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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Do Novels Debunk Psychological Problems Successfully? 7 years, 11 months ago

    George Eliot is Victorian novelist and also the pioneer of modern novel in Victorian Age Literature. In Victorian Age novel is one of the main achievements comparing it with Elizabethan drama. There were many […]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Elopement: The Result of Ignoring Children in Childhood 7 years, 11 months ago

    Maggie is the heroine of the novel due to be prominent in all characters because the whole story revolves around her character and due to her character the story develops with the passage of time. It is the […]

    • Ignoring children at their childhood age is very bad because that is their moulding age. The goodness and badness of an adult depends on how he was trained at his childhood age. So parents should take note of what happens to their children at their childhood age and they kinda character they display should be closely monitored. A child in his childhood age should be monitored not ignored because bad characters children tend to display can be easily changed while they were still kid but if they pass that childhood stage with that character, curtailing them will be very difficult.
      Parents who ignore thierchildren in their childhood age end up regretting it at last especially when they see their children are beyond control by them.
      If a child is ignored in his childhood age and he grows being obedient to the parents, all praises to God but if he thinks he has overgrown his parents, I pity the parents as they will talk and talk for him to hear but is too late. Sometimes some of them die of heart attack.
      Same applies to parents who called themselves white collar job workers employ a maid who looks after their children. They do have little or no time for their children as the main is there to do everything for them. I pray the maid has a good character. If the maid has a good character, your children will be good but once you have a maid that is immoral, the kind of things your children will even be doing at young age will surprise you to the core. Because I have realized children behave like who they are with whether their parents or not. So I think the result of parents ignoring their children in their childhood age is consequential

    • When parents divorce when their children are tender or when one eloped leaving the other with the children, the children certainly will be ignored. If proper care is not taken the children will be user as rags and no one will respect them until their parents home back. I will advice every couple who wants divorce or elope to remember their young kids at home and plan on how to take then along so as not to expose them to hardship. But if you know the marriage will not part, don’t bother trying to give birth to his kids, quit it from time.

    • Quite well explained and written in an interesting manner.

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    jhsayyar started the topic An Immortal Pretty Crime in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 11 months ago

    Beauty is Immortal
    LiteracyBase Pic
    Sonnet by JH Sayyar
    Precious gifts, Yea! Waste of time will decay,
    But your beauty remains immortal in my rime,
    Free of time and space like sinking moon in bay,
    Generation to generation but beauty keeps time,
    No war but all men’s mortal works over turn,
    Steel and stone structures will be rooted out,
    And waters of the seven s…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar started the topic Smile: The Master Key to Pleasure in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 11 months ago

    Smile: The Treasure of Pleasure
    LiteracyBase Pic
    Sonnet by JH Sayyar
    Ah! I have a master key to open pleasure lock,
    Others not know the lock inner complex design,
    All try to open it and get a body jerking shock,
    At last the wicked wits have to hopefully resign,
    To guard pleasure lock jealousy sit at the door,
    With many a changes shapes, key wearing in…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar started the topic My Mistress' Beauty Steals Innocent Hearts in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 11 months ago

    My Mistress’ Beauty
    LiteracyBase Pic
    Sonnet by JH Sayyar
    O Lady! All know you well you are so cute,
    All shining flowers shade reflect on your face,
    Your golden hair make all men anon mute,
    Your dimple on the cheeks adds more grace,
    Your beauty natural, free of painted beauty art,
    Helen’s beauty art hides hide all skin defects,
    But in your beauty reflects your s…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar started the topic Why do Women Change Lovers? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 11 months ago

    I have seen practically that most of the woman change lovers as grave changes dead bodies. If someone digs the any woman’s heart it will be found many lovers dead bodies one over the other. I could not understand why woman do so. To find the best choice or to lose the present best choice. What is is the thinking behind this philosophy?

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Vitamins and Minerals in the forum Group logo of Food & DrinkFood & Drink 7 years, 11 months ago

    Injection is injurious for you health because if you take injection for vitamin b12 your body will not produce vitamin b12 and slowly and slowly your vitamin producing system will out of order thus you may fall in different mysterious diseases.

    For vitamins B12 you must take, yogurt, red meat, liver, beef, whole grains, milk, mackerel, these…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Women Worship Child or Image in Child? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 11 months ago

    No one can deny that women worship image that they see in the child’s future. What is your children’s future, the aims and objects that parents have in their minds are called children future.

    Women bring images up in semblance of children, they feed their images no the children in which they see their safe future is a universal fact.  Every…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar started the topic Women Worship Child or Image in Child? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 11 months ago

    I have observed as poet talking many women sensibly I noted woman love their children not they are their children but hey love their children because their will, wishes, desires, images of future are hidden in the children’ growing up. This the main cause of getting labor pain and upbringing painfully 23 hours.

    My observation is that women…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic What do you think of South Africa? in the forum Group Forums 7 years, 11 months ago

    My friend and fellow  EvilElf , do not worry about what the people are doing, keep in mind, if the political problem occurs in any country is a clear cut sign of corruption or injustice besides there will no issue on earth. On earth two forces work side by side positive and negative some people support positive force and some negative force, in su…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic What do you think of South Africa? in the forum Group Forums 7 years, 11 months ago

    My friend positivity and negativity are part of human nature and Nature. There are two laws working in the whole universe male and female, positive and negative, means in the whole universe one thing is male and the other is female, negative and positive.

    Just the same category we may see in the field of brain some have positive brains and some…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Separation Between Anglo Indian and Indian 7 years, 11 months ago

    E.M. Foster’s novel A Passage to India is a famous novel in England and out of England. Foster went in the Subcontinent to visit after the Second World War when India was not in a peaceful condition. There were d […]

    • Didn’t read the novel but watched the film adaptation. The cast did an outstanding job with their performances. If it were an event in my real life it would have been difficult not to become extremely angry. What happened to the accused man was so … so … it’s difficult to think of a word. But I was glad that in the end, he obtained justice.

      There’s a common expression people use in America. It says: “Life is hard when (or if) you make hard.” I disagree. A lot of times your life is hard because somebody else is making it hard for you! You know it’s not you making it hard because all you’re doing is minding your own business! That’s how I felt about Dr. Aziz. He wasn’t do anything to anybody. Why bring all that hell on him? It was good movie! You posted a nice review / commentary.

    • I really do not know a lot about India culture and tradition but know some through their movies. When it comes to their history I rarely know little about it cos they are very far from Africa. But going through this post has made me know Indians are being separated into two. When I watch their movies, they speak English language but here in my country they say their English is not real that it is being worked for easier understanding for people across the country. I will always ask myself, does it mean that Indians don’t and can’t speak English language. Until now I still don’t believe it. Am even surprise that the post mentioned earlier war on India. When I watch their movie, the least I expected from their movie is war. Love dominates everything but I think what they display in their movies is not the main thing that’s happening in the country. Wellshall I can’t say everything that happens in a country through their movies.
      But until now I still wish to know how many religions that exist in India because the kind of prayer and the kind of status I see in their movies, I wonder.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, The British Attitude Towards the Indians in the Subcontinent 7 years, 11 months ago

    A Passage to India is a most popular novel of Foster in Europe and out of Europe. In the novel he describes his personal experiences with help of a story bases on reality and observation made by him in the […]

    • I believe I read this book many years ago.. and there was a BBC dramatisation.

      The Brits tended to somewhat ‘respect’ the Hindu upper class. Compare this to how they looked at the leaders in Africa or the Caribbean. The Brits are easy to distinguish as having class prejudice… of course they aren’t the only ones but they have it like a science.

    • I am confused whether you are referring to British or Anglo-Indians? Anglo-Indians were never the ruler here but were looked down more than Hindus by Britishers.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Has Symbolism any Significance in Real Life? 7 years, 11 months ago

    The term symbolism is applied in literature to a work, a set of words, that signifies an object or an event which itself signifies something else. Symbolism is a permanent feature of the novel A Passage to India. […]

    • The problem you encounter is that many people do not understand the symbolism. They interpret in their own venue, if they even appreciate the symbolism.

      For example, in Scripture you will read something like how man was formed from the ‘dust of the ground’. This means from among the population for dust of the ground is often used to refer to large populations.

      It is not that Genesis II ‘forgot’ that ‘man’ was already created in Genesis I it is symbolic.

      • Symbols or symbolism in real life is most important because symbolism is the language of God. Have you heard..when we slumber, God speaks in number. It is a symbolism and tricky symbolism.

        As we see Cross is the sign of Jesus Christ regardless of who makes it on earth but we respect and worship it because it represents Jesus Christ. <am is a symbol of God's perfect art craftsmanship. While on the other hand, woman is sign of God's love for man.

        Our home is symbol of protection and thus our children are the symbols of our marriage. The world i full of symbolism. We must think and understand the language of symbolism.

    • So the moral of the story is: ‘Caves are bad for a man if he goes inside one with a troubled unhappy woman.’ Sorry. The plot of this story is so serious, need to take a break for some occasional humor.

      With regard to symbols, they are only as significant as the person who is regarding them in that manner. One person kneels at the statue of Buddha. Another person will put that statue in their bathroom as a decoration. One soldier will hold up the flag of his country with pride. A foreign soldier will piss on that same flag. One person will wear an astrological sign around their neck as a piece of jewelry. Another person won’t because it violates their Christian beliefs. One says: “It’s just jewelry.” The other says: “It’s unChristian. We don’t believe in stars. We believe in The Light!” As for me, I really like doves and what they symbolize. That’s a really nice featured image. 🙂

    • You are talking about a story. The use of symbols in the stories you are telling is very nice. But I think we use symbols indirectly and directly in our daily life. There are many materials that signifies a lot of things in out day to day life. Colours also signifies a lot in our life. Animals also signify a lot in our practical lives.
      Red color symbolizes danger or quiting or stopping. Right from our traffic light, red signs signifies that every car should stop. When you enter a bush and see a tree tied around with red clothes, it means the fruits of the tree is restricted from passers-by. It means the fruits are meant for the owners only. Outsiders are not allowed.
      Black colour signifies bad luck and evil. Anywhere black material is used it symbolizes evil and misfortune. That is why devil is being painted black.
      Animals like lion symbolizes strength and power, it symbolizes leadership. Anywhere a lion is drawn, the place is at an extent a place for the Kings or the leaders. That is why kings are always happy when they are being called lions. Even Jesus is being called the lion of Judea. But people get angry when they are being called sheep or goat because they both symbolizes cowardice and stupidity. Every thing around us in one way or the other symbolizes one thing or the other.
      Symbols has a lot of significance to play in our everyday life.

    • I also forgot to talk about white color. Any material with white color doesn’t scare people but embraces people. White among all other colour symbolizes peace, purity and goodness. When we pray to God, we ask for forgiveness by telling him to wash our sins so that we can be whiter than snow. Why don’t we say wash us so that we can be blacker than coal. Because black symbolizes evil, white symbolizes purity. That is why dove symbolizes purity. The white color of dive makes it a pure bird among all other birds. In the churches, white is the dominant colour of every decoration(materials). When you talk of catholics, their reverend fathers wear white garment not black due to what white signifies. White colour signifies purity. White candles are mostly the candle used in most churches due to the colour symbol. White symbolizes peace and unity and doesn’t represent evil. Even the evil alters most times are scared of white colours. The evil ones always use vulture or any other black bird but will never use dove as a symbol in their alter. They go on am assignment in form of vulture but can never go in form of dove. That is why the black colour of vulture and it’s feeding habit has made it an isolated animal.
      Dove is a bird which every one wish to see and behold it’s white colour beauty.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, The Faerie Queen: As an Epic Poem: Do you agree? 7 years, 11 months ago

    Epic poetry is one of the oldest forms that come down to us from the ancient. It is equal to a tragedy. Aristotle in his famous book, Poetics, and Horace in his famous book Art of Poetry, defines an epic is a long […]

    • I haven’t read it yet. But from your blog post it appears to be quite interesting. And as you have already mentioned the elements of The Faerie Queen which compare it to an epic then an epic it is. There should be no questioning on it as such.

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    jhsayyar started the topic Beauty Fades like Autumn Leaf! Do you agree? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 11 months ago

    LiteracyBase Pic



    By JH Sayyar
    Ah1 Time decays all things but words out of reach,
    Your beauty and beauty sin I encage in word cage,
    When cruel time prints on face winkles and breech,
    Beauty falls like autumn leaf but in my line your age,
    Between heaven and earth all things word- creations
    Words; the power of God, silence the soul of universe,
    Words…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar started the topic Why Nightingale Sings Peacefully? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 11 months ago

    LiteracyBase Pic
    15. Ode to Nightingale
    By JH Sayyar
    The queen of quietness and the princess of flowers,
    You sing among the trees sitting all alone,
    When you find nothing around you sing many a hours,
    Knowing not what is a poor man’s groan,
    Your locked throat opens always in dale,
    Who listen to your notes? Flower, branches and trees,
    What you s…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar started the topic Sonnet on Creation by JH Sayyar in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 11 months ago

    By JH Sayyar
    First day God separates night from day,
    Second day creates the prettiest blue sky,
    Third day creates the Earth white and grey,
    Fourth day creates the sun Universe-eye.
    Fifth day the creatures of earth and air,
    All kinds of cute animals: urban and wild,
    Sixth day creates man with the most care,
    Seventh day God finishes all affairs…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic A Motivating Poem Just For You in the forum Group logo of Inspirational/MotivationalInspirational/Motivational 7 years, 11 months ago

    The poem is beautiful but its imagery and diction is not good as must be in the poem that motivates human emotion. Keep in mind poetry teaches and delight is the main function of a poem.

    It is about peace the poet says close your eyes you will find peace and rest but when you will open eyes the situation will be the same. Read these lines…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic What is the best Source of Entertainment? in the forum Group logo of EntertainmentEntertainment 7 years, 11 months ago

    Yes, I read the whole article every body knows where is the lap of nature, listen my friend, under the tree shade is the the lap of nature, sitting among the flowers is the lap of nature, enjoying on the beach is the lap of the nature, roaming on the mountain is the lap of nature/

    Your cute three babies and their twittering in their own language…[Read more]

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