• Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Easy Homemade Chicken Fajitas for Breakfast 7 years, 6 months ago

    Initially, when I saw Chicken Fajitas served in a Western Restaurant that I had dined in with my old classmate, I thought that it was alike McD Brekkie Wrap except for the extra veggies and delicious sauce that […]

    • I like tacos, being sold at the supermarkets. They look just like that in the picture and they taste so delicious.

      There are beef strips being stripped from a grilled beef still in a big skewer. Then there are cabbage strips and some more veggies i haven’t seen but have chewed as delicious, because it is with a spicy sauce made of mayonnaise and i think mustard.

      Looking at the ingredients of the chicken fajitas of yours, it seems it has lots of ingredients, but will be worth the try and money, because it looks so delicious too. 🙂

    • I like chicken fajitas with lots of vegetables in it.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Super Yummy Homemade Goey Chocolate Brownies 7 years, 6 months ago

    Kids love Chocolate Brownies, so do I !

    Being a mom with two kids, I had a sudden urge to taste brownies when I see Chocolate cake in a bakery shop.

    Brownies are alike tiny cakes which are super thick, goey and […]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to make Grilled Chicken Drumsticks at home 7 years, 6 months ago

    Honestly, I had never thought that one day, I might be able to grill my own homemade Grilled Chicken Drumsticks which I frequently spill saliva while watching roadside hawkers performing their stunts with grilling […]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, How Some People are Misled 7 years, 6 months ago

    When I was at college I had one of those part time jobs on campus.  I don’t know if it happens where you are, but there were a lot of little jobs over the vacations and one would make some money to help them […]

    • Maybe he just wrote the name of Mr. Big Shot, because he thinks you will not verify if indeed he is recommending the applicant.

      That is why, when we are applying, we should see to it that we put a reference who knows you well because you were once in his employment. Besides, see to it that you have a good track of work records so the recommender will also give good reviews.

      Never just write a big shot, when the big shot doesn’t even know that you have written his name for reference. It’s discourteous to do that.

      • No, John Chance knew we would contact those he put in as references… I am sure he believed Mr. Big Shot would recommend him. We should check first… before we name anyone.

    • If you are a grown up, you have your own mind to make good decisions but most of us would rather go with what we are told. The thing is if the guy asked for a recommendation from the other guy, it’s obvious that he asked him if he would use him as his recommenderecommender, why then would someone write you such a bad recommendation letter? If you knew that the person was not qualified you should have told them from the beginning. But tarnishing the name of the candidate is not a good thing. That’s why it’s always good to ask questions before you get favors from people or even close friends .

    • There are times when we come across people who will be an influence of negative behavior and if we are not careful, we will probably be misled. You are responsible for your own actions, so when you involve yourself around negativity, then most likely,you will become negative. It important for us to determine that you should not blame others for your actions.

      Being misled is tricky. In some sense, you can be misled by being lied to. That is one reason why a person can be misled. It is wrong for someone to lie for personal gain. If you are a strong willed person with any kind of intelligence, you will not allow anyone or anything to become a negative influence. You should always push for positive influences. A person can also mislead themselves, another person does not have to be the one to mislead you.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, A few of my Super Powers 7 years, 6 months ago

    I realised when I was just a kid that I had ‘super powers’.    It was very creepy in a way because it was as if I could see things that ‘weren’t there’ and ‘hear things’ no one else did.

    These are the super p […]

    • Wow, reading on, I realized that you are a very gifted person for having those qualities or super powers as you call it.

      Indeed listening can be a power by itself. Even knowing when to be silent is a power also.

      Observing too is a super power. These 3 are what I should learn to have. I am not observant, maybe because I always hurry. I don’t even sometimes observe how a person is before I speak my mind. Now I know, I should be.

      Listening, I sometimes just blurt out without letting the other person finish what he is talking about , so much so that argument will ensue. This is true with my hubby and me.

      Thank you for making me realize I can have those super powers too. 🙂

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar replied to the topic My internet is so slow it hampers my desire to write more blogs in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 6 months ago

    I write off line then upload.   The prob is often the image… to download the image and then paste it. Once I just grabbed a previous image.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Less is More; the Shortening of Word Count 7 years, 6 months ago

    Years ago, authors were paid by the word.  So, more words more money.   People expected a few pounds of a novel and a few days or weeks of reading.   In those days, More was More.

    Books of one thousand plus pa […]

    • One can write three hundred words but still it is concise. Short and sweet!

      • The interesting thing is that where a few years ago writing 1000 words was no problem, today, one becomes so concise that a topic is covered in 280 words, requiring one to go back and add.

      • Yes, one can write a 300 word article yet it already has taken all the important aspects.

        It is challenging to write more than 500 words. You must have the experience for your topic and very familiar with what you are writing for you to write that long.

        • In the old days people were in the verbose habit. They went around and around before making the point. Today it is very boring to read that kind of stuff.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, To See Ourselves as Others See Us 7 years, 6 months ago

    There was this chap who came from a family of achievers.  His parents were professionals, his sisters were professionals.  He was… not.

    He was a tall guy who wore glasses and hated them so got contact lenses.   […]

    • I hate airheads or braggarts. I distance from the, the moment I notice that he is one.

      You can never win over an airhead. It is already inculcated in his head that he is right and no one can beat him.

      Sad, that this attitude is what people don’t like in a person. he is being laughed at or hated when he turns his back to the people he was with.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, What Pie Is He Expecting To Get? 7 years, 6 months ago

    When I was at University there was an election for Student Body President. Okay. No Big Deal. Elections were every year.

    This year it was kind of different.

    One chap was, to us, a joker. He would make […]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, The Evolution of Television Acting 7 years, 6 months ago

    In the early 1900s, acting in motion pictures was scorned by the elite.  True actors ‘walked the boards’, that is, appeared on stage.

    This prejudice existed until ‘movie stars’ began to earn a lot of money and […]

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    kaylar replied to the topic Writing Sites; Learning From Mistakes/Successes in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 6 months ago

    Niume pays for views… so an item can keep earning long after it is published

  • Profile picture of PEEUSH TRIKHA

    PEEUSH TRIKHA replied to the topic A – Z Story Challenge in the forum Group logo of Writing Challenges & TipsWriting Challenges & Tips 7 years, 6 months ago

    Not a bad idea. But let me get free from my story series.

  • Profile picture of PEEUSH TRIKHA

    PEEUSH TRIKHA posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago

    The new finanacial year FY 2017-18 starts. Let us hope for a new good FY.

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    PEEUSH TRIKHA wrote a new post, Operation Whitewaters: The Wrath of the Unknown Enemy – XI 7 years, 6 months ago

    Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and any resemblance to any events or characters is purely coincidental.
    Continued from : Operation Whitewaters: The Wrath of the Unknown Enemy – X




    Operation Wh […]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Not Until You Lose Do You Get It 7 years, 6 months ago

    On the Dorm was a woman I’ll call Kerry.  Every Sunday Kerry would take all the garbage from the kitchen and walk one hundred yards to the big bin and dispose of it.   It was not her garbage.  She had very li […]

    • Like they say you never know what you are loosing until you loose it. It is very sad to think that her friemds could actually treat a fellow friend the way they did. If they would only be a bit considerate.
      But that is usually a problem when you live like 2 3 in a house or apartment that is bound to happen. There are those who will feel like they arw superior to everyone else. So they may take it that everybody else should do chores but they shouldn’t, that attitude is very annoying. I would expect everyone to take responsibility in the house and also help out whenever need arises. It was unfortunate that keery was no more. The thing is now they are the ones who will have to live with the guilt of doing her wrong. Kerry did her part and she doesn’t have to live with any guilt.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, A reason why People Don’t Listen 7 years, 6 months ago

    Imagine this scene;  a lawyer is explaining to a client that his mortgage payments are much too high, and they can renegotiate with the bank to drop the payments and extend the time.

    The Client, before he […]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Although inspired, I Didn’t Write About… 7 years, 6 months ago

    During research, I came across the fact that the United States of America has slipped to a wiggly eight when it came to being rated as an ‘educated’ nation.

    I was inspired to write a long and intricate article as […]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, One of the Things About Acting 7 years, 6 months ago

    There are some actors/actresses you see all the time.  They go from this serial to that one, they go from that movie to another, and you keep seeing them.   It’s not because they are so talented, its because p […]

    • The reasons why all those gone are well explained, yes I agree many we like to see back in movie , but seen no more , attitude matters a lot, even in school students may have special request as to who would teach them because they do not like the teacher assigned to them, There was also a movie actress in Ph she was so famous in her youthful years but when she grew mature her attitude changed and many complained and wanted to remove as member of the casts of the movie. Those having attitude problem may also have their own problems ,lol./

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    Timothy joined the group Group logo of youtube subscriberyoutube subscriber 7 years, 6 months ago

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    kaylar replied to the topic Writing Sites; Learning From Mistakes/Successes in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 6 months ago

    I got in and got one payment before money stopped.

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