not just any water, you need to drink bottled water or water purified with iodine or chlorine. To be on the safe side, boil your water before drinking it.

      Along with water, you can also drink coconut water, buttermilk, herbal tea or orange juice throughout the day.

      2. Homemade ORS
      Prompt restoration of lost fluids and salts through oral rehydration solution (ORS) can help reduce the intensity of symptoms and aid quick recovery. You can use ORS approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) that are readily available in the market. You can also make ORS at home.

      ors prevents dehydration
      ORS Home Remedy for Cholera

      Mix ½ small spoon of salt and 6 small spoons of sugar in 1 liter or 4 cups of clean water.
      Drink this as many times as possible until you recover completely.

      3. Probiotic Yogurt
      Probiotic yogurt is also effective in curing cholera. It contains healthy bacteria that promote digestion and help fight off the bacteria causing cholera. Plus, probiotic yogurt is good for your immune system.

      Eat 2 to 3 cups of plain probiotic yogurt daily until you get relief. You can add some banana slices to it for added benefit.
      You can also make a tasty smoothie with yogurt and drink it several times a day for faster recovery.

      4. Ginger
      Being a natural antibiotic, ginger helps fight infection and cure cholera. It can also help get rid of diarrhea, stomach cramps and abdominal pain.

      Grate a small piece of ginger and mix it with 1 teaspoon of honey. Eat the mixture to improve your digestive process.
      Alternatively, you can make a ginger tea. Add thin slices of a small piece of ginger to 1 cup of water. Also add a few black peppers, holy basil leaves and mint leaves. Boil the water for a few minutes, strain and add some honey. Drink a few cups of this herbal tea daily until you see improvement.
      Note: Avoid ginger if you are taking blood thinners.

      5. Lemon
      Lemon is also helpful in treating cholera due to its antibacterial property. It can help destroy the harmful bacteria in the intestines and digestive system that cause cholera. Plus, the vitamin C in lemon boosts the immune system to speed up recovery.

      Mix the juice of ½ lemon in a glass of water.
      Add a little honey and salt, and stir well.
      Drink it at regular intervals until you recover completely.
      Note: Do not give honey to children under 1 year of age.

      6. Zinc Supplements
      A 2008 study done in Bangladesh found that zinc supplements are beneficial in reducing the duration and severity of cholera in children. Zinc has more than 200 human enzymes that help fight off the infection and boost the immune system.

    • Good article. I had suffered from stomach problems in the past. Heartburn and diarrhea were, sometimes, common until I changed my diet. Also, baking soda with some lemon on it is a sure way to cure heartburn for me. Vinegar apple cider can be useful for diarrhea. It helped me when I took it 3 times a day. While these things can be a blessing, it is, always, helpful to seek some medical advice.

    • A good piece to read. I actually suffered a lot while on a journey to Varanasi. I was perplexed to notice that there is some bowel moment. It was really shocking for me. I never had this problem earlier except during my childhood days when I was eating everything in random fashion.
      I used the washroom unwillingly. I was instructing everybody to keep it clean including the surroundings. Now, it served my purpose. I gave a thought to what I had eaten. Except for the food brought from home I took nothing. The food was very tasty and I actually enjoyed it. That was all a day before matter. But, I am suffering from loose bowel movements from the next day only.
      I recollected each and every item I have consumed. I could recollect soon that I had consumed tea in excess. It did not affect me on the same day. But, in the morning when I had coffee as per my daily habit, it worked negatively on me and led to this problem.the pantry service was two compartments away from my compartment. It took nearly an hour to get it. In the meanwhile, I had to use the washroom for 3-4 times. It was terrible. I became very weak.
      Finally, I could make entry into the Pantry service and picked up Buttermilk and had it along with sugar. It worked well and within 10 minutes I felt a lot of improvements.
      Sometimes, it is only a simple home remedy that gives a good relief from this problem.

    • I noticed that I would have LBM ot loosebowel movement if amongst the foods I ate is veggie cooked in too much of coconut milk. That is why , at the office, I would really make sure that the veggies that would go with my fish or meat dish , will be something just sauteed not cooked in coconut milk
      Although, when at home, I welcome eating veggies or foods cooked in coconut milk , as long as coconut milk used is in moderation. And if ever, i get. LBM because of that, It’s okay because I can always go to the toilet at anytime. Besides, it helps me take out the toxins in my body, so I don’ttake any medication at all . Though, if my going to the toiletwould be a more than 2 times, that’s the time to medicate it.
      But usually , my home remedy is just eating a banana.

    • Thank you for sharing this information. It is useful.

    • This is helpful. I rarely drink green tea, but I can see it will be useful to keep what I have in my cupboard.

    • Your article z really helpful,,,,,thank you so much

    • Very good inspiration.

    • diarrhea is the worst silent killer if not treated and infection do cause that hell, but the treatment is easy also, I got that diarrhea when i was travel, and i have drink alot of water to replace the water that is lost, but also eat banana helps and cumin is great for diarrhea at the same time, very nice post and keep us updat

    • In posting a thread especially on medical point of you, I think we should be extra careful especially when we are not a medical practitioner or a physician. It is unwise to give some remedy when a doctor’s prescription is needed. It is too dangerous that we speculate for our reader might be misinformed and something would happen to them if they follow what we have written.

    • This is absolutely wonderful..diarrhea has proven to be a heavy menance to our society. It has a drastic effect on man such as loss of weight and unpleasant behaviours..if you are a victim of this menance, i can bet you, this is the best remedies for you

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    Chris Rogers wrote a new post, Effective yoga for weight loss 7 years, 8 months ago

    Overweight! Having no time for the gym! Don’t worry. I have effective solutions for you. It is all about yoga.

    Most us are the victim of obesity nowadays. But we don’t have much time to step out for a gym. We […]

    • For weight loss, I just eat an apple and drink lots of water for dinner at least 4 times a week. Now, my pants has loosened up especially on the waist area. So, I think I will just do this for 3 times a week only now, because I have lost some belly fats already.

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