• Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, A funny Thing Happened to Triond 7 years, 6 months ago

    When the writing site Triond first came into existence back in 2008 the idea was human moderation.  This didn’t last very long and then it switched to A.I.

    Artificial Intelligence is certainly artificial and […]

    • What you say is true. I agree that we should be using words without naming people as that would keep the writer safe and the article safe from the problems stated above. One can also write other topics like short stories, incidents which took place in ones life, places where one went and interesting things happened. Something which only we know and not many other know about it such things would keep the writer safe.

      While there are places where all topics can also be covered and written. One can search for them for such articles. While we can follow all these it is better we use the checker which is faulty and check as the site is using the same. If it shows that anything is repeating at some other place simply do not publish the article here. That is better way of playing it safe and not being called names.

      • I’m going to avoid topical factual items here and post them on other sites. This will just be a pop corn site.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar replied to the topic Mods! The Sky Isn't Falling! in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 6 months ago

    During my sojourn here, I have sought to write about topical and factual items.  I have verified my facts so that I would be as accurate as possible.  I have had two items removed for plagairism.  Hence, I shall endeavour to lower my standards to match that of this site.

    No more sharp factual pieces requiring researc

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar replied to the topic Can We Trust Plagium And Other Systems Which Check Our Articles For Plagiarism? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 6 months ago

    This is why this site is lowly rated.  There is very little to read.  You can NOT post about a political situation in Your country which would be of educational benefit as you would be calling the names of real people, describing real incidents, which would likely be mentioned in newspapers and texts.

    I will cease from posting anything of real value.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar replied to the topic Can We Trust Plagium And Other Systems Which Check Our Articles For Plagiarism? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 6 months ago

    If I write;  Columbus landed on Jamaica in 1494… a plagiarism checker would ‘flag’ that because it is written everywhere.  It is true.

    If I write that “Today, at the National Stadium, there is going to be a major conference of the People’s National Party,”   a plagiarism checker will flag that because it is an announcement in all the ne…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar replied to the topic Mods! The Sky Isn't Falling! in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 6 months ago

    I promise not to publish any more factual pieces.  I will publish empty items.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, How to Avoid Being Flagged for Plagiarism 7 years, 6 months ago

    Facts can’t change. Truth can’t change.  Hence, to avoid being flagged for plagiarism skip both.   As  a person who usually goes for truth and facts, one can understand how dangerous it is to write for a site wh […]

    • Hello.. thank you for most of the information.. which I was not knowing before.

      Usefully written.

      • If I were allowed to give names and dates I would have written something you could use in a college thesis.

    • That was my problem when I wrote for a client on one of the writing sites. When I used facts, all of the alleged plagiarized data will have yellow marks on it, meaning it was plagiarized! So I always call the attention of the site owners, then they will let my article pass!

      • I can’t get a response from Admin to save my life. I email, I contact, nothing. I just give up on doing my best here.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, The Joy is right within us but you have to find it 7 years, 6 months ago

    I have been thinking about it for a long time but never got a proper answer for my query. Here is a simple question ‘just what you do for having happiness?’

    It sounds a simple question but for me it has alw […]

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, The younger lot and their priorities 7 years, 6 months ago

    I have always felt it that some of us are more psychologically unsecured than others and my feeling in this regard has somewhat grown in last couple of weeks. I have been in touch with people from different […]

    • Very true, the priorities which were there around thirty years ago are have totally changed and parents have to look at the current scenario. And they have to allow and help the children by guiding the children to pursue the career of their choice. Because if one is doing a job which he or she does not like it would not be interesting to them and they will face burn out and lose interest in any job totally.

      The tensions which children of today face are also different. Things have become more complex and they have to score the best to get a decent job otherwise they will neither be here nor there in life. The sad part one has to get a score of around more than 95 percent to be eligible for a proper job. Alongwith that they also have to be a Mr. Know all for the placement companies to hire them. As these companies want ready made people for their companies and would not want to waste time and money for training. A good article reflecting the sad truth of society in this age.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar replied to the topic Can We Trust Plagium And Other Systems Which Check Our Articles For Plagiarism? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 6 months ago

    If you wrote about a passage in the Bible and quoted the passage, your item would be flagged for plagairism.  That is the problem with these idiotic checkers.   You would post something like;

    “In the Bible, Genesis 1 verse 29, says; (and you would quote it) “and then be charged with plagiarism by the mods here.

    I have written factual items, u…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Turning the Kids Against The Parents 7 years, 6 months ago

    This is a true story.  The only thing I will change are the names.

    Nicole and Winston were married young.  They quickly had two sons, Paul and Jim, and their marriage began to fall apart.   Thinking they were do […]

    • Whosoever was there as a real parent really had an unfortunate time in this whole incident. It is very wrong on the part of some to create hatred in the minds of the child for their parents to settle personal scores. Parents too should be aware that such things may happen and have to be in regular touch with the kids and see that they are not lost due to these kind of activities by other relatives. If the parents share a strong relationship with the children emotionally, physically and are there around for them when they need them. Such events will never take place. But in this case the relationship is lost forever. Thanks for the share.

      • It happens to many children who are used by another relative against their parents. It is very tragic.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Know the value of your words and time 7 years, 6 months ago

    There are times when we find it hard to keep up words while our heart says to go ahead and keep your promise but our mind says that we should do what is demand of the hour. I remember an incident when I had […]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar started the topic Mods! The Sky Isn't Falling! in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 6 months ago

    I often write factual items.  I don’t write ‘Fake News’.   If I touch a real topic, whether the Olympics in Brasil, whether Polio in various parts of the world, whether Obamacare; I do my RESEARCH.

    If I were to write about police murders since January 2017 I would go to more than one site to be sure that the number I have is accurate.    When I p…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic Dear friends, SUPPORT replied me why I am not paid in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 6 months ago

    I thought it was nothing but eat fruit of your labor Dear @ HARPREET SINGH as we say in Punjabi, sabra da fal meeth hunda eh 🙂

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Do you really enjoy your job? 7 years, 6 months ago

    It’s a fact that if someone considers his job as ‘work’ that he has to finish or spends his time looking at watch constantly he will never be able to enjoy his work. In my views the one that enjoys his work does […]

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Here is your success mantra 7 years, 6 months ago

    It’s a common fact that at the time of beginning of an important project we all feel nervous or may think in terms of whether we shall be able to complete it successfully. We think in terms of getting the s […]

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, We have something to regret about 7 years, 6 months ago

    Let’s accept it, we all make a lot of mistakes and if someone says he doesn’t make any mistakes then there are only two possibilities either he is perfect or he is not telling the whole truth. There are very few […]

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Increasing environment related problems in coastal areas 7 years, 6 months ago

    I had recently written a post about one of my trips to Sundarban which is also known as Mangrove Forest the Sundarbans, a natural forest mostly in Bangladesh but a small part of it in India too.

    Let’s try to u […]

    • indeed oceanic/water pollution is becoming worse and worse every day. the local people, the business people and the government/authorities all are at fault. The local people contribute to the littering of the oceans and the do not report when they see other people doing it. Only when they or they loved ones are directly or immediately affected then will they begin to call in to news stations to make a report. Business people take the oceans for their waste basket dumping oil, garbage and any and everything in the waters. The government though they may implement laws or policies for the protection of the ocean they fail to enforce these laws or policies. Thus the perpetrators continue with their actions of destruction.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Beware of Writing Factual Items! 7 years, 6 months ago

    I often write hard core researched articles.  I don’t make it up as I go along.   When I am dealing with facts, that is things that really happened, I research.  If an incident happened on the 23rd of November 19 […]

    • As long as you give attribution to the source, there is nothing wrong with it.

      I usually do that also, citing some date or statistics but I state the source or cite the persons who said it. It is not plagiarism, like what you said in your post; it is merely giving credit where credit is due. It is not owning what other people had said,or what other people had studied or researched.

      • The problem of A.I., if not properly tweaked is that it can not tell the difference between a quote and plagairism.

        Hence if I write; President Barack Obama said, when running for President of the United States, “Yes We Can,” I would be flagged for plagiarism by an A.I. checker

    • Informative article to any newcomer or even someone who has been around for a few months. It is better to write fictional work or details which cover some subject which only we know and no one else would know. But it impedes the number of choices which are available to a writer. I saw your article of Rio Olympics and also the comments as to what was written. I found the article based on facts.

      Hence I appreciated the article. That is how an article should be if it is a subject like that if it uses data from source hence forth I will make it a point to quote the source so that my article will not be called plagiarized by the checker. For someone new this article is informative provided they read and know what happens when facts are given. I am thinking as to tackle this issue. One I wrote an article in the forum. Two I am responding to this article by you. I am checking what other options are there for writers safety. Thanks for the share.

      • If I was taking the information from the NY Times, I would have admitted it, but I took the information from three different sources, and combined them. I put it in my own words, but the problem is that I could not put how much money, how long, when, and what in different words. A stadium was built in the Amazon which was a waste of money. I could not change the place, or the fact it was neglected.

        A wiser and more astute Admin would appreciate I couldn’t change those facts or put them into my own words without destroying the substance. If I had written ‘a lot of money’ instead of 12 Billion, then the plag. detector would have passed. But the article would be worthless.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar posted an update in the group Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 6 months ago

    I try to write some solid factual pieces… pieces that require research. Now Admin is telling me I plagiarised!

  • Profile picture of PEEUSH TRIKHA

    PEEUSH TRIKHA posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago

    Fans are on the full day and night. Time to get AC serviced?

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